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Everything posted by Assmunch

  1. I totally understand how this happens…that the story you tell takes you on its own ride, the details and scenes you want to share so that the characters come alive for the reader, because they are alive in your head. And you want your characters to live through the story, not just find a solution two sentences after they have a problem. You write so well, engaging us all. @losolent I love the background, the buildup, the honesty, every word. I will trust you not to break my heart with Alex, Max, Liam, or the rest of the characters who are really amazing people. And perhaps you don’t know this, perhaps you do, but your ability to write such kind, sympathetic characters says much about your own character, and who you are. Thank you for writing this, and sharing it with us.
  2. @partying.hard @ejaculaTe, that makes me happy. I’m hoping to get you to cum in your pants while crying and laughing. A tall order, but I’m trying.
  3. Wow, @GIVEMESEED1974, I’m flattered by your praise. I’m having the best time writing this, weaving the motivational complexity that drives both plot and character. I read my every free hour, all sorts of books and of course here too, so perhaps it’s rubbing off on me. Thank you.
  4. ASSMUNCH ************************** Why was I going into that memory again? I thought I’d put it in a plain unmarked box, taped tightly shut, as far back in my head as I could get it. I didn’t want to think about Kevin, about the tears, about losing him, about the choices I’d made that left both of us broken. Walking down the hall to where Sleeper waited found me reliving it all and how I carefully disappeared him so we could both get on with our lives. Joining the Army I had rid myself of Tom, my given name, and started using Andrew, my middle name. I couldn’t be Tom in the Army. The Army would eat Tom alive, chew him up and spit him out. I had to be Andrew, tough, closed off and fully committed to a career in the military. Andrew never gave control to anyone. Andrew never lost himself. And Kevin needed to, deserved to, have a guy share his life who could be fully open to him. He was half a world away at MIT, hopefully excelling in the Engineering program that would ensure a comfortable life. The distance between Boston and Germany was enough to allow us both to move on. I hoped. My leash had to be tight. Fuck! Go away, Kev. Please go away. I crushed the feeling swelling up inside me, before it broke me again. So the latrines had a supply room at the end of the sinks and toilets. It wasn’t big, just 5’ by 5’, with a utility sink. It had a lock, but of course basic locks meant nothing to trained soldiers in our MOS. Silent entry was a section of our breach training. We were learning everything from blowing a hole in shit to mechanical manipulation. It all boiled down to one rule our Ranger instructor said - there’s ALWAYS a way in. Not that we were anywhere near ready to be loosed upon the battlefield. I liked that instructor. Lt. FUHA (Flagpole Up His Ass) said we were lucky to get a Ranger to instruct us, that the timing worked out that his team happened to be back in Germany for debrief. Lt. FUHA threatened us for a full five minutes NOT to embarrass him or ourselves during instruction. He actually picked out specific brothers who weren’t allowed to speak or interact with our guest instructor to minimize the potential for us to look stupid. Demon was one of those. Surprisingly, so was Bootlicker. Don’t ask me why. Anyway, Capt. Simmons was the most relaxed officer I’d met to date. He had no use for rank address off mission, he said. Of course, if Sarge or Lt. FUHA were present we didn’t dare get lazy with our conduct or address. But when they left the room, Brian called us ‘boys’, ‘brother’, called us by our nicknames, told us we could call him Sir, Brian, Simmons, Captain, or Gutter, his callsign nickname. I’m almost certain Gutter referred to his apparent ability to eviscerate the enemy, not a channel for sewage and runoff. The dude was death on feet the way he moved. He had Zeus’ head squeezed between his thighs in two seconds. Zeus, who towered over him and outweighed him by 60 pounds. Zeus got stabbed in every kill spot, got his throat slit, finishing with the imaginary knife slamming up between his asscheeks right in the asshole to get jerked upwards slicing him from balls to ribs. Six seconds, start to finish. Gutter was sitting on Zeus’s face, his knees pinning Zeus’s arms, his armpits holding Zeus’s legs. After his kill, he played a drumroll on Zeus’s meaty ass while he said ‘never hold back. Kill fast, completely. Your enemy doesn’t deserve to suffer. And that’s not about kindness. It’s about removing the emotion from it and efficiency. If you want him to suffer, it means you care too much. You should not have feelings about your enemy. He is an obstacle between you and your mission.” He had his hands on Zeus’s hamstrings while he explained, looking like he was holding Zeus down for a gangbang. Zeus seemed perfectly relaxed with his ass spread wide, a large mound where his junk sat, and his face buried in Gutter’s hole. “Since Zeus here is being so cooperative now that I’ve killed him,” he lifted up off Zeus’s face and looked at him over his shoulder. “You good, brother?” Gutter asked. “I’m good.” Sitting back down he ass smashed Zeus’s face, I could tell Gutter was resting his full weight there. “This area here,” Gutter demonstrated, shoving his hand in the crack of Zeus’s ass, then slid it up over the bulging uniform of Zeus’s junk, “a guy will forget everything to protect it. Also, armpits and neck. It’s instinctive.” I noticed he was massaging Zeus’s crotch imperceptibly. “Make a move for these areas and your enemy loses form, gets out of position, leaving you an opening for the kill.” He finally let Zeus go, stood up and stretched out a hand to help Zeus up. “But I’m not here to teach you hand to hand, as pleasant as it was having Zeus hot-breathing my ass. Thank you, brother.” Zeus shrugged, not the least embarrassed. “My pleasure, Captain.” Like he was dealing cards or taking a hamburger off the grill rather than getting his face smothered by Ranger ass. Fucking deep, rumbling voice. And the inflection he used, as if it was all HIS idea to get slaughtered, teabagged, groped and laid out spread like a whore at a bachelor party. As if it was Gutter that got used. Zeus’s natural dominance made it difficult to figure out who got the best of who. I mean, lethal killer or indomitable God? Zeus gave off the distinct impression that Gutter only got to commit exactly the acts that Zeus graciously permitted. But Gutter was signaling that Zeus was no trouble at all to handle any way he chose. That the grope of his junk, digging into his asshole through his uniform, grinding his ass on God’s face was a deliberate act of dismissal. As if saying ‘yeah, you’re a God, but you still answer to me.’ When Titans meet, we mortals are unworthy to judge. Anyway, Gutter was the reason Sleeper and I wanted to try for Ranger School eventually. He was just a badass, and down to earth, easy going, confident , like a real big brother. He didn’t treat us like grunts, like we were stupid , clumsy or lacking skill. Even though we knew the wide gap between him and us, we felt like equals, like he accepted us. Sorry about the tangent. I’m supposed to be tonguing Sleeper’s tight white ass, not dancing down memory lane. Stay on mission, soldier. Acquire your target. The target sat naked on the utility sink. Fuck, my dude was awe inspiring. He wasn’t trying to be sexy, I know, leaning back against the wall behind the sink, his ass perched on the front edge so his asscheeks were half exposed, legs spread casually hanging down, just two inches of his crack visible below his long loose nuts that covered his entire taint. His skin was so white, except for the farmer’s tan from his biceps to his fingers, and his neck and face. Dark hair, dark eyes. His meaty muscles bulging. One hand played with his semi hard cock, the other feeling up his right tit. As if the sight of me was the signal he waited for, his legs came up, spread, and folded back along his torso, exposing his perfect, tiny turd button. His hand moved down off his dick, to rub his middle finger over his smooth, hairless hole. “Get that magic tongue in here, bro. I gotta cum, bad.” I wasted no time. Placing my hands on both cheeks, I squeezed and massaged them. I pulled them further apart, stretching his gap, rotated them in circles, pushed them together. I’d learned that eating ass was more than tonguing hole. It was best as a whole experience, no pun intended. I’d learned that a dude’s dick actually started at his taint, which hid some of the muscles that controlled his dick, AND his ass. That when a guy was on his back, that 12 o’clock on the pucker was the area that felt best, caused the most moaning and squirming. And I hadn’t learned it from eating Sleeper’s ass, it had been Kevin devouring my hole before plowing me mercilessly that taught me everything I knew. Kevin always took his time. Kevin never did it for me, to make me cum, to prepare me to get ass raped. He ALWAYS did it for his own enjoyment, and I learned that was the key. Fuck! Go AWAY Kevin! Back in your box. Of course I started at the top, but not with my tongue. I bit him with my lower teeth on his hole, my top teeth scraping his perineum. I let my chin scrape across him. Sleeper spread himself further unconsciously. “Fuck yes.” He moaned. I kissed his beautiful little starfish tenderly. Then licked his six, making sure my tongue didn’t touch his hole, staying below it by an inch. Another sensitive spot, just above his tailbone about two inches away from his sphincter. If you pressed on that spot, a dude’s asshole reflexively relaxed. Teasing Sleeper’s asshole open was too much fun. I gripped the mounded tube of his taint muscle and massaged and stroked it from the sides as I enjoyed the flavor of his lower ass channel, still avoiding the thing he wanted me to lick the most. “Oh God, Andrew.” He grunted, writhing his hips trying to move his hole to my mouth. I popped him hard on his ass. “No moving.” I warned him. He knew the rules, but still tested me every time. It amused me that he couldn’t grasp that I could make his body beg me to violate him, even if his mouth would never say the words. I know what he wanted, but even though it seemed I was on the submissive side of this interaction, it was Sleeper who was at MY mercy. I wasn’t servicing him, he was MY puppet. That was the trick to it, as Carol taught me. When you had the thing the other person wanted, you were actually the one in complete control. And using that to give a reward, or withhold pleasure tipped the balance of power. Driving your partner further into frenzy escalated sexual pleasure, and they willingly lowered barriers and reluctance. That was what kept Sleeper coming back. He knew I could drive him to lose control, and the challenge of retaining his dignity in the face of overwhelming desire was a knife edge that made him cum harder, longer and deeper than any other sex he’d ever had. So why was I doing this? For one simple reason. I was determined to make him break his own leash. I relished the thought of this slab of prime masculine hetero manhood finally recognizing his ass as the center of his pleasure while reconciling it with being straight, joining me in that sparsely populated club. And I was in a mood tonight. Maybe it was the fucked up week, maybe it was the alcohol, or finger banging Wanker’s cum-slick hole, or the revelation of Zeus being gay, or how I’d relived Kevin taking my ass cherry on his birthday, or all of the above. I didn’t examine it too closely, not caring why. I was slightly angry, hurting, and feeling like I needed payback for the huge hole I’d torn out of my soul and how I always sought to help everyone else while my heart screamed out for someone to help me. I completed the entire circuit of the area around his opening, biting, sucking, licking and chewing every square inch of his cheeks and valley. He was moaning incomprehensible garbage about needing it, please, his hole, go in, just touch it once, swearing he’d cleaned, even up inside, how he wanted to taste good for me, that he’d be good, wouldn’t move, and on about my tongue and mouth, describing them with his limited vocabulary of hard, slippery, warm. When he started in on gorgeous, lovely, beautiful, good, I knew it was time. His hole was pulsing, his pucker pushing out, then squeezing tight again, he was working it to entice me, demonstrating his willingness to give it to me for whatever I wanted to do to it, just please do SOMETHING. He had to have me dig deep into him. I flicked just the tip of my pointed tongue against his shitter, quick. He spasmed. “More” he panted. I gave him a full, pressing lick and pulled back again. His head was moving side to side, eyes closed. His hands gripped his ass, spreading it as far as it would go. I placed my open mouth over his hole and sucked hard, and I felt him flowering open, so I jammed my tongue into the soft inner flesh he exposed to me. “Oh fuck! Oh God yes, buddy. Deeper” and he grunted to push out and bear down even more. “Get in there, shove down on the outside….gggggnnnnnnnnnhhhhhhhhh” I slipped my index finger up past my chin and rubbed his hole while I penetrated him orally. I swirled my tongue, tasting the sweet juice lining the interior. No, I’d never had the opportunity to do this to Kevin, it just never came up. It was always me on my back or my knees, or stomach where he wanted me. He dictated my every move, every position, every feeling. And after him, I never wanted anyone else go there on me, knowing it would pollute the limited memories I had of giving myself to him. Those had to stay pure, like my painful love for him. Go away. Please, Kevin. Please. I went full animal then, growling and drooling while I tore into Sleeper’s pristine temple of holy manhood, his inner sanctum. I was going to desecrate this amazing monument that was his muscle bound ass, the source of his athletic strength and power. He didn’t realize this wasn’t about him, it was about me and my need to make him feel what I felt when Kevin tore me up, and my desire to regain that feeling even if it was by proxy through Sleeper’s magnificent ass. “Holy fuck Andrew, what…. Fuck! Shit! I’m fucking cumming, don’t stop, don’t you fucking stop trashing my hole, don’t you dare fucking stop, oh God, oh “ I jammed two fingers down to my knuckles right up into his prostate and ground into it as hard as I could. “AWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW FUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCKKKKKK” he screamed as he started shooting, not even touching his dick, both of his hands occupied by pulling his ass wide. I stood up suddenly, yanked my dick out of my shorts and shoved it in his ass, punching all the way inside him with a single movement. “FFFFUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKK IM GONNA KILL YOU!” Which was a complete lie because his cock was shooting even harder. He started bucking, his hands pushing at my hips, but I started hammering him into the fucking sink, making his head bounce off the wall. My first load greased his guts within five strokes. He punched me hard in the center of my chest, and I knew he was trying to hurt me. But he couldn’t put his body behind it because I was pounding the shit out of him and he was stuck against the wall. The sink was creaking beneath us. I grabbed his wrists and pinned them to his chest and kept thrusting up into him at just the right angle to punish his prostate like a punching bag. “You MOTHERFUCKER.” Spittle was flying from his mouth. “No! Not again! FFFFUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCKKKKKK” And he shot again, his cum flying everywhere from his hard cock bouncing between us. He got a solid wad right in his handsome prick face and that pushed me into my second orgasm. I bent over on a powerful upstroke and licked his nut off his cheek, burying my 8 inches to the root and squirting the last few schools of swimmers deep. Chest heaving, I ripped my cock from my buddy’s used hole, causing him to cry out. “Well what the everlovin’ FUCK, bro?” He snarled. “Relax dude.” I said, unimpressed. I knew I needed to give him an out. Oh, I was fine with taking a beating if he needed to dish one out. Might be good to maybe feel something again, but I doubted even the worst ass whooping would get me where I needed. In spite of his anger, Sleeper wouldn’t try to seriously hurt me, and that was what I really needed: a no holds barred murderous rampage beating. I needed a violent purge, the sweet release of overwhelming pain, to be taken to the brink of death where the only choices were giving up or fighting to survive. But neither one of us needed the trouble that would bring, and Sleeper was a pure spirit, the kind of guy who didn’t want to hurt people. “I lost control, I was just as horny as you. I needed a hole. Sorry bro.” He gave me a pissed off look. “Then you owe me one, fucker.” “You got the last part right.” I laughed. “Fucker”. He stared at me for seconds, then a grin started at the corners of his lips. Then he busted out laughing. “Outstanding. Did you cum in me, man?” I nodded, holding up two fingers. “TWICE?” He reached down to feel his hole. “It doesn’t even hurt.” I shrugged. “I know what I’m doing. I picked the moment deliberately.” He pulled his fingers up to look at them, sniffed, then tentatively stuck his tongue out to taste. “Brojuice. Fine. I’m not mad having your cum in me. But you should have asked, bro.” “Asking would have ruined it. You know that man. Ruined it for both of us. Look, you’re not gay, I’m not gay, and that wasn’t about being pretty gay boyfriends.” His face expressed his disbelief. “Then what the fuck was it about, huh? And what if I wanted to be your pretty gay boyfriend?” I laughed. “You think you’re the pretty one? Dude I’m the pretty one.” “The fuck you are! Look at me. I’m a fucking gay wet dream.” “True. I think it’s that cum all over your face that seals it.” He grinned. “Yeah, you seemed to like it just fine, I noticed.” I grinned back, and took the opportunity to go lick the rest of his cum off his face. He let me, patiently turning his face, pointing to certain spots for me to lick. When I was done, I put my forehead on his. “Now we’re even. Better than blood brothers. I have your dna in me, and you’ve got mine in you.” He closed his eyes. “Brother.” Whispered. “Brother “ I whispered back. I must have been wrong about needing a beat down. This felt so much better. This almost felt real.
