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Just Another Cum-Hungry Bottom

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Living The Dream...

So I went to Berlin last weekend...   I checked into my hotel around 8pm and instantly started getting my ass ready for my first evening in Berlin. I was going to the Biohazard party, a BB party for poz guys only, and by 10pm I was standing in a changing room, stripping down to my jockstrap and running shoes alongside a throng of other guys in various states of undress.   I had met up with a Danish BB top outside the venue, so we started off with a beer in the bar. And then the fun began...



A Fascination With Black Cocks

I think most white bottoms have a certain fascination with black cocks... Some perhaps more than others, and I gladly admit that I find it quite thrilling when a black cock enters my white ass... I wish I could see it myself, but just thinking about the colour contrast between my ass and the cock is quite a turn-on. And... Well, the stereotype about black cocks is perhaps not always correct, but hey... In my fantasy-world ALL black cocks are massive 9-10-inchers! (Yes, I'm a size queen - an



He Wanted To Make Me Gape...

I always put on a blindfold the second I'm inside his apartment. And then I get naked. And then I get fucked, standing there in his hallway. Today he was kind; he rimmed me nice and wet before he rammed his 8" cock deep inside me. (Other times he has just spat on my hole, rubbed his cock in it and then pushed inside me...) He dragged me into the bedroom, and then the fucking continued with me on my knees on his bed. He rammed my hole from every possible angle, slowly opening me up. I k



Trucker = Fucker?

This guy wrote to me that he'd be passing near where I live and was interested in fucking me. Well, he turned out to be a truck driver and wanted me to meet him at the nearest motorway truck stop late Wednesday night. I'm not one of those who have a fetish for truck drivers, but the set-up seemed hot enough and his messages sounded quite... Shall we call it "inspiring"? So I was on for it, even though he wouldn't show pictures. At 11pm I was standing alone at a dark truck stop off the




Yesterday afternoon I was laying on a mattress on the sitting room floor, wearing nothing but a jock strap and a blindfold, as I heard the car turn into the drive. I got up on hands and knees with my ass towards the door, showing off the hole as much as possible, and then I heard the front door open and close and the sound of a person undressing.   I took a few hits of poppers, and then I pressed my shoulders into the mattress and reached back with both hands to pull my ass cheeks as far apart



Sex Tourism...

I woke up very horny today, just craving cock and cum in my ass...   Sadly it won't happen today, so my mind is focused on a weekend where I will test a long-running fantasy of mine; in August I have booked a weekend in Berlin with the sole purpose of being fucked and bred!     Seriously; my ass starts twitching and my cock leaks precum just thinking about the fact that I'll fly to Berlin, check into a hotel and get my ass ready, and then go to a poz BB sex party. And then return to the



Slut-Bottom Heaven...

Back in January I spent one Friday getting fucked by four men throughout the night as their "after-dinner entertainment". Well, on Saturday I got a text from the host, saying he'd be having his friends over again, and since they had liked my hole he thought I should come over again. I didn't need to consider that for very long - obviously! So I showed up around 10pm, got naked and went into the sitting room to face the four men who'd be fucking me as many times as they wanted until 10a



Taking Turns...

When I arrived there was only the host, but pretty soon the other bottom arrived.  We were ordered to strip naked and get in a 69 on the bed, and after a short while the other tops started arriving. At first they just watched us sucking each other, but eventually there were hands groping our bodies and arses, and I could feel fingers exploring my hole while I could se other fingers exploring the whole of the other bottom while I sucked his cock. Finally when all the tops had arrived we




A fuck buddy texted me this picture this morning with the text "Fuck?"... I know what that means; it means I get an instant hard-on and can't help accepting.   He likes to "harvest" cum from one of his wank buddies - and then use it as lube when he fucks me. I've never met the wank buddy, but so far I've taken three of his loads...   Of course sperm is nicer when it's hot and being pumped out of a hard cock, but there IS something very hot about being slutty enough to accept being lubed up w



Unexpected Consequences...

You know that photo a fuckbuddy took after fucking me HARD a week ago? I absolutely love it... It's so hot seeing my hole in such a state! And it's so hot to stick it on more or less every online profile I have so men can see me for what I am; a fuckhole! Well, it seems popular with well-endowed, dominant tops that want a hole that doesn't play hard-to-get, but there has been one particular reaction I didn't see coming (or cumming?)... A perfectly charming and handsome young man



Sharing Is Caring...

A friend of mine and I used to fuck each other every now and then a while back, but we're both really bottoms so we've stopped that. Still, we're both pretty big sluts, so occasionally we share stories or recommendations for good tops. Well, he called me the other day and asked me if I'd be interested in a threesome. He'd recently been fucked by a guy who had expressed interest in having more than one ass to fuck, and my friend new I might be interested - especially as he promised me it rea



Cum-Hungry Hole

I'm feeling needy this Friday morning... I desperately need some cum in my ass - and hey; I'm needy enough that I'd even accept a cock in rubber, just to get fucked!   (But it's no secret that I obviously prefer it raw...)   So far the only candidate for fucking me is a 68-year old man with quite a mediocre penis (16cm / 6 1/4 inches) who wants to fuck me safe. Not really ideal in any way but if I can't get anything else, I'll take it. Gotta have some cock in me - and perhaps I can convince



Summer Slut

I went to the beach a few days ago. Nudist beach with a bit of a reputation that a guy might meet some other friendly guys... I went in the middle of the day, though, so I mainly expected a nice swim in the sea and some sunshine, but hey... You never know what might happen if you, quite literally, put your arse out there... I find it quite exciting to be naked in public when I know it's in a place where it can't disturb anybody, so I had a bit of a semi on as I walked from my towe



That's What Friends Are For...

