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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/15/2021 in Blog Entries

  1. I hotel hosted last night. I hadn’t really planned to, but I was in my old hometown where I grew up, hadn’t been there in 25 years, was at loose ends in the evening, so, what the hell. Friday night, not a very big town, but bigger than a village, so you never know. I had been gone so long I wouldn’t know anyone local and have no plans to ever come back anyway, so why not do my anal duty? I got a hit - a young guy, he had nibbled the day before, but was biting now, and had a friend. Could they both come? Absolutely. So while I’m waiting for them I get another hit. A guy a little older, mid-30s, wants to fuck, only about a mile off. Can he come right now? Right Now is excellent. I always prefer guys who want it without delay - less chance of flakery. Sure, come and get it. [Short pause] You’re really close, can you come pick me up? I’ll treat you so good. Goddamn it. No, I don’t provide transportation, only ass. Sorry. [After a bit] You’re close enough I can walk, address? I give him the address. Then I chance to click on his profile and read “I don’t have anywhere to stay, if you can help me out I’d really appreciate it” Goddamn it. Wait a minute. I just read your profile. I’m offering you a fuck, not a place to stay. You come in, you fuck, you leave. That’s how this works. You cannot stay here. [Long pause] Understand Whew. Bullet dodged. In come the first two guys. Both very overweight, shall we say “lightly washed” in the groin area, and soft. They both fling themselves down on their backs on the bed, classic pose of lazy Tops expecting head. Goddamn it. Guy 1 is a young Man Of Color with a BBmicropenis. The other, a young latinx dude with button-like proportions which thankfully turned out to be of the ‘grower’ variety...but somewhat pungent in a way that may arouse some followers of these forums. Myself, not so much. Nonetheless, my duty was plain, and my training compelled it. I had them both hard within about five minutes. Guy 1 gets up and moves behind to mount me. There is a pause, marked by crinkled rustling. He’s getting out a condom and putting it on. Goddamn it. He has, to be fair, a rock-hard 3-1/2 inches, so I definitely feel it. He thrusts a few times, pushes my head down on his friend’s cock a few times, pulls out, crinkle-rustle, puts on another condom, thrusts a little more, then reassumes the position. He motions for his friend to get up. ”Both of the condoms broke, though,” he said. He broke...two...condoms...in a row... with a few jabs from his shortstick? The friend seemed hesitant, so I explained U=U, my status, reassured that he did not have to do anything he wasn’t comfortable doing. He decided to fuck, but fumbled around my hole until he went soft. I sucked him back to life and he fucked me for a couple of disinterested minutes before returning to the position. I make it a point when working with multiple men at once to make sure my service is equally distributed, so I next applied tongue to Guy 1 again, and in pretty short order he whitewashed my tongue. I swallowed and went back to his friend, hoping to finish off the episode quickly. Twenty minutes later my jaw locks up and he shows no sign of being close. In fact, he’s been basically expressionless the entire time, giving me nothing to guide me. He says, Do you like to ride? And gestures at his cock. Lazy. Top. He lies there like a beached manatee, doesn’t even help guide himself into my hole, and I do my best to ride him, but his heft prevents me from really getting any leverage on his pelvis so I don’t know if I’m doing much of anything except keeping him inside me. At a point where I’m doing a desperation move with my back arched backward, my hands gripping his ankles and my ass pistoning back and forth rapidly to try to score some angular friction, out of the side of my eye I see the door to the room open. In comes a guy with a rucksack and a guitar. He goes into the bathroom and shuts the door. It’s obviously the guy with no place to stay. Goddamn it. Guy 2’s cock slides out of me; he’s ready to stop. No expression; I have no idea whether he enjoyed using my body or not. They get dressed to go, and Guy 1 comes up, thanks me for a good time, gives me a hug, and mutters in my ear, “I’ve seen him around. He’s a little crazy. Be careful.” They depart, leaving me buck naked in a hotel room with God Knows What. Momentarily, God Knows What (hereafter GKW) finishes his business and emerges from the bathroom in his underwear, blue and shivering. He has clearly been walking around outdoors for quite some time in the near-freezing weather. For God’s Sake. I ask him if he would like to take a warm shower to warm himself up. He says that would be very nice. I start his water, get him a towel, and leave him to his (lengthy) shower. As I wait, I put on some clothes. The last thing this guy needs is to be spending his energy fucking me if he’s on the street. I check to see where the local shelter is located; I can’t let this stranger stay in my hotel room, but I can warm him up, make sure he has something to eat, and offer to take him somewhere where he can be out of the cold. Guy 1 messages me and asks how things are going. I tell him what I’m doing, he says, “Aww, you’re nice.” I don’t know about nice; I was a park ranger, and this is