  5. I’m glad you enjoyed it, @laguyinhou.
  6. @pisces bearcub, I had a dripping boner writing it. Thank you
  7. Thanks @drew4fun. I enjoy the challenge of description, and unexpected dialogue. Those are my favorite things to write.
  8. KEVIN ************** I didn’t deserve Thomas Andrew Brickmann, I felt unworthy of the vastness of his love for me. I promised myself, after The Kiss, that I would never betray his trust in me by forcing myself on him, and I was content to receive what he felt he could give. I let him decide the limits, the boundaries beyond which I wouldn’t stray. The last four and a half months were more than I could ever ask for. He touched me, hugged me, kissed my cheek, every single day. He went out of his way to find me on the days we both were busy. He listened on those rare occasions I needed to say more than five words in a row. He somehow knew the times I didn’t need to speak (which was my usual ) just sitting beside me quietly watching my face, running his hand through my long hair. I think he liked my hair. After he met Carol, I tried to give him his space, but he never allowed it, seeking me out wherever I hid. I went on way too many dates with them, but because he was Tom, with that bottomless pit filled with love, kindness, self-awareness and concern, I never once felt like I was on the outside. I wondered often if that part of him would survive the Army. I have no idea what he saw in me, or why he always told me I was hot, which felt kinda strange to hear my straight best friend calling me hot. But I was grateful. Especially because he looked like he did. I guess he thought I suffered from low self esteem, which I didn’t. I never corrected him because it made me feel good when he said it. He wasn’t thick and meaty like me, he was like a panther, all sleek muscle, graceful movements, no unnecessary bulk. I think my single thigh was only slightly smaller around than his 28 or 29 inch waist. His thighs were perfect ellipses that reminded me of a motorcycle gas tank, wider at the top and tapering down to his knees. His chest was a work of art, an horizontal archer’s bow, recurved, the tips of which flowed effortlessly across his armpit to become his amazing delts. From the side his upper back curved out equally to his chest, pulling in drastically to his flat stomach and back, before flaring out again to the round, tight melons of his ass. His hair was brown, but not as dark as mine, and he kept it short on the sides and back. The top was only long enough to comb over with a precise part, maybe an inch long at most. He told me his dad was military so he’d grown up getting haircuts on base and trendy hair didn’t feel or look right on him. When he felt any emotion, he turned various shades of pink and red. I learned to identify them all, I always knew what he was feeling. Happy was the barest flush, just a tinge on his cheekbones and forehead. Anger was a deep red, near blood like, but I only saw that once. Tom wasn’t angry, he didn’t have it in him. Embarrassment turned him the most adorable pink, over his entire head, even his combed part. Disgust made his temples, nose and chin flare up like cherries, which is how he silently looked at his former best friend, who called him a faggot when the news of our Kiss caused everyone to believe Tom was gay. I hated that. Tom never said he wasn’t, he said he didn’t feel the need to correct anyone’s foolish assumptions. If they wanted to know the truth, they could ask him politely. There were plenty who asked… but none who asked in earnest, polite words. They were asking for gossip, all of them. He just gave them all the stare. The stare that said they were gone, choosing to make them disappear from his reality. It was fascinating to me, to watch him disappear them, his eyes clearly showing there was nothing there for him to see, looking right through them. I don’t know how he did it, but everything but them existed for him. He’d turn to me and say something, his eyes smiling. He wasn’t upset, hurt or angered by it, how could he feel those things about nothing? Never a hint of color on his smooth angular face. It took him two months to disappear his former best friend. That betrayal must have been unbearable for the disappearing to take that long. Tom never spoke about it, even when I asked. “You’re the only best friend I need to talk about, Kev.” But love, that was the softest shade of deep pink, almost matching his lips. And those lips, that mouth. He always said his mouth was too big, but it wasn’t. It was wide and full, so expressive. He could get a tennis ball inside, he showed me once. But it matched his head. And his large, hooked, proud Roman nose. And his deep brown eyes like the richest earth. What he didn’t know, what I never told him, was that I found my own place in that kiss. Where he said he disappeared, I felt more real, more solid. I felt more ‘me’ than I ever thought I could be. That was Tom’s gift, I think. He could make anyone be the most solid version of themselves they could ever achieve. He found places in me I never knew I had, that Saturday night. My 18th birthday celebration he released me. “Set me down.” I told him. He effortlessly released my legs while he still held my entire weight with his left arm across my back. My legs slowly found the floor. Damn he was strong. Then he let me go and went to stand next to Carol. I had to admit, she was pretty. Slender, athletic, sleek, and just as tall as Tom. Their crotches lined up perfectly, her breasts in line with his pecs. I could see both of their nipples were hard beneath their shirts. Carol’s long blonde hair was always in a ponytail and tonight was no different. I’d never seen her with a face full of makeup like so many other girls. She wasn’t a fragile porcelain doll. She was all life and confidence, outgoing but not over the top. She went with the flow, just like Tom. I guess that’s why they made such a great couple. They say opposites attract, but Tom and Carol put a lie to that. Oh, did you think I was going to describe her tits, her legs and her butt for you? Okay, she had all three. They were nice I suppose, for a girl. Tom looked at her, then turned back to me raising his eyebrows and grinning. “Well? My dick is about to shoot in my shorts. How about Carol teaches you how to give a right proper blowjob to start out? Using my dick for practice, of course.” That was Tom, always knew exactly the right thing to say to me, to put me at ease. The reason my nerves were shot all day wasn’t because I was scared about sex with Tom, it was because I had no experience. I didn’t know what to do. What if I did it all wrong? I’d never even had a blowjob myself, to compare. “Perfect!” Carol clapped her hands. Then she reached over and grabbed the neck of Tom’s tee shirt blindly from beside him, still looking at me. A smile I can only describe as almost evil, but playful transformed her pretty face. She pulled his tee shirt forward and thrust her arm up over his head, then yanked it violently off his body, his sculpted arms flying up through the sleeves before falling limp to his sides. All in one swift complete movement from start to finish. Like a magician revealing her trick. Where did she learn that? Tom’s grin never left his face, but I saw a new color. The top of his chest, his shoulders, the sides of his neck, up the sides of his face were all a graduated shift from red to pink. “You probably haven’t seen this one before.” Her voice was sultry. Her index finger sliding lazily from his forehead down to his chest. “It’s desire. It means he’s loving it, he wants it. He’s very turned on.” Tom let out a groan. “You can tell how turned on by how far the red travels up into the pink. When the red gets to here,” she caressed his neck, grabbing his esophagus lovingly, and began stroking it up an down like a cock. “When it gets to here he’s completely yours.” Tom’s head was thrown back, stretching his throat fully as if begging her to rip it out. The tube of his esophagus was so prominent she could almost get her fingers all the way around it. Watching her jerk off his throat melted a link of the chain I had leashed myself with, the beautiful pink of his skin sliding over the striated ridges of his trachea like a foreskin. I wanted that. He was so pliable, so willing. She was talking about him as if he wasn’t there. As if he wasn’t a person, but a thing, like a nature show about how the octopus changes its color to camouflage itself, or how a cuttlefish attracts its mate. I could see his chest heaving with deep, rapid breaths, his nostrils flared to allow more air. The red was creeping up. She let go of his throat. “But he won’t be mine tonight. You’re going to take him. I’ll teach you all about him. Inside and out.” The groan that came from his mouth was more growl than moan, expressing both pleasure and an animalistic need. Her voice was hypnotic. I was in charge, but she was in control. At that moment I realized what she did for Tom, because she was doing it to me. My dick was throbbing and I hadn’t done a single thing yet, hadn’t even moved. Seeing Tom being treated like a plaything, and watching his hot, sinewy body reduced to clay in her hands was beyond erotic, it was near maddening. I couldn’t imagine the pleasure he was feeling, the need and desperation driving his flexing muscles to tremble. She was a master, and we were her puppets, and she could make us dance and twist with only words. Suddenly, she smacked him hard, REALLY hard, like with all her strength across his handsome face, then seized one of his nipples violently, yanking on it and making him stumble. It had to be so painful. “No, you’re not going to cum. Not yet.” He whimpered, his eyes pleading with her. “Fucking bloody hell.” I gasped. The brutality of it all shocked me, that she had it in her, that Tom allowed it. Tom’s eyes darted to mine over her shoulder and he gave me a diabolical grin. “It does the trick. I think you see now, she can make me cum without even touching me, if she wants. And she always knows when I’m just about to cum, I have no idea how. If she doesn’t stop me, I’ll spill my seed before she’s done with me. I’ve tried to hide it, be sneaky about it, even see it as a challenge to fool her and shoot without her knowing. But I never get past her, and she won’t tell me how she knows I’m going to pop. Baby girl here can fucking wreck me. Learn everything from her. No leash Kev. I can take it. I WANT to take it.” And then he licked his lips, slowly. “Fuck my balls are KILLING ME!” He yelled, throwing his head back again. She turned around to look at me and gave a shrug, her face unimpressed, her voice bored. “Too bad. This isn’t for you.” She threw a mischievous smile at me, winking. He couldn’t see that. I felt another link in my chain melt. This was fun, meant to be fun. “Have you ever tasted cum, Kevin?” She asked me bluntly. I was caught off guard, but saw no reason to lie, or not answer. My eyes twitched for a second or two, then stilled. “Just my own.” She laughed. It wasn’t derisive, or mocking. It was oddly liberating. It was a discovery of new unexpected joy. I found myself laughing with her, the first time other than with Tom that I didn’t feel self conscious about how deep and booming my laugh was. I never let myself laugh unless it was just Tom and me. “You’re going to love his cum.” She came over to me to pull me closer to Tom. “It’s so salty, sweet, and thick. And he cums a lot in every squirt, each pump sprays a mouthful.” I could see her watching Tom closely. “His beautiful cock gets so hard just before he cums, it starts throbbing, and you can feel the sperm flowing up the shaft, which expands to make room for the volume of it. His dick is already thick, it gets thicker. It’s like nectar…” without breaking off she smacked him hard again and reached under his arm to grab the sweaty hair of his armpit, twisting it violently. Another whimper. More pleading eyes. “Uh uh uh, no no”. She stroked his cheek, where her handprint stood out. Then she put her fingers covered with his armpit sweat deep inside his mouth. He didn’t even blink. I watched his jaw move and imagined he was licking it clean. “I told you my tongue wasn’t the only thing going in your mouth tonight, didn’t I?” She said to him. He nodded. She turned to me. “You know with his amazing mouth he can swallow my hand, right? His mouth is so perfect.” I was too stunned to reply. And she shoved her hand past her wrist into his mouth. He didn’t even choke or gag. I could hear the mucus and saliva gurgling as he breathed around her fingers. I suddenly imagined that was my dick, but immediately shied away from the thought of treating my best friend like a piece of meat, like a fucktoy. I imagined her hand jacking off his throat from the inside, rubbing along the tender, slick membrane. She saw it. She smirked. She knew the thought I’d just had. So she did what I couldn’t bring myself to do. She said it out loud. “I think your dick could reach all the way back here, Kevin. It’s so warm and wet. You already know how amazing his tongue is, his lips. Imagine all of this wrapped around your hard throbbing cock.” Sultry, dripping sex. Tom had already told me about everything they did sexually, like best friends do, but I’d always thought he had to be exaggerating. I should have known it was all true, Tom never felt the need to lie or exaggerate. He didn’t dress things up or understate, he laid things out in plain, straightforward description. I don’t think he knew HOW to be anything other than truthful. And it wasn’t bluntness either. He expressed exactly how he felt, what he saw, what he wanted, what he was going to do, about everything. He never hid behind his words like I did. He described Carol as a seductress, even though that was my word not his. His words were ‘she makes me want to do crazy shit, man. We don’t even talk about it, it just happens.’ She pulled her hand back out and patted his face, leaving his saliva behind. Tom didn’t seem bothered by what she’d said. He just looked from her to me, back and forth, waiting never blinking. Spit and throat slime was drooling out his lips down his chin. At some point he’d put his hands behind his back which forced his proud square shoulders back and thrust his chest forward. She clapped her hands once. “But, it’s about time you got his cock in your mouth.” She stepped back. The pleading eyes were back, focused on me this time, begging me to release him from this torture. If I loved him, they said, I would suck the agony from his nuts. “Show him how badly you’ve wanted to suck him the last two years.” I moved forward with slow, steady steps until I was directly in front of him. I put my hands on his waist, let them grip the hard muscles of his obliques that surrounded his pelvic hipbone. The heat he was generating penetrated my hands, I could feel it traveling up my arms, radiating from his chest to hit my own. His breath gusted against my face, giving me goosebumps. I slid my fingers up to his ribs, to his clenched lats, which I grabbed, wanting to know their thickness and density. He moaned, closing his eyes. “Please…” he begged. “I can’t hold it much longer. I need your mouth.”He began to tremble. “She won’t do it, so you have to. You have to Kev.” I couldn’t do this to him. I couldn’t torture him. I couldn’t make him wait. I squatted before him, pulling his shorts down in the same movement. His amazing, heavy cock. It seemed perfectly proportioned, standing straight out a good 8 inches or so from his neatly trimmed crotch. A man’s cock. It was a dick that was made for fucking, for punishing any hole it stretched around its beautiful girth. It wasn’t just seeping precum, it was a steady and constant leak, like a running faucet. I licked it, tasting it, savoring it, moving my tongue back and forth across the roof of my mouth to judge the flavor of his juice. It was everything he was. It was everything she described. My own dick was swollen and dripping in my boxers. The gutteral sounds coming from Tom’s throat became louder. “Suck my dick, Kevin. Please. I’ll do anything you want. Just put it in your mouth. Just a little. Please? Please fuck please fuck please fuck pleasefuckpleasefuck….” And he kept repeating it, hyperventilating. I dove onto his meat and immediately shot my load into my underwear. My throbbing dick kept spurting as I groaned on the head of his dick, so much cum, so many squirts, I didn’t think it would end. But I couldn’t concentrate on that, because Tom simultaneously blasted my mouth with his first shot. Tom screamed like he was being murdered, one long desperate call like the roar of a lion. Every muscle on his body cramped. His first shot began before I even had the head of his dick completely inside my lips. I felt the hot syrup flood across my tongue, a long heavy squirt of thick, viscous manseed that lasted two or three seconds. My mouth was full of his nut, so full. I’d dreamed about this, jacked off to this moment for over a year. I was still moving down on his shaft, and his fat cock shoveled his first squirt towards my throat like a bulldozer, forcing me to swallow. Tom gasped for a breath, pulling back, then thrust forward again with another full hosing of his seed, that pumping cumdozer forcing its load into my throat, this thrust only halfway down his cock. He grunted like an ape, the longest continuous grunt I’d ever heard. The primal caveman conquering his prey. More links on my chain melted away. Something about the release he experienced, the abandon and being reduced to only his beastly orgasm and the forcing of his cum into me swept me along with it. This time, he pulled me in. And I found that place again. I felt my self and presence swell, solidify, harden into granite and steel. The doubts and reluctance of the last four and a half months disappeared. I couldn’t hold myself back from this, Tom was open to me and might never be again. I couldn’t miss this chance. I buried his pulsing meat in my throat, biting at his scratchy pubes and taking heavy gulps to clamp my tonsils on his shaft. I felt the precious fluid from his balls spurting across my larynx. I was no longer sucking his dick, I was eating his manhood, digesting HIM. He belonged inside me, like a criminal on the run belonged in prison. He became imperative for me, irrefutable. Tom’s essence had to take root in me, and I craved his seed for the piece of him that would exist buried in me forever. That was what he was gifting me, a piece of himself. I knew when he was almost finished, and it had taken a full half minute. The clock in my head told me exactly how many squirts, how long it took, and how many beats of his heart it took to empty him. I had at some point unknown run my hand up his solid, shuddering hamstrings to grip his ass, his cheeks dusted with fine dark hairs. My hands were almost large enough to cover his warm tight round globes. Fuck, he was perfect. I took the last two dribbling squirts into my mouth, not my throat. I wanted to savor the taste. I wasted no time, standing up to grab him by those thick lats. His eyes were closed, he was gulping for air. I picked him up like he weighed nothing. He was air, weightless. I placed him on his neatly made bed two feet away. “Oh…” Carol whispered. I threw my eyes into hers. In two steps I stalked up to her, caressed her by her jaw and moved my mouth onto hers spitting the remainder of our boyfriend’s cum into her open lips. Initially I’d wanted all his seed for myself, but now I wanted to share my happiness with Carol. I offered his remainder with my tongue until she swallowed, our lips simply resting on the other’s. And then I shut her jaw gently with my thumb below her chin. I patted her cheek. It was odd, but I wanted her to share this with me, with us. It was that moment on the stair landing outside the door to Tom’s bedroom that I realized it. The moment when she was willing to leave us alone together without needing to intrude upon this magical gift. There was no jealousy or judgment in her intelligent eyes. She wasn’t losing anything, accepted everything. I understood then how we three, each one individually, had never wanted or needed to jealously guard our relationship with Tom, Tom’s love for us, or Tom’s enjoyment of his love for anyone. I wasn’t ignorant of the fact that it was Tom himself who brought that out in us all. She appeared stunned from the kiss. I tilted my head, staring into her eyes. Yes, she was very pretty, I could admit that, and similar to Tom she lived for the joy of now which notched her inherent attractiveness up several levels. I hoped Tom fucked the ever loving hell out her with his big pussy ripper. I wonder who begged who to fuck them harder? She looked like she would beg him to tear her tight little pussy up. Or maybe she would demand it. I imagined each would taunt the other, back and forth, loving the increasing wildness that drove them to inflict passionate acts of ever greater desire upon each other. From the corner of my eye I saw Tom laying flat on the bed, his arms and legs splayed out. His head was turned, watching us. I smirked. His cock lay across his hip, not hard but still at full length. It looked like a thick sausage and I couldn’t wrap my head around how I managed to get it all the way down. I was sure there was no way a completely inexperienced guy like me had any right to execute deep throating that thing on his first try. “Fuck that was hot, watching you guys sharing my cum.” He observed. The part of me that huddled afraid and reluctant to impose upon Tom, to cross that line between friends and sexual conquest, that part was no where to be found. He wanted this. He said it. He’d do anything I wanted. “It was hot watching you cum in his mouth.” She answered. Then looking at me, she continued. “I didn’t expect the kiss, Kevin. Tom’s right, your lips are so soft.” I faltered for an instant. “I hope that was okay, I wasn’t thinking.” Both of them gave a chuckle. It was Tom that responded. “No thinking. Stop thinking. Just pull the battery out of that machine in your head, Kev. Whatever is going to happen, let it happen, go with it, be HERE, not in your head. There are no mistakes you can make, buddy. Not with me. Not with Carol. I don’t know what came over me, the cocky prick that possessed my tongue. “You should be careful before my dick ends up in your ass.” And I smirked. My eyes were darting between the two of them, waiting for them to get the joke. Three seconds passed. Then five. Ten. Neither one of them batted an eye. My heart suddenly decided to take off at a gallop. Carol leaned over to my ear. “I’ll show you how to make him beg for it.” She whispered. My balls jumped and I shot my second load into my underwear, again. Carol chuckled. God I was a sloppy mess down there now. My boxers did nothing to contain the volume of my nut and it was running down my left leg. How the fuck did she do that? How did she hit exactly the right nerve to send my semen on a spawning run like a fucking school of salmon leaping through my prostate? “Let’s get you naked.” She said, grabbing the waistband of my shorts. I tried to stop her to do it myself. “Easy, handsome, relax. I’m enjoying myself. I’m sure Tom has told you he’s the only guy I’ve been with. You’re so hot, completely different from Tom. His body is all tightly wound and hard, but you’re beefy and firm. Everything on you is rounded and supple.” My shorts and boxers lowered as she spoke. The way she said ‘beefy and firm’ sounded hungry. I took the opportunity to remove my Nirvana concert t-shirt, exposing my hairy chest. “Oh my God.” She breathed, gazing over my full nakedness. I stepped out of my shorts and underwear. My dick hadn’t deflated at all. Again, she seemed to intuitively know just what to do to increase my arousal. What struck me then was that she wasn’t acting with the intent to elicit any response from me, it was all emotive. It felt good to know it was genuine. I felt her visual appreciation as a physical touch. She lingered on my hairy chest following the way the dark hair defined my pecs. Her eyes examined the wide furry trail down the center of my stomach until it met my dense pubic hair. My rigid penis jutted straight out, slick with my cum. “You’re thicker than Tom!” She reached out to grip my shaft. It didn’t seem wrong, her touching my dick. It almost wasn’t even sexual. While her hand wasn’t wide, her fingers were still long and delicate. They didn’t meet her thumb when she tightened her grip. She stroked me with a twist, pulling back my foreskin. “That’s so cool, how the skin floats around your dick. But where does it go when I pull it like this?” She pulled it down across the head, then back again. “Same place it goes when I’m soft, I guess. It’s very stretchy.” I mused. I had never thought about it. My dick was just… well, my dick. She chuckled and looked me the eye. “I like it. It’s sexy like you. Beefy and supple, firm and round.” Tom was still watching us, remaining silent. I noticed his dick was hard again and he was slowly stroking it. “I think he likes watching me play with your dick.” She reached down to fondle my hairy balls. Her warm hand felt good. “You know, I’ve never understood balls. Don’t get me wrong, they’re sexy the way they go with a dick. But they just hang there. Don’t they hurt when they hang?” I shrugged. “No.” She pulled down. “That doesn’t hurt?” “Mmmmmmm. Not like that.” She released my nutsack, and rubbed her fingertips through my pubic hair, then up through the trail on my stomach and back and forth over my chest. Her touch felt good, the way it was only for information, rather than stimulation. She really wanted to know how my body felt, it was for her, not me. “You know, until the school blew up when you guys kissed out in the open, I didn’t realize you might be gay. You’re just … a guy. A really hot guy, all tough and silent and brooding.” She was still running her fingers through my chest hair. I smirked and raised one eyebrow. “Brooding?” She laughed. Full out laughed. “You have no idea how many girls got their hopes crushed that week. Yes, Kevin. You’re STILL that quiet mysterious bad boy who everyone kind of fears and admires. You LOOK like you are just a wrong word away from kicking someone’s ass. I know for a fact you could steal a few boyfriends away from my friends.” She narrowed her eyes. “You’re the reason no one picks on the gay kids. Well, you and Tom together. Whether it’s true or not, they’re afraid you’ll make them regret it.” That surprised me. I’d never deliberately given the impression that I’d be violent, and in fact except for Tom’s former best friend, I didn’t want to kick anyone’s ass even though I was confident I could. Even the football players who outsized me didn’t worry me. They might be good on the field and in the gym but I didn’t believe in fair fighting. A fight was about winning. Any weak point was fair game. “I think it’s your eyes. The way they constantly move, examine everything like you’re ready to attack. I guess you don’t realize that people see you pulling them apart. It can be unsettling, I know from experience. The first time after Tom and I got together you pinned me down with your eyes. God I was scared. So serious and intense. I was thinking how much I wanted you to like me because if you didn’t Tom wouldn’t be my boyfriend. I was so worried that you thought I was trying to steal him from you.” I rolled my eyes. “I said ‘hi’.” Carol laughed again. “You don’t even know how you said it, or how it sounded. Fuck, you handsome brute. You said it like you had to, like handing me a knife blade first. Like it was up to me if I cut myself on it, and it would be entirely my fault. You know, you don’t say much, but you say more than you think you do. How do you do that?” All this was news to me. Everything I had to say I said in my head, distilled it down to a concentrated thought that didn’t seem to need many words of expression. It was just how my brain worked. Her eyes were watching me. “See there, THAT. Not a single word, but you just told me it wasn’t consciously done, that you think before you speak, that it’s simple and you like simple and clear. And there’s more behind it, the secret parts you demonstrate are there but you don’t believe people are worthy enough to see. Or won’t understand. Or can’t handle. That’s the deadly, dangerous part that comes through, like we need to earn the honor of knowing.” “Fine.” I said, then smirked. “You’ve seen mine, show me yours. Only fair.” “I’m lonely.” Tom’s taunt intruded. I shared a looked with Carol. “Wait.” We said at the same time, with the same dismissive tone. She was already showing me. Tom groaned in frustration. In two seconds Carol lost her clothes. I filled the room with my laugh at how fast it happened. “Okay, I was referring to how you do your mental sex trick.” She just grinned. “Yeah, I know.” I laughed again, even louder. My stiff dick was bouncing with every laugh. “Your laugh. Beefy and sexy like you.” She observed. I was inspecting her body. She was pale, very light skinned. I imagined she had Northern European ancestry. Blonde, straight hair, in a pony tail of course. Light blue eyes, almost grey like mine. I wondered if Tom saw my eyes when he looked at hers. I decided he did. She had an oval face, so different from Tom’s angular chiseled one. A thin graceful neck reminiscent of a bird swooped to her athletic shoulders. She had no size to her, in spite of her height, she appeared delicate but durable. Okay, I finally realized the perfection of her breasts, which refused to relax on her chest. They were full and delicate like the rest of her, not coming to any point and rounding nicely in perfect mounds that weren’t large. Sufficient to the proportions of her chest, that’s what they were like they’d been factory machined to exact specifications, neither too wide nor too proud, nor drooping, placed just so. She had just a moderate amount of sub dermal fat smoothing her into curves, the most prominent example of which was her ribs to her waist to her hips. I appreciated the way her curves mimicked an Art Deco period piece, or maybe her shapes were what Art Deco had been intended to imitate. Her firm legs were again comprised entirely of curves, where her thighs joined at her pubic area easily drawing the eye to each opposite hip. I was reminded of chromosomes, or a helix like a spiral staircase. I glanced at her face and she nodded. Just like with Tom, I didn’t need to speak. They were even more right for each other than I’d already decided. So I reached out to let my hand follow the lines my mind saw. Down her neck across her collarbone, across the center to the opposite breast. I put my hand on it, just to see a size comparison. My large hand covered it completely, my fingers cupping the sides and top. I adjusted my hand to feel the underneath. She inhaled. I looked in her eyes. “It’s like your chest, the under part of your pec is the most sensitive, feels the best when touched or licked.” She explained. I smirked. She matched me, a dare, if I dared. So I bent over to run my tongue slowly over that sensitive part of her. Tom’s aroused groan echoed hers. He was loving our exploration of each other. I deliberately and slowly licked the other side, gave Tom a glance and put my mouth over her nipple. I smiled at him with her tit in my mouth. He was pulling on his nuts, a wild look in his eyes. “Should we?” I asked her, my tongue tracing her nipple. “Probably.” She replied, as if she could go either way. “Oh come ON!!! You’re killing me!” Tom cried out. Carol ran her fingers through my hair. “Beautiful.” She commented. “You’d think it was his birthday instead of yours.” I stood up, gave her another smirk to which she nodded again. Together we turned and leapt on top of Tom. “YES!! Finally!!” He yelled, spreading out in a giant X to receive us. That made me laugh. Which made Carol laugh. Which set off Tom. Tom and I had been naked together before. He said he preferred it when we slept together spooning. He never got hard except for his morning wood, which he’d lazily adjust to fit snugly in my deep and ample ass crack, pulling me tighter so every part of him touched all of me. I