A guy who has been breeding me on and off for years sent me a text message last week, asking if I was free Friday night. Normally that "just" means he wants to fuck the hell out of my ass with cock, fingers and dildos and give me a load or three, but apparently this time it was something else he had in mind. He was going to have 3 friends over for dinner and a night of getting drunk and high, and they'd arranged for a twinky little bottom to join them after dinner but he had chickened out s



Cock Envy

I often wonder what it must be like to have a really, REALLY big cock... Would I be more of a top if I had the sort of cock bottoms see in their wettest dreams? Don't get me wrong I have a perfectly serviceable cock. At just about 7" and a decent girth it's certainly not a cock I would turn down if sat on somebody else, but it's hardly in that porn/fantasy size range... And yet it's largely ornamental; like so many others I claim versatility - but in truth I'm something like a 95% bott



Occasional Visitor

There's this couple that I visit every now and then. Two versatile guys who are happy together, but every now and then they just want to use a bottom - and I gladly volunteer...   Their cocks are just around the 8" mark, and when they want a third guy in their bed it's normally because they both feel in a dominant top mood... I've learned what​ to expect when they ask me over; a bit of civil conversation over a glass of wine, and then suddenly one of them will interrupt the conversation and te



Ass to Mouth to Ass to Mouth to...

GOD, it was cold last night!!! Around 11pm I was on hands and knees, my jeans pulled down to my knees as a couple switched back and forth between my holes in the bushes behind a motorway rest stop... They had written to me on planetromeo.com, asking very specifically in the first message if I was into taking cock bareback and letting them switch back and forth between my holes. Well... Personally I find ass-to-mouth rather humiliating - so obviously I replied with a resounding YES!!!!!




I visited a fuckbuddy last night. The first time he ever fucked me he tried to stealth me - which I really don't like. I think it's fair enough to let people decide whether they want to get fucked raw or not, but obviously in my case? BONUS!   I noticed the lack of condom when he first pressed into my ass, and when the head was inside me I asked him if he was fucking me raw. His reply was a bit hesitant because he clearly didn't know if I was up for it, but my response was to take a big hit of



Off To Berlin...

I'm about to head off to the airport to fly to Berlin for a weekend of being a complete slut.   Tonight I'll meet up with a BB Dom-Top and together we'll go to the Biohazard party where he will fuck me and then leave my ass to get fucked by whoever feels like it. I'll be wearing running shoes and a jockstrap, so the ass will be hanging out on display to make sure the tops can see what's on offer...     Then tomorrow evening will be the Fickstutenmarkt where I'll be tied up blindfolded alo



Size Queen?

I was feeling a bit needy yesterday, so I wrote to a fuckbuddy and offered him my arse... He's a solid 8-incher, cums bucket-loads and basically knows how to make a BBottom squeal with joy and strain! Sadly he didn't have time yesterday so he'll fuck me this morning. But... Since he likes fucking rough - and since I was horny - I decided to try to get my hole warmed up a little last night in preparation! -So I wrote to a Daddy-type I know and offered him my arse, and within a few hours



Fucked Dry...

Wednesday afternoon I was once again fucked by the guy who made me gape for him last week.  He's never been a big fan of lube, normally preferring to rim me wet or lube his cock up with spit (or sometimes when I'm lucky he uses loads he's stored up for me in his freezer).  On Wednesday, though... Ouch! I let myself into his apartment, put on the blindfold he always leaves out for me, and even before I had finished undressing his hands were groping my arse. And when I dropped my tr



Happy 4th Of July!

Well, what better way to help celebrate the US Independence Day than by taking a huge black American cock up the ass? There's this guy from Florida who occasionally stops by Copenhagen for business, and until today it has never worked out that I got to offer him my holes. But damn... Just the pictures of that bulge made me so horny, and when he started sending me pictures of the actual monster I just new that some day I had to have it!!!  23.5cm long with a 19cm circumference... That's



Open Wide...

On Sunday I was needy, but it all turned out all right in the end and I got 6 loads from 5 different men. Two simple pump'n'dumps, then one guy who took a break after giving me a load - and then fucked me again. And then a couple who unloaded in me almost in perfect synchronicity while they were double-fucking me. The problem with a day like that is... Well... Okay, so I got 6 loads and yes, my ass was wet and sore when I went to bed that night, but... Well... Yeah, you know... More... Plea



A Whore

We all have our kinks, and one of mine - beside being a complete slut-bottom! - is that sometimes I think it's totally hot to be up for rent... Normally my ass is up for grabs for free, of course, and I'm grateful for each and every cock and load I take, but sometimes I activate a profile I keep just for this purpose and sees if anybody wants to rent my ass. It doesn't happen often; perhaps once or twice a year, so it's not exactly as if the money makes any difference in the greater scheme



Doing A Friend A Favour

I'm a Good Friend (TM)! Last night I was sharing a bottle of wine with a friend - just a regular friend, no funny business! - and after he mentioned he's had rather a long drought I joked that I'd sort him out! And no, I didn't really mean it; it's not that sort of friendship at all, but... Well; he - also jokingly - said he'd take me up on the offer. Well, You know how it goes... The joke got a bit out of hand and before I knew it he - still jokingly - groped my crotch and said "give



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