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About this blog

This is my story. My experience will not be yours but if it's similar then, welome brother!

Entries in this blog

Part V: 44 To The Present

So, I committed a federal crime, did soft time in a low security in Ohio. Very boring experience, actually, except for the sex. In prison, I learned to get devious about sex because the popo REALLY frowned upon it! I was tossed in the SHU several times over 4 years after being caught in flagrante delicto!   There really wasn't, as you can imagine, a lot of privacy for fucking, either. Basically, if sucked cock everyone knew it and if you took it in the ass, all gays and "down low" dudes knew i



Part Iv: Ages 34 To 44

In '99 I got married to a woman. Why would I do something so strange? After all, it seems like I had a good sex life, plenty of dick, and I was enjoying being single, free, and right at that age where I appealed to just about everyone.   But my conservative upbringing kept fucking with my head; a little voice at the back of my mind kept telling me it was wrong to be gay, that I was taking the sl-easy way out, all I needed was the right woman and I'd be all set. Right? (Raise your hand if you'



Part Iii: Ages 25 To 33

In 1990 I got a promotion and moved to Pennsylvania. I quit school and the new job was a gut so I had lots of free time, plus I had to travel up and down the East Coast of the US a lot. I also didn't know anyone and lived in an anonymous apartment block. Perfect setup to resume an active sex life...sort of.   I dabbled in online BBS', lots of messaging, not a lot of action. Things improved after about a year when I discovered a magazine/newsletter, I forget the exact name so I'll just call it



Part Ii - Ages 18 To About 24

So, after high school I entered the Army. Tough time for a confused young man. Like I noted in part I, the military was very anti-gay at the time. Doing anything that would reveal my tendencies would have created major problems; they were still doing Article 15's for homosexuality, then.   And it was tough, too. So many good looking guys! Then when I was 20 I got shipped to Germany.   Oh boy. First, the barracks were old, former German Army barracks from WWII, which meant communal showers.



It Begins

This blog is going to be sort of the story of my life, how I went from being a young boy with confused sexual impulses to the cum slut I am, today.   Part I: Ages 10 to 18 (or so)   When I was very young, I had a few "gay" experiences with a close friend of mine, exposing ourselves to each other, some touching, nothing much more than that. Neither of us really knew what the hell we were doing, just that it was fun and taboo. In the scouts, I had a couple of naked romps during camping trip



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