pretty much just stayed hard all night with him pressing up against me. He never let me go, we both slept soundly like that, his face buried in my hair so he could breathe the scent of me and I didn’t want to leave his arms. I accidentally farted once, and he somehow knew my embarrassment, grabbing me tighter so I couldn’t move away. “Don’t worry about it, you animal.” Before letting out a fart himself which made us both laugh. “I deserve it anyway, for all the times I gassed my little brother.” After that farting happened whenever it happened, it never bothered him. So Tom’s sleek muscles weren’t new to me. But feeling them now held exponentially more pleasure. I watched Carol give him a deep, soulful kiss, making him moan while I ran my hands over his chest and stomach. They broke off and he turned to me, his lips parted slightly. He had each of us in one arm, and he flexed the arm that was wrapped around my back. I didn’t fight his pull, putting my mouth on his. Our tongues slowly tasted each other, our jaws moving constantly. This was a kiss of desire. This was a sexual kiss. Oral copulation, making our lips and tongues describe all the things we wanted our bodies to do, until finally his big tongue stuffed my mouth fully and deeply as if he was orgasming in my mouth. This wasn’t a Kiss, it was a mouth fucking, a battle of desire. My hand had reached his hard cock sometime during our making out. I was stroking along his length, alternating grabbing and rubbing his balls on every stroke. He thrust his hips, and I felt Carol’s hand pass mine to go beneath his heavy loose nuts. He moaned. His right leg lifted. I looked down and could tell immediately she was playing with his ass. I kissed and licked my way along his neck and across his shoulder, then continued to his armpit. I liked the smell of his sweat. It was clean and masculine. I kissed him there, rubbing my nose in the soft hair. I licked across his chest, making sure to spend time on that sensitive part where his lower pec met his rib cage. He sighed, so I repeated my attention, enjoying the taste of him and the goosebumps I was causing. Carol was mirroring my every move. We were double teaming him like we’d planned it all out. I was impressed by her awareness of this opportunity to escalate anything she could do on her own, to recognize that our actions together would send Tom soaring. I loved that she wanted Tom to experience as much or more than me. I was glad she was here, that I’d invited her past her reluctance to come between Tom and I. I knew then that she belonged here, in this moment with us, and that without her it might have been awkward and clumsy. I felt a tear of gratitude and happiness fall. I didn’t want this to be something Tom regretted even though he wasn’t the type to regret anything he’d chosen. Nor did I want this to be one sided solely for my benefit. I knew by her wink she understood. “Let me show you something.” She purred. She beckoned me down between his legs. She lifted his other leg, exposing his asshole. Tom’s asshole was the only part of his body I’d never seen, even though I knew if I’d asked he would have gladly shown it to me with confidence. He would also have asked me what I thought of it, and if it was a nice one. That was just Tom, unashamed, uninhibited, unapologetic. I was awed by his acceptance as a teaching tool, grabbing his legs behind his knees to spread himself for us. My first up close male asshole, and I immediately knew it would not be my last. I felt my dick release its precum. There was something forbidden and illicit about a man’s hole, as if I was getting away with something I wasn’t supposed to enjoy, something a man wasn’t supposed to expose to anyone. His hole was as beautiful as him, not in any way gross or unpleasant. I couldn’t see how it could ever be ugly. The way his cheeks curved inward, how his perineum mounded up just behind his balls before descending to his anus. The sparse hair making a ring around his pucker. The slight pinkish color. I loved his ass even more than his dick, which I wouldn’t have ever guessed would be possible. If a man’s dick made him a man, his ass made him a king. The spread of his cheeks demanded and invited, called to me. I darted in to kiss it. Oh man it was warm. His whole ass was warm. So warm. I think I understood why he loved to nestle his morning wood in my crack. The perfect dickwarmer. I found myself licking my tongue over it without thinking. “Ohhhhhhh, yessssssss” he moaned. “Like a duck to water.” Carol chuckled. “Let’s see if you can teach me a thing or two.” I first tasted him, wanting to enjoy the feel, texture, flavor of every area. I ran my tongue up from his tailbone roughly across his hole all the way to his balls, letting them fall to either side of my nose. There was that clean masculine sweat in the hair beneath his nuts. I loved the way they snuggled on my cheeks. I moved back the way I came, chewing as I descended. He squirmed and my hands came up to press on the back of his legs. I let my beard stubble grind into the tender flesh of his rump valley as I chewed, increasing the pressure to force him open wider. “Fuck yes, eat my entire ass.” He grunted, rotating his hips like a dog dragging its butt across a carpet. “Get in there. Grind on that hole. Fucking drill into it.” Although I didn’t need his encouragement, it drove me into a higher gear when he talked dirty. I speared my nose against his dumper, trying to wedge his back door open. I spit on it then rammed my chin down onto it, knowing my stubble would scratch him. “Goddamn, climb up that shitcave, buddy. Oooooh, fuck. Show my ass who’s boss!” He grabbed my hair with both hands to use my face and mouth like his personal sextoy. “Unnnnggghhhh, you can get that tongue in there deeper, I know you can. God yes, use your finger, just like that. Fuck yes, pull it apart, spread my hole, Christ that tongue in there too? So much spit, you spitting in my hole, buddy? You dropping your saliva in me? Yeah bro, fill me up. Fill my tunnel you hot fucker.” I had my thumbs hooked inside him, his tight pink hole pulled open. I shoved my tongue as far into him as I could get it. Then let his asslips go, letting his sphincter clamp onto my tongue. I pushed in and out a few times, then withdrew. Without warning I jammed both thumbs back into him and pulled, forcing him open again. He bucked his hips and yelped. “Oh shit! Yeah, violate me. I don’t care, you’re the boss. Punish my tight little shitter. ” I hocked a loogie, sucking it from the back of my sinuses, then choked up an equal amount of throat slime, spitting it into his open, pink jockhole. I watched it get sucked down into that maw. We were now beyond limits, sense, or care about consequences. His ass, his pretty little hole, his filthy mouth, his desperate writhing turned me into an animal. I wanted it to hurt a little, just enough to hear him whimper and force him to decide if it was worth it. I wanted to see how much he’d take, how far I could go. I stood up and rubbed my dick along his gap, pulling back my foreskin so my slit drooled precum on his puckered hole. “You gonna fuck me? You gonna make me your bitch? Bust my poor virgin asshole with that assrammer between your legs? Is it going to hurt?” His eyes were wild with lust. I wasn’t in the head space where I recognized I might regret this, I just needed to have my cock slide inside him. I needed it. “Probably.” I guaranteed. He grinned like I’d never seen before. Like a firebug watching a house burn. “Good. Show me what a brute you are. Make it rough. Make it so fucking rough I scream. I want to scream for you, Kev. Every time I even THINK about my ass I want to think of the beautiful meat of you all over me and in me.” My dick was shorter than his but not by much. And it was thicker around. Probably not the best dick for fucking a virgin hole. We were going to lose our virginity together. My heavy load of precum slimed his asscrack. I pressed the head against his pucker. “Fuck yes!” He groaned. I shoved hard and felt his clenched ring give way. “Oh fucking Jesus!” He yelled, clenched up, held his breath, every muscle seized. “FFFFFFFFFFUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCCCCCCCCCKKKKKKKK”. He pounded the bed with his fists, then punched me in the chest, twice. “God that hurts so bad you hot motherfucker bastard handsome prick! Fuck you and your fat ripping cock. Bust my fucking virgin cunt, bro. Don’t stop, I don’t want the pain to stop!” He didn’t have to beg. I laid into him balls deep with a sudden violent shove. Holy fucking hell. I thought he let loose before, but when my cock bottomed out it was like I plugged in a chainsaw. OH GOD IT BURNS, MY SHITTER IS ON FUCKING FIRE,” Right then I shot my third load deep in his ass, but I wasn’t stopping. And I didn’t tell him. This was MY hole now. I yanked my still spurting dick out of him and stabbed him again with all my strength. I noticed some of my cum flew out of my dick and splattered his ass on the upstroke. Fucking hot. “I’m gonna cum, oh fuck, oh fuck I’m cumming!” His cock spurted. Because his dick was in my mouth the first time he came, I didn’t realize how much he shot. I mean, I knew it was a lot, but seeing it was something else. A big heavy long squirt travelled up to land between his pecs, stringing from his belly button to almost his throat. I spurted more of myself into him, still ramming him like I was beating a bully. A second wide ribbon of his white ballsauce flung out. We were alternating cumshots, me deep up his ridiculously tight virgin hole, then him up his chest, almost as if it was just one continuous cumshot from my nuts up through his ass, the out his dick up to his throat. “DON’T FUCKING STOP! HARDER! RAPE MY CUNT BRO. JUST FUCKING RAPE IT. OH GOD I’M CUMMING AGAIN!” I was losing my shit, his screaming filthy mouth and shooting cock, barely seconds between orgasms, making me drill him more violently with everything I had when my own fourth orgasm took me. He started to grunt with a high pitched whine, his head thrown back on the bed pointing towards the wall. “Crush my nuts.” Whine. “Slam my shitter into a cunt!” Whine. “Tear me up deep inside!” I hadn’t realized that his balls hung so low my pubic bone was bashing them every time I punched into him. “Oh god I can’t stop cumming!” He cried. “It feels so good, you make it hurt so good. I love you so much.” Still pumping him with my jizzing pole, I leaned down and slurped a mouthful of his dicksoup off his chest, then spit it in his face. “Fuck yes!” He gasped. I smacked him hard then crushed my mouth onto his after he got his face back towards me. I raised up and slapped him again, pushing him with my thrusts further onto the bed. I climbed up on my knees and grabbed his ankles then pivoted up to spread him wide beneath me, pinning his feet up beside his head. For the first time since I’d tasted his perfect, beautiful, all man asshole, I finally looked into his eyes. He was loving this, whether it was the feel of my dick splitting his ass open, or that I had let go, I didn’t know. But at this moment they were one and the same, and I learned something else, that my enjoyment was his, and his mine, that was what truly mattered. “For a straight guy, you’re a dirty little fuck, you know that? Is my dick fucking you into a slutty pussy bitch? I just want to know one thing - do you want to be able to walk after this, or do you want me to destroy you? What’s it gonna be, bro?” I hammered him deep, pulled all the way out, then hammered him again. He hadn’t responded yet, probably too focused on my rutting fat cock. “Too late. I own this cunt now.” I started fucking him at different angles, trying to judge which one made him writhe in pain the most. I spread his legs even more, knowing the stretch was burning his hamstrings. I slammed into him so hard he bounced violently off the mattress, then met him on the bounce to fuck him back down. I let one leg go then scissored him to plow him from the side, stepping on his face with my foot. I filled him twice more with nut wrenching loads of cum, and his untouched cock shivered out another load of his own, though the volume of it had lessened to almost nothing. “Looks like you’re out, tap’s run dry. Not mine.” I observed with a knuckle smack to his bruised plums, before I flipped him over on his stomach and stuffed my wet dick back inside his warm cum frothed hole. I smothered him with my entire body, kissing and biting his neck, cheeks, mouth. I wrapped my arms under his armpits then clasped my hands behind his head, rendering him helpless. And then I jackhammered him brutally in rapid fire, trying to cum again, knowing it was struggling to surface. It was there, I just wasn’t hitting hard enough, fast enough. Sometimes my dick slipped out of him and I jammed it blindly into his crack knowing it would find my cumbucket eventually, not caring if it punched him or got caught on the rim of his hole. This would be my last orgasm, and I wasn’t surrendering until I delivered it balls deep in my buddy, the man I lived with all my heart. We were both drenched in sweat, panting and groaning. I bit down hard on his trapezius muscle, frustrated with the load that taunted me but wouldn’t release, hoping to draw blood. He screamed, I bit harder and felt him shove his ass back into me. I bit the other one, wanting meat, and he screamed again, and I shot the most rapturous load all the way up inside him, ejaculating so hard I couldn’t move. My prostate cramped , overused, overworked, worn out completely. If a cum attack was my dick’s version of a heart attack, that’s what was, like everything down there was pulled into a shredder and vise at the same time. If Tom wasn’t walking tomorrow, I wasn’t either. I released his arms, and collapsed on top of him, my mouth drooling on his neck. “Fucking hell.” I mumbled. “Fucking heaven.” He mumbled back. “Fucking beautiful.” Carol mumbled. I looked at her and grinned. “ forgot you were here. Sorry.” She shook her head. “Don’t be sorry. I came three times watching you. That was the hottest thing I think I’ll ever see.” I rolled off him, then jumped up to pull his asscheeks apart. “Fuck dude, your hole is torn up.” I said. He chuckled. “Certainly feels that way.” I went back up to his head, seeing deep bite marks on his shoulders. I pulled his head up gently, and gave him a deep, loving kiss. “I bit you. Marked you.” Running my fingers gently over the bites. “I came when you did that. I don’t think anything came out, but I shot five blanks just the same. Guess you’re a top, huh? And dude, you’re going to make some lucky guy VERY happy. Very, very happy. But until you meet him, I’ll let you practice on me.” I laughed. “Oh you’ll LET me, will you?” I smacked his ass as hard as I could, making him yelp. “Maybe I won’t let you let me. Maybe I’ll just take it when I want it.” Tom rolled over, smiling. I ran my eyes over his hot body, his heavy cock. “That’s the best way. I like it when I don’t have control. You know, this went way different than I thought it would.” I blinked. Carol answered my question. “Yeah, we figured you would have to be coaxed through it, the way you always hold back with everything else. Plus, we thought it would be Tom fucking you. And then we thought it would be gentle and loving. You’re always so soft spoken, it’s something we both love about you.” “Plus, I thought I was going to get a blowjob.” Tom complained. Which earned him a matching set of bloody dental imprints on each ass cheek.
  9. Aaaaaarrrrrggggghhhhhhhh! I’m SO frustrated about Max! You’re driving me insane. Keep it up, this story is beautiful.
  10. Just finished the second chapter, and I love it already. Very easy to get lost in this story. Well done.
  11. And it makes me happy that you all felt the emotion I put into this part. Thanks
  12. The buildup is the best part. Like edging before you cum. And don’t worry, we’ll be getting back to the Barracks after I fill in Assmunch’s backstory. You all need to know to understand what happens with Sleeper, Zeus, and a couple of the other guys.
