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[UK Sauna Slut] Faith In Human Kindness


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im-back.jpgHello strangers, dear readers and valued followers.

I’m back.

That’s right… I return to your screens and mobile devices once more.* After my previous laptop died a nasty death way back in August, taking with it all my videos from Spain and beyond… looking at the cost of a new computer it seemed that*I wouldn’t be able to make a return to blogging until sometime in January, if not beyond.* I’ve been doing my hardest to keep everyone informed with whats happening via my twitter feed.

And it was via the twitter feed, that I had my faith in human kindness restored.* A reader and long term fan of the blog, who has asked to remain anonymous, contacted me asking why I wasn’t blogging.* I explained, to which he asked what I needed to return to the blogesphire.* A simple netbook, nothing flash was my reply… to which he replied with some amazing words… and bought me one.* Nothing flash, a Azuz N450 Ezee… I asked if he was sure, I mean, hell, that’s awfully kind.* He insisted, saying he liked my blog so much and didn’t want it to slip into obscurity.

We’ve had a few problems getting it arranged, and I didnt want to say anything via twitter in case the whole thing fell through… but tonight, after work there was a knock on the door, and a chap in a DPD uniform. He handed me a parcel, i signed for it… and bingo… a netbook.** I immediately text’d this kind donor thanking him from the bottom of my heart for his unreserved generosity… and I would urge you all to do the same.. any messages of thanks for this anonymous hero will be greatly read and appreciated by him I’m sure.

So once again, publically this time.* Mr N… Thank you so much, these next few welcome back postings are dedicated to you and your restoring of my faith in human kindness.

If you’re ever in the area, hit me up.. you’ve got my mobile number, it would be great to buy you lunch or something.

Welcome back followers… there’s so much to share!!!!


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