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Bobby's Story

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~ a story from my POZ Archives. Enjoy!


Bobby's Story

18 year old Bobby was a Pig Slut. Many of the straight boys at school used Bobby as a female surrogate. Then the there were the local tearoom Queers. And fully a quarter of the neighborhood married dudes found Bobby's Butt a very succulent alternative to wifey.

Bobby prided himself, despite six years of almost daily high-risk sex, on his disease-free Status, never having contracted anything worse than the Clap. He was also an avid newspaper reader—at least the headlines. More and more he begin to notice stories about HIV and AIDS and took them personally. Bobby began to obsess about the disease.

As fate would have it, being susceptible to youthful extremes, Bobby made a total turnabout from Raw Sex to Safe Sex to, ultimately, No Sex at All. But Bobby's cupidity could not be entirely suppressed. He needed a SAFE outlet; and found it—on an IRC Webcam Site

He loved performing for an international audience that reached halfway round the globe. And Bobby's fans were avaricious. Men two and three times his age came to enjoy his buzzed blonde hair, his rippled teen stomach, his almost seven-inch, cut Dick, and his tight, bubble Butt—a feast of young teen male flesh, live and in-person, an almost unparalleled freebie on the Net.

For the first weeks, Bobby, clad only in his white Tee and briefs, strived to maintain his anonymity—being very careful to show nothing of himself from the chest up. Fearful of promoting High Risk Sex, or more ominously, stimulating himself, he was reluctant to do more than play with his Cock. As his audience watched, Bobby would massage his Dick through his briefs, and when the salacious comments that flashed across the screen grew libidinous enough, Bobby would pull It out and give his protagonists a good look-see.

But as his audience grew larger and the kudos more verbose, Bobby threw caution to the wind. Promptly, at nine P.M. Bobby would switch on his computer (making sure his Webcam was properly adjusted), and sign onto the Net to give the audience in Chat Room 3 his usual show.

Big Cocks, little Cocks, fat Cocks, thin Cocks, Cocks all over the world shot Spooge, as the pleas and comments of his audience scrolled across the screen.

"Show us your tits," one would say.

"That's nice," came the reply, when Bobby pulled up his Tee—a screen full of Tit to be seen by all.

"Raise your arms," one would request, and Bobby would allow the Webcam to pan the smooth expanse of his Pits. So it went, and the requests and exhortations continued until Bobby did his usual strip tease and was totally naked.

"Let's see your Asshole," someone would ask; and Bobby would bend over, reveal his Crack, and give the world a shot of his well-used pink Pussy.

"Show us your Cock," another would beseech him; and Bobby would position himself so the Webcam got a shot of his Rod, which seemed to perpetually ooze Precum—for Bobby was by nature highly sexed.

In the beginning, Bobby was reluctant to comply with the more bizarre requests. "Finger your Hole." "Can you suck your Cock?" "Let's see you eat your Cum." But since Bobby already did all those things in private, it took very little admonishment for him to do so before his anonymous audience. After all, what was the harm in a little playful exploration of one's own body if the consequence was pleasuring a thousand Gay voyeurs.

So it was that Bobby would strip, play with his Privates, and finger his Hole as he beat himself off to a Cum-gushing Climax. Of course Bobby's wasn't the only Orgasm on those occasions. Many a Load shot all over the world as ropes of Jizm bespeckled Bobby's rippled stomach and his fingers splayed to wipe up the Cream for human consumption.

Yes, it was a popular show—so popular, in fact, that Chat Room quickly filled up before Bobby even began to strip. Needless to say, competition to get into the Chat Room was furious and frantic. For Bobby it became a Ritual.

Of course, Bobby had no way of knowing that Evil lurked on the other side of his computer screen. He could not have guessed that two POZ guys who watched him had aspirations far beyond mere observation. Had he suspected, his performances would have terminated abruptly. But such was not the case.


It happened so suddenly, as Bobby was on his way home from school one Friday. One minute he was jaunting happily down the sidewalk thinking about that night's performance; the next, there was total darkness.

As he regained consciousness, Bobby became aware of voices, though he was still too groggy to comprehend. As his eyes began to focus and his senses started functioning, he saw two tall dudes standing over him. He was nude, lying on a bed, with his hands tied behind his back and his feet loosely tethered to the bedposts.

"Looks like he's comin' round," one said.

"Yeah, sure do," agreed the other.

"Lemme go!" Bobby protested, struggling with his bindings. But the aftereffect of the chloroform was enough to prohibit any serious maneuvers.

"You got the gun?" one of the men asked.

"All set to go."

"You guys are going to get in a lot of trouble for this!" Bobby whined timorously, prompting the men to chuckle.

"Boy, we seen plenty of trouble already. This ain't nothin' to us," one of the dudes replied.

"Now, you gonna be a good boy, or we gonna do this the hard way?" Tyrone asked, approaching the bed.

