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[Defiant Barebacker] How Did I Start Barebacking?


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

Interesting question.

I have barebacked since I was pretty young, but when I began to understand how HIV was passed I sort of morphed into an oral only kind of guy. A receptive oral only kind of guy.

For years my favorite place to go was Blow Buddies, and to a lesser degree Steamworks, since the glory holes gave me what I sought. A hot mouth, lower risk, and a hot time edging the hours away. So, what exactly got me to change this all up?

Probably about 7-8 years ago I hooked up with this Spanish guy (yes, from Spain). Using men4sexnow.com we set up our meeting one day for later that afternoon. It was ostensibly because he loved to give head, and of course, I liked to get it. AS MUCH AS POSSIBLE!

I arrived to find his apartment pretty much all packed up. He said he would be moving in a few days. We went into his bedroom where he promptly got on his knees and went to town. He was good. I found myself on the edge pretty fast, and settled in for what appeared to be a good time. I was just riding that pleasure wave that I had become so addicted too.

It did not take him long to get to the point where he stripped his clothes off and hopped into his bed. Of course I followed. He sucked some more, but then announced that I should stick my dick in his hole raw. I declined at first. He sucked some more and persisted with the "raw cock up his ass" idea. I continued to resist.

Somehow, I honestly do not know how, we wound up with him on his back and me at the edge of the bed with his ass right at the tip of my cock. I still resisted. But, not for long!

He squirmed toward me and onto the tip of my cock, which I had little ability to resist by now. The one saving grace was that I was so close to cumming that it would be impossible for him to get very far down my shaft. I let him know this so he got up and went in the kitchen, returning with some ice. I was horrified when he put the towel full of ice around my cock! I did not loose my hard on, but I did back off that edge enough for the next thing that happened.

He got back on the bed, on his back. This time I pushed right into his hole without resisting his overtures. I could not move much because I was right back at that edge again pretty fast, but I was still balls deep in his raw hole. It felt awesome!

After enjoying his hole a while he finished me off by sucking the cum out of my balls.

Ever since this hookup I have not been able to resist bareback. Over time I have morphed from the tentative of this meeting to a total willingness to not only plow hot raw hole, but to take cock and the load that comes with it deep in my own ass.

How did I start barebacking? A bit unwillingly, but fortunately it happened...5659550056261962395-7289548486791196602?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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