  13. Assmunch With Wanker squared away, I made my way down the hall toward the meeting spot where Sleeper waited. I glanced behind me to see the huge form of Zeus entering the door behind which Wanker waited. I sure hoped I was right about both Wanker’s problem and Zeus’ situation. My reputation as the asshole whisperer was hanging in the balance. The truth was I had never had a problem with dudes that were gay. I knew one guy in high school who was an amazing dude. Kevin Copeland. He sat next to me in English and History senior year, and he was pretty smart. Not the same kind of smart as Bootlicker, who was crafty and big-brained about facts. No, Kevin was quick but quiet, a thinker, puzzle solver who knew what made people tick. He was always watching people with eyes that rarely stopped moving, making me think of the hands of a clock driven by wheels and gears in his brain clicking along tirelessly with every second of every minute. His dry humor cracked me up too many times, which always got me into trouble in class. He’d mumble a few words out of the side of his mouth during the teacher’s lecture and a few seconds would go by while my mind connected the dots and I’d get hit with an involuntary laugh, after which Kevin’s lips would twitch in an almost unnoticeable grin. At first I thought he got a kick out of getting me in trouble, but later I figured out he just liked making me laugh and that I was someone who understood him. I’m pretty sure that’s why he eventually made a move on me. Kevin was kind of a loner and that always surprised me because he wasn’t a bad looking guy. I mean, I’m not in the habit of checking out dudes or anything, not back then anyway, but Kevin was well put together. He was shorter than me by a couple inches, dark almost black hair that he let grow long, just past his shoulders. It was naturally wavy and thick, looking both wild and tamed at the same time, resting on his shoulders. I kinda envied his hair. My dad would never let me grow my hair long like that. Frequently, almost as an unconscious habit, he’d pull it back from his face, raking his long fingers along his scalp to draw the length back across the top of his head to get it out of his face. When he did, it allowed me to see the square corner of his jaw below his ear, its straight edge solid and crisp all the way to his chin. Sometimes he’d have his hair pulled back in a warrior’s knot, the sides and top tied up in ball towards the top of the back of his head, the back hanging loose to his shoulders. It looked really cool, and one day I told him how good it looked, like a Viking or the Huns we learned about in World History. I got a direct look from his grey eyes and a full smile, both of which were rare things from him. After that he started coming to school with a warrior’s knot more often. I don’t know if he did that for me, or because it was easier for him to manage, or he wanted to look good for himself, I just knew it was fucking cool as hell. Kevin had the grunge look. You know, loose jeans, tee shirt, plaid flannel long sleeve tied around his waist, some kind of hiking boot on his large feet. I could never figure out how a guy that was 5’9” came out with size 11 feet. Hell, I was 5’11” (okay, 5’10” & 1/2… so sue me for lying about a half inch. ) and only wore 9&1/2’s. When he didn’t wear a jacket (always some black leather biker’s thing, or a ragged jeans fabric) you could see he had a dense, sturdy body. Heavy, thick shoulders and arms that were more solid than beefy and muscular. His chest was also thick but without defined pecs like mine. His waist followed the pattern, not fat but still narrower than his shoulders and chest and thick. He had a good butt, if you like that sort of thing and strong legs I later learned came from his love of skateboarding. He obviously didn’t work out and I couldn’t really say he needed to. Like his hair, his attitude , personality and his clothes, his body was a statement of casual strength, not too much effort or attention required as if it just climbed onto him every morning as a whole thing from a pile of comfortable parts. If I had to use one word to describe him, I guess the word was Comfortable. That’s the way he looked, talked, moved, and felt inside my head. Now, it might seem like I focused way too much on how Kevin looked, talked, moved and felt, but in all honesty it wasn’t anything I did consciously until after… well… IT… happened. I still remember everything about that day in vivid detail. School started like any other day, with me hanging out with my friends in front of the cafeteria, waiting to go into the building next door for our first class. We all got to school early so we could hang out and talk about classes, girls, the weekend, and our problems. Kevin wasn’t in our group, like I said he was a loner. Probably because we were all your typical high school jackasses and Kevin wasn’t that kind of guy. Because it was November I was between football and baseball seasons, so there was no practice. Twoadays never left me with time to screw around with my friends who weren’t on the team. Yeah, I was technically a jock, but I just played because I loved the games and competition. I wasn’t on some path to sports superstar. No college was going to recruit me. My stats were just average, I wasn’t physically exceptional (hint - if you’re under 6’ you’d better be exceptional in performance and stats to even get a glance by a college) and I didn’t have the drive. Besides, I’d always figured I’d join the Army like my dad when I got out of high school. Maybe that’s why I didn’t put my all into sports. I liked being part of the team, and the girls loved jocks, and high school was easier when you were a jock. Not all jocks had their eyes set on turning pro, some of us did it for all the other reasons and rewards, like Saturday night blowjobs and young perky tits in your face. When the 15 minute bell rang, we all started going towards the door to the building. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Kevin running towards the building from the parking lot, so I waited. He wasn’t sprinting, but his loping strides ate up the distance without any effort showing on his face. I watched as his leather jacket blew open from the wind, his flat solid stomach and hips rotated with each thrust of his legs, the plaid shirt tied around his waist flapping behind him. Three necklaces bounced on his upper chest. It struck me that just like every other aspect of him, he ran comfortably, casually, but with a power and strength that looked easy. It was a weightless glide, not some angry or violent action. I remember that word appearing in my head when I watched him: weightless. Comfortable and weightless. I was surprised how soon he reached me, it had to have been just five seconds. “Thanks “ Calm. Softly spoken. As if he hadn’t just done a 40 yard dash in five seconds without even trying. “Dude. You ever think about running track? You’re fucking fast.” I watched his chest and stomach. Not even breathing a little hard. He looked at me from the corners of his eyes, his face pointed towards my hand on the open door. “Track.” He paused. Then, “track shorts”. Another pause. “Absolutely not.” As usual, my mind took its usual three count to put it all together, and I barked out a laugh. The image of this guy in those high cut, tight shorts, and a tank top was ridiculous. His riveting eyes darted to mine and he did that momentary slight grin. “Good point. The shorts are ridiculous.” I waved him through the door ahead of me. The image of him gliding weightlessly in his track outfit flashed into my head again. “But you’d still make them look good.” I mumbled unconsciously. “What?” He stopped, and I ran into him. “Dude!” I complained. He took a step and turned around. “What did you say?” He was looking me straight in the eye. He had some crazy long dark eyelashes. They made his grey eyes stand out so much. He looked surprised. I shook my head. “Huh? I said good point, they’re ridiculous.” He was still staring at me. This was the longest he’d ever looked me in the eye. It made me a little uncomfortable, but at the same time I couldn’t look away. I remember specifically getting caught in his eyes, thinking how they looked like soft grey flannel. He had soft eyes. “After that. You said something after that.” He uttered with a breathy whisper. Calm. Steady. Weightless. I thought back, a puzzled look on my face. “No I didn’t.” Seriously, I couldn’t remember saying anything after that. “At least I don’t think I did. What did you hear?” He seemed to be searching my face for something, those thought-filled eyes moving back and forth, the clockwork inside his skull turning. I felt like he was taking me apart, piece by piece, looking under the rusty hood. It should have felt intense, like an attack, that stare of his went so deep into me. I have no recollection of where we stood, who was around us, or how much time passed. I let his brain disassemble me, break me into pieces, I allowed it, thinking of nothing except that he could do what he was doing for as long as he needed to do it. I didn’t feel threatened, or tense, or nervous. I was both there and not there. I didn’t exist except where I was reflected in his eyes. I had no body, just floated there before him as his perfect creation. I felt comfortable. Comfortable and weightless. So when he leaned forward, and pressed his lips to mine, I let him. No, that’s the wrong term. I didn’t ‘let’ him. In order to let him I would have had to consciously choose. It just was. In that moment there was only him, his eyes, and his lips that were incredibly soft. What I do remember is that it lasted forever, his gentle steady kiss, before my mouth betrayed me and kissed him back. There was no thought to it, just a kiss my mouth needed to perform on his soft, beautiful gentle lips after they asked me so nicely, like a please and thank you. My head had no thoughts of boys kissing boys. This wasn’t some lurid, licentious or lustful act of depravity. I was just there, engaging in an act of easy natural need like breathing, exploring his mouth with mine without hurry, without thought, just because every movement brought with it a new and more interesting area. At some point in my journey, my adventure upon the softness of his lips, I released my tongue to taste him. His lips tasted like mint. My tongue took its time to find every corner with a slow and deliberate movement. It didn’t flex or harden, remaining soft and languid as it voyaged fully over each inviting pink pillow. Without my asking them to, my hands had risen up to cup his solid masculine jaw, my fingers caressing his neck while my thumbs stroked his cheeks. When my tongue wandered between those comfortable lips, they relaxed exactly as I needed them to, as if our organs were speaking to each other on their own. They needed to talk, to visit, to tell each other stories like friends who had missed each other for too long. His teeth greeted me first, so my tongue searched out every one, tracing their outlines top to bottom and side to side. Incisors. Canines. First molars. Licking , savoring each individual tooth, taking my time to be sure I explored their entire surface, even scraping the sharp points. I went along his gums, finding the crease of his jaw where it met the flesh of his face, and the rigid divider just beneath his nose. I played in the gap where his gums met the smooth white enamel of his teeth, fascinated by the difference in texture, finding it a sexy thing, that juxtaposition of hard and tender, soft and rigid. In my head, this wasn’t a kiss. This was like listening to my favorite song, getting taken away by the music, hearing but not listening because I was transported INSIDE the music, sailing on the notes, carried by the rhythm. No time existed, only the journey and the fascinating new places it would take me on its own without my conscious guidance. In the year since I graduated, I learned that this was a habit of mine, and always had been. My mind would take me and the world would disappear when I found this mental state. No judgment existed, no choice, no worry, just being in the moment as it expanded in my mind. It was safe, it soothed me, excited me, and everything was nothing. My body wasn’t there, not connected to me while my mind went where it needed to. A tiny piece of me fed instructions to my body to give my mind what it needed, and that was all, but I couldn’t tell you what those instructions were. Years later I would understand that this was meditation, letting go of everything to free the mind. Back then I only knew it as losing myself: the place where there was no ‘me’. When my tongue finished, it pulled back slowly, revisiting its favorite places, old friends, a quick goodbye but stopping for a longer moment on its favorite friend, those beautiful gentle lips. And then, his tongue came to visit me. Hesitant. Cautious. It moved so slowly, so tender, asking politely once again. In answer, my hands pulled him into me, my own lips opened even as my tongue darted forth to tease him. I had never had a kiss like this with any of the girls I’d been with. There was no casual, effortless connection with them. With them, there was a purpose, mostly mechanical, a choreographed dance with deliberate steps and movements intended to lead to a sexual act. A sexual act I desperately wanted and loved, in case you thought otherwise. There was always a navigational issue with girls, I could never just lose my self, because every guy had to be hyper aware of every signal, make sure she was in full consent, to make sure she enjoyed it all way more than I was allowed to. All the while she couldn’t enjoy herself TOO much, not wanting to come across as a total slut. Always careful, slightly awkward, each of us holding back. My too big mouth trying not to swallow their too small mouth, my heavy, long thick tongue trying not to choke or overwhelm them. Having to walk the line between strong and aggressive, a too thin line sometimes when your heartbeat sinks to your dick. There was no kiss that only existed as a doorway to a sublime disappearance, a kiss that wasn’t a kiss, but an existence. No kiss like Kevin’s comfortable , weightless kiss. And when he felt my permission, my acceptance, he performed his magic again, only this time my mind receded, becoming a spectator once more just like that eternity of his lips first touching mine. His tongue invaded me, eager and on a hunt. It came for something, hungry to conquer. My mouth relished the strength of his attack, the abandon and thoughtless aggression. It would have its satisfaction, it would fill its starved emptiness with everything it could devour. Sacrificing myself to him seemed only right, this desperate animalistic taking , I could deny it nothing. If there was any way I could give it more, I would. On an instinctual level I celebrated the release of the hound, knowing that allowing it to feed meant freedom. His tongue reached my very soul, no different from how his soft flannel eyes ensnared my mind. I fed it to him, I no longer wanted my soul, not inside me. I wanted him to consume it, to keep it prisoner as deep inside his self as he could crush it. I had no reason left. He could take what he wanted, anything he needed. I would just live inside him, such an easy choice. His tongue pushed against my tongue like a bully, throwing it wherever he chose, trying to flip it over on its back. He drove the hardened tip deep into the soft tender flesh on the floor of my mouth, then spread the tip wide to fling my tongue upward like a killer whale flinging its seal victim in the splashing surf of our shared saliva. It was pure playful violence, toying with me. His tongue yanked back, but only so his teeth could nip my lips, before thrusting again into my beaten mouth. A wave of his saliva followed, only for me to swallow every drop after which my lips closed over his tongue so I could suck it dry. I felt like a virgin, like I had never kissed anyone before in my life. Whatever I had done before, it couldn’t be called a kiss. THIS… this was what qualified as a kiss. When had I slumped against this wall, lowering myself so I was below his head? It made his violation easier. He cradled my head with one hand while his other hand danced across my face. I felt his finger enter my lips next to his tongue. He drew back his head slowly, looking at me with his flannel eyes, his finger still in my mouth. I slumped there, staring. My mind was coming back too slow. “How…..?” He gasped. Now he was breathing heavy. He put a second finger in my mouth, and I unconsciously sucked them, captivated by his stare. “Let’s go.” He said, curling his fingers around my bottom teeth and pulling me off the wall by my jaw. I didn’t even care. What the fuck? The world was still gone. Oh I recognized the school, where we were. But I had no idea what time it was, didn’t care. School? Class? Not even on the radar. I followed him to his car, and he was kind enough not to drag me the whole way by my teeth. “Fuck. Sorry Tom.” He said, releasing me. “It’s…. I …. What?” That was the level of my intelligence at that moment. Just saying words. “Get in.” He ordered. Commands. I could do that, follow commands without my mind, super easy. The Army was going to get a perfect soldier. So I got into his car and shut the door, staring out the windshield trying to make sense of whatever this was. “Tom? You okay?” I heard from my left. I turned my head slowly, like some creepy horror movie mannequin. I swallowed before answering. “Yeah. Okay. I’m okay.” “I’m sorry I did that. I don’t know why I did it.” He said, going back to not looking me in the eye. “Did what? What did you do Kev?” I was still trying to grasp reality. Nothing made sense. “The kiss? Kissed you in front of English class?” Which only sent my mind right back there, his lips, my tongue, my surrender. “That’s good.” I muttered distractedly. He looked at me again. “Tom? What? TOM!” His raised