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On Gaming

For those who know me very well, you’d know that gaming has always been a major pillar in my life, now and forever. I still vividly recall a day in primary school when I came home, and my mother told me and my sister that my dad had gotten us a present. I had no idea what it could be, but when I saw the Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) with him playing Super Mario World, I was amazed. I had a go, but it was super difficult, and I didn’t play it much at first—my dad seemed to enjoy it more than I did. But this was the 1990s, and as a kid, there wasn’t much else to do, so I eventually started playing more. Soon, I was hooked.

My parents, being responsible, tried to limit my screen time to about two hours a day. I still remember waiting for them to leave the house—to go to the shops or a friend’s party—so I could boot up the system and sneak in some extra playtime. Gaming quickly became more than just a pastime; it became an escape and a source of excitement.

The next console I owned was the PlayStation One. At the time, my family didn’t have much discretionary cash, so I had to save up my lunch money to buy games. When we went to the shops, I’d hang out at EB Games, staring longingly at all the titles I couldn’t afford but hoped to play one day. Because of this, the few games I did own were incredibly special to me. I would spend hours replaying them, over and over again. This was a time before YouTube, Facebook, or iPhones—a time when gaming was one of the most immersive ways to lose yourself in another world.

As an adult, my gaming habits have, of course, changed. I’ve had those days where I stayed in my room from morning till night, playing games with barely a break. I remember one particular day when I drank nothing but Up & Go, only left my room to use the toilet, and probably didn’t brush my teeth or shower. I wouldn’t be surprised if I developed bed cramps that day. But it was worth it, getting completely lost in the world the developers had created. It felt like diving into a book and never wanting to come back up for air.

One game that changed the way I view gaming was The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. It was a masterpiece of open-world design, letting you explore the vast, beautiful world of Hyrule on foot or horseback. Up until this point, I hadn’t done much traveling, but this game opened my eyes to how stunning and magical the world outside my house might be. Inspired by the game, I started hiking around Melbourne and appreciating the natural beauty that was practically on my doorstep. Sometimes I’d pull over while driving through the countryside, park my car, and just stand there, taking in the scenery with the wind brushing against my face. Back then, I was single, so these moments were solitary, but they were peaceful and fulfilling in their own way.

Another reason I love gaming is the sense of community it fosters, especially with new games. When everyone’s still trying to figure out the mechanics and strategies, there’s an incredible buzz as players share ideas and discoveries. I’ve written guides for some games to help others, and doing so has given me a deeper appreciation for the way they’re designed. I love breaking a game apart, figuring out how its mechanics work, and seeing how all the pieces fit together. That process makes gaming even more enjoyable—there’s not much else in life that works quite like that.

Recently, I played a game called Nine Sols, which was one of the hardest games I’ve ever tackled. One boss fight took me six hours to beat—I rage-quit twice, swearing I’d never touch the game again, but I eventually came back and conquered it. I often wonder whether that was a good use of my time, whether I could have spent those six hours doing something more productive. The answer is probably yes, but the joy and satisfaction I felt after finally winning made it all worth it. I think that’s true for most things you enjoy in life—you invest time, face challenges, and sometimes question whether it’s worth it. But those struggles are part of the experience.

Gaming is only going to get better from here, with smoother performance, more realistic graphics, and innovative gameplay. I, for one, can’t wait to see what the future holds.


What was the first video game or console that hooked you, and how did it shape your relationship with gaming?

Has a game ever inspired you to make changes in your real life, whether it was exploring the world, building new habits, or seeing things differently?


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