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MY LAD SUCCESSFULLY GIFTED (Update to "Gifting My Lad")

I took my Son to the hospital on 6th November so we could get the results of the tests on the bloods the Doc's had taken a couple of weeks before.

We were both quietly confident that a combination of My HEP C virus being good and potent right now and an INTENSE, DEDICATE & FREQUENT PROGRAMME. We'd been mainly doing:

DIRECT DELIVERY (rig drawing the MAX it would hold and immediately into his vein) - mostly mixed with METH.

DRY FISTING my Sons cunt, getting the ground prepared by tenderising it and once nicely mashed using a RIG TO SPIKE THE HEAD OF MY DICK until it was my BUG LOADED BLOOD was running good then a good long grinding fuck with my BLOOD as the only lube

Also (my personal favorite) sharing BIG TOYS used hard on each other so they were coated with DNA - Liked it because I got to take his juices in me, so more "sharing and bonding" with him.

Usually it was the boy reminding me that it had been "a couple of hours since his last BUGGING" immediately followed by him asking if he could have another one now - made me smile every time... Also made me FUCKING PROUD and as HORNY AS FUCK that he was not a passive receiver of my HEP C, but a PREDITORY and FOCUSED CHASER!!

Anyhow My Son and I are WELL PLEASED TO REPORT THAT WE GOT A VERY POSITIVE RESULT!!!! He's as pleased as fuck and one HAPPY PIG. ME, Yeh there's a little macho pride in me SCORING A DIRECT HIT FIRST TIME. I'm just as happy to give this TWISTED LAD what he wanted. We BOTH feel that our BOND SOLID and MORE SO now that it will always be a fact and nothing will change this..... HE GOT HIS DISEASE FROM HIS LOVING FATHER.

We've already decided on our first action now our initial goal has been reached.......ANY BUG HUNTING PIGS ARE INVITED TO GIVE ME A SHOUT...... We would like to offer and DOUBLE DOSE HEP C POZING TO ALL COMERS where we can make the logistics of getting together work. If you want a "reference" to suggest if you're going to GET THE BUG?? That'll be provided by my Son who'll be next to get his BUGZ into you.

Why we want to do this you ask??? Simple, he's like a kid with a new toy - wants to use it asap. We both appreciate the bonding qualities for us in working together to the same objective as equals... OH YEh, ITS WELL TWISTED AND HORNY. So come on YOU BUGS CHASERS, If you ***GENUINELY WANT THIS GIFT, THEN WE'D CONSIDER IT AN HONOUR TO HELP A FELLOW PIG***

PLEASE.... GENUINE REQUESTS *O*N*L*Y*. At the same time come on PIGS, take control, take the opportunity, and take the next step along the TWISTED ROAD!!!


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