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[Rubbermutt] Long Hiatus


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I have been so busy at work that I have neglected my blog. I guess it's the price I have to pay for being the manager of a YUM Brands food chain. I'll give you a hint. Colonal Sanders says hi and I reicently killed that little "Yo Queto" bastard to boot.

So as luck would have it it is snowing again and once again I have closed a few of my stores for the day. Most are still open with a minimum crew of locals seeing how I live so far from all my stores. I promise that I will get up to posting a few videos and a ton of pictures on here later on. Can you beleive it...I got an email from Google and Picasa the other day saying that I had some porn on my account and that they had been taken off my account. Well I did an invintory of my pictures on Picasa and all of them are there so obviously they did not see all the dick / ass / fucking / piss and fisting pictures that are plainly visable in ALL of my folders...either the person that viewed my account folders needs glasses or that bastard is an HIV chaser like me and possible some of my other readers. Either way that bastard is twisted like me.

Well that's it for now so like I always say...Happy pozzing or stealthing...whichever you do best.


Til my next post, Happy pozzing or stealthing...which ever you do best... Mutt1563389452096815092-6347281481540416529?l=rubbermutt.blogspot.com





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