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Attention Whore Part One




Chapter One

My alarm goes off and my first thought was why bother?

My second thought was that fucking thing was not going to shut up so I reached over and turned it off, and then laid back down. I stared up at the stucco ceiling of my one room apartment and went over the list of things I had to do today.


The sigh that escapes me is as much a habit as it is an expression of my apathy. I've woken up like this for months now and it isn't getting any easier. This whole COVID thing started out as annoying, moved to excruciating and is now literally the worst thing in the world. I had graduated high school last year, just gotten a job at a local gym as a trainer, was ready to make a new fucking life and then the world ended.

For the millionth time since he left I wished Shayne was still here.

My phone pinged and a smile crossed my face. I reached over and saw the text.


I sent him three zucchini emojis and I got a LOL in return.


I got up and ran to the bathroom to take a quick piss. My fucking dick was hard, like usual, and it was going to take some doing to aim it at the toilet. I don't like to brag but when god was passing out dicks I think I got the wrong one because mine was not the dick of an aspiring Instagram model who wanted to be a fitness model, it was a dick of a fucking porn star. I know, poor me but trust me, this dick is completely wasted on me. Not only did I not have the greatest self esteem, I was incapable of speaking to a girl for more than two minutes before I just ended up stuttering like a fool. So where most guys would have killed for a dick like this, all it did was make my morning piss that much harder.

Once I was done I paused and looked at myself in the mirror. I had been a skinny kid growing up so every time I saw myself all I saw was that scrawny kid that lived on the wrong side of the tracks. Consciously I knew I didn't look like that any more, Shayne had taught me to eat right and then to lift and I had made gains since then but...

My phone beeped again and I looked over at it.


I laughed and made my way out to the living room. I slipped my headset on and booted up my Xbox. I had to hit my TV a couple of times to get the picture right but after a bit I had the game booted up.

Shayne's voice came through the headphones, “Jesus Christ, you do know your aim is shitty enough right? You keep beating your meat and you won't hit anything.”

“My aim is fine, not my fault you've never seen a real dick before.”

“Oh! Shots fired!!” he laughed as I logged in.

As we waited for the lobby to fill Shayne began his daily routine, “So make a video yet?”

“No,” I sighed, knowing this was coming.

“Dude, how are you going to keep your metrics up if...”

“You literally woke me up, what was I supposed to do? Film myself taking a piss?”

He chuckled, “Would have gotten more likes than your last video.”

He wasn't wrong.

See, Shayne had gotten me into working out in high school, and now he had gotten me into trying my luck on IG as well. He had a strong following of people and had told me I could make as much if not more than he was easy. It had been almost a year and I had a decent number of fans but wasn't making any bank at all. 

Every day he made sure I made a video about something, anything. It was easy when the gym was open and I was doing shit. Making videos of me working out was easy and it got me a lot of nice comments but now, what the fuck was I supposed to do? Film me eating a bowl of cereal in my roach trap apartment?

“I'll make one when we're done,” I assured him.

“You're looking cut man, you losing bulk?”


I was losing bulk because I didn't have enough money for actual food. I was getting by on ramen and fucking water. If I wanted protein I might as well eat my own spooge when I jerked off cause I couldn't afford actual meat. I didn't want to tell him that because the last thing in the world I wanted was Shayne thinking I was a fuckup.

Well more of a fuckup that usual.

“Yeah I'm trying something new, trying to get that lean look,” I lied.

“Looks more like you're starving yourself.”

I said nothing.

“So any word on when the gym is gonna open back up.”

“Not since yesterday no.”

Now he stopped talking.

“So how's Rachel?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

Rachel was hi smoking hot girlfriend that I had lusted over since he first introduced us. She was so super cool and hot and...

And she was my best friend's girl.

“She's fine,” he said curtly.

I had no idea how to lighten the mood but thank god the lobby filled and the game started,

We went at it and for a moment all of my troubles were gone. I loved playing with Shayne on my team, it was like we could read each other's mind sometimes. More like he could read my mind cause I usually had no idea what was going through his. He had been a couple of years ahead of me in school and when I joined the wrestling team he was tasked with mentoring me. At first he seemed like he wasn't all that interested in the task and after the first week I was just going to quit the team since I was nowhere bog enough to compete. 

