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[Defiant Barebacker] Changes


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Click here to see Defiant HIV+ Bareback Fucker's original blog post...

There are two events in the last 3 1/2 months that have put me on a path of change. These changes are not all in place yet, but they seem to be mostly positive.

The first event is, of course, seroconverting. This event, as one would expect, has changed the way I interact with guys on a sexual level since I strive to keep from passing HIV on to others. But the changes reach beyond sex and into areas that one would not expect. Of course, I now work out more, and I eat better. But my changes go further than that.

Prior to finding out that I am HIV+ there were many things that would bother me. Situations at work, situations at home with my partner, all the typical things one faces. While I will not say that there is no stress related to these other things, I do think that I do a much better job of keeping them in perspective now. At work specifically, I let the politics roll off my back and continue with my job, making sure that lots of people know what I do and how well I do it, isolating any individuals that might want to keep me in a box.

Work is just one example, and there are many. But the short of it is that these changes are really an extension of the defiance that I wrote about in earlier posts. That defiance is permeating into all areas of my life. One might say that a little constructive defiance in one's life is a good thing, and I am finding this to be a core truth for my life in general.

In a way, this defiance led me to go to the Steamworks this last Saturday night.

I have a partner of over 15 years. We live together. We own a house together. We, along with our collection of animals, are a family. In the past I would not bring up in discussion that I wanted to go out and play with other guys. We have operated fairly independently on a sexual level for years now, but it was not really discussed. This led to some frustration on my part because I pretty much had to limit my sexual activity to early in the morning or just after work when I could arrange something in connection with my commute. Of course, one gets horny at different times and wants to do things that cannot be accomodated during the commute period. For instance, going to the Steamworks, for me, is a four or five hour ordeal.

Over the past six months we had worked out a way for me to do what I want sexually while maintaining our normal evening and weekend times together. Every other week or so I can go out on my own (and so can he) if I want. It can be a week night or a weekend night, no problem. It just cannot be all the time every night. For my part I just need to keep it reasonable.

The defiance part comes in where this last Saturday night, for the first time since I told my partner about my HIV status (he is HIV-), I decided to go out. I opened up a discussion that I would normally not open about all of the rules we had already worked out. We confirmed those rules and off I went. Maybe defiance is not the perfect word here. Perhaps it is better stated as confidence. But, I think they are closely related.

So, what is the second big event that is driving change? I take you back to the "I Did It" post.

Since the dude I wrote about in that post fucked me like he did, a lot of things seem to be in flux. I am no longer sure I am mostly top. I am not sure if I am vers either. I might be bottom, I don't really know.

How can an event of less than 15 minutes cause so much disruption? I don't know the dudes name. I don't know if he lives in the East Bay, South Bay, or San Francisco. I don't know if he has a boyfriend or a girlfriend. I know nothing about him, except two things. I know what he looked like (perfect from my point of view) and that he likes to fuck with his huge cock.

The connection I have with this guy is totally though his dick and nothing else. And that connection ripped from me a certain understanding of who I thought I was. This is not a bad thing. It is making me consider things inside of myself that I do not think I would look at otherwise. In a strange way his fucking me on his terms, not mine, is helping me center on me.

I suppose if I knew the guy and had his number things might be different. I think I would probably want to try and repeat the episode as many times as possible. As it is, though, this is not likely to occur. Is there a dude out there (or dudes) that would fit the bill like he did? I am not sure. Perhaps this is supposed to be a one time event, even though I want more. Whatever the case, I now have an opening to change that was not there a week ago.

Finally, this blog and my writing, while sometimes sexual in focus, also has a serious side to it. When I was in college I wanted to start writing, but for some reason I never picked it up and did anything with it. Through this venue and because of all of these changes in my world I feel compelled at times to write. One more positive change that starts with becoming HIV+.

At the end of all this, however, it is not HIV or a big dick on a hot nameless dude shoved up my ass that is causing all of these changes. What is causing these changes is a willingness to pick up my life, directly address my own adversity, and remain open to new experiences and life conditions. I have to say, that my world is far more interesting now than it was before October 1 2009.5659550056261962395-1847389725892907908?l=rawone408.blogspot.com


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