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[Toxic Twinks] Inquiring Minds Want to Know


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The results are in and most of you are just a bunch of cum loving sluts who don't care what they're potentially getting or giving... which of course I like ;-) The most surprising result to come out of this week's poll is how many HIV positive guys don't tell their partners they're poz (9%) or lie and tell them they're neg (18%). Take heed any neg barebacking readers out there who think that just by asking a guy their status that you'll stay neg. Shame on those who do lie and make the rest of us who are open about it look bad for consensually barebacking.

If you are HIV neg or unknown:

I do everything to stay neg: 108 (50%)

I don't care about my status: 64 (29%)

I actively chase: 42 (19%)

If you are HIV neg or unknown, would you take loads from somebody who...

...is neg? 145 (65%)

...is poz? 92 (41%)

...doesn't know? 73 (32%)

I don't take loads. 44 (19%)

If you are HIV neg or unknown, would you give loads to somebody who...

...is neg? 158 (78%)

...is poz? 107 (53%)

...doesn't know? 103 (51%)

I don't give loads. 26 (12%)

If you are HIV poz, do you have bareback sex with people who are:

...neg? 82 (73%)

...also poz? 77 (69%)

...don't know? 74 (66%)

I don't bareback. 12 (10%)

If you are HIV poz and bareback, you tell your partners you are poz...

...if they ask. 54 (50%)

...always. 23 (21%)

...I say I'm neg. 20 (18%)

...never. 10 (9%)

If you are HIV poz, would you gift a chaser?

Yes: 63 (57%)

Depends on the person: 28 (25%)

Never: 19 (17%)

Last weekend was IML in Chicago. I'm not a leather fanatic by any means, although a little bit can look good on a studly top. While thinking about the topic, my inquiring mind decided it wanted to know what all my readers are into, so this week's poll is all about your dirty little desires. If I forgot something from the list, please comment.6604046120611392664-5575057313148060861?l=toxictwinks.blogspot.com


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