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[Defiant Barebacker] Dysfunctional Tuesdays


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

If my mother was still alive I would not tell her. I would keep the whole thing a secret from her without a doubt. She was the type of person that would take her travails (and those of her family) and make them complete and utter end of the world scenarios. For that reason, I would not tell her a thing.

Somehow I have risen above such dysfunction. I like to call myself dysfunctional. In fact, someone will ask me how I am doing in the morning and I will respond "dysfunctional". I believe that dysfunctional is normal. The word and the things that are associated with it are all normal life. We are taught, for some ungodly reason, to believe that our lives are unbearable and that everything that goes wrong must result in our being dysfunctional or less than healthy. Nothing could be more nonsensical at all.

I have my down days. I am sometimes sad, confused, unhappy, or some other unpleasant condition. But, more often than not I am upbeat, confident, happy, or some other positive state of mind. I have my up days. Either path is normal life. I might be dysfunctional, but it is a normal state of mind, not something that requires avoidance and a pill.

My mother let the world around her teach her that her troubles were unbearable and that she should just give up. She should just take a pill and all would be better. She took the pills (which I do not think she really needed) and all was not better. Over time those pills altered her state of mind for the worse and her imagined impenetrable barriers actually became just that.

No, somehow I have avoided learning the same things my mother learned. Instead, I take what life gives me and deal with it straight on. I found out that I am HIV+ just three and a half months ago and yet 2010 is off to an awesome start. I have little reason to give up and sit down in defeat. In fact, I have no reason to let this happen at all.

I write this in the hope that someone reading this with some extremely challenging situation in their life might find a way to put that challenge in perspective. Is it the worst thing that could happen to you? Really, is it? For me, being HIV+ is not the worst that could happen to me. There are other more challenging scenarios for sure. I hope others facing the same issue can see it for what it is, just a bump in the road that can be navigated...5659550056261962395-265179690738902917?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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