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Everything posted by porn4jesus

  1. @porn4jesus
  2. ah! those jockstraps must be attended to right?[think before following links] https://www.dropbox.com/s/bax4nx72e6kh7xc/IMG_3632.JPG?dl=0
  3. Sure, esp. after a night of T or eating asparagus…Ha! 😇
  4. Yes. Mike-dumb as a stump with the biggest hairy cock i’ve ever seen on a 12yo… Occasionally, i’d spend summer WE at his house, sleeping in underwear only becuz of the Texas heat. It required several nights of feeling him up in the bed we shared and convincing him it was OK and no one would think on it. I struggled for at least 15 minutes to get the monster in my mouth and actually suck on it. He came in five minutes-I believe it was his first BJ (not mine) He said he enjoyed it but felt guilty after-i said he was not bright. Right? I found out several years later that he’d fucked my older sister. Ha! He needed that huge cock-it opened doors for that would be unavailable to him as a slow learner. Metaphorically speaking…
  5. this is fucking hilarious…i did the same thing on paper for several years in a red notepad thing-until it fell apart from using it too much. Wish I still had it…
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