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The Palm Springs week ends

After a great fucking late Friday night into Saturday, and still being on east coast time body clock wise, I was up at 7 am Saturday morning. I made a walk around the resort, checking out the sex room- 2 men were in the sling ( well, 1 was in the sling, the other was draped over him) Just basic fucking, and it looked like they had been doing it for a while and were in the process of trying to recover- or the guy in the sling was in the process of getting a piss enema as still as they both were. As I wandered out and back to the main pool, I passed 3 guys on the loungers already- sipping Starbucks. Caffeine sounded perfect- so after finding out where they found the coffee, I pulled on a pair of shorts and a t shirt and headed over for my own coffee. I discovered there was a grocery store in the strip mall , and made a side trip there and loaded up on more room food- focused on things I could store in the refrigerator in the room for meals thru the day. I was set- no need to stop for food breaks outside the resort- just a sandwich now and then and sex.

Back at the resort the men were waking up and staking out lounge chairs by the time I returned, so I marked my territory and sat pool side with a coffee and some snacks. The chairs filled, but everyone was in some form of underwear/swimsuit save for me- I was bare assed and wearing my rubber ball stretcher. Two guys who had gotten frisky the day before by the pool returned on day passes, and sat nearby- and began chatting about all the various fetishes, and very curious about the ball stretcher- so I talked and explained , and even got them to shed their underwear exposing their sweet uncut cocks , at least for a while. But both were shy- 1 was definitely more of the Alpha of the 2 and seemed almost ready to get kinky- but then some of their friends arrived and they quickly put their underwear back on and went to hang with the buds. I ended up drifting around the pool all afternoon- short trips to the room for a snack or to get a beverage, but the sex room was too crowded- the kind of setting where too many crowds out any real play- lots of guys jerking along the wall, but no room to service them nor any desire on their part to get too excited ( and cum) Even the guy on the love seat was doing a mindless jerk- and kept brushing off guys who approached- he had just had his tits pierced the week before ( WHAT THE FUCK WAS HE THINKING??) and they were sore and he didn't want any play. By sunset, I had a full day of desert sun,there were 2 sex parties to go to, and headed to the room, when it happened. As I neared the room, I began a series of non stop sneezes. I got in the room, and the sneezing continued, as my sinuses began to close up. I quickly downed an Allegra sinus/allergy tab, and hit the shower to try and rinse off any pollen or irritant. The nose was running like a bad faucet, and i was getting achy, so I dug around in the suitcase and found some Sudaphed and popped 2 and curled up in the bed. I woke up around 10 pm and realized the 1st party was already nearing the end of its cycle, and then realized I wasn't going anywhere- I was achy, snotty, and tired. When I woke again, it was 2 am, and I made a few desperate blows to clear my nose, then headed out to walk the property . In the sex room, I was on a mission and managed to get 2 fast fucks up my ass- I couldn't even tell you who or what it was that fucked me- I just know there was cum in my hole- the 2nd loads pH was acidic enough I could feel a burn as he shot in me- and as he nutted and pulled out, my nose began to run again, so I left and went back to the room, popped a couple more tablets, and went back to sleep. I woke Sunday, still stuffy but not dripping so I went to the pool, and staked out a spot. I made sure to pop another Allegra, and it seemed to hold me thru the day. The resort was doing a BBQ in the afternoon, so I did an early walk around, and managed to get a fuck in followed by a guy who wanted a BJ, which I delivered gladly. As more guys came to life, I began to hear about how the various parties had been, and how cruisy the resort had been all night long. FUCK! Around noon, I went to the room, got a clean bandana and a tub of lube, and went to the sex room- about 15 men in there , and most seemed ready for some release. I worked my way into the back corner, slid down into a squat, and slipped the bandana over my eyes in a blindfold- I could see feet, but not the man, and from their angle they had to assume I couldn't see anything. At first things were slow- a few were curious but timid- but once 1 guy fed me his cock and then his load, I ended up servicing 5 men in a row, getting loads form each of them. Then the action and room tapered off- a couple of guys were up for a BJ but not into cumming, so I finally stood back up, removed the bandana, and returned to the pool. The 5 loads in my gut were tasty, but the BBQ was just getting presented, and smelled great- so I took a place in line and took care of real food for the day. I made several trips to the room, and on one of those trips I was at the door just as a guy walked by- he seemed to be looking, and sure enough, I got him in the room and had him fucking me in no time at all. He shot his load and headed back out, and I did the same,laying in the sun as his jizz baked in my butt. As the sun went down, the allergies went back into overdrive, and I ended up in the room sneezing the rest of the night, and feeling like crap- hollow head and achy again. I did a few anti histamines and crashed out again, waking at 1a and doing a few walk arounds. The sex room was wall to wall, and I managed to eat 1 fast load before I gave up- the heat of all those men sweating and and the antihistamines just drained me, and I went back to bed.

