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[Defiant Barebacker] Downtime


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

Every once in a while I go into hibernation. It seems that I am starting one such period now. It has nothing to do with depression or anything bad, it is just a zone I get into that has me seeing a reduced libido for a while. I always cum back, usually suddenly, and sometimes with a vengeance. This time ought to be telling about my future sexual identity.

It was immediately following the last dry spell like this that I became HIV+ with that trip to the Steamworks, resulting in me fucking eight dudes. If this bottom thing lasts beyond the next cum back then what does that mean? Am I going to take 8-10 loads in one night at the Steamworks "lights out" party on a Thursday night? If you are a betting man I would put my money on yes regarding that possibility.

I definitely feel a sense of liberty regarding such things now and think it sounds hot to give it a try. I started to feel a little sense of "this is risky" in the middle of the night last night, but woke up feeling defiant again and saying "who gives a fuck!" If I want to get fucked I will... if I can find an acceptable top.

There are risks. The usual STDs, Hep C, a second strain of HIV, but I probably cannot do so much more damage to my future health than has already been done. In fact, the argument I listen to now is that there will come a time when fucking will be no more, and I enjoy it so much that I should not deny myself. I shall choose my partners with an eye toward quality, but I will get fucked just the same.

Yes, I am on the down stretch of my sexual rhythm chart, so to speak. But, watch out for when I am back. In the past this has lasted anywhere from 7-10 days and up to a couple of months, but it will indeed pass. I look at it as a period when certain things gel inside me. The recent expansion of my self vision (with the "I Did It" boy) will probably lead to some interesting times when this cycle passes. Anyone tops nearby that can meet me at the Steamworks in Berkeley when this thing passes?5659550056261962395-7991692796110585237?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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