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About this blog

I am chasing completely med resistant AIDS strains so I can become a proud AIDS faggot meth slamming junkie whore. No regrets no fear no morals and no limits. My blogs from before and after I get the AIDS strains that will set me free for once and for all...

Entries in this blog

Why AIDS and why I won't stop until I get it

I have wanted nothing else except for full blown AIDS for at least the last 5 years. Everything else has been secondary to my desire to get AIDS. Promotion at work, new car, new apartment... None of it meant anything to me at all. AIDS is even more important to me than my friends and my family. They don't understand why I want this and they never will either. I know that after I succeed at getting AIDS nothing will ever be more important than it is until the day I die. The only thing that even c



I need to have AIDS before I turn 30

I am 29 right now and have been chasing AIDS since I was 24... I really wish that I had been successful at getting AIDS years ago when I first began chasing AIDS. I'd probably look like a AIDS pig should after nearly 5 years with the med resistant strains doing their work on my body. I know that I would have gotten the diagnosis and proof I got the full med resistance that my AIDS pig had to share. Just thinking about it makes my current attempts to get infected with AIDS all the more important



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