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Best Laid Plans...

So here I was, all set to head out to one of the local bookstores and take load after load and then be finished off by my buddy with a high viral load. I had it all planned out, which jock to wear, what lube to take, which poppers to use, and if I would take a little G before I left the house. All I needed now was the ringmaster to call and tell me that everything was on as planned. As I sat anxiously by the phone, waiting for that light vibration, I noticed that the time on the clock was getting later and later. I had been stood up...

Usually it wouldn't be a big deal, but this was something that I had to really pysch myself up for. I had often fantasized about throwing all caution to the wind and just taking every cock that could empty a load inside me. I always stopped myself and either stayed home to jerk off to bb porn or would go out, have a few drinks, and have bb sex with a random hookup. This, however, was a big deal.

I craved having as much cock, and as many loads, buried deep inside me for as long as they kept lining up for a turn. I was ready to not turn a single guy away. I finally found that place within me that allowed me to lower my inhibitions and get over my fears. I stopped being so damned judgmental and decided to live the life I had denied myself for so many years. Yet here I sat...at home...alone.

I haven't heard from my buddy since then and I don't think I will. I have two friends that are both undetectable that I am going to be a regular cum dump for. I know that it can be more difficult to become infected by someone that's undetectable, but believe me, I'm going to give it the all American try.

More to come....


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