voice got my attention, finally. I focused on his flannel eyes, his hair. “Your hair’s messed up.” I told him. Don’t ask me why that was the first thing I chose to consciously say to him. But in my defense, Kevin’s hair was never messed up. He always looked like fucking Tarzan. He smirked. ‘Yeah, you kinda put your hands all over it, through it, pulled it, smelled it. I thought you were going to eat some, but you didn’t.” None of which I remember. Not even to this day. “Really? When?” Now he smiled, a full smile. I remember those teeth, knew each of them intimately. My tongue came out and licked my lips. I have no idea why I wasn’t freaking out. “During what will always be the best kiss of my life.” I blinked. “Oh. Oooooooohhhhhhhhhh” my mouth lingered on the word. Finally, I grasped the entirety of what we’d done. “Oh shit.” Okay, I guess the freaking out part was just holding back a little. “Did we just do that? Like right there in the hallway?” Kevin nodded, his smile reduced to nothing. His eyes looked scared, but hopeful. I leaned back and rested my head against the headrest, closing my eyes. I sighed, thinking… at long last thinking. Maybe not such a perfect soldier, with all the thinking. Kevin waited with the quiet patience he always had. Comfortable silence. Weightless expectation. That was why. Why I said what I did. Because he was comfortably weightless there inside me. I mean beside me. Yeah, that’s what I meant. I looked at him again and smiled. “It was a fucking awesome kiss!” I laughed. He laughed too, the first time I’d ever heard him laugh. It sounded deep and throaty. “You kissed me gone, dude. I seriously left my body. I don’t remember everything that happened, I just remember living inside your mouth. I remember ever single crevice and corner of your mouth, every tooth, every bump. And your lips. Your lips. Those lips.” Before I knew what I was doing, I reached out to touch his lips. “You have no idea what you did to me, where you took me.” I didn’t feel like lying to him, I wanted him to know the truth. I needed him to know how special that was for me. He smiled, and kissed my fingers, still there touching him. “I know what you did to me, and where you took me. That I do know.” He got a little bashful then. “Um… sorry about attacking you there at the end. I don’t know why that happened. You drove me so crazy with what you were doing to me. I couldn’t take it when you let me put my tongue in your mouth. I lost it.” I moved my fingers under his chin to raise his face to look at me. “Kev? Look at me.” He did that thing again, his face pointed off to the side, his eyes looking then not looking, then looking again. “I’m not sorry. I wanted the beast off the leash, that was actually going through my head. I saw that beast inside you and wanted it to feed on me. You were perfect, amazing, so strong and in control. I didn’t know a kiss could be all that. So, thank you. Thank you for kissing me. Thank you for giving me all of you, like I gave you all of me. I never thought that was possible, but you showed me it is.” I watched as tears started to fall from his eyes. “Thank you too. Tom? I really like you.” I wiped his tears. “Yeah. I like you too Kev. In fact, I know I love you. But I’m straight Kev. We’re going to be close friends, because I love who you are, the guy inside. I like your jokes. I like your always thinking brain.” He chuckled, then took a deep breath, then looked out the windshield. “I figured.” He wiped his eyes on his shoulders. “Are you sure you want to be my friend. I’m gay, Tom. And after that display in the hallway, people are going to talk. I guess I just came out at school.” I grabbed his hand. “Only if you want to. Fuck those people, the ones who want to be mean. You don’t need them. And I’ll shut them up for you if you want.” “But what about you? They’re going to think you’re gay too. Fuck! I screwed this up so magnificently, and now you’re going to suffer.” He threw his head back, raking his hand through his hair and holding his head. “FUCK FUCK FUCK!” “Hey, hey, settle down. Get the beast back on the leash, buddy. It’ll be fine.” I really wasn’t worried. “I don’t care if they think I’m gay. You’re gay and you’re amazing. If they think I’m like you, I couldn’t be happier. “ “Really? What if girls don’t want to go out with you?” He asked. I laughed. “Dude, you don’t know girls. They’ll see it as a challenge, can they turn me straight, make me forget about dick? If I play this right I might actually lose my virginity. Some girl’s gonna want to use that pussy power.” His eyes got wide. “You’re a virgin? You?” His surprise amused me. “Yup, turns out that being a good guy makes it extra difficult to get more than a blowjob. I can’t figure out why.” I heard him snort. “What?” I retorted. “You don’t think I’m a good guy? Or was that because I’m not as smart as you?” I’m not sure I appreciated this level of honesty. He shook his head. “No. No, not that.” He grinned. “Let’s see, someone just told me something like ‘you don’t know girls’ or some lame bullshit like that.” He raised his eyebrows. I hated myself for those three seconds before my brain clicked. “Oh you fucking ASSHOLE!” I grinned and punched him hard in the arm. He started cracking up. “You deserved that.” He laughed. “And OW! Jesus. I’m gonna have a bruise.” “Good.” I said. “Look, you’re right, being a good guy probably does work against you. You probably stop when they say no, right?” He tilted his head. “Yeah, I do. I’m not going to rape anyone. If they say no, it means no.” I didn’t see where he was going with this. He paused, I watched his grey eyes move left and right between his eyelids, his lips pressed together, obviously lost in thought. “Okay.” That’s all he said. “Okay what?” I asked. “You don’t have any answers? What’s the good in having a gay best friend if he can’t give me answers about girls?” He looked at me with a suave smirk. “You can comfort yourself with a no strings blowjob from your gay best friend any time you want.” I choked , then laughed. “You shouldn’t have said that.” He suddenly looked scared. “It’s a joke. A joke. Don’t be mad.” I looked back at him, with a straight face, saying “oh, a joke. That’s too bad.” Then I gave him a wink and a grin. He took a deep breath, then grinned. “Now who’s the asshole?” “Guilty.” I said. “But look, don’t censor yourself with me, Kev. You don’t need to do that. I know you dig me. Be yourself.” “Bet you’d still make them look good.” Kevin said. “Huh?” “That’s what you said. Before the kiss. ‘Good point. The shorts are ridiculous.’ Then you paused, and mumbled Bet you’d still make them look good.” I looked at him with my mouth open. “I… I don’t remember saying that. Did I say that?” He nodded. “Yeah.” His face was serious. Concerned. “That’s why I kissed you. I thought you liked me like I like you.” I put my hand over my mouth. I led him on? I felt bad. I shouldn’t have done that. “Kev, I’m sorry. It was subconscious, or something. I mean, I’m not going to lie, you have a nice body, and you’re handsome as hell with your soft grey eyes and your Viking Tarzan hair. And yeah, if I’m being honest you’d probably look hot in those track shorts because of your skateboarding ass and legs. But I didn’t mean to lead you on, or make you think we could be a couple.” I took a breath. “So you wouldn’t have kissed me if I hadn’t said that?” He shook his head “I would have been too scared to make a move. Just like every day since junior year.” “Okay, we’re going to revisit your crush on me for over a year, and you not even saying hi. We’re going to have to work on your balls if we’re going to get you a boyfriend. “ “Yes, let’s work on my balls. You can start now.” He said dryly. One. Two. Brain caught up. “Hah!” I laughed. “You’re too quick for me, dude!” I slapped his thigh. “Alright, well while I’m sorry I led you on and gave you the wrong idea, I’m still glad I said it because that kiss was FUCKING EPIC and I got a gay best friend out of it.” I explained. “Yeah. It was the best kiss ever.” He replied , lost in thought. “ I didn’t know a kiss could be like that either. So it doesn’t bother you that I’m crushing on you bad?” I shrugged. “I kinda like it. Besides, isn’t that how gay/straight friends work? I figured the gay one always had a crush on the straight one.” “What? No! Oh for fuck’s sake. Good thing you have me. You may be straight, but your head’s not. I’m gonna to straighten that out.” So Kevin straightened out my head, with girls and gay people. I guess I knew what I was doing when I called him my gay best friend, because the guy who I thought was my best friend turned into a major prick because of the rumors I was gay, which I did nothing to dispel. Fuck him. I did in fact get WAY more action, and lost my virginity to Carol Fredericks, a sweet little blonde volleyball player. We ended up dating for the rest of the year. I came clean with her that I really was straight, to which she screamed ‘I KNEW IT!’ And she punched me like a volleyball spike while I laughed until I swore to do anything she told me to for a week. Let me tell you, that sweet little girl was a freaknasty with her leash off. I loved that. Almost…ALMOST took me to the place of Kevin’s kiss. I had a moment beyond , but nothing as deep or long lasting as Kevin’s kiss. She was the one that taught me that eating a dude’s ass drives him fucking crazy. I need to introduce Sleeper to Carol. She tore my hole up with her mouth, even had me shooting once, just from her tongue in my hole. In my defense I hadn’t touched myself or seen Carol in two weeks when that happened. I begged her to fucking rape my hole, it drove me that crazy. She kissed me right after i shot, and tasting my own ass on her tongue almost made me cum again. And I had to stop myself from letting another load go when she picked up my pooled jizz and grinned at me while she forced my own cum into my asshole with two of her dainty fingers. I still fucked her twice more, once in each hole. I liked fucking her ass, and she loved it too because we didn’t have to use a condom and I could fill her up with my nut. Freaknasty. What a perfect, lovely, pretty, dirty little slut. I guess my laid back attitude and casual acceptance of pretty much anything allowed her to let her beast out. And you know how much that gets me gone to that mindless place. If I hadn’t joined the Army, and Carol hadn’t gone away to UCLA, we’d still be together. If she’s still single when I get back stateside, I’m going to look her up. For Kevin’s birthday that March, I asked him what he wanted. With that sardonic dry tone he said without blinking. “Give you a blowjob, of course.” It was our typical banter. It was the same thing he said at Christmas. On Valentines Day. When I asked him what he wanted to do on the weekend. ‘Maybe tomorrow’ I’d say. But this time I said “okay”, closed my locker, and walked towards the parking lot. I was halfway down the hall before he ran to catch up. I finally got him. This time HE had to wait for his brain to connect the dots. I felt kinda proud. “What?” He asked. I looked at him with a grin. “I said okay. For your birthday, you get to blow me.” He stared and blinked slowly. “This is a joke, right?” I put my arm around his shoulders, and he automatically wrapped his around my waist. Like we always did. “No joke buddy. But, there’s conditions.” He was trembling under my arm. “What conditions?” “Carol’s going to be there. She’s into it. Oh, and she calls the shots. Meaning if she wants to participate, she does. You good with that?” Kevin looked uncomfortable and a little freaked out. “She’s not going to order me around, is she? She won’t do anything to me, will she?” He stopped. “I don’t have to do anything to her, right?” I gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. “Just me, buddy. She accepts you’re gay, she’s not trying to change you. I told her you’re GAYgay, that we’ve always joked about you giving me a blowjob. She asked if we’ve ever done that, I told her no. She asked why not, and I couldn’t really give her an answer except I didn’t want to lead you on, that you deserve better.” We reached the exit, saying goodbye to a few people we knew who never cared that Kevin and I hugged, walked with our arms around each other, got handsy when sitting next to each other. One cool side effect of all this was how many other people got comfortable with male affection. I noticed the guys on my teams hugging a lot more and being more at ease with touching. Of course, it was usually followed by ‘no homo’, but progress was progress. I stopped getting shit after they learned it wasn’t going to get a rise out of me, and didn’t ruin my day. I seriously didn’t care. I was going into the Army, the rest of these chumps could kiss my ass. A couple more guys came out as gay, but Kevin said they didn’t interest him. I hoped Carol’s plan worked. I was really worried my best friend would never move on and let his crush on me go. The air was still cool, in March, but Spring was almost here. We walked across the small lawn towards the parking lot where our cars were. Kevin and I used to take turns driving each other (wait… I mean riding with each other… fuck… taking each other to school… for fuck’s sake is there any way to make it not sound like we’re fucking each other? That’s Kevin’s influence, that dirty mind filled with double meanings). So anyway, since I started dating Carol, we drove separately most of the time. Carol and Kevin liked each other, it’s just sometimes Carol and I had personal business to conduct after school before our parents got home from work. “My parents are in Dallas for the weekend, and Timmy is staying at his friend’s until they come home. I’m apparently not mature enough to keep my little brother from dying in my care, but it’s fine with them if I do something stupid and end up killing myself. So, we have the house to ourselves. Wanna stay the weekend?” I asked him. His actual birthday wasn’t until next Wednesday, so there shouldn’t be any reason he couldn’t stay over. “Sure. Is Carol coming over?” I shook my head “Nope. Not until tomorrow night, for your birthday celebration. She said I have to save it for you. I think you’re going to have to blow me twice because I’m going to cum too fast the first time for you to have your fun. Carol and I haven’t gotten together since last week. It’s driving me crazy. I’m so fucking horny. Practice and games, I get no time. Thank God this is a bye week.” He gave me that clock ticking look. “This is something you WANT to do, right?” I smiled. “Yeah bud. I want to do this for you. I think you need this. Besides, I tell you how hot you are every week. What makes you think I’m not going to enjoy it just as much as you?” We hugged before we split to go towards our cars. “Well I won’t complain. What time do you want me to come by tonight?” That was Kevin. His biggest sexual fantasy was coming true and he still maintained that comfortable, weightless attitude. Who knows what going through his head, turning through those gears. I shrugged. “Anytime you want. Just grab your clothes and stuff and come right over. I’m going to go to the store on my way home and get some garbage food. I’ll see you there. Let yourself in if you get there before me.” I climbed into my 12 year old ‘79 Trans Am, a car I thought was a ‘classic’ at the time. Ha ha. Go ahead and laugh, then go fuck yourself. What the hell did I know? I was 18. **************** It was Saturday night, THE night. Carol was on her way, and Kevin and I had spent the day trying to not think about tonight. With each passing hour, he seemed to get more nervous, and that sideways look was back. I tried to reassure him, tried to be more affectionate, but it didn’t seem to be working. We were currently snuggling on the couch watching Terminator 2, it had just come out on video and I had snagged the last VHS at Blockbuster. Kevin was little spoon, and I had my arms wrapped around him, my leg over the top of his, while my chin rested on the top of his head. He was so warm, his meaty body felt perfectly contoured to mine. My right hand lazily rubbed his left pec while we watched Arnold blow shotgun holes in the liquid metal terminator. The special effects were insane. I liked how solid his body felt. Comfortable. His hair, skin, breath, all smelled soothing. He’d always chuckle when I’d sniff him like a dog, but it always seemed to calm me and make me smile. Although we always spooned and slept in each other’s arms when we’d stay over at the other’s house, somehow this moment felt extra special. I took a deep breath. “Kev?” He waited a few seconds before answering. I could feel him tense, then relax. I was patient, knowing he’d speak when his clock gears finished whatever they needed to do. “Yeah Tom?” His deep voice came out weak, filled with uncertainty, and a little fear. “I… I love you, buddy. I don’t think you realize how much.” I took another deep breath. Softening my voice, I continued, “Sometimes I wish I was gay, so I could be the man you deserve.” I felt him tense up, so I grabbed him tighter, not letting him run from this. And then I felt him shaking. I looked at his face below me and he was crying. Crying softly, making no noise. “Oh Kev. Don’t cry. Don’t cry buddy.” I kissed his head, his neck, his jaw that I thought was so masculine. “Please don’t, you’ll make me cry. “ I kept mumbling while I squeezed him tightly to me and tried to kiss away his tears. “You can’t cry on your birthday, it’s against the law.” I tried humor. He brought his hand up to rub my forearm. “Tom?” He paused. I knew I didn’t have to answer, he would continue when he had the right words. I kept up my affectionate attention while he prepared himself. He really did smell like the best thing in the world. Like rain on a summer day. A freshly planted field. The breeze coming off the ocean. Beneath it all, him, his unique scent, a light musk that could have been a spice if you could bottle it. He hadn’t worn cologne since the