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On being a faggot

I've been called a faggot by so many tops in my past, that it just immediately turns me on. I wanted to share with you guys some of the things others have shared with me... many have explained to me why I am naturally a faggot, and how that's my purpose in life... and honestly sometimes it really makes more sense than I probably should let it make... Anyway. It's gonna be lengthy, but here's the first time a man called me a faggot, and what he told me. When I said that I dig having skinny f



List of men who have bred me/used me

I was curious about how much of a slut I really am - so I figured I'll compile a list for all you guys, and you can let me know if I'm cumslut enough or if I'm at least on my way there I'm leaving out guys who barefucked me, but never came inside me or pushed their cum inside me. 1- Anonymous Japanese Man at a gay bathhouse - a blur. My first time at a gay bathhouse, a japanese one at that. Up until this point I had been barefucked only once, and it wasn't satisfying. I wanted something bett



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