I woke Monday, and after getting a coffee, my nose seemed to be under control again, so I wandered the resort and soon realized the men were thinned - I guess a lot were on their way back to LA or SanDiego. As a matter of reference- it was the 1st time I had seen the dark room empty and no signs of sex anywhere. I surrendered to the fact the weekend was ending- and my week in the desert too- and hopped in the car and took off to do some non sexual activity. I got up in the Whitewater Canyon area and hiked back up into the hills for a few hours- after getting away from the parking lot area, and all the screaming kids, I was out on trails with no one around- I hiked back into the back country for an hour, and never saw another person- so quiet you could actually hear the air moving past your head. I was so fukkin tempted to strip bare assed and hike on, but figured as soon as I did some pack of school kids or off duty cops would come over the next hill and I'd get busted, so I settled for taking off the tank top and going from there. As I hiked back towards the parking area, I in fact did pass one woman hiking back in , so I guess naked hiking has its time and place.

Back in the resort, the pool was virtually deserted, and the sex room had 1 guy stroking on the love seat. I sat by the pool for a while, but it was sort of like watching the clean up crew sweeping up the streets in New Orleans after Fat Tuesday- the party had come and gone. I went back to the room, and packed my own bags up so I wouldn't have that hanging over me in the morning. A friend in PS had invited me over for a cook out, and I went, a little snifffly but manageable . It was so great to hang with him and his husband- it was my 2nd chance to get to know his husband and meet some of their friends- but I was pretty much worn out between the sex and sinuses and headed back to the room after a few hours. ( and so he could get some rest- he had a fall the morning before and was def in an uncomfortable sort of way) I was still having allergies that evening and once in the room took a couple more anti histamines, which knocked me out . I woke up around 3am, and made a few wasted efforts to roll over and go back to sleep- so I got up and walked the property. A couple of guys were either sitting by the hot tub, or were chilling out- but the sex room was eerily empty and cool (finally!!) It seemed like the few out were refusing to let the night end, even tho they were not hunting any action. Even the guy in the room next to me was up , door open and online- but not doing anything else much. I finally retreated to my own room, and the bed, and grabbed a couple of hours of semi sleep before having to put the bags in the car and leave the city.

On the outside chance any of you who may have read any of these installments were one of the men who fed me your load or fist, I want to thank you again, or for the first time. I had that Dawson kind of wish of 57 loads on my birthday- it didn't come close to that number, but I sure had a good time with those who did contribute to the cause. I did a semi log of the loads after the 1st day, when I realized they would all begin to become a blur, and if I wasn't sure if it resulted in a load, I didn't count it. ( Some guys did fuck my ass for a bit and then would pull out and walk away- never panting or grunting, and replaced before I could tell if there was extra cum in my ass; so I didn't count them in the load count) Fro a week in Palm Springs, and in site of nightly allergies taking me out of the parties where I am sure I would have scored a few more loads, I ended up getting my hole bred 19 times, I was fed 11 loads, and at various times over the week my ass got fisted 5 times. Oddly, for a city that hosts Wet and Hot , I never was fed any piss at all- maybe the next trip out west will be a wetter one...

BTW- the flights home did wonders for drying up my snot maker, but it has not gone away. Daily Allegra, and even resorting to a netti pot , but the sinuses still want me to know they are more powerful than the universe Ah well, it is Monday, my work week Friday, and I have to get dry so I can offer my ass up to a wildman fister who uses it out on a back patio of a small bar in Miami Tuesday night


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