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[Hot Pigg] Update


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So I have been fighting bronchitis for three weeks now. Funny how everyone tells me it takes a while to get over except the doctor. This isn't fun at all. I have asthma and I go through bouts of not being able to breath. I say this b/c sex is not on my mind at all. I'm either fighting to breath or sleeping b/c I used all my energy at work trying to breath. Why do guys not understand this? Yes, I still on online but I do have "Ask me" checked. Stop assuming I am always looking. It's ok if you hit me up just to check but don't give me an attitude if I told you no on Thursday and you're asking again on Friday. Believe me, my ass and dick need attention more than you know and I wouldn't pass on it unless I had to.

Venting about another thing. There's a blogger here that I didn't realize lived in NYC until he decided to post his BBRT and A4A account. Now he was an asshole to me once a year or so ago saying I wasn't his type. I'm young and skinny. He wanted older and beefy. To each his own, he was just an asshole about not being into me and delivered the message wrong. So I figure, why not send him a message and ask about an party he went to. I wasn't trying to fuck him or have him fuck me. I was truly interested in feedback about the party. You think since he blogs about his sex life that answering one question about a party wouldn't require an assholic response. I was wrong. Look guys, not everyone is out to fuck everyone. We will not be attracted to everyone. The rudest answer I give is no answer. Yes I can see that as rude but I'd rather remember being ignored by a guy than remembering a rude comment. It's one thing to be a cum slut bottom. It's another thing to forget about everything else but cum in your ass including treating people with some decency. Just pissed me off. I'm not sending him anything else. His point is well taken. Guys, if I come across like that, please tell me. I'm usually good about telling guys I'm not interested without being an asshole.

Happy note!!! FEBRUARY 12!!! Remember it. Black Party Tickets Go On Sale!!! I'm still looking for a hot daddy muscle type willing to whore me all around the party to whoever he wants. I'm going to try to make it to all the festivities including the after party. I took off work for the event plus recovery so I'm good to go. I just need to invite my friend Tina and we will be good. My hottest type of top is between 30-40, average build to muscle(prefer muscle), must be 6' or taller (I'm tall and I like looking up to my top), and into cum whores for everyones use. Please don't offer if you have never done this or never dreamt of doing this. I'm a good btm boy for the right guy. :)

Till next load...



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