day I’d told him how good he smelled without it. “Tom, I don’t want you to be gay. I mean, I used to want that, at first. But that wouldn’t be you.” He was talking through his tears, still running down his face, wetting the throw pillow under our heads. “Part of why I love you with all my heart is because even though you ARE straight, you never hold back on how much you love me, and show me that. Do you remember the day of The Kiss?” “Every single detail, Kev. I’ll never forget it.” “You said something in the car that day that I think about every day. When I feel sad, it makes me feel better. When I’m scared, it calms me down. When you said those words, it made everything all right.” I’d said so many things that day, and my exact words were jumbled in my memory between my heaving emotions , and my scrambled brain. But Kevin always remembered everything exactly. “Which part, Kev?” “You said ‘Thank you for giving me all of you, like I gave you all of me’. So now it’s my turn. Thank you for giving me all of you, Tom. You’re perfect just as you are. So perfect, just like this.” And now I was crying too. We stayed like that, wrapped in each other, letting the emotion take us where it needed to, our eyes closed. We didn’t hear Carol come in, until she stood in front of the couch. “You started without me?” She said with a grin. We both looked up at her. “No.” We said together. She saw our tear stained faces. Her grin slipped. She knelt down in front of us, her eyes going from Kevin’s face, to mine, and back again. “Hey, are you two okay?” She reached out to wipe my tears, then wiped Kevin’s cheek too. “Yeah babe.” I said, smiling. I’m sure we looked pathetic, but I didn’t care. “I’ve got my two favorite people right here and I couldn’t be happier.” I leaned over Kevin and gave her a kiss. We were just inches from Kevin’s face. I could feel his soft eyes on us. “Wow.” He whispered. I smiled with my mouth still on Carol’s, and I saw a glint in her eye. Carol pulled back an inch, opened her mouth and let her tongue extend. She grabbed my lower jaw, squeezed my cheeks, forcing my mouth open. She darted in, shoving her tongue into my open mouth and took a long hard forceful lick up across my palate and teeth. Then she pulled my mouth open as far as she could and put her delicate chin all the way inside my lips, pushing her tongue inside along with it. I clamped down, almost chewing on her jaw. She moaned. She was the first girl I didn’t worry about how big my male mouth was. If I could swallow her head, she’d let me, and would want me to. “Holy fuck.” Kevin breathed below us. This was so hot. We’d never had an audience before. And knowing that Kevin was getting turned on by it had my dick throbbing as I unconsciously humped it over his meaty ass. I was grabbing his pec and playing with it. I was so turned on. Carol pulled back again, and stuck her magical tongue out once again. Yeah, her tongue wasn’t as big and fat as mine, but it was long, almost three inches. My asshole loved every wet inch. “Suck it.” She ordered, yanking my jaw towards it. God, I loved it when she treated me like her bitch. She couldn’t be too rough, too degrading, too demanding. It excited me that her tall thin body could control my big muscular one. I learned early on that my beloved Freaknasty could take it as well as she could dish it out too, but I could never decide which way I loved it more. She was so polite, sweet, and pure in public. Behind closed doors she became the best kind of depraved whore, and she knew ALL of my buttons. We were perfect together. She pushed me away after I tried to suck her delicious tongue as hard as I could and rip it out of her mouth so I could eat it. Fuck, the things she did to me. “That’s not the only thing going in your mouth tonight, baby” the sweet tone of her voice opposed that sparkle in her eye I knew so well. I was breathing hard, clutching Kevin’s chest. Somewhere in the back of my mind I hoped I wasn’t hurting him. I took a quick moment to glance down at him. He had the most sublime expression on his face. The excitement in those soft eyes changed them. Were the darker? They appeared to be two stormy skies. His tongue flicked out to wet his lips. Those lips. Carol grabbed me by the hair to get my eyes back on her. I caught the briefest glimpse of Kevin’s patented minuscule smirk before my eyes found hers. She stroke my cheek with her soft dainty hand. Man, her fingers were so long, her palm looked tiny next to them. “Oh baby, do you want to kiss Kevin? Like you kiss me?” She cooed. “Yes” I said hoarsely. I didn’t see it coming, the slap. I knew better than to take my eyes off her. I kept my head still , taking the full power of her slap. It was a stinger, she was a great volleyball spiker after all. My ear was ringing, my face on fire. Her voice was still filled with sugar, so sweet. “Too bad, baby. Tonight’s not about what you want. It’s all about him. Tonight he gets what he wants. Tonight he gets to… how do you put it? Let his beast off the leash? You want that, right?” She stroked my face again, so tender, it felt so good. “More than anything, baby girl.” “Do you love him, baby? Do you love him like me?” Still sweet, a gentle smile on her face. “Not like you. You, I want to possess, I want to grovel at your feet, I want to control you and let you control me. I want to be in front of you so I can see you and protect you, behind you so I can hold you, beside you so I can share everything with you. I want you to hold my heart, crush it if you wish, consume it, put it in a necklace to wear, while I do the same with yours.” We hadn’t talked about this, Carol and I. None of it, which was part of the thrill. I was going wherever she led me, trusting her completely to bring out what we all needed, the three of us. And she did it to perfection. She had a gift. “Oh baby, you are so wonderful, so gorgeous in your heart and soul.” She caressed me with her words. “And the outside is even more beautiful. So hot, so handsome, all those powerful muscles that would never be used to cause pain.” She finally let go of my hair and started stroking both cheeks lovingly. “And Kevin? What about him? How do you love your boyfriend?” Kevin jerked. Her eyes and one hand left my face. She looked down at him, smiling like an angel, stroking both of our cheeks now. “It’s okay. You know we all see it, right? Your hearts beat for each other. But let Tom tell you. Baby, tell him how you love him.” She tilted my head down to look at him, his eyes had gone to soft flannel again. I felt my tears start. “Kevin, I love you like the air I breathe, weightless, here inside me, always, filling me, keeping me alive. You are a fire that keeps me warm, comforting me. I wish we could merge into one, so I could feel your weightless comfort every second of every day, know what’s ticking in your amazing brain, feel everything you feel that keeps you solid, steady, and so much more real than anything else around us.” My tears were dropping on his face mixing with his own. “Thank you for being my friend. I love you buddy.” “Kiss your boyfriend, baby. Show him how you feel.” Carol whispered. I looked in Kevin’s soft eyes, and watched them begin to dart. “No.” I uttered, soft and tender. He and I had never kissed again like the day of The Kiss. “Why? Tell him why, baby.” She knew. I had told her about The Kiss. She already knew what I would do, what I would say. “I’m waiting for the moment. The moment when he’s ready to pull me into his eyes again. When he lets go of the leash he’s put himself on. The leash I never asked him to wear for me. Let it go, buddy. Come to me, pull me in. I want you to kiss me gone. I need you to give me all of you, without holding back.” If it were possible, which I guess it was because he did, he cried even harder, from fear, doubt, from a desire he could never answer without feeling the desperation of losing me. I saw it all in those soft flannel eyes. “You would do this for me?” He whispered. And I could tell he still couldn’t grasp that this was something I wanted just as much as him. Carol had opened my eyes about so many things. One lesson I learned above all others was not to avoid trying new things, that hidden pleasures were everywhere if you allowed yourself to look. I needed Kevin to show me what sex with a man was like. I too, had put myself on a leash, wanting the experience, but needing to keep from hurting him. But he was the only man I trusted to do this with. I wouldn’t do this with any other. “I want to do it for us.” When he heard those words his soft eyes stopped darting, and they pulled me in. And the world froze and disappeared. He became the only real, solid thing in the universe, even I was reduced to nothing more than elements of more than the five physical sensations. I came back to myself carrying Kevin up the stairs to my room, our mouths still locked together. I sensed Carol behind us. I’d warned Carol what could happen, if the stars aligned just right, but I didn’t expect it to happen like that, so fast. I remembered far more than the first time, my hands and mouth exploring his entire head, smelling everything, tasting every part my tongue could find. I violated his ears, driving my tongue deep into his ear canals, both of them. I needed to know how that private part of him tasted, how it felt against my tongue. I used my lips and tongue to remove his earring, rolled it around in my mouth to suck off the bits of him that came from inside his pierced earlobe. His nose I swallowed whole, the tip of my tongue penetrating up inside each nostril, the snot from his tearful surrender somehow as deliciously soothing on my tongue as everything else I’d savored. I licked his salty tears and cleaned his eyes. I remember chewing gently along that straight, sharp jawline I’d always admired. I sucked his Adam’s apple, it was hard against the soft sweetness of his throat, feeling it jump as he moaned. And then I wrapped my overly large mouth to cover his entire throat, the feel of his blood pumping through both his carotid and jugular pulsing against my lips at the same time sending me even deeper into the nothing. Here. Here was where I joined him, that merging that I wanted. He lay beneath me offering himself as a sacrifice to my hunger, my beast. With every breath, I felt the air move through his throat, his beating heart sending his blood through his artery up over my top lip, and back to his heart through his vein across my bottom lip, throbbing heat, over and over. So strong. Steady. Solid, like him. I existed only as his blood, his heartbeat, his comfortable heat, his weightless air for an eternity. For that time, I felt like his life, and I’ve never known a peace like that ever again. I don’t know how long he fed me, but he gave me all of him, patient like he always was until I’d gotten what I needed. Still clothed, we got to the landing and I moved towards my bedroom. I spared a glance at Carol. Her eyes were wide, and wonder was painted on her face. “Tom, my God. Who are you?” She asked. I left Kevin’s soft, beautiful, comfortable lips, smiled at her. “I’m him. I have him, he’s finally here.” As I pulled him to my chest. A tear slipped from my eye, tracing down my cheek. “And now, he will have me.” She didn’t have to say it, I saw it in her eyes. “You are the most amazing man, baby. I love you.” I smiled bigger. “Thank you for loving me. All of me. Even the part of me that is Kevin. You didn’t have to. But that’s who you are, and you made this gift happen because of what you have inside you. There’s no one I’ve ever known who gives so freely, and takes so unapologetically. I love you.” “Take him in there. Give him all of you. Show him what I see.” She turned to go back down the stairs. She wasn’t worried that this would change me, or change her and me. That wasn’t Carol. In fact , she told me before graduation months later that she was wet thinking about all the ways she hoped Kevin would violate me. She wanted to watch, but wanted us to be free to do everything we wanted to, needed to. Kevin stirred. I looked down at him, his soft eyes completely still as I gazed into them. “No, Carol. You’re coming too.” He said. And then that smirk. I laughed immediately, no three second wait. I had a feeling that my brain would never have to catch up with his again. “You heard him.” I said, when she hadn’t moved. She was obviously trying to figure out if that meant what she thought it meant. “Get your sexy ass in here! Oh, and Kev’s in charge. No leash.” I had no idea what Kevin would come up with, but knowing him, Carol and I were going to experience a few new things. Carol was going to learn that even though Kevin was a virgin, his beast made ours look like cute puppies. I remembered that all too well the day he took my soul.
  14. Wanker’s Story pt. 2 Horvath nodded, and began unbuckling his belt. “Yeah. Just get me hard.” Sarge got down on his knees in front of Sergeant Charlie, unsnapping his pants and unzipping him while Horvath undid the buttons on his uniform top. “Come over here, Sendahl. You’re going to want to watch this.” Sarge said, pulling Horvath’s pants down and taking them off, leaving his boots on. The bulge in Sergeant Charlie’s underwear was enormous. I got down off the desk, careful to keep Sarge’s jizz inside me. I didn’t want to let it out. I went to kneel down beside Sarge. I never looked at Sarge like he’d be the type to do this, but I couldn’t argue with that feeling we shared. I understood something I could never have understood before- that brothers have a bond that goes beyond labels, outside of society’s norms. There was nothing above brotherhood, no barriers standing in the way. There was nothing wrong with anything between brothers, no weakness to be ashamed of, no limit to what I would now do for any of them. I watched Sarge rub Sergeant Charlie’s bulge. He kissed Horvath’s thigh. When he looked over at me, he smiled. “Watch this, kid.” And he peeled Horvath’s underwear down, releasing the monster inside. “Fuck. Sarge, that’s not going to fit up my ass.” I gasped. Sergeant Charlie’s cock, soft, was as big around as my wrist, and as long as Sarge’s cock was when it was hard. Sergeant Charlie didn’t shave. I’m not sure there would have been a point, as there wasn’t a beginning or end to the hair on his body. He was one solid carpet of black fur from his neck to his toes, though his ankles and feet wasn’t thick hair. Even his knees were hairy. “You’d be surprised what’ll fit up your ass, Private.” Sergeant Charlie said with an amused grin. “Look, his nuts aren’t as big as mine.” Sarge said, lifting Horvath’s heavy cock to exposed his hairy nuts, which were still sizable. He batted Horvath’s nuts like a punching bag a few times while Horvath crossed his arms and stared down. “None of that is getting my dick hard, Walters. We gonna do this? “ “Yeah, buddy. But the kid here has a trick to show you. You’re gonna love it.” Sarge pulled my head in. “Take a sniff, it seems to help you.” I leaned in and sniffed Sergeant Charlie’s nuts. There was a slight musk there, with a soothing herbal smell mixed in. I couldn’t smell any sweat, but Horvath had probably showered. Still, it was a deep, manly smell. I found I liked it too, but not near as much as Sarge’s raw, animal he-man odor. I felt Sarge’s lips next to my ear as my face was buried in Sergeant Charlie’s groin. “Show him what you did to me. He might take it easy on you if he likes it. Doubtful though, he never takes it easy on me.” I pulled my head out of his hairy nutsack and saw Sarge swallow the entire salami of Horvath’s soft dick, right to his pubes. Then I watched Sarge’s throat convulse and move. He rolled his eyes to me and indicated for me to take on Sergeant Charlie’s nuts. I took a breath. I turned my head so my chin went between Horvath’s thighs, then opened wide to let his low hangers drop into my mouth. I might be able to swallow both of them. I doubted it, but still wanted to try. I felt my lips make contact with his upper nutsack, then opened my throat, letting his balls drop through. As soon as I felt contact, I breathed deep, and clamped down to swallow. “Yeah Walters, take it deep. Keep that sweet mouth down on that hog.” Horvath started talking. “You know how- holy FUCK! “ My throat started heaving on his nuts, straining to swallow them down past my Adam’s apple. “Holy sweet fucking baby Jesus, suck those fucking marbles, FUCK!” I guess the warm, wet throat ballsack massage was a hit, but I didn’t have much attention to spare as I was trying not to choke to death on a hairy nut sandwich. When something is lodged in your throat your natural reaction is to choke it out or choke it down, and right now I was going back and forth between the two options and Horvath’s heavy cream filled nuts were the rope in my oral tug of war. I felt him press down on my mouth just like Sarge had done. Both his nuts were in my esophagus, lined up like a pinball machine, his sack hung low enough that getting both down in me was possible. I took a gamble before my breath ran out and clamped my lips down over the base of his balls and gave a giant gulp, wondering if I could get them further down. “Oooooooooooooooh…. Oh fuck. Oh God.” Horvath started moaning. And he literally shoved Sarge off his cock, which started bouncing and throbbing. It looked ridiculous watching that huge cock slime it’s way out of Sarge’s tear stained face like a baby calf being born. I had to spit his nuts out, I was about to pass out. Fuck, I can’t say what Sergeant Charlie felt, but trying to swallow two hot, fuzzy extra large plums at the same time kinda turned me on. No lie. Feeling them go down, then back up my throat, over and over again, that was insane. “Think you could swallow this monster? It’s not too much different.” Sarge said, offering Horvath’s cock to me by the base. It was a true foot long, or I’d eat my shoe. Not like Footling’s cock, which was probably close, but nowhere near this thick. I gulped. “No. It’s