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[Hot Pigg] Attempt to stealth me?


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So here's the deal. I got totally drunk last night and ended up taking this hot German guy home with me. I really just wanted to cuddle with someone going into Singles Awareness Day (SAD Day) but if anything was going to happen, I wasn't going to stop it. He had other plans. As soon as we got in we stripped and he was kissing me all over. He started figuring my hole and saying how much he wants to fuck me. I said go ahead. He asked for condoms of course. I said didn't have it and thus began the back and forth. We've all been there but like I said, cuddling would have been fine with me. It didn't take him long to start pushing in without a condom. Here's where it gets weird. He kept fingering me really really hard. I played along but it did hurt a bit. He'd finger then fuck, and repeat. I didn't think much of it till later. He couldn't stay hard enough with the alcohol to cum in me and I was exhausted so I came and passed out.

We woke and he fucked me some more and didn't have time to cum in me before I had to get ready for work. We left and went our separate ways but later he texted. "What is your status b/c I'm worried since we didn't use condoms?" I answered, "Poz but you topped me and I'm undetectable." I'm not undetectable but like I was going to say that. Another funny thing happens, he never responds back. Kinda like it was no big deal. So I'm thinking, maybe he was trying to stealth me the whole time thinking I was neg. Hard fingering, fake stress over no condoms, never asked my status until we went separate ways. What do you guys think?

Till next load...



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