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FP at FP

I wanted to do one more post about the Fornication Party (or FP at FP as I wrote in my notes.) 


As I drove away Sunday night, I made a mental list of things I might not mention in the detailing of the terrific sex I had over the four days:

It was hot.  It reached 100 on the way down and was in the high 90’s every day at the campground. And humid.  And did I ever mention the gnats?  They swarmed and thought the best possible place to land was on your eyelashes.  A good reason to be in the pool.

As soon as I hit a main road on the trip home there was a huge billboard that read “Abandon Lust.”  As if…

Ray Dalton is a good cook.  There is something so satisfying about having hours of sex and then refueling.  Ray was the mastermind behind the midnight buffets that recharged our batteries.  I personally recommend his chicken and vegetable stew any time you can get it…

I was incredible happy on my way home.  I decided to leave that evening as I wanted to get around Atlanta with as little traffic as possible.  Driving, I couldn’t stop smiling.  Or singing.  I had spent wonderful days with fun, handsome, intelligent men.  Yeah, the sex was great.  But the connection, the sharing, we all felt was even better…


A reader, who contacted me on Recon, was curious if I would right more about the seminars.   I do not want to talk in detail about what happened in them.  They were highly personal and I will not share that.  I perhaps appreciate what we talked about more now than I did at the moment.  I have rarely been in a group where we spoke so honestly.  To hear men talk about things they had never before verbalized was amazing and humbling.

I don’t want to speak for Ray, but here are some of the takeaways I had.  Some are what he spoke about; some are the way I live my life:


Work on knowing yourself.  The more you know (and the more you accept) your needs/wants/desires the more fulfilled you will be.

There is something beautiful in everyone.   Find it, use it, celebrate it.  Move out of your comfort zone and play with a man who is not your usual type.  You have read so often in these posts how rewarding that can be.

Age is a number.  Be as fit as you can be for better living and better sex.  Tool your exercise to fit where you are in your life.

Take care of your health.  Be on top of your sexual health.  STI’s happen.  Take care of them and let others know who might be affected.  There is no shame here.  We are all brothers looking out for each other.

Mental health, especially after the pandemic, is vital.  Seek guidance if you need to—there are so many outlets available now.



There was a photo shoot around the pool.

PIC of guys.

I was sitting behind them at first.  And snapped a couple.

Ray’s butt

Two guys

And then this old guy was added.

I do like how happy David looks kneeling in front of me….


I am not reproducing the pictures here.  To find them, the porn guys and me go to:  From My Side of the Sling: FP at FP (felchingpisser.blogspot.com)  August 7, 2022



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