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[Billy Twee] Pozboi Gets Fucked Every Which Way by Mature Poz Top


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With nothin' much happenin' on Barebackrt, I checked out Asspig and hooked up with a nice-lookin' fisting partner...we made plans for an early evening fisting date and I was going to fist him and that was that, a typical, pleasant Sunday evening. He turned out to be a nicely, gently weathered dad, with facial hair and salt and pepper everywhere and his own well-appointed playroom on the top floor of a great Victorian where the Castro melts into the Mission...fisting under the rafters. He greeted me warmly, and afer undressing and some kissing, he directed me to the platform bed next to the sling and got me on all fours. I was going to get fucked! Bareback! We hadn't even talked about this, good thing I was cleaned out and ready to go. Dad slipped his hard dick into my ass without lube and delivered a good, steady fuck...some tops would have left it at that, and that would have been good enough for me, but not this guy...he fucked me in a variety of positions, maybe to find out which one worked best...hell, they all worked out fierce! Doggystyle, wheelbarrow, sideways, both on our knees-my back to his belly, I sitting-he on his back,his dick piercing my butthole,a double reverse with our facing opposite directions-his butt against my butt-his dick up my hot hole...all of these requiring a big dick and a big hole, so we made it happen. Finally, he came up my ass, doing it missionary style.

After he came, I say, 'we didn't talk about this beforehand, but might that have been a poz cumload?'

To which he replied, 'oh yeah,' as in, 'well, duh.' Oh hell yeah!

Then I fisted Dad in the sling, the old school way with good ole Crisco. I oughta get back into Crisco for sex because it doesn't seem to have that old Crisco smell anymore which in the old days would last, well, like forever.

I got it up to the elbow with very little effort at all, and I let my fingers do their magic, turning, twisting, tweaking the deep valleys of his fistpussy. Yowza! Dad came...surely a modest little load...to be expected...the bigger load was in my ass! I was so happy that I made him happy...his face after he came was one of such peace and contentment, that I thought I should leave right then, not to disturb the afterglow.

But I did get a tour of the house...the playroom will be extended to take up much of the top floor with its peaked ceiling, remindful of an attic, and a big window looking out to the palm trees, Mission High School, Dolores Park and beyond the twinkling lights of the mansions on Dolores Heights. A light rain had started, sort of a magical fisting memory, if I were the romantic type...which I'm not. I'm more like 'Yowza!'

Thanks for the hot sex, Paul, hope to meet up again and often.3922053678647687689-3019714373256341369?l=billytwee.blogspot.com


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