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Have you seen this man?

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Hey everyone,

I’ve an old friend I would very much like to reconnect with. He fell of the face of the earth years and years ago. 

He used to be a director for Bear Films way back when I made my videos (about 2008-10 or thereabouts) when they were based out of Palm Springs. His name was Sasha and he was a big hairy bear of a man. At the time, he lived in LA, but was from Denver originally. His usual screen name was “sprockets” reflecting his expertise in film. Always seemed to have a new partner. A very sweet man who first introduced me to the debauchery at CCBC. 

I would absolutely love to reconnect with him if I can, but he seems to have disappeared. If anyone has any news or means of contacting him, I’d very much appreciate it. 

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