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friendly words vs filthy advice

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...there's a story in ALL this I hope to tell. fare warning I've spent a lot of time cleaning up the mess on my side of the line––so i'm not seeking to tarnish reputations or unduly burden folks with their own bullshit, if anything it's just another small effort on my part to restore personal power and raise the collective bar, because if we fail to activate––if we deny the obligation to build the finest world possible is on OUR QUEER shoulders–––you forget that by this denial you relinquish the very thing that supports a deeper, darker, if NOT more complex and filthier imagination. waste NOT want NOT I say, the gutter is the true refuge for those undertakings of this great work. So what is the distinction between vice and virtue?  Are we ALL really deep down wanna be replicas of Epstein? Is that the goal? Does sexual + financial freedom = human degradation and self aggrandizement?  

So, I feel there's only one group I can call on to get my answer, so if there's a 'superior person' list around here, maybe someone could cc: the others because I have a few questions for those of the 'superior' class, yet something tells me the only thing I'm going to need to contend with is a room full of crickets. But here goes anyway, "How many of you who claim the title of "superior" actually believe themselves to be such? And I should point out this is for the Bruder Class, though you are certainly welcome to comment––as the lines you draw aren't necessarily those of whom I speak––and at least the 88 crowd has the decency to put forth the rational of their claim, bullshit as it is, yet nonetheless properly owned. So, let's see where this thread goes fellow travelers... 

Edited by PaganzofLA
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2 hours ago, PaganzofLA said:

...there's a story in ALL this I hope to tell. fare warning I've spent a lot of time cleaning up the mess on my side of the line––so i'm not seeking to tarnish reputations or unduly burden folks with their own bullshit, if anything it's just another small effort on my part to restore personal power and raise the collective bar, because if we fail to activate––if we deny the obligation to build the finest world possible is on OUR QUEER shoulders–––you forget that by this denial you relinquish the very thing that supports a deeper, darker, if NOT more complex and filthier imagination. waste NOT want NOT I say, the gutter is the true refuge for those undertakings of this great work. So what is the distinction between vice and virtue?  Are we ALL really deep down wanna be replicas of Epstein? Is that the goal? Does sexual + financial freedom = human degradation and self aggrandizement?  

So, I feel there's only one group I can call on to get my answer, so if there's a 'superior person' list around here, maybe someone could cc: the others because I have a few questions for those of the 'superior' class, yet something tells me the only thing I'm going to need to contend with is a room full of crickets. But here goes anyway, "How many of you who claim the title of "superior" actually believe themselves to be such? And I should point out this is for the Bruder Class, though you are certainly welcome to comment––as the lines you draw aren't necessarily those of whom I speak––and at least the 88 crowd has the decency to put forth the rational of their claim, bullshit as it is, yet nonetheless properly owned. So, let's see where this thread goes fellow travelers... 

can you rephrase this in 25 words or less, so I can understand what you are stating.  Or, are you asking a question?  🤷🏼‍♂️

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Am I misreading this, or are you opening a thread for white supremacists and other "supremacist-types" can try to explain why they believe they're superior? Because that's exactly what this post sounds like.

Edited by GAwhoreSub
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Just because I'm bored and don't want to resume painting the trim in the back hallway, I'll take a stab at translating. It won't be 25 words or less though....


-- We have an obligation to build the finest world we can possibly build. Do we really want to be mini-Epsteins?  [The reference is to Jeffrey Epstein.] What is the distinction between vice and virtue? Does sexual freedom and financial freedom always end in "human degradation and self aggrandizement?"

-- There exists only one group -- the "superior class" -- the OP can ask for answers though he expects to be met with a wall of silence. The question the OP asks [presumably the first question since the OP says he has "a few questions"] is "How many of you who claim the title of "superior" actually believe themselves to be such?" The question is not directed towards "the Bruder Class" [this incorporates the correction in OP's second post]. The Bruder Class is nonetheless free to comment even though the lines likely to be drawn by them aren't necessarily the lines drawn by "those of whom I speak." In any event, in OP's view, "at least the 88 crowd" articulates the rationale behind their claim of superiority and "owns" it, "bullshit as it is...."


Text in brackets is an explanatory note by me. I'm returning to painting the hallway trim.

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Well, considering there's a huge house party to crash next door filled with the kinda queer that make me go weak in the knees, so other than the fact I have this impromptu engagement to prepare for, ejaculaTE (and hey if you wanna officially be on my payroll, all you need to do is say the word) has done an exceptionally good job already  (and I imagine your hallway trim is... pretty fucking flawless). 

When you peel back the layers & dumb the whole thing down the question looks like this (and I say dumb it down, because anything can be reduced to the most common variables, and looked at a different way to be better understood): 


====>>Do you feel that you are more connected to queer community now, compared to say, 5, 10 or 20 years ago? Assuming there is a balance to keep between the needs of your personal and  professional lives––do you feel more connected, dolphin need  in your personally relationships?  Where is your chatrer?  is your sex life more fulfilling?  ALL in ALL how do you rate the quality of queerness in your life? <====

Quickly, please note I realize that i have totally short changed myself as well as  undermine my own credibility with such ill-placed commentary as was the "88 crowd bullshit comment" –– and I will expand on why that is after I go get fucked-up at the neighbors... 

HA!! HA!!

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On 7/7/2024 at 12:41 AM, PaganzofLA said:

considering there's a huge house party to crash next door filled with the kinda queer that make me go weak in the knees,

So, how was the party next door?

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Posted (edited)
9 hours ago, ejaculaTe said:

So, how was the party next door?

You'd have to as them. I don't think I've acknowledged this publically, but ever since May 22. 2023 I've been dealing with the very real, very tricky and extremely unpleasant disorder, Agoraphobia.  My therapist and (kindof) lawyer are really the only ones I've spoken in detail about this, which for me is very uncharacteristic and troublesome beyond reason, but as I know the condition itself is a symptom of a larger problem, which extends beyond the boundaries of me or my home.  And it really, really sucks, it rips the bones from your back, it's a death trap.... Yet I am proactive and dealing with the root cause everyday as best I can which involves lawsuits and lawyers, lies and liars and the super rich, some who are just vengeful and others stupid and greedy some just greedy–– psy·cho·so·mat·ic bitches /ˌsīkōsəˈmadik/ beeattch


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