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[Midtown Mutt ATL] They Can't All Be Gems


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After the hot impromptu breeding I got yesterday from a dude I've never seen before, I had a dud today. I woke up early Sunday intending to get off quickly and then get to all my weekend chores. But as I began surfing that time sponge that is the internet, a guy on MH, winked at me.

Now I normally ignore winks, but I guess my horniness got the better of me. I was looking for cock and he was looking for a nice ass to load up. So I cleaned up and jumped in the car. I found the house in about 10 minutes.

Now when dating, I'm very fussy. But when I am just up for a random fuck, my standards are mostly out the window.

I rang the door and a troll answered. I knew immediately, it wasn't going to work for me. I told him sorry and left, without a load in my ass.



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