It was after practice and I was getting ready to shower when I walked over to Shayne to tell him. He was sitting on the bench, taking his singlet off when he nodded at me, “What you need?”

“I just wanted to tell you...”

I never finished as one of the other guys ran by and grabbed my towel, leaving me buck naked in front of everyone.

Shayne looked down at my junk and his eyes got wide before I covered myself up with my hands, “Motherfucker...” I muttered.

He handed me his towel, “Here man.”

I thanked him and wrapped it around my waist, he was watching me the whole time.

“Anyways...” I began to say.

“You need to bulk up more,” he said cutting me off, “What are you doing this weekend?”

I paused, “Um, nothing.”

“Cool, come by my house Saturday, I have some weights in the garage and we can start putting some meat on you.”

“Really?” I asked, shocked that he would even offer.

He smiled, “Yeah man, let's see if we can get the rest of your body to catch up to your dick.”

I blushed, which made him laugh even more, “Let's go shower and I'll we'll talk later.”

He dropped the singlet and stood in front of me naked. He was built, super toned and honestly just a good looking guy. I mean I wasn't into guys but if I was...well you know. 

After that we became work out buddies and then real friends. He knew my parents were trash and let me crash over at his place most weekends, so much that his mom started to just assume I would be sleeping over every weekend. Shayne was the older brother I never had but always wanted and I...I have no idea what I was to him but whatever it was he guided me and protected me like I was his brother too.

So telling him I was broke, starving and had no job prospects was not something I wanted to share.

We tore the game up and heard more than a few guys cuss at us on the way out. We laughed as we were dumped into our own chat channel. I saw him pause the search for new opponents.

“Sean, what's going on?”

“What?” I asked, not sure what he was talking about.

“Why are you still there?”

“Um where?”

“Why haven't you moved man? Why are you still in that fucking nowhere town spinning your wheels?”

“Where would I go? I'm stuck here.”

“You could come here.”

“Yeah I wish.”

“I mean it. What's keeping you there?”

I was stunned, was he serious? 

“I can't just up and leave,” I said, though I could in fact do just that.

“Why not? What's keeping you there? The parents who told you to move out when you were out of school? The job that doesn't exist because the world Is ending? Your non existent girlfriend? Your no friends? I mean it Sean, what's keeping you there?”

I know he wasn't trying to be mean but his words hurt deeply. He had summed my life up to the miserable, little, ball of shit in only one sentence. What was I doing here? And where could I go? I felt my eyes start to sting as I began to feel trapped.

“Look Rachel and I are worried about you. I think you're depressed as shit and she doesn't think you're eating from your videos and we don't want you to just sit there and die. I have a perfectly good couch here and you can not be a personal trainer here as good as there and I miss you man. I really do.”

Tears fell from my eyes now.

“Just pack your shit up and leave, I mean it.”

“I-I...” I began to say but I was actually crying, “I can't Shayne. My car is shit and I can't afford a plane ticket, I'm stuck here.”

“What if I bought you a ticket? If I bought you a ticket here would you move? Would you let us help you?”

“I can't ask you to do that...”

“You're not asking retard, I'm offering. Come on Sean, let me take care of you, please.”

God that sounded good, I wanted that so badly...

“What would Rachel say?” I asked him.

He chuckled, “I promised her I would get her a puppy for Christmas, this is pretty much the same thing.”

That made me laugh through my tears, “I mean I don't want...”

“Shut up. Say yes.”


He cheered and I felt my blubbering intensify as I realized how much I loved this man.

“Seriously, pack up everything you need, sell the rest. I have a PS5, a TV and everything you'll need. Just bring some clothes and that fat ass, I'll take care of everything else.”

“You really want me to?” I asked, not believing this.

“Sean...please come back to me.”

It sounded like he was tearing up too.

I told him ok and we sat there and cried for a while, overcome with emotion.


The next week Shayne Vinemoed me some money for a cab to the airport and bought me an E-ticket. I had sold everything that I didn't need at a pawn shop and took one last look at my empty ass apartment before slamming the door.

Fuck this place.

I caught a taxi to the airport and had enough money left over from the ride to grab some food while I waited. The flight wasn't for another hour and half which left me with more than enough time to get bored.

