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Hour by Hour--Fuck Party at Zane's

Chicago—April, 2022

Zane, my favorite Chicago scent pig, had been out of commission for a couple of months with some medical issues.  To celebrate his return to sex, the three housemates threw another of their incredible house parties.  The last one, in August, they really had to work to get guys to attend.  This time, their entire mailing list of former attendees wanted to play.  So many people RSVP-ed, the hosts were concerned about the number of men in the old Victorian at one time.

I arrived early.  I took the rimseat.  All the prep of laying things out, furniture covers, etc had been done for the basement and all three upper floors of the house.  So I chatted with the two guys I don’t know as well for a bit, with Zane for a little bit more and then went up to the third floor to nap until the start time.  I knew it would be a late night and I had started the day at an ungodly hour…


 An Hour and a Half to Start Time

I am lying on the only bed on the top floor.  There is a sling here, too.  The lights have a rheostat and are dimmed low and rather red.  Zane has been up here fiddling with coordinating the house music off his computer.  But he’s gone now.  I am floating on that edge of being awake and fully going under.  I have taken my boots off and unbuttoned my jeans.

Maybe I drift away—for the next thing I know, Zane’s fragrant pit is covering my nose and mouth.  I lick it, automatically, before I’m fully awake.   He is straddling my chest—leaning forward, reveling in how my tongue is cleaning him. 

He moves, so we are mouth to mouth.  He whimpers as he tastes himself on my tongue.  His cock, under a bathrobe, grinds into my cock mound, only half hidden by my open Levi’s.  The kiss goes on for a long time.  I break it to sample his other pit.  He has been in the shower, but I am still getting the essence of Zane on my tongue.

We kiss again.  Slow and deep.  Zane breaks it this time as he unbuttons my shirt.  He opens it—and leans in.  He takes a deep breath.  A long sigh—and his tongue begins to work.  He laps at my right pit quite happily.

“Kiss me.”

He complies.  It’s another long, deep kiss that makes my cock mound in my underwear.  Zane reaches back and feels my hardening dick.

“Let me say hello…”  He moves down so he is sitting on my legs.  He carefully takes my cock out of my black underwear.  The head disappears into his mouth.  I close my eyes and let him suck me.  His tongue is busy, deep in my piss slit.  I squirm and he is suddenly chuckling.  He comes up and kisses me again. “I want to sit on that so bad—but I need to do another round in the shower.”  Another kiss—a peck good bye—and he stands up and leaves.  I close my eyes again, my cock hanging out…


I think I sleep.  At least for a moment.  My phone alarm goes off, telling me it’s time to change into what I’m wearing for the party.  I go down a flight.  I am spending the night in the guest room.  I strip and do a quick shower.  It’s a cool April night and I know the basement can be cold—so I opt for wearing my chaps.  I add a wrist cuff and leave the harness in my bag.  I stow all my clothes in the closet. I can hear the first guests arriving.


Hour One

I go down the stairs to the main floor.  There are men everywhere in states of undress.  Some are completely naked, but most sport a jock, a singlet, underwear or some piece of fetish attire.  I find a bottle of water and take a look around.  I am definitely among the eldest of the men.  I recognize a couple from the piss party who are around my age.  We chat for a bit.

A guy in his early 40’s parades in front of us.  He’s blond, with a reddish beard and a tight compact body.  He is in a leather jock and harness.  He looks at me, nods and goes around the corner to descend to the basement.  I excuse myself to the couple—who tell me to use him hard—and I go down the stairs.

The basement is dominated by a large double bed in the middle of the floor.  There is a sling on either side—both affixed from the rafters.  There is a twin mattress and a couch as other potential play areas.  At this moment, we are alone.



“I like your chaps.”

I thank him.  His eyes are all over my bulge.

“I bet you like this more…”  My hand cups my dick, growing under the stained fabric.

“Yes, Sir.”

“Show me.”  I point to the floor in front of me.  He kneels.  I pull his face into the jock pouch.  He does a quick intake of breath and lets it out slowly.  I let go.  He takes my cock out, looking at it, up and down, before it goes in his mouth.  He tries for a deep throat and gags on it.  The sound excites him.  He tries again and this time takes me to the hilt.  He pulls off me, with a sigh and begins sucking and licking the head. 

I am looking over his shoulder at a two tight, hairy ass cheeks.  I let him get my cock good and wet before I tell him to kneel on the big bed in the middle of the room.  I kneel and look at his twin mounds.  They are covered in that light blond hair you can only see up close.  I dive into his ass crack, spearing his pucker.  It gives way to me easily. 

“I want your cock in me, Sir.  And your load.”

I actually laugh at him—here we are the very first people to be playing, at a party that will last hours. 

“Eventually,” he adds, rather sheepishly. 

I drill into him, my tongue leaving behind trails of spittle.  I grease my dick with the merest gloss of lube.  I stand and insert.  He takes me like a pro.  He sighs and tells me to fuck him as hard as I want.

I start the thrusts.  Slow.  Deliberate. I slowly quicken the pace.  He yelps.  His arm flails out to grab one of the pillows on the bed.  He bites into it—and grunts out a litany of garbled fuck talk.  Hearing him makes me fuck him harder.  I slap his ass—the sound bouncing around the basement.

I stop fucking abruptly and pull out.  He spins around and cleans my cock.  He pulls off it, eyes shining and murmurs “Thank you, Sir” before he starts licking my balls…


There are many moods and scenes from the house party.  I am in a very busy time frame in my regular life—but I will try to publish one daily. There were over 90 people there—and, no, I didn’t play with them all.  But I did more than my share…


The original is here:  From My Side of the Sling: Hour by Hour--Fuck Party at Zane's (felchingpisser.blogspot.com) May 5, 2022


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