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Oh no! This is a behaviour I hate.

The person promises, you make plans, and then the result is to be ghosted.

I think there are many people with chasing and gifting fantasies who push themselves till the real world to increase their turn on, but as soon as reality hit them, ghosting is the only solution they find because they haven't any courage to face their real nature.

Honestly I love to be CLEAR and SINCEER when I'm talking; I would never ghost other people! Is it so expensive to say "I don't really want to", "for me it's fantasy", "we have had virtual fun but stop there please"? Honesty always pays!

I am undetectable, mostly top, and enjoy poz talk as a role play - in sexting and real life with consenting partners; with no real intention to transmit, I do not understand people who find pleasure in making a person schedule their day in order to satisfy their poz desire, and then just disappear. This is not a respectful behaviour towards another person; you're not a toy, you're a human being with desires and feelings, and must be respected as such.

As a poz person I'm aware of legal implications that an intentional transmission could have, even with a consenting partner; so I have decided to embrace this just as a fantasy. So I perfectly understand poz people who change their mind at last minute but I believe in the importance of communication.

You do not point a gun towards anyone, you do not force people to do what they don't want, so, that person -and maybe many others- could just tell you they changed their mind! 

Fuck themselves!


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