I had made a few posts about moving and the few fans I had were super supportive about it. I had told them I would update and since I was stuck waiting for my flight I needed to do was pop a video off, anything that makes me look like an actual person and not just a schmuck living in a rathole of an apartment helps drive views. If I played it off like this was no big deal and just me moving to a better place it would give the impression I wasn't sleeping on a friend's couch. I headed off to the bathroom to make sure my hair and shit was in place. I wet my hair some and checked my teeth when a guy walked in after me.

He was an older guy, like maybe 40 or so. Pretty good shape, nice suit, well groomed, all around respectable looking guy. I gave him a nod as he walked over to a stall. I went back to making sure I didn't have any blemish or anything when I heard him say pssttt. I ignored it but he did it again.

“Hey kid,” he whispered.

I moved closer to the stall, “Yeah?”

The door was ajar and I could see him sitting there, stroking his dick, “Wanna earn some money?”

I turned around and practically ran out of the bathroom, what the fuck?

Who does that? I mean...

I wonder how much money.

I shook my head, there wasn't enough money in the fucking world.

Was there?



I completely forgot about he video I was so freaked and just sat at my gate until my flight was called. I was weirded out for sure, I mean I've never seen anything like that before, but why couldn't I shake the image? It was like looking at the sun too long, I closed my eyes and I could see him, sitting there, stroking it...

They called my flight and I grabbed my backpack and headed onto the plane. I don't know how he afforded it but Shayne had scored me first class, which meant super big chairs, which I had to admit, was nice. I'd flown a couple of times and found normal seats pinched my ass too much, what can I say? I had more junk in my trunk that most. 

I walked into the cabin and felt instantly underdressed.

When I left I threw on a tank top and a pair of shorts, not exactly classy attire. A couple of people gave me a dirty look but more than a couple gave me a look up and down with a small smile. I told you I was easy on the eyes. Ignoring them I settled in and sighed a breath of relief as my ass hit the seat. Oh yeah, those were first class seats.

I closed my eyes and tried to forget the last hour or so when someone sat down next to me. I glanced over and felt my whole body stiffen.

It was the guy from the bathroom.

He smiled and winked at me as he sat down.


I tired to move over as far as I could but where the fuck was I gonna go? I wanted to call the lady and ask to switch seats but that would be rude. So I just sat there and tried to will myself invisible. More people walked on and he leaned over, “Ever flown first class?”

I shook my head, saying nothing.

“Things are pretty expensive, you want me to cover for you?”

I shook my head, knowing I had less than ten bucks on me.

“Ok, offer stands, just let me know,” and he went back to his side.

I looked out the window, trying to will the plane to fly with The Force or some shit, anything just get me to Shayne faster.

Once everyone was on the stewardess lady explained it was a six hour flight with no stops and the seatbelts and whatever. After the speech we taxied out and took off, I started counting the seconds down in my head.

There was a screen in front of each seat and I clicked it on to see what was playing.

Oh fuck, they had the new Spider-man, I could watch  Tom Holland kick some ass, for a skinny dude he had some moves. I clicked it on and it started to play, but no sound. I looked around for volume and the stewardess came by, “Do you want to buy some headphones?”

I paused, afraid to ask how much they were.

“Two sets,” the man said pulling out a black Amex. She nodded and handed over two packets. He handed me one, “Told ya, they charge for everything.”

“Thanks,” I mumbled, not sure what to say.

“No problem, Charles.” 

He held his hand out and I shook it automatically, “Sean.”

“Pleasure to meet you Sean.”

“Thank you sir.”

Fuck, that just slipped out, I hate having manners.

“Sir? Not a lot of your generation uses that.”

“Was raised right I guess,” I plugged the headphones in, hoping that would stop the conversation.

He just smiled and started his own movie, leaving me to my movie.

I tried to focus on the action but a couple of things were throwing me off. One, it was fucking cold as shit and two, he was rubbing himself. I mean not super obvious, but he had one hand rubbing his dick, which was visible down the length of his slacks. He wasn't looking at me, he was still focused on his screen but I couldn't help but feel he was rubbing one out about me.

I tried to ignore it but my eye kept coming back to it, and fuck if it wasn't turning me on slightly. 

The stewardess came by offering blankets, again for a price.

“Cold?” he asked me.

