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I met a guy who shines bright


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I'm  currently having a training in internal medicine. I've had many rotations and met many people but this dude is unique. I've spent so much time thinking, fantasizing or even having sex with guys. But this guy is different. It's not a matter of hotness (he's rather tall and lean, I think the word that would describe him best is not hot or good-looking, it's "cute"). I've heard many times people "worshipping" useless, selfish doctors. People claiming for other doctors to be true to their purpose etc. Most of the times all these were lie. I'm sick of meeting self-centered doctors only caring about how rich they can become.

This dude is unique. He loves his patients. He loves being a doctor. He works very hard. He is always cheerful. I see a myself inside him and I can relate how tough are all these and how he can hide it behind a smile. Instead of having me thinking that he's hot or whatever, I think that he is a very nice person. He makes me wanna protect him. I'm trying to do my best to help him because I know he ends up sleepless. I wanna protect him from burn out because I know it will come. This guy shines bright, he acts as a true inspiration. He makes me wanna be the best, study hard and care for my patients. I really hope all his hard work will pay off because he deserves it.

It may sound silly-poet-ish whatever that word I just invented means, but I've seen too much darkness and his light is piercing. It feels good being around him. He's caring. I'm a considering my feelings towards him. I have two basic modes when it comes to men. Getting horny and falling in love. None of them is really triggered. I don't plan to fuck with him (unless he asks) and I'm not falling in love in a romantic way, but I love what I have met from him. I know the world needs more people like him.

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I get this.   My friend is a Dr.   he is the best in his field and probably in the top 20 in US.  He burned out, got in trouble, and lost it all.  Divorce, etc etc.  he enjoyed the money but that wasn’t his driving factor.  It was always the patients.   He can’t have a normal conversation with people and that’s partly why he got in trouble.   He’s the guy all the other doctors wanted to work on them.  He would always take holiday call and the hospital and other doctors wore him out.   He mouthed off to a nurse and she filed a complaint,  gets called to the carpet after a three day call weekend where he saw a  couple dozen or so patients, and mouthed off in that meeting.    Granted he’s mostly to blame but with all the good he did and his very low loss rate, no one stood at his side.    He’s a great man, old school, and all the young bucks were afraid of him.  He still has a good practice but struggles.  He just can’t carry on a relatable convo in a setting outside of a medical procedure.  In the OR he’s 120% all the time.   He’s just an awkward fella.  

anyway.  I’m not sure how that relates to your post but I care a lot about my friend.   He is able to talk to me and I’m grateful for the bond we have. So I applaud your desire to take care of your friend.  

merry Christmas 

Edited by GyroLover
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