"Get away from me! Lemme alone!" Bobby hollered, wiggling across the bed. Yet, all he could do, once he had inched over, was fall haplessly to the floor, like a trapped animal.

"Get your ass up, Motherfucker!" Leroy demanded.

"Think he might need some persuading, Leroy?" queried the other, reaching toward the table behind him. He picked up a black plastic object and tossed it to his companion.

"I said get your motherfuckin' ass up!" Leroy commanded, jamming the Stun Gun up against Bobby's hip and pulling the trigger.

"Oh God! Owwwww!" Bobby cried out, as he writhed on the floor. Jolted by the voltage that emanated from the cattle-prod-like device, never in his entire life had he felt such horrible pain..

"Get your sorry ass up!" Leroy reiterated, jamming the weapon up against Bobby's Balls and pulling the trigger. Bobby shrieked with pain, convulsing from what felt like molten lava burning his Balls to his Shaft.

"Please no more!" Bobby struggled to get on his knees.

"That's better," Leroy grinned. "Wanna break the news to him, Tyrone, or should I?"

"Lay it out for him, Leroy,"

"Well ya see man, this is how it is. Been a long time since we had us a good Piece of Ass. Tyrone and me had a lot of time on our hands while we was locked up. Used to watch ya every night, least as often as you was on.

"We saw ya playin' with yerself night after night. But ya wuz always alone. One day I says to Tyrone, 'Ya know, that Boy needs a Man.'

"And then and there we vowed that if ya wuz still lettin' Cum run down yer leg by the time we got out, we'd pay ya a visit. An' I tell ya, Boy, you even look even better in person than on the Net."

"Please! Wait!" Bobby stalled, thinking fast, conjuring up his own worst nightmare. "You don't understand. I got HIV. Doc says if I have sex with anyone, that guy stands a chance of gettin' it, too That's the real reason I'm always alone."

"Perfek!" Leroy exclaimed. "We're POZ too!"

Bobby blanched at being so close to someone who actually had the BUG.

"No! Please let me go! I won't tell anyone!" Bobby pleaded.

"You can betcher boots yer teen Pussy's gonna cum outta this secondhand Manmeat. Last Bambino we broke in turned out to be fodder fer the whole Slammer. Worked out best fer him, too. All that SEX turned him 'gainst thievin' ferever. Found hisself a more cumfortable way to make a living."

"No way! I ain't screwin' with HIV Dick for nothin'. I'd rather be dead!"

"YA AIN'T GOT NO CHOICE! An' if ya don't start playin' ball, yer gonna wish you was dead. I guarantee it."

"SUCK IT!" Tyrone demanded, holding his uncircumcised limp Sausage just inches from Bobby's lips.

"No!" Bobby responded, shaking his head from side to side. "I won't do it. You can kill me. I 'd rather die of AIDS."

"We kin take care of that, too," Tyrone smirked, as he applied the Stun Gun to Bobby's Stomach, then his Nuts, then his Ass. Again the bedroom was filled with high-pitched shrieks and screams. Bobby writhed upon the floor.


"Betcher bottom dollar ya will," Tyrone confirmed, offering his thick Sausage to Bobby.

Bobby struggled to get to his knees, looking at the foreboding toxic Fuck Stick Tyrone offered him. He wanted to gag at the thought of putting that Diseased Thing in his mouth.

"Please, I really can't. I'm no good at Sucking," he pleaded, his voice trailing off, mesmerized as he was by Tyrone's Cock. 'God,' he thought to himself, 'It's been ages since I had One of Those.' Despite his phobia, recollecting the "Good Old Days," he began to salivate.

"Suck it!" Tyrone persisted.

Some say that good Cocksuckers are born, not made. Others say, that given enough practice, any guy can learn to suck Cock. It would have been difficult to disprove either premise by Bobby's subsequent performance—considering his years of experience complicated by his AIDS Phobia. It might not be too great a stretch of the imagination to profess that Bobby was sucking Cock before he was out of diapers. When he took the first few inches of Tyrone's diseased Shaft , he wanted to vomit. Yet, as Tyrone's AIDS Stick slid past his lips, Bobby, remembering his Carefree Days, found It less and less objectionable.

It would have been merciful, but unrealistic to expect that mere Sucking would have sated his two Assailants, which is why Bobby found himself rebound as he was originally, awaiting the Inevitable. To no avail, Bobby begged and cajoled the Ex-Cons to free him, as they attached the spreader bar to his feet and cuffed his hands behind his back to the eyelets in the leather straps that restrained his ankles. However, two more Zaps of the Stun Gun turned Bobby into a quivering mass that could only whimper as they inserted a Ball Gag in his mouth.'

"I need to get this Fucker warmed up!" Leroy exclaimed, the head of his toxic Tool just inches from Bobby's vulnerable Cunt. Whap! whap!" went Leroy's palm as he whacked Bobby's Ass.