God I wanted to say no but I was....

I nodded.

“Give us a big one, we can share it.”

I wanted to protest but what was I going to do? By my own. If I couldn't afford the headphones the blanket was out of reach. He took it and laid it over both of us, “They keep it cold as shit in here to sell these,” he said in a whisper.

I nodded and gave him a weak smile.

The blanket did feel good and I settled in, enjoying the warmth.

“You have to be freezing,” he said as his hands moved under the covers, rubbing my bare arms and legs to warm me up. I looked around in a panic, wondering if anyone else was watching. But most everyone was either asleep or watching their movie so that was good.

“I'm good,” I said, trying not to sound like an asshole.

He smiled and nodded, leaning back into his seat.

About ten minutes later I felt his hand touch my leg.

I almost jumped but when I looked over at him he was still watching his screen like nothing was happening. I was frozen, not sure what to do next. His hand crept over my thigh and moved up to my crotch. He rubbed my dick through my jeans and realized I had already been half hard. He cupped the shaft and then moved up and down the length of it. It was like he was measuring it.

God...I should have jerked off before I left for the airport. As much as I hated it, this felt good. He kept this up for a good minute and I could feel my balls churning, fuck he was going to make me cum!

He pulled his hand away and I almost groaned.

He leaned over and whispered, “Meet me in the right bathroom if you want earn some cash.”

Before I could say no he got up and walked away.

What the fuck? 

Damn my dick was throbbing, I really needed to get off and from the way this guy was throwing money around... My thoughts fought with each other for a while and then finally I just said fuck it. I looked around to see if anyone was paying attention and then got up, trying my bet to hide my traitorous dick. I paused in front of the door, took a deep breath and walked in.

Well pushed in, I mean I was a big boy and he was a full grown man.

He moved around and allowed me in, it was crammed and we were pressed against each other.

“God you're fucking sexy,” he growled as he pulled my shirt up, “Fucking shredded,” he licked up my abs and then around one of my nipples. I was thinking this was a mistake when he took my right nipple between his teeth and lightly nibbled on it. I gasped as the pinch seemed to go straight to my cock. I'd heard of people doing this but feeling it for the first time was blowing my mind. He pushed my arms up and I felt him start to lap at my pits, something again I was surprised to find turned me on. I wasn't like those other IG models who shaved everything down to skin. I liked having hair under my arms and on my pubes, so the feeling of him licking through my armpits felt amazing. He went to work on the other one and I just leaned back on the door and enjoyed it.

After a through cleaning he sat down on the toilet, “I need to see this for real,” he said unbuckling my belt.

“Wait...” I tried to protest but he had my belt undone and my jeans opened fast.

“A jock? Hot.”

What was I going to say? I hadn't done laundry cause I didn't have the change so I was down to wearing jocks as underwear?

He moved the thin material aside and my cock slipped free, sticking out proudly from my pubes. I was one of those guys who liked looking older than 12, so I kept my pubic hair, something he seemed to dig as well.

“God damn,” he said taking hold of it and starting to jerk me.

I leaned up against the door, my confusion and guilt fading from the sensations my cock was sending me.

“And a leaker,” he commented as a big drop of precum beaded up in the tip of my head. He leaned in and licked it off, causing me to hiss in surprise.

“You horny?” he asked.

I nodded, not sure if I had ever been this horny before in my life.

He smiled, “Let me take care of you.”

He lowered his mouth over my cock and I let out an audible moan. His tongue was all over my thickness as my knees got weak. He took nearly half of it in one gulp, a feeling that was all brand new to me. 

I'd never really been with a girl before, before wrestling I was a geek and pretty much ignored or teased by everyone. Once I started working out people started looking at me but I was so fucking shy that I could never even try to talk to them. The closest I had come was a clumsy handjob at a party but I came so quickly that it didn't go anywhere.

And now I was getting my first blow job.

God I could see how people love these. I put my hands on his head and pressed it down, he responded by moaning around my dick causing even more feelings to shoot through me. My hips started to buck on their own, I may have been a virgin but my dick seemed to know what was up. He choked and pulled away.

“Whoa partner,” he said, tears in his eyes, “How many blow jobs you had?”

I gave a half smile and a shrug.

