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The Fall - Part 2

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Part 1: breeding.zone/topic/86371-the-fall-part-1/#comments


Part 2



My heart was pounding out of my chest as I stood there just watching him.  My hands were shaking, my breathing was getting more and more erratic, I felt frozen, like I couldn't move, couldn't speak.... just standing there frozen with fear and excitement.  Like reading a label on a pack of cigarettes, "Warning this Cock may Cause DEATH or Serious Injury", an obvious warning that would make most other guys run without a second thought.  And Colby!!  We just told each other last night that we loved each other, he opened up about all the trauma this man has caused him, this would kill him!   Someone I genuinely care about and this monster who has caused him so much harm and here I am right in the middle and make no mistake, this guy's intentions are not good, you're about to walk into a haunted house and monster is very real and very dangerous.  My mind, my conscious, every ounce of my survival instinct is screaming "you knew exactly what you were doing when you made the conscious decision to put your pants back down on the ground and come out here like this, but now your little dark fantasy is becoming all too real, you are face to face with death RUN for your life!!".  But still, I stand here frozen, unable to pull myself away, unable to look away, and still holding this damn orange juice?


But then, like out of a dark deep cave within, came another voice.  A voice so powerful that the other voices silenced in its presence.  A voice that could not be pacified or intimidated by warnings, an entity that needed to feed was consuming my being.  Adrenaline began to course through my veins like a drug, my heart hit so hard I could swear you could hear it, and like a sailor being lured to his death by the temptation of the Siren, I took a step towards the monster's lair.


I don't even know if I was in control anymore.  It was as if everything survival instinct I had left my body and the only thing left was pure carnal, animalistic lust.  An all-consuming desire that knew what it wanted, and didn't care about the cost.  I couldn't take my eyes off of him and seeing how is demeanor changed when I took that first step, he KNEW he had won.  It did not matter how evil his intentions where, I was powerless, under his control he had his victim in his web.  


I entered his room and he told me to shut the door behind him, I couldn't speak, but I did as he said and shut the door.  


He sat there 3 feet from me with his cock in hand as I stood there completely naked like a scared little kid.  He could definitely sense my fear and it seemed to empower him, making him harder and bolder, his voice came more commanding, knowing I was his now.


Him: come here


I slowly approached him, our eyes locked as he licked his lips like a lion before consuming a young gazelle.  


Him: Get on your knees


I started to get on my knees and soon felt his hand on my shoulder pulling me into him as his hand slid to the top of my head, feeling his firm hand grasp the hair on the back of my head pulling my head down and with his other hand aiming his large cock to my mouth.  

I opened my mouth as it was shoved inside, I tried to take it all, but having never done this before, I was struggling, but he kept pushing my head down and shoving his cock deeper as I kept gagging over and over, soon he had both hands on the back of my head pulling my head down on his cock as he forcibly fucked my face.  He was pulling down with such force, I had to use one hand to brace myself and keep myself upright and the other I reached up to hold the base of his cock, hoping that it would stop so much of his cock from going down my throat stopping my ability to breathe.  


Him:  You're such a fucking whore, I knew you wanted this.   Oh, you're going to be my little bitch from now on aren't you.   


he let up on the back of my head allowing me to raise my head up just enough to get his cock out of my mouth.  With slobber dripping from my mouth to his cock i tried to answer him

Me: (almost crying, I was able to mumble out) Yes

Him: Fucking right, now get back to work

as he pulled my head back down on his cock, I wasn't fully prepared so when he pulled my head down his cock went deeper down my throat than before and gagged and almost threw up, but that didn't seem to stop him.  

Him: oh fuck yeah... It has been too long, you're going to get your load real quick this time

Him: jerk that mother fucker!


He let up a little, allowing me to pull my head up and jerk him off and it wasn't long before he started moaning and repeating "Oh fuck" and suddenly like a volcano erupting he started shooting his load in the back of my throat, at first his cum was coming out of my mouth until he commanded me to swallow it all


Him: you better fucking swallow that shit mother fucker (as he forcibly shoved his cock deeper down my throat)


I started to gag again, but quickly closed my lips tightly around his cock and tried swallowing as much as possible.  


He kept moaning "Fuck yeah!  Oh Fuck...Oh Fuck, you fucking slut bitch" as the cum kept spewing out of his cock down my throat and running down his cock.


After he finished he fell back on the bed breathing heavily.


Him: Man, that is the first action  have had in years!  Damn I needed that


I just kind of sat there on my knees, completely lost.  This is the first time I had ever been in a situation like that, I have always been the top, or the one getting blown or with a woman, it was completely new to me and i felt so, so naked kneeling there, the taste of cum still in my mouth, on my lips, dripping off my chin onto my chest.


Him: Fuck man, how are we going to tell Colby about this?


I panicked when i heard that, immediately reality came flooding back.


Me: (Stuttering out) I... I.... I 


Him: what you didn't want to tell him about this?  You're going to lie to my son?  and worse, you want to make me lie to my son


Me: I don't know, i hadn't thought about it


Him: well look man, i can maybe keep this a secret, but i am not comfortable with it.


Me: Thank you so much!


Him: yeah, i don't like lying to my boy so i am going to need something from you


Me: of course, anything you want!


Him: Man you know i cant get out of here and my son wont allow me to have guests, he thinks i am going to be doing drugs or something, so you're going to have to keep this up. I haven't had action from another person in years!


Me: i'm not sure i understand


Him: You can fuck my son, but you only suck my dick!   Is that clear enough


Me: Yeah!  I mean.... do you really think we should do this again?


Him: Look mother fucker!  You want me to keep this a secret, then you're going to have to work for it.  I know a slut when i see one, i saw you eye'n my dick.  Now get the fuck out of here and go jerk off and if you ain't getting on your knees again soon, i may just have to let Colby know about how you came into my room naked and just took my dick like a ho!


I started to fumble my way out of the room, rushing back to my room as i heard him say:


Him: oh yeah! Colby told me you were rich, so i'm going to need a prepaid credit card too, after all, we don't want Colby to find out about this.


Right then, I immediately knew I had been played.  He knew I had money, and was working to get it.  That is what it was all about.  He wasn't going to tell anyone, he wanted to hold that over my head to force me into complete submission.


Then panic set it, and I immediately ran to the room and started to google, "Can you get HIV from oral Sex" and found out that it was very rare and it was most common for bottoms to get HIV from a HIV positive top.   


What the fuck did I just get myself into, what was he going to do.  His entire plan was to get me in this situation so he could manipulate me however he wanted, he basically had me backed against a corner.  What could i do, tell Colby, not only would he break up with me, he could out me on social media, but most importantly, this would kill him.  I felt like I had no other option but to just go with it and do what he said.  I just laid there on the bed naked freaking out, what the hell was i going to do!   He owned me now, he was going to make me pay him to suck his dick!  His huge black dirty fucking dick and i had to pay him money for it.  I had to pay this dirty mother fucker money so he could shoot his dirty disease filled load down my throat, and shove his giant cock inside me.  That giant dirty cock just oozing out dirty cum, pumping his load down my throat, again and again.  


I quickly found myself unable to get his huge dick out of my mind, as I quickly went from panicking to fully erect touching myself thinking about his load being shot down my throat.

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