"Mmmfff! mmmff!" came Bobby's cries through the Ball Gag, in time with the Smacks on his crimson Butt. Tears streamed from his eyes as his Ass began to feel like it was afire. Yet had he known what was to follow, Bobby would gladly have exchanged that flagellation for the terror soon to cum. Momentarily, Bobby felt relief, as the lashes ceased to rain down on his Buttocks. But there followed stark fear, as Bobby felt something massive and spongy kiss his Butt.

"Mmmm! mmmm!" Bobby moaned, shaking his head from side to side, as if that would prevent the Inevitable.

"Please don't fuck me! Please don't give me AIDS" he mouthed, divulging his prime mortal fear."

"Ain't up to us, Punk. We just provide the Raw Material. The rest is up to Mother Nature."

"Here ya go, Boy. You gonna get a samplin' of ol' Leroy's famous Alabama Snake. Yer gonna luv It! 'Course ya gotta be careful. Some Snakes is poisonous an' some Snakes is not."

"Mmmmmffffff!" Bobby exclaimed, as the felt the pressure build against his Ass Lips.

"Cum on, Baby, loosen up. Let Leroy do ya right."

A loud "WHAP" echoed off the bedroom walls, as Leroy whacked the Boy's Butt hard enough to knock the breath out of him. As the ex-Con anticipated, Bobby was distracted long enough that his Ass Lips momentarily relaxed.

"Mmmmmm!" Bobby exhaled, as the wide head of Leroy's Fuck Stick popped into his Hole.

"That's it, Baby. We is on the way!" Leroy gasped, as the luxuriant warmth of Bobby's Pussy massaged his Dick.

"Mmmmmppppfff!" Bobby protested vehemently, shaking his head "No!" to what felt like a baseball bat in his Rectum and his fear of having the massive POZ Tool infect him.

"Want more, Baby? Is that it?"

"Mmmmmmmmmmm!" was Bobby's response, as Leroy shoved a good 4 inches of his thick meat up the Kid's Hole. Had it not been for the Ball Gag, Bobby's screams would have reverberated for blocks. Onward and inward, the massive Cock bored into Bobby, brutally ripping his Innards to accommodate Its girth. Never mind that tears flowed like rain from his eyes and sweat that poured from his brow. Leroy's humongous monster pressed inward until Bobby thought It must surely be directly under his navel.

"Oh Baby. you are so TIGHT!" Leroy exclaimed, his Pubes resting against Bobby's Butt Cheeks. "Get ready for the ride of a lifetime. Leroy's gonna fuck you so bad!" The horny Assassin grabbed Bobby's hips with his ham-like hands. Had there been no Ball Gag, Bobby's girl-like squeals would have echoed throughout the entire building. Yet all that was heard was a loud muffled screech higher pitched than before. As Leroy's thick Sausage slithered in and out of his Rectum, Bobby's grunts and groans filled the room in sync with the Fucking.

The Youth faded in and out of consciousness from Pain and his mortal fear of HIV. Then, much to Bobby's mortification, a tingling began to anesthetize the pain.


"Oh, Baby! I knew you'd be good!" Leroy exclaimed, as he felt the muscles in Bobby's Butt relax.

"Well, would you look at that!"

"He got a Boner?" Leroy asked.

"Yup! He sure do!"

In response, Leroy began to gyrate, befouling previously undefiled segments of Bobby's anal passage, eliciting more muffled shrieks from the Youth.

"Oh, Baby! Yer my Bitch now!" Leroy exclaimed, picking up the pace so his groin smacked Bobby's Ass. Snot dripped from the traumatized Boy's nose, yet he uttered no further protest. Tears of humiliation and resignation steamed down his cheeks—for he knew that Leroy spoke the truth—he was his Bitch now!

He'd forgotten how good a bareback Fuck felt. In fact, to the REGENERATE Bobby, that single Raw Screwing was worth the risk of HIV a thousand times over. His fear of AIDS resolved, nothing and no one could restrain his reborn promiscuity. So it should come as no surprise; that a muffled howl of delight escaped Bobby's lips when Leroy announced he was "Close." Nor should it startle you that Bobby shot his hot teen Spooge all over the bed sheets as Leroy depozited the Deadly Virus up his Ass, and that moments later, the Youth clamped around Tyrone's equally noxious Cock with POZ Jizm still dripping from his Cunt. Bobby'd been converted in body and soul, and his thirst for Cock would never be quenched until his dying day some twelve years hence.


They say old habits die hard, and new ones only reinforce the old ones; and so it was, that one week later, the Internet audience watched as POZ teen Bobby, his phone number prominently displayed upon the screen, whacked himself to Climax while he fucked his Asshole with the biggest Dildo any of them had ever laid eyes on. Needless to say, it didn't take long for Bobby's phone to ring.

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