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somewhere i can dump all my dirty little secrets and fantasies! Hope you all enjoy it!

So the other night i went for a walk in my ripped up jeans. i got lucky on the bike path (see post #2154 Where did you get (or give) your last load?) Tonight i was hoping for some sort of repeat offense, but no luck :-(

I walked the path for two hours with my cock out thru the rip in the front, or holding my pants at my knees, or sitting on the benches stroking my cock thru the rip that spans from the top of my ass crack to the back of my ball sack. The only travelers on the path tonight were two hot guys, both of which i'd gladly have sucked or let fuck me...or both! but they were both walking dogs...big dogs, so i wasn't about to ask them if they wanted to fuck for fear of them letting their dogs loose on my gay ass! thats all i need is to end up in the hospital and my family to ask "what the fuck were you doing on the bike path at midnight?!" ..."well ya see mom and dad, i was horny so i went slumming"...yeah i think not!

so since tonight was a total bust for getting sum cum, i guess i'll have to just do it my self! thank god for large toys!! i'll just have to settle for tasting my own cum and piss tonight...boo

Come back for more later!


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