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This blog is going to be sort of the story of my life, how I went from being a young boy with confused sexual impulses to the cum slut I am, today.


Part I: Ages 10 to 18 (or so)


When I was very young, I had a few "gay" experiences with a close friend of mine, exposing ourselves to each other, some touching, nothing much more than that. Neither of us really knew what the hell we were doing, just that it was fun and taboo. In the scouts, I had a couple of naked romps during camping trips with a "friend" who later turned out just to be an asshole; I think he was a confused as I was and took that out on me by picking on me after I left the scouts. So, nothing very overt.


I learned to masturbate, probably the same as most guys, by a friend showing me and another friend how to do it, in our "fort" in my backyard. We were living in Japan at the time (military brats) and would titillate each other by buying selections of Japanese condoms and using them in our group jerk sessions. No one touched anyone else's cock, it was strictly solo action, but I enjoyed looking at my buddy's cocks while I stroked mine...for the all of two minutes it took to come!


In my later teens, I really suppressed any gay tendencies I had from my younger years. The military was very anti-gay at the time and, of course, those attitudes trickled down to us kids. I dated girls a little bit, enough to deflect suspicion, and kept my sex life limited to "Mother Thumb and her four daughters". I also had this big, glass test tube I stole from class, a good six inches long and about an inch and half in diameter that, with some Vaseline, I used on my ass. I know, glass, right? But I was careful and, more to the point, horny.


This was all during the period from about 1975 to 1983, no Internet, no widespread access to porn of any kind, and the gay rights movement hadn't spread to mainstream American, yet. I graduated from high school and entered the Army with almost no experience with other males and only a vague and very limited acknowledgement of my own sexuality.


End Part I


(I'll keep going if anyone expresses interest in the comments; otherwise I'll just let this die right here. Thanks for staying with me this far - Steven)

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