practical. The guy comes out, looks better but still a little pale, I offer to make him a cup od warm coffee. Yes, please. Sugars? Three. Cream? Two. I make the coffee in the bathroom. When it’s done, I emerge to find GDW talking on his headset phone with what appears to be the boyfriend whose car he lately got out of and walked away from because his boyfriend was entertaining a pair of drug dealers and GKW didn’t want to be around them for fear of being caught up in some sort of police sting. I listened to him unroll the panoply of his convoluted drama, complete with broad hand gestures the boyfriend couldn’t see, for about five minutes, before I said, rather pointedly, “You’re going to have to call him back.” After a minute he wound up the call and I asked if he has had anything to eat; he had had something in the afternoon. I explained that as I had told him, he couldn’t stay here, but I would be glad to drive him to the local shelter or anywhere he needed to go. ”Oh, I never go to shelters.” Well. I suggested that if he felt he was too good for a shelter when he had no other place to go, it was best he just be on his way. And, then, of course, he flips out. I am now bullying and abusing him - how dare I - just because he’s having a problem doesn’t mean I have a right to push him around. Then he fires off : ”I have Asperger’s!” Indeed? ”I have Asperger’s.” This catches him up a bit; he wasn’t expecting that. ”So... so you understand!” ”I most certainly do. I’ve struggled with Asperger’s for well over 35 years.” ”Well I’m 37!” ”So basically I’ve been dealing with it as long as you’ve been alive.” I suspect that this line of attack has worked out very differently for him previously, and he’s learned to use his autism as a means to manipulate people. With me, it’s like oil on Teflon. He falls back to abusive language. I tell he’s going to have to leave the room immediately, and if he doesn’t I will be forced to call for the police. ”Who do you think brought me here?” he said. “If you touch my stuff I’ll call them myself.” I picked up his bag and his guitar and set them by the door. I went over to the phone by the bed an picked up the receiver. He quickly started putting on his clothes. I paused. ”Are you afraid to call them?” he said “How will you save face?” ”I don’t give a shit what anyone thinks about me doing this.” He quickly finished dressing, picked up his headset, called someone and said, “Can you come pick me up? Can - Can you please - just come pick me up?” (Note that apparently the person he was talking to already knew where he was.) Then he hesitated, drank half the cup of coffee that I had made him in a couple of gulps, told me what a fucking asshole I was, and left. I mean. Goddamn it. The thing is, I know better. Of course I have better sense than this. The trouble is that one Biblical account of angels disguised as travelers who seek shelter, and we are instructed never to refuse shelter to one in need because you never know. (The practical application of the scripture being to encourage mutual social support.) Add to this a 30-year career as a park ranger, for whom the sight of a person who walks in chilled from exposure to the elements triggers an almost visceral response. Still, I had the presence of mind to decide, first thing, that 1) letting him fuck me was out of the question; 2) I needed to put on some clothes; and 3) I needed to put my self-defense weapon where I could easily reach it. He never knew it was there, but it was there. By this point I was not only ready to call it a night, I didn’t care if I never saw that godforsaken town again. Thirty minutes later, as I was preparing to close up shop completely and go to bed, I got a Grindr hit asking for an anon quickie right now. Goddamn it. You see, I know I keep saying it, and I don’t expect that any of you actually believe me because it just sounds too much like a fantasy, but when a Top asks me for my ass, I feel psychologically compelled to obey. A man used actual techniques to train me to react this way. So I agreed to take one more fuck. As it turned out, one more absolutely, toe-curlingly delicious fuck by a young guy with superb thighs. He wanted me missionary and I’m so glad he did - the bliss spread across his face in waves as he slicked in and out of my hot cunt, and when he finally shot what I later discovered was a huge load deep inside me, the smile on his face as he came in one instant made up for everything that had happened before. So, what is the moral of this tale? I’m not really sure. I want to be able to continue to place my trust in the essential good nature of people; I’m a trusting soul to start with, but if I’m going to achieve my goal of giving Tops the ability to take absolutely anything they want from me, I have to not only remain intimately vulnerable, but become radically more so. When I returned home this evening after a 5- hour drive, the moment I walked in the door I got a message on A4A: Did I want to fuck now? I let the guy know I had just gotten in and that it would take some time to prep myself, and he could probably find another willing bottom in the time it would take me to prep. I said I would, however, go ahead and begin to prep myself in case he didn’t find anyone, because he should not have to go without ass if I could prevent it. ”Thanks,” he replied. Then: ”Could you come pick me up for a while? You’re not far away.” Goddamn it.
