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Gifting my lad



I wanted to share this with other TWISTED FUCKERS. Some of you might think that what I’m about to say “crosses a line” – you’re entitled to that opinion and I respect that. But there are those who I'm confident will enjoy reading my experience, and if a few of you SICKO PIGS get horned, even better. This is absolutely true and contains ZERO made up elements added for effect or as filler for any shit parts. True, He’s not identified. He’s very real and has equally real reasons why that is the case.

Funny how we never see ourselves as others see us. I never thought I'd want or have the headspace that would collar a guy.... but my Brother played with this guy and immediately suggested he'd be a good Boy for his younger Brother. I made a joke about me having his SLOPPY SECONDS - as usual (OINK!! love it really).

Anyhow he put us in touch, we chatted for about 4 weeks before our first meet..... The kind of intense, TABOO, and TWISTED chats you rarely have with a PIG you haven't yet met. The only thing that he said he would NEVER be able to get his head round was BUG CHASERS. Fuck it I thought, he's so TABOO in so much other stuff that won't make a difference. Personally I've got total respect for the guys who take the initiative and HUNT VIRAL GIFTERS, and yeh they give me the BIGGEST HORN!!!

We are both POZ but 2 days before that first meet the doctors confirmed that the HEP C (strain 4) BUG that I'd had treatment for and completed 6 months before had come back and I was BIO-HAZ HEP PIG AGAIN.

So I did the honorable thing (as he was clearly special) and called him and offered him the chance to stop and walk away - no fault / no blame. He rejected the offer straight away. I was glad he did and was just happy to not be rejected like a fucking leper (I used to give a fuck about shit like that). He said that in line with his professed disagreement with the concept of BUG CHASING, he said we'd take "reasonable care".

We met and we bonded from the start. Surprised me a bit but he took no "care" and to be honest I just loved sharing the toys, swapping PURE FUCKED UP BODY FLUIDS. It was clear he was CHASING MY BUG. So to show him how much I thought of him I'd decided within the first 2 hours to give him what he wanted and just get on with STELTHING HIM and worked on that basis for the rest of the weekend.

As soon as we met for our second session a couple of weeks later he MANFULLY and with a totally clear head asked me to BREED HIM. Naturally, for me, I never thought twice and said I'd be PROUD for him carry MY STRAIN. I straight away I confessed that I was planning to STELTH him anyhow. He told me he would have expected nothing less from a TWISTED FUCK, and by the way he would have done the same if the situations were reversed. It was a no-brainer for me and offering my collar just felt totally natural. I was going to change his life forever I wanted to make it possession at an INTERNAL AND EXTERNAL level, so the world knew this FUCKING ANIMAL belonged to someone. Because a HANDLER had used him a few years before who'd offered him as a K9 CUM-DUMP to his hound and he'd soaked up all the DOG SPUNK due to the K9 bloating up and forming the KNOT that he’d been hoping for, I designated him as YORKI'S DOG.

At our next session I set about KNOCKING UP MY DOG with a single-minded focus. I started by BLOOD FUCKING as much as possible over a 24 hour session. The first fist he took within 30 minutes of starting to play.... No great trick? Well to be fair it wasn’t an “easy” fist.... I just made a SOLID CLENCHED FIST, use my RIGHT HAND (the bigger of my two) and over the space of less then 5 minutes I steady GROUND my paw into HIS TOTALLY DRY & UN-PREPARED CUNT.... a first for him and he took it like a FUCKING HERO!! I needed his guts good and tendorised and PRIMED TO SOAK UP MY VIRAL BLOOD. We had a NASTY hard core DRUG FUELLED, METH AND G DRIVEN PIGFEST followed!! I wanted to breed him "naturally" and decided that he would NOT stay as my dog for long.... and that it felt right to follow my Big Brothers example who used a BLOOD BREEDING to turn his Boy into his SON. Besides he's too GOOD, not to mention MALIGNANT, to restrict with labels that often mean PIGS are less free to roam.

Last week, before our 4th session I realised that "naturally" is NOT THE PIG WAY. The PIG WAY is to just fucking go for it. So I told him what I'd decided and that his first SLAM of the night would be a nice BIG POINT and the carrier fluid would be only about 20% of the usual saline - and the other 80% of the SLAM would be my FRESHLY DRAWN BLOOD, direct from my VEIN and IMMEDIATELY SLAMMED INTO HIS BLOOD STREAM. His eye's lit up and he said he wanted to make sure it was my strain and my I was his GIFTER.

It was SOO INTENSE, FUCKED UP, NASTY but at the same time intimate and am now a VERY PROUD father. I will be able to let him know what it feels like to have a PROPER FATHER in a way that the guy who, MY SON tells me was a bad father (not in the GOOD way PIGS understand), who made his early life a crock of shit to the extent that the last useful thing he did or kindness he showed MY SON was to provide the spunk that lead to him being born.

So far I think I'm fulfilling my paternal duties – It’s been less than 2 weeks since I gave him his first BLOOD SLAM, with his BIGGEST METH POINT that he’s had to date, plus started showing him all I know about the NASTIEST SEX plus I've set him free and took away the distraction of playing the 'waiting game" to get the LAST BIG BUG as it’s done and sorted leaving him free to enjoy the further decent into DARK & TWISTED places. What better way for a Father to love his Son??

He's going to waiting 13 weeks before going to get tested to see if my, our, objective has been achieved and know that he's carrying my bug forever. Not sure how we’ll celebrate when we get the news. He’ll excited like a kid waiting for Santa on Christmas Eve waiting for that one day.

Me?? Yeh, can’t wait to see him complete, but at least he hasn’t got one “right of passage” to go through again. We’ve all experienced it. Which one?? The one where you find out for all these years there wasn’t really a Santa – It was YOUR FATHER ALL THE TIME

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