“This your first? Fuck that's hot. Ok, here's a lesson.” he grabbed my spit soaked dick, “This is a beast, a fucking legend sized cock. You can't just shove people down on it, they will literally choke to death. It's ok to apply pressure and to guide them, but you have to understand, this isn't a normal dickm you can't treat it as such?”

I nodded quickly, wanting to get back to the blow job.

He chuckled, “Well if its your first time, you should get the deluxe package,” he leaned in and took one of  my balls into his mouth.

“Jesus fuck...”I groaned and then out a hand over my mouth realizing how loud I had been. He started working my balls and I felt my eyes roll back, fuck I never knew anything could feel like this. He spit them out and went back to my shaft his tongue covering every inch of my tool carefully. 

“God I wish there was room for you to turn around,” he said between licks.

I had no idea what he meant but honestly, I didn't care.

He took the whole thing back into his mouth again and grabbed my ass cheeks firmly. I braced my hands on his head as he really started worshiping my dick. I held on for dear life as his tongue drew sounds from me I had only heard in porn. His hands were prying my cheeks apart and part of me freaked but my dick overrode it and just went with whatever.

As his head went faster and faster over my dick his finger dug farther and farther in, until he had a finger at my hole. I felt my balls start to tingle as he pressed the tip of his finger into my hole. I let out a small sound as my cock just exploded into his mouth.

It felt like an ocean of cum came flooding out of my dick as my ass clenched around his finger again and again. I was doing my level best not to scream out loud as my entire body shook from my orgasm. My mind was a fog of pleasure for a long time after, my toes curling in my sneakers from the feelings.

Finally I slid my softening dick out of his mouth and he looked up with cum dripping down his chin.

I hadn't even noticed he had been stroking himself off the whole time and I watched as he came, shooting on my thighs and shin. The warmth startled me, I was about to grab some tissue when he pulled his hone out, “Hold on,” he took a pic of my legs covered in his cum and saved it, he stood up, “Ok, let me out first then follow in a couple of minutes.”

My first thought was to ask where my money was but I felt ashamed to even think it.

He winked at me and moved by, leaving me alone in the small bathroom. I looked at myself in the mirror and just saw myself staring back at me, my own eyes accusing me.

My cock on the other hand, was sleeping as content as it ever had been.

I threw some water on my face and then went back to my seat.


He paid for my dinner, which was fucking good if I was being honest, and even bought me a couple of ten dollar beers as well. I learned he was in investments and traveled a lot and that he had been looking for someone to hook up with when he was in my city. I tried to explain I was straight and he chuckled.

“Son I am married with a son about two years younger than you. This is about gay or straight, it's about having fun.” I must have looked unconvinced so he reached into his jacket and pulled out a money clip.

He pulled two hundred dollars bills out and handed them over to me. Then he pulled another one, “Wanna earn another hundred?”

I paused, not sure what else he would want me to do for it.

“Sell me that jock you're wearing.”

What the fuck? I didn't that good a price on the I sold online! 

“Sure let me go take it off,” I said starting to stand up.

He shook his head, “Take it off under the blanket.”

Once again I looked around, we were gonna get caught.

“Ok,” he said folding the bill back into the clip.

“Okokok,” I said quickly, grabbing the waistband of my shorts. I raised my hips and slipped my shorts and jock off in one go. It felt weird being naked in a crowded airplane surrounded by people. I reached down and separated them and slipped my shorts back on. Under the sheet I handed him the jock and he smiled and handed me the other bill.

 “Give me your number, I'm gonna call so you can save it. If I'm in town and you want to make some money, answer. If not, ignore it.”

“I'm moving,” I said out of nowhere.

“I travel a lot, trust me.”

I shoved the money in my pocket and grabbed my cell, called his number so he could save it. He took a picture of me and then added a name. He turned his phone around and showed me.

“Hungboy in Dallas”

“I think this is the start of a beautiful friendship.” he aid going back to his movie.

Part of me was weirded out I just got blown by a guy but I ignored it, I mean I just made some cash and no one saw. I leaned back and watched the end of my movie in peace. We landed and started to walk off the plane, he let me go first as we walked down the walkway. Once we were at the gate I turned around and held out my hand, “Was a pleasure to meet you.”

He smiled and leaned in, “Pleasure was all mine.”




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