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Two for Tuesday fist fest

Hey guys- I just did this up for the blog on gayfisters, but thought any of you not on there might like to read it. I was going to write it up last night as soon as I got home, but my ass was really dragging---


Hey men- been hot as all hell in S Florida this summer- and the action at my favorite sex club has been just as hot ! Last week I hooked up with a fist bud there on a Monday night, late. Hadn't planned on it, but after getting home from work at 11 p and it being my Friday workweek wise, I headed to the club on a spur of the moment urge. He spotted me as I was getting my 1st drink, and shortly after I spotted him getting sucked. Oh well, figured he was getting off so he could get home and some rest for work. I cruised the dark room a few times, but got no action. The BJ ramps were empty. I went back into the darkroom, and this time a hand groped my hole- a finger running around the lips, then pushing in, two fingers , more teasing the lips. I bent over, and as 3 fingers were being pushed in, I pulled the bottle of J Lube I had mixed out from my sock and passed it back to the anon man trying to push his hand into me. With the J Lube, he made entry fast and easily. One hand in me, the other massaging and slapping my ass cheeks- all was good. A small skirmish broke out when someone overstepped polite bounds elsewhere in the darkroom, so the man behind me leaned over and said I was ready, and told me to head for a sling. Once in the hall, I realized the guy fisting me was the FF bud- he had not split yet, and in fact had been hunting my hole to use. I asked which he wanted- the very public, or the private sling room ( the 3rd was out of service due to a missing chain) Public- he wanted to put on a display! I was in the sling, and he was back in me in a matter of seconds. Once in a rhythm, I asked if he really wanted to put on a show- and pulled a small LED flashlight from my sock ( makes finding used rubbers and underwear in the side rooms so much easier ) He nodded, and I flicked it on, covering most of the lens so only a slit of light was shining on my hole. Now that he could see his work of art, he really took off fisting the hole, and about 7 men gathered- a couple were stroking, others watching either stunned or revolted but afraid to move. we were at it for about 30 minutes before needing to take a break- in that time men drifted in and out, but none would step up and fuck a load in ( a favorite activity of his is to have my ass bred by a stranger and then he takes it) He toweled my hole off of most of the J Lube, and excused himself to was up- so I laid in the sling and rested a minute. One guy walked over and tried to jab 2 fingers in dry- but all the play and the lack of J Lube made it unpleasant- maybe it was a vibe too- but I declined his offer and slipped out of the sling . The FF bud was in the hall- thanked him again, and he was out for the night.

I went back 2 nights later, but the action was definitely not there- it had rained, so maybe that had something to do with it- or maybe it was just the mid week blahs.

Yesterday, I was online and got a message from the FF bud who originally trained my hole at the bookstore, and he wanted my ass ( we had not played in 3 months !) I suggested Slammer was cheap night and could be fun, and so we planned to meet there at 9 p. I had to do a last minute touch up, so it was a little after 9 when I finally got there, and he was sitting at the bar in his jock. I gave him a big hug, and ordered my cocktail. Some small talk, the manager joined us and talked some, and the FF bud slipped behind me and pulled my shorts down, and smeared my ass with some lotion. The manager headed off, and I excused myself to get more comfortable. I found my fav stash hole, and stripped off my shorts and shirt, down to just my jock and went back to the bar. The ff bud smiled, and asked how my hole was feeling- he had coated it with a lidocaine based agent- it was fine, and I was ready. We took a room across from the toilets ( more foot traffic there) and he proceeded to shoot a big load of J Lube into my hole- my ass up and shoulders to the floor so it would run in deep and stay. Satisfied I was slick, he had me stand and spread, and he pushed in past the wrist. As the hole settled in around his arm, he began a steady push and pull, always ina fist, to bust open my hole. A couple of guys peeked in, and he swung the door open with his free hand so they could see- they scattered- maybe they thought he was pissed ( wrong- he loves to show me off too and whore my hole out) He fisted me bent over, with me standing, from underneath- about the only position we never did was on my back- the bench wasn't big enough for that. As his hand opened me way up, he had me lower my hips and when they were at the right height, he shoved his hard cock in alongside his fist and fucked/fisted his first load into me. He kept his fist in, and kept pushing in deeper. By now he had his forearm in my ass- past the 3 strap leather gauntlet he was wearing. His cock is good for multi loads, and it was time for load 2. As he punched my hole, he jacked himself to the edge of orgasm, pulling out the fist and jamming in his cock as he shot. I had a fist back in as soon as he was done shooting, pushing his load deep up and in. we were both slick, the floor slimey with J Lube, and so he played my hole hard for a couple of more minutes before he slammed his cock in one last time and dropped the 3rd load in. He went in to wash up, I caught my breath and headed out to get some circulation back into my legs. And then I bumped into my other fist bud- told him I had 3 loads in me and a well fisted out hole that needed a few minutes rest. He agreed, and I hit the bar, talking with the other ff bud who had washed up and was now relaxing at the bar.

I was def in a pig space, and told the ff bud the other guy was wanting in my hole- so I was going to head back in the back and play some. He laughed and said go for it. The 2nd ff bud was in the sling hall waiting, and I hopped into the public area sling. He shot some J Lube onto my ass and slicked up his arm, then pushed fist first into my hole. Both mens arms and hands are similar, but their style is much different. We had a small gathering of men- a couple of interest for sure- the one had a very thick 9 inch cock, his BF had 8 x 6 . But they watched, never joining in ( turns out they were reviewing) As I settled into the swing of the sling and the fist punching in and out, and with the flashlight shining on the hole, the fister commented how he was punching in and out with his fist clenched and the hole was just laying open for him. Another shot of lube,and he began trying to push in with both hands. Still not quite that stretched out ( I will be there tho) so after a few minutes of that, he asked if I was ready for a break- and I really was. He wiped me all down, and I slipped out of the sling, thanked him, and headed to the bar for a drink. He washed the J Lube off his arm- and then took the 2 guys who had been watching into a private sling booth and fisted one of the guys as his boyfriend took it all in and played with the guys cock. Turned out to be a really fun, productive night .

(Chatted with the couple later- the top was just learning to fist the boyfriend- and the boyfriend had not been fisted in several years, so they had been watching and learning as I was getting fisted, and decided the fister was sane and a good one to show them the way. I added to their fisting honeymoon by giving them my bottle of J Lube- I sure hope they are in bed right now using the hell out of it ! )

SO>>>>> got a week off from work 26 Aug thru 5 Sept. Had thought about turning my hole out in London, but between the riots and the exchange rate, not really sure I will head there- might, but might not. Would love to be in a sling a lot tho the whole time I am on vacation- so up for any suggestions where you guys have found the best ff play


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