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[UK Sauna Slut] Vibro fun goes awry!


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yorkhospital.jpgOn Monday night I found myself incredibly horny, with no where to get any cock. *I dug out my favorite vibrator and lubed up… put on some nasty bareback porn (HDK’s World’s Hungriest Cum Hole), and hit the poppers. *The first hour went fine, i worked the dildo in and out, enjoying the feelings pretending it was me taking all that raw cock and jizz in my slutty hole. *Then things got carried away. *The poppers made me want the vibrator deeper…. 2nd sphincter deeper.

I worked it in, it felt fantastic… and then whoops… it was gone. *Slipped out of my hand and sucked deep inside me by my arse. *Holy Shit!

I tried to get it out, but couldn’t. *I could just feel the base of it at maximum finger depth. *I hit the poppers, and went for the bathroom. *Sitting on the toilet, I relaxed, remembering that the anus’ natural process is to expel items, not suck them in. *But it was to no avail. *I had a coffee and a smoke… proven techniques to getting the bowels working. *But again, nothing. *If anything, the beast buzzing away inside me was working its way deeper past my 2nd sphincter and deeper into my colon. *This was NOT good news.

I rang a mate in Hartlepool, and decided that the hospital was the best place to go. *It’s only a 5 min walk from where i live. *So i got dressed and made my way around. *Approaching the girl at the reception station i was hugely*embarrassed*- and sure that all around me could hear this vibrating sound coming from within. *I explained that i had a very delicate matter that needed urgent medical attention. *She told me to take a seat and wait my turn.

After what felt like an eternity, a nurse came and called my name. *We entered triage, where i explained what had happened. *Well, not in detail – just that i happened to have an 8″ vibrator tearing around deep inside me uncontrollably. *She smiled, and said that i wasn’t the first person to present with such a dilemma, but that she was sure i won on the length stake!

hospital2.jpgOffending vibrator next to a standard size bottle of HP sauce - big fucker to lose right up there!

I was shown into a cubicle, and then two doctors came and saw me. *At first they were unsure, and asked for an xray to be done. *(I’ve asked for a copy of the xray pictures…. fingers crossed!!!) The pics revealed that the item was lodged deep inside, way out of the depth that they would be able to do a normal extraction…. when I asked what this meant, they explained that i’d have to be put under a general anesthetic and the vibrator removed that way. *Fuck… this was becoming a night mare of epic proportions. *What’s more, they couldn’t do the procedure until 8am the following morning as it’s NHS policy not to carry out non-life or death procedures at night time. *Fuckity fuck fuck fuck… i was supposed to be at work in 9 hours time! *I frantically text everyone trying to arrange cover and was still hard at it as i settled into my hospital bed on ward 14 and drifted to sleep… Mr Vibro still at it deep inside me… Buzzzzzzzzzzz!!!!!!

I was put on nil-by-mouth, so no food, no drinks, not even any water… it was a horrid night, I slept a total of about 40 mins i think. *I awoke at 7am and noticed something was missing straight away. * The noise… the vibrations… they’d ended… the batteries had finally died… thank heavens! I laid around as the ward got going. *Nurses doing their rounds, observations etc… finally at 10am the doctors came to see me to explain that as my operation was a non urgent one, it had been put back to about 3pm… so more waiting around, and still on nil-by-mouth. *I was parched at this point.

Eventually though 3pm came, and the*anesthetist came to do his paperwork to prepare me for the mission ahead. *Then came the GP Registrar with is wad of legal consent forms – sign here, here and here – if we accidently kill or maim you, you promise not to sue the hospital or the NHS kinda things. When I asked about the risks, I suddenly wished I hadn’t. *Apparently they had two main concerns.

Firstly, the vibrator was so deep that they’d be unable to get it out rectally… which would mean they’d have to go in via my abdomen and stomach… recovery time from this would be about 6 months.

Secondly, the vibrator was able to be removed, but due to the incessant vibrating it had caused a hole in my bowels/colon – in which case i’d need a colostomy bag, and they’d also need to remove the section of holed bowel. *Recovery time from this, 6 months again.

Holy fuck!!! *I had only wanted a good hard fucking, now my life was on the line here….

Anyway, I was all gowned up, and wheeled off to the theater.

After going through the process of identifying who I was, i was given the injections, the oxygen, and it was good night Vienna for me….


I awoke about 2 hours later, and after coming around properly and all being confirmed that my stats were well, i was wheeled off the recovery ward, feeling extremely groggy and fucked up… and taken back to the normal ward. *Here i was told I was off nil-by-mouth, and prompty tucked into a jug of water and a bowl of celery soup – not exactly gormet food, but after 13 hours of nothing… it was lovely! *I started to feel better as time passed by, and then the doctors came to see me, explaining that they’d managed to remove the offending item without any complications, and that as far as they could see, there were no damaged areas of my insides. *They explained that my colon was considerably bigger than it should be, due to the vibrator being right up inside it… but it was nothing to worry about. *I thanked them, shook their hands, and then relaxed.

I was discharged by 7pm and after checking in with work, spent the evening recovering… oh, and finishing off the wank to World’s Hungriest Cum Holes…. minus the vibrator of course! *I still have it, it was returned to me by one of the theater nurses… i just thought it prudent not to use it so soon after that kind of procedure. *And to document the whole event… here is the discharge paperwork…


So remember boys… if you’re having a rough dildo session, be careful, you can end up getting more than you bargained for!!


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