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[Defiant Barebacker] Trying to Get Off!


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

So, I make it to the Steamworks this afternoon with high hopes that I would be able to take a load and then give one myself, cumming for the first time in 12 days. It did not take me long to find a hot guy willing to pump my ass raw through a plexiglass glory hole, and I am sure he was enjoying himself. But alas, HE DID NOT CUM!

I got lots of head, fucked two asses, and took one other raw cock up my ass. But I did not get a load, so I had to leave without cumming. Now I am totally a mess. I am so horny I am squirming in my chair as I write this. I need a load so I can get off!

This rule thing was my own idea and I intend to keep to it, but it is making me nuts! Not enough interested tops that fit my list of requirements within easy driving range. I will keep trying, but I fear I will just wind up cumming when getting head (I almost did three times at the Steamworks this afternoon) and then the penalty will be in my face! At this point, I am so horny that I will take the penalty. We just need someone to own it...5659550056261962395-6597823209029273416?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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