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[Defiant Barebacker] ALC 9 Kick Off Party


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

So, on Sunday I went to the AIDS/LifeCycle Kick Off Party at Club Mezzanine in San Francisco. Since this is my first year riding (see my plea for your support near the top of the page) I did not really know what to expect. I knew I wanted to meet my cycling representative and see what the crowd was like, since I will be spending several days out on the road with these people.

I walked in and the music was pumping. I did not expect that Club Mezzanine would be used as, well, Club Mezzanine, but here I was and indeed it was being used exactly that way. There were cookies and cake for free, which was not exactly club like , but if you wanted a drink you indeed could buy one, and most people had one in hand.

What else did I find? Well, I focused in on a table setup by a group called the Positive Pedalers and got some information from them about their training rides. Ahead of me was a younger guy that I thought looked interesting and indeed he was. When he was done and turned towards me I immediately recognized him from BarebackRT.com. He is a guy that have drooled over for some time now, and here he was in front of me. He had just signed up for a particular training ride with this group, and now there was no way I was not also going to sign up.

That ride is a multi-day ride (spending two nights at a lodge up at the Russian River) and is not until May, but you know I am gonna be there! You will also be correct if you assume I will bring along a container of Elbow Grease, just in case. Did I tell you that his profile says he is Vers Top? I may not have a sore ass only from my bike seat...5659550056261962395-3579793629541950483?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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