    1 point
  2. Long haul (or OTR: Over The Road) truck drivers are one of those iconic masculine gay sex figures, like bikers, cops or military men. They're blue collar guys who spend long stretches away from home, making them sexually frustrated enough to try sex with guys. Or that's how it works in the pornos. Much like the police or the military, there have always been gay truckers, but they've often felt the need to be very discreet. A lot of people in the industry come from rural or small town conservative backgrounds. So it's generally easier for gay and bi drivers to keep things on the downlow and not make waves. And that can make it challenging for outsiders who'd like to get into the sleeper berth and the pants of a trucker. So here are some tips and things to consider: Cruising For Truckers Growlr and Scruff. Your best bet is to get an Android or iPhone smartphone so you can use these apps (Grindr is much less popular with drivers). Many if not most gay and bi drivers will cruise here because of how easy it is to locate potential hookups near your current location. This is also by far the safest method of cruising. Other cruising sites. These are of less value because updating location information is usually a hassle. BBRT works great for people who travel once or twice a year. It's not so good for people who are in a different place every night. Still, you will run into some drivers who use regular sites, especially if they're for a specialized kink. Some truckers do also post Craigslist ads if they know they're going to be parking in a particular city for a bit. CB Radio. This is the traditional cruising method unique to truckers and their fans. The problem is that CB is an open broadcast, meaning that your conversations are insecure. You don't know who's listening. And while only bi and gay truckers are using gay apps, all truckers know what a "good buddy" is and how they operate on the CB. So be cautious when arranging a hookup this way. Arcades and Porn Theaters. In many parts of the US, you'll find adult stores in the middle of nowhere right off the interstate highway. Likewise, it's reasonably common to find them within walking distance of a truck stop. Most have parking for semis available. Cruise there as you normally would (i.e. as long as your spending money and not having sex out in the open, you're probably fine). It's often easier to hook up with a trucker in the arcade and then get invited to hop in his sleeper. Rest Area Cruising. Nowhere near as prevalent as it used to be, due to increased security and law enforcement. Be extremely subtle, have a good reason to be hanging out in the rest area and do not engage in public sex. Climb in the cab instead. Truck Stop Cruising. Also problematic, due to heightened security and lots of activity around the clock. Basically, you need to resurrect the lost art of cruising. Look like you fit in. Make and hold eye contact. Strike up a conversation. If you're lucky, you'll get an invitation into the cab. Never ever knock on the door of a truck without prior arrangements. Restroom cruising. In the wake of Larry Craig, everyone knows what tapping your foot means. Generally too dangerous. More information about cruising truckers is here. Getting in the Cab You've got to get to where we are. Parking for our trucks and trailers is mostly limited to truck stops, rest areas, and a few other places like Wal-Mart parking lots. Moreover, once we park for the day, the regulations are set up to encourage us to stay parked until we're ready to move on. In addition, many drivers prefer not to leave their trucks unattended for too long. The net result is that we're usually hosting. We stay out of major cities as much as possible. Especially older, east coast cities with tight corners and low bridges. Going after truckers is actually one area where rural gay people have an advantage over those in the cities. In major cities, the truck stops tend to be located well out on the exurban fringe where land is cheap and crime is less of a problem. City dwellers without cars may not be able to get to us at all. However, along the rural stretches of the interstates, there are all kinds of places to park, meaning that when I am in your area, you can probably get to me fairly easily. We have very little control over where we're going to go next. This applies especially to company drivers, who basically go wherever the company tells them to. Independents may have some more flexibility, but in general, truckers have to go where the freight goes, not necessarily where the sex is. I probably can't take you with me. Traveling with a truck driver (perhaps in exchange for sex?) is a nice fantasy that comes up from time to time, but the reality is that most companies have strict ridealong policies limiting passengers to immediate family members. Independent owner-operators will have more flexibility here, since they can do whatever they damn well please with their own truck. Even if we're nearby, we can't always hook up. On-time delivery is the most important part of the job. Our driving and sleeping schedules are regulated by the government. This means that margins are sometimes tight, and we don't have time (or energy) for sex. If we're ready to play, move quickly. Remember, we're often under the gun as far as time is concerned, and we may need to get enough sleep in to drive 600+ miles the next day. So the window for playing can be small. If I'm looking and ready to go now, you want to be climbing in my truck ASAP, otherwise, you may miss the opportunity. Relationships and friendships are hard to maintain. Don't be insulted if I seem to be blowing you off. I've received interest from guys all over the country, most of whom I will probably park near at some point. But sheer numbers dictates that I'll only be able to maintain some kind of long distance friendship with a few of you. And even that's going to be tenuous, since we'll rarely see each other. In other words, this is probably just going to be casual sex. Truck Driver Reality I hope you like your guys big. Unlike porn, where truckers have gorgeous gym-sculpted bodies and carefully trimmed body hair with tasteful tattoos, in reality obesity, diabetes and high blood pressure are the three biggest health problems in the industry. The reasons are obvious: we sit all day driving up to 11 hours; the food in the truck stops is abysmally unhealthy; opportunities for exercise are few and far between. Don't count on us being freshly showered. I typically get a chance to shower about once every second or third day. While I can do quick rinses with washclothes and baby wipes in between, truck drivers can often have a bit of a funk about them. On the other hand, if I've got time to get laid, I've probably got time to hit the shower too. Still, personal hygiene can often be a little uneven. If we bottom, don't expect porn star levels of cleanliness down below. I have used the private truck stop showers to make sure my ass is good and clean and ready for action before. But I have a limited amount of time to use them. After that, I've only got public men's rooms. In other words, I'll do the best I can with the facilities I have to be clean before you fuck me. But sometimes, shit happens. A little understanding will help me with the embarrassment factor immensely. And I will have wet wipes and towels on hand to clean up any mess. No drugs or alcohol, but most of us smoke. DUI laws are especially harsh on truck drivers, as you'd expect for someone managing 40+ tons down the highway. One hot UA or blood alcohol test pretty much ends our career. So if you indulge, even if it's legal in your state, it's better to leave it at home. On the other hand, a lot of drivers smoke cigarettes. If smoking's a problem for you, best to clarify that in advance.
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