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Potential new HIV treatment unveiled

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Scientists have unveiled a potential treatment for HIV infection, about to enter human testing, that could radically change the way HIV is treated.

In experiments with monkeys infected with a primate version of HIV that usually kills within weeks, the scientists injected each monkey with the new treatment, called Therapeutic Interfering Particles, or TIPs. The TIPs infect a cell that contains HIV, causing it to burst open, but releasing several times as many TIPs as HIV particles. The single injection quickly reduced HIV in the monkeys by a factor of 10,000.

Moreover, at least in monkeys, it appears that one dose is enough, period - not daily, weekly, monthly, or whatever - a single dose. Obviously in humans it might require boosters, but even that would be far less repetitive and prone to failure if doses were missed.

More here: [think before following links] https://www.nytimes.com/2024/08/08/science/engineered-virus-steals-proteins-from-hiv.html?unlocked_article_code=1.Bk4.BW3J.YFiQkeBu9_du&smid=url-share

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Read the article. Fascinating.

Interesting comment at the end, “Im not sure the world is ready for it.”

As humans we often need something to demonize. It will be interesting who is against this or who doesn’t want this.

Many religions and faith-based belief systems rely on the punishment of God to direct their flock. So they demonize vaccines and medicine to maintain their beliefs.

What will happen when we have found effective, long lasting treatments/solutions for all STIs?

What happens when sex becomes freedom?

Will the cis-gendered “straight” population thank the LGBTQ+ history for paving the way? Will other STIs develop?

Or will we be grateful that we can now show how we care for each other through developing our gape, load count and sexual demeanor?

I often feel “bug chasing” is just another form of wanting to be cared for by another. We carry the DNA from our positive brothers/sisters who died in the 70s up to today. We want to know that their lives were meaningful.

Just thoughts and questions.




BTW, A buddy texted me earlier and he is getting the PreP shot now. Once every two months. He said, “Goodbye PreP!”

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11 hours ago, MtnOtter said:


What happens when sex becomes freedom?

Dare we dream of a day we can be free to exercise our rights to love whomever we want? But I also caution about thinking this is the be all and end all. We thought HIV was the most dangerous viral infection until COVID-19 came along. There will be other viruses that will be sexually transmitted, potentially lethal. This is by no means the end of worries. 

I often feel “bug chasing” is just another form of wanting to be cared for by another. We carry the DNA from our positive brothers/sisters who died in the 70s up to today. We want to know that their lives were meaningful.

I can only speak for myself - I was not at all about escaping the mind-numbing stillness of winter by going into drugs. It was by fucking whomever I wanted. I guess I inadvertently bug chased, and the bug caught up with me - when you go looking, you are often sure to find. 


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