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Everything posted by ttr75

  1. Hey there!  Big smoke fetish here...hit me up!

  2. Hey sexy!  Big smoke fetish here!

    1. Smokerboy148


      Hell yeah. Let’s get together and have some fun

  3. Hey there!  Would love to swap smoke with you.  Woooof!

  4. Hey there!  Would love to cloud chase with ya...and then some!  Sexy as fuck!

  5. I completely agree with you there. In addition, taking multiple drags - with or without nosejets in between - epitomize masculinity.
  6. Thank you!
  7. I dream about it daily...
  8. Hey I just sent you a message request

  9. hey bud...msg me on [deleted] ttr75 if you can

  10. hey there...pm me plz

  11. As I sit here, chain smoking between Marlboro Lights and Camel Wides, I'm reminded of my first trainee. Gary was a big burly man. He was everything I wanted, except for one thing. He was straight and had never smoked a cigarette in his life. Not to be discouraged, I decided one day to see if he had any curiosity in him at all. I had just gotten off work, and mustered up the courage to get my questions answered. I had already played out several scenarios in my head, determined to succeed. I sent him a text - Me: "Gary, are you busy? I'm close by and want to visit for a few" Gary: "Sure, I'm home by myself. Come on over" Without hesitation, I drove over to his house. He lived not too far from my office. I knocked on the door, trying to keep my hard cock from showing through my shorts. He answered and said, "Come on in! What's up?" I said, "Gary, sit down. I need to talk to you about a couple of things". To his surprise, I pulled out some T and a rig, and asked him if he knew what I had just showed him. He said, "Damn! I had no idea you did that". I said, "Do you want to get spun with me?" He said, "Let me think about it. What else is on your mind?" My heart was about to pound out of my chest. I had dreamed about watching him smoke a cigarette for the 10 years I had known him. I said, "I want to teach you how to smoke a cigarette." Laughingly, I added, "and how to inhale it properly. Exhale from your nostrils". I had asked Gary a few times in the past if he wanted to smoke with me as I lit up, but he had always declined the offer - yet seemed curious as to the mechanics of smoking. Me: "Please don't make me beg" Gary: "Ok. Teach me." My dick immediately started to precum. It took every ounce of my being to not blow my load. I pulled out 2 Marlboro Lights from the pack in my shirt pocket. I could tell he was nervous, but showed interest in everything I was doing from that point. I said, "Ok, I'm going to light this first one for you. Watch my cheeks, mouth, and chest as I light it. After its lit, I'm going to give the lit cigarette to you. Just hold it until I tell you otherwise." With his eyes wide open, he nodded. I put one cigarette in my mouth and lit it. I took a deep drag, inhaled deeply, and exhaled from my nostrils - 2 thick plumes of smoke coming from my nose. I just happened to glance down and saw that his cock was beginning to bulge from his shorts. Me: "Gary, are you hard?" Gary: "Actually, yes I am!" Me: "Are you hard because of the smoking or something else" Gary: "To be honest, watching you suck on that white filter is getting me horned up" My cock started throbbing. I couldn't believe what I was seeing and hearing. I handed the lit cigarette to him - his hands shaking violently. I put my hand on his shoulder and said, "Gary, relax. It's ok". After his shaking subsided, he said, "Ok, lets do this. What do I need to do first?" Realizing that the first part of my fantasy was about to come true, I looked Gary in the eye and said, "Listen. I want you to smoke this cigarette like a man. Smoking is the epitome of masculinity and I want you to do it the right way. You are going to cough. You are going to cough alot. The smoke is going to hit your throat and you will cough like craay, but I want you to take it like a man, inhale the smoke into your lungs, and exhale it. Repeat." I told him to put the cigarette in his mouth just to the right of center, suck on the filter, and hold the smoke in his mouth until I told him otherwise. He put the cigarette in his mouth, sucked hard and long on that filter, and had a mouthful of smoke. I then told him, "Ok Gary, now breathe it in and get ready to cough like crazy". He opened his mouth a little and took a deep breath. I could see the creamy white smoke go into his chest. What came next completely surprised me. After that mouthful of smoke went into his chest, he coughed very little. He looked me in the eye, then looked down to his nose. 2 thick plumes of smoke rolled out of his nostrils. I blew my load immediately. Gary looked at me and said, "Did I do it right?" I did a doubletake and said, "Gary, do that again - exactly like you just did". He put the white filter in his mouth, took a long deep hard drag, slightly opened his mouth, inhaled, then exhaled a thick plume of used smoke from his mouth. It was the thickest cloud I had ever seen. I said, "Gary, what do you think?" He said, "Amazing". I watched him experiment with different ways of pulling the smoke into his mouth. His cheeks pulled in towards each other very deep. I could tell his body was beginning to crave smoke. After he finished his first cigarette, he grabbed the pack out of my shirt pocket and immediately lit another. He asked me, "Did I light it right?" I was speechless, as it was flawless. I asked him, "Are you serious when you tell me you have never smoked before?" He had just taken a drag off his cigarette when he answered, "Honestly, I have been watching you smoke for years, but was afraid to try it." I said, "Fuck me...you are a pro at it". What he said next completely threw me. Gary said, "Fuck me?" I said, "Gary, I know you are straight, but I'm hard as a fucking rock and horned the fuck up". He responded with, "So am I". My jaw dropped, and so did my already-cum-filled shorts. He stood up, dropped his shorts, and started slowly jacking his ginormous thick already hard cock. He lit another cigarette. Hell he was already a pro in my book, but I wanted to see how far this encounter would go. I looked him in the eye and said, "Tell me. What do you want to do?". He leaned over and said, "I've wanted to fuck you for years, but didn't know how to tell you". I asked him, "It seems like there is a lot you have wanted to ask me but you were afraid to ask. Is there anything else you want to ask me or talk about?" He looked at my hard cock and and said, "I want that inside me. I want your cum inside me. I want a part of you inside me. I want your DNA inside me." ...to be continued...
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