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[Street Muscle 501] Sex on the Dance Floor at the Red Party


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2477900091_0f8536f973_o.jpgI had an amazing time the Red Party at Town this past weekend. DJ Able was playing and the music was awesome. My buddies and I had a great time hangin out, dancing, partying and cruising hot muscle boys.

We were on the dancefloor. Just two drops in an ocean of bodies. The club was easily over capacity. The constant bumping and colliding with other dancers was simultaneously exhilarating and claustrophobic. I think it’s the fear of being trampled or suffocated that it made it all the more exciting. It was like the entire club had turned into one giant mosh pit. Bodies were flailing and twisting everywhere. You couldn’t tell where one person ended and the next began.

The thumping bass pulses of the music were echoing across the room, deafening the sounds of the multitude swaying together like one throbbing, living, mass. The music was so loud you couldn’t hear yourself screaming. And surely no one else could either.

I’d been grinding with an incredibly hot Latin stud named Manuel. I’d managed to catch his name at the bar before the club filled up and conversation became an exercise in futility. Didn’t matter though. There was nothing to be said with words that we couldn’t communicate to one another with our bodies, with the jutting of our hips, with the lock of our lips, with the gropes of our fingertips.


Manuel and I were kissing, entangled together among this suffocating mass of drunk, stoned, rolling partiers all just looking to connect; to have a good time. His lips were like electric ice, surging through me, setting my body atremble. I sought to devour him whole, there beneath the neon lights.

We moved together, our bodies aligned, Manuel noticed the enormous bulge thrusting forth at the front of my tight jeans. There was nothing I could have done to hide it; we were smashed too close together for either of us to disguise anything from the other. Manuel didn’t mind. He just smiled and placed his hand on my package, massaging me through the worn denim of my tight 501s as we continued to move our bodies to the beat

I looked around to see who might see, but the body-to-body sea of people was no longer comprised of any individuals who might judge the others. We were just one writhing mass, all feeling the same things together… all wanting the same things together.

And without speaking, Manuel knew this too. I felt his thick, forceful fingertips working the buttons of my jeans . In a moment, I felt a rush as my button jeans were slowly unbuttoned sending a blast of cool air into the hot pocket formed where my burning cock was sequestered behind the denim. My thick, hard, seven-inch rod immediately sprung free, as there were no layers underneath my jeans to provide further restraint.


My cock swinging freely as I continued to dance amidst this packed room of other clubgoers, I felt an undeniable surge of adrenaline at exposing myself to all these others. The two men bumping closest to my right and left each looked down with an approving smirk at my unencumbered member. Manuel too was admiring my cock.

Still moving his body in synch with mine, he slowly twisted and bent his knees, descending my frame, dragging his hands and arms along my body as he did so. Soon he was at my cock, snapping and biting at it like a hGoing_Commando_in_Jeans49.jpgungry canine. He drove me mad with the nips of his lips and teeth.

Then he was on me, mouthfucking me in rhythm to the beat of the bass heavy mood rock that was guiding the motions of

everyone in the room. I felt like the key player in some unseemly, sexual, orchestra as Manuel passionately and drunkenly blew my cock while the guys in the immediate vicinity kept dancing, occasionally glancing down at the event unfolding near their waists.

They continued to bump into Manuel’s back and shoulders with their hips, each unanticipated nudge of his body providing a surge of intensity to the oral treatment I was receiving. Soon there was nothing more I could bare, and I was coming. I would have tried to warn him, but there was no way he could have heard my words. I filled Manuel’s sweet, warm mouth with a generous helping of my seed. He rubbed, his thick, full, Latin lips across the head of my cock and smeared my come all over his face. BJ57.jpg

He rose to his feet and kissed me, letting me taste myself on him. The men on either side of us leaned in. Spontaneously, Manuel and I broke our lips embrace, turning our heads to the side to meet lips with the other guys who’d witnessed our act. Sharing my come with them as well, we fulfilled our role as just one part of this giant, unified mass of lusting clubbers. And that was just the start of the weekend!!





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