too big. I don’t even think my mouth opens that wide. “. I managed, almost too scared to even try. “Okay, then chest on the desk, legs spread.” Sarge said. I did exactly that, but I didn’t exactly run to get myself in position. Sarge patted me on the back. “Remember to breathe and relax. It’ll fit. And it’ll be fast.” I laid down, taking comfort in Sarge’s uniform underneath me. I saw his underwear a couple feet away. Sarge saw my look. “Here kid, I got the real thing here. Stick your head in here.” He hopped up on the desk and straddled my face. His dick was still hard. I gladly buried my face between his throbbing cock and those huge nuts. If it was possible, he smelled even better now that the remains of his fuck coated his shaved cock and nuts. Jesus! I reached out and grasped his ass cheeks to pull him into me. “Slow first, Horvath. Let him expand for a few seconds.” Sergeant Charlie just grunted. “Five days, Walters. I’m not holding back. My babies have been swimming around lost for five days in my sack. Your Private is just going to have to figure out how to take his pounding.” He said with no apology. Sarge sighed and caressed my buried head with his strong mitts. “Breathe deep, Private. It’s not going to be easy. Remember what I told you. Keep it open for him.” I did as Sarge ordered, and felt Horvath’s thick ram tube of meat push against my cum slicked hole. He didn’t stop there, didn’t pause, just kept increasing the pressure until his head split me open. “Agggghhhhhh!” I primal screamed into Sarge’s sweaty crotch. It felt like my asshole was burning with gasoline. My hips lifted, on my tip toes trying to get away from him, but I was locked into the desk. He had to be tearing me up, I had to be bleeding. I felt a tear roll down my face. “I always love that part.” Sergeant Charlie chuckled as he just kept shoving more and more of his massive forearm thick pole into me. “But the best part is what’s coming. “ With a brutal thrust he buried every last inch of that monster balls deep into my burning shitter with a sudden final violent punch. I thought I was going to throw up, pass out, and shit my internal organs out in one never ending bloody volcanic eruption . My intestines seized up, cramping in a breathtaking grip like a bear was eating me from the inside out. The hatchling from Alien was being born in my guts. This wasn’t a freight train, this was a pine tree, complete with bark and branches still attached. The sound I made when he bottomed out was a mix of a high pitched keening wail, a stupid sounding’GUH!’ and sob. I couldn’t imagine my asshole remained intact, and was probably a shredded bloody mess. I was going to die. I was pinned and couldn’t move my lower body, but my fingers put a death grip on Sarge’s ass. I know I left marks. “Fuck, Horvath, don’t kill him.” Sarge breathed. Horvath snorted. “Haven’t killed one yet. Doesn’t mean they don’t feel like I’m killing them.” He yanked his pine tree back and slammed back in, even harder. “That’s the point.” He repeated that move multiple times, and punctuated each violent jab with a word. “And.” “This.” … SLAM “Mother.” …. SLAM “Fucking.”…. SLAM “Private.” … SLAM “Needs.” …. SLAM “To.” …….….SLAM “Fucking.” …SLAM “Learn.” …SLAM After every punch, I made the same GUH followed by that wail, then a pitiful sob when I felt him withdraw for another shove. Over and over. There was no love, no brotherhood , no gentle caresses. This was pain for pain’s sake. I started to cry somewhere during it all, I don’t remember when I started. I didn’t want to, didn’t want to be a pussy, wanted to take it like a man. But when you break, you don’t get to choose. And Sergeant Charlie wanted me broken. I could feel his intent every time the head of his horse dick split me open again. I don’t remember when I started begging, sounding like a pitiful child , pleading for him to stop, but it did no good. I lost track of time, but I remember finally just going slack and dropping like a limp rag doll to the desk. Forgotten were Sarge’s mesmerizing balls, his smell that I loved. But I do remember his gentle hands stroking me, his tender murmurs of “you’re almost done, kid. It’s going to be okay. I got you, brother.” As if my complete submission was what this Hungarian animal needed, as soon as I went limp I felt his rough, calloused hands on my shoulder blades and he transferred his weight to my back, crushing me with every pound he possessed. I couldn’t breathe. I didn’t care. I wanted to die. “That’s right. There it is. This is when you surrender to your older brother, kid.” His voice opposed his movement, his violent thrusts. A gentle, understanding voice. “The rules protect you. The regulations protect your brothers, so that everyone gets home. The Army protects all of us. This feeling you’re having, when you want to give up, want to just lay down and die, this won’t be the last time you feel that. But know, and remember, that it’s your brothers, even the Charlies, who will get you out alive, who would do ANYTHING to get you home. *I* would do anything to get you home. I love you little brother.” And as he said those final words, he grunted, spasmed, and dumped his five day load 12 inches deep inside my brutalized ass. I barely felt him pull his meat out of me. My asshole felt like hamburger. I just lay there, on top of Sarge’s uniform, which felt so soft. My arms had fallen limp over his thighs. “He’s intact.” I heard Sergeant Charlie say. “Not even bleeding much at all.” I heard a belt clasping. “Focus on your training, Private. Keep the pranks for your unit and platoon. And fucking use your head next time.” With that the door opened and closed again and I knew he was gone. I didn’t want to look at him. Thank God they didn’t make me look at him. “Take your time, kid.” Sarge said. His hands constantly rubbing my head, roaming over my back, making slow paths across my skin and muscles. It felt good. It soothed me. I just relaxed for a quiet few minutes, learning how to breathe all over again, knowing my drool, snot and tears had soaked Sarge’s uniform. I hoped that was okay. His hands never stopped. Finally, I spoke. “I must have made him so angry.” Sarge let out a small laugh. “Kid, that wasn’t angry. He wouldn’t have fucked you angry. You needed a lesson, but not THAT lesson. That lesson probably would have killed you.” He explained. I discovered I liked it when he called me ‘kid’. “I’m sorry I cried, Sarge.” my weak voice trembled. I felt the tears starting again, their warm trails running over my cheek, down the side of my nose. The underside of my turned face soaked his uniform with more tears. “Shhhhhhh, Sendahl. No shame between brothers, remember? Cry if you need to. You held out longer than most. You should be proud.” He let me sob for a couple more minutes, but I reached a point where crying didn’t seem important anymore, nor laying there wallowing, with my legs still spread. That seemed like a dumb thing to do, stay in THAT position. I started to move, but Sarge held me down a bit. “Slowly, Sendahl. You don’t realize it yet, but moving is going to make it hurt all over again. Take it very slow.” He waited until I had pulled myself up onto my elbows, then he hopped down off the desk and came around to help me stand up. “Let’s get you dressed.” Sarge said. At some point he checked out my ass, and declared I was going to be fine. Sore, in pain, but fine. I wasn’t sure if I believed him. The walk back to the barracks wasn’t easy, but I managed, stopping a few times to regather my strength.
  15. Wanker’s Story: I still couldn’t think of why Sarge singled me out. We’d just gotten back from the field, tired and muddy. It was dark out, but it gets dark early in November at this latitude. At least that’s what was explained to me when I asked Bootlicker a couple weeks ago. There was something about the tilt of the earth, position around the sun, blah blah blah, something, something hemisphere seasons and rotating. Bootlicker had all the answers. I couldn’t remember jack shit. But as Sarge said, grunts don’t think, they get shit done. Bootlicker could have just said “because it gets dark “ and that would have been enough. But fucking no, he had to pull out his brain and write a fucking book. Like anyone needed a brain in the Army. Follow me, that’s all we needed to hear. Standing at attention waiting for who knows what left my mind time to wander. Sarge didn’t say a thing. He stood six feet away, behind me. No one else was there, but it was obvious we were waiting for someone else. “Don’t even breathe, Private Sendahl. Don’t you fucking move. Tell the truth, and maybe I can find a way to keep you in your unit. You DO NOT want to go where they send troublemakers.” Sarge growled in a whisper behind me. At that moment, the lieutenant walked in from the door across from us. I executed my very best salute, hoping it passed muster with Sarge. “At ease, Sergeant.” Having not been released, I remained at attention. The lieutenant sighed. “Well I didn’t need this headache after the stunt you pulled with the Bravos, Sarge. No gear, no equipment? And you knew it was going to rain. Anyway, it’s been dealt with. This childish bullshit though? This went beyond a simple prank. I get it, we compete with Alpha, Charlie and Delta. I look the other way, as do the other lieutenants. For most of it. We got lucky that Sergeant Horvath came to me. Rather than take it up the chain.” The lieutenant’s dark eyes stared at Sarge, then examined me. “He’s the one?” He asked. “Yes sir.” Sarge replied. The lieutenant paused. I could feel him sizing me up. 5’10”, 165 pounds, mostly muscle but I loved chips and donuts. Definitely in shape, I had nothing to be ashamed about. I could even see a couple abs if I flexed them. Brown hair in a regulation buzz cut, nothing extreme like the high and tight some guys wore, just short enough to not have to do anything with it. Demon liked his hair crazy, I just wanted to forget mine was there. I had other things to worry about, like the pranks I loved to commit. I slowly put it all together as lieutenant let the silence smother us all. Oooooohh, the drama. It was lost on me. I was trying to crank up my moronic brain to figure out what I was in trouble for. In my defense, it could have been, like, six things. I was really busy. But hearing Sergeant Horvath’s name, and a prank gone too far, it pointed to just one. Sergeant Charlie told the lieutenant what I did to Charlie’s shampoo in their showers. Still, I think they were overreacting. We called all the sergeants by their platoon designation. Charlie had four, we had four, the Alphas had three and the Deltas had four. Sergeant Horvath was one of the four Sergeant Charlies. “Well, Private. Explain yourself.” The lieutenant ordered. “Sir. I replaced the shampoo with contact adhesive, sir.” Did I see a grin starting? Nope. It disappeared. Back to Officer Angry-with-my-bullshit. Lieutenant Disappointed-with-my-childish-actions. “Do you consider your actions well thought out?” He asked. That stumped me. Was it a trap? I mean, of course I thought it out, I didn’t guess what to put in there, how to sneak into their showers, how mad they were going to be. I thought about it a lot. In fact, it gave me something to laugh about while I shivered in the cold rainy mud all last week. I thought about it probably a hundred times. That pretty much defined ‘well thought out’ in my head. “Uh, yes sir? I planned it all out, executed my mission, and I guess since I’m here , the results were successful. I guess my answer is yes.” “NO! THE ANSWER IS NO!” The lieutenant yelled. I flinched. “He turned to Sarge, who I couldn’t see. “Is he truly that brilliant AND stupid? “Sir, I believe he’s just stupid.” Sarge the rat bastard replied. I was honest. He told me to be honest. So, honest equals stupid. Lesson learned, oh great Army command! You’d think by now I would have learned you should NEVER give your honest assessment to a superior, unless you were in battle. “Don’t you love digging that latrine, Private?” An honest answer gets you a week of latrine duty. So you yell “I LOVE digging latrines for the Army, Sarge!” The lieutenant shifted back to me. “I’m going to let the Sergeant explain every boneheaded mistake you made. Not that it’s likely to make it into that dense bowling ball you carry around on your shoulders. And he gets to decide what to do with you. Dismissed.” I followed Sarge in silence. My Sarge, Sergeant Walters, wasn’t that much taller than me, but he was built like a brick shithouse. He probably weighed 185 or 190. He looked like he could break me into pieces. Wide, bulky shoulders tapered down to a 30 inch waist, then ballooned out to a meaty solid ass before thickening into beast like thighs and calves. His BDUs bloused perfectly at the top of his size 11 boots. Of course Sarge did everything we did in PT, but he also hit the gym twice a day. I’d seen him there on the few occasions I went myself . I couldn’t imagine how much he had to eat to maintain that level of physicality, but it had to be at least twice as much as me, but without the donuts and other garbage. He marched in that precise, measured stride that all soldiers eventually adopted, each step the same length, the same timing, only it wasn’t a stiff parade march, just a casual stroll. He probably had a favorite marching cadence that played constantly in his head. The man seemed to eat, breathe and sleep Army. I wondered which one. Whatever disciplinary consequences he was going to dole out, it wasn’t going to be in the Sergeant’s block in the barracks. So… unofficial punishment? See, I wasn’t as stupid as he thought. I congratulated myself with a self satisfied look on my face. As if he could see my face from 6 paces ahead of me, he growled “wipe that FUCKING grin off that ugly mug, Private!” He led me to another building on the post, one I hadn’t been permitted to enter before now. We got to a small room just large enough for a desk and filing cabinet. He closed the door behind him. I stood there off to the side and he came around to lean his ass against the military issue desk, your basic gun metal gray rectangular block of metal. “You’re not going to like this Private. But we have to do it. It’s going to keep you with your unit. Do you want to stay with your unit?” I gulped. I guess it just hit me that I was in bigger trouble than I figured. “Yes Sergeant, I want to stay.” “Then you’re going to have to take this like a man. You pissed off both the right guy, and the wrong one. See, Horvath was willing to keep this from going up the chain, which means you have an out. But you have to choose to take it. In your career with the Army, you’ll have many choices like this… well, not exactly like this, but we don’t always want to send things up the chain. It causes a mess. It brings investigations. It means paperwork and hearings and meetings with officers. It means black marks on your record. “. Sarge sighed. His voice became less intense, almost caring. “We could have looked the other way for all of this. I have to admit, contact adhesive… those Charlies had to shave their heads. I admire how diabolical that was.” He chuckled, crossing his arms, which made his pecs bulge into massive hills. His smile dropped. “Mistake one: you didn’t recon to detect surveillance. There are cameras inside and outside every barracks. Mistake two: you didn’t camouflage your appearance, and made yourself easily identifiable. Mistake three: you used military resources without authorization - the contact adhesive you took from maintenance, again without avoiding surveillance or employing camouflage. Those three things, we could have overlooked or at least turned into a minor infraction. But mistake four: the damage to the shampoo dispensers resulting in destruction of Army property… that’s taken very seriously. Do you understand, Private?” “I do, Sergeant.” I said in a weak voice. “What’s going to happen?” I was starting to get scared. It was just a prank, but Sarge was right. In my rush to prank the Charlies, I forgot my training. I KNEW all that shit. Although my unit wasn’t recon, we were still taught not to move without proper intelligence, revise the plan and mission accordingly, and most of all cause ONLY the damage necessary to accomplish the mission. We weren’t artillery, just letting the shells fly, blowing shit up. “Pain. Humiliation. And hopefully a lesson learned.” Sarge explained. He sighed again. “Drop your drawers Private, and lean over the desk, chest flat, legs spread.” I froze for a second, then went on automatic. I took off my trousers and boxers, feeling scrawny next to Sarge’s fit muscles. “I have to ask, Sendahl. Have you ever had anything up your ass?” “No Sarge, I’m not gay.” I said, slightly offended. “I’m not asking if you’re gay. You know I’m not allowed to ask that. Plenty of straight guys like getting their asses played with, sticking things up there, a girlfriend’s finger during a blowjob, their own finger when jacking off, vibrators, lots of stuff. No shame in that. No shame in being gay, either. I know a few gay soldiers. Good men, tough, dedicated. Know some lesbian soldiers too, and I can tell you now the Army, Marines and Navy have seen both gay and lesbian soldiers serve with honor, valor, bravery and distinction throughout our history. But I’m not asking if you’re gay. I’m saying what’s coming next would be easier if you were. Now, you have to choose. Horvath is going to come in here and fuck you in the ass. That’s the punishment he chose to make you serve. It will hurt like hell, but I can do something to make it not as painful. I can’t do anything about Horvath’s huge dick, but I can break you in before he gets here. He won’t be gentle, but I will. And hopefully you’ll be able to walk out of here on your own legs. But it’s up to you. Either you take your punishment from Horvath, or we send this up the chain. What will it be?” I’d heard nightmares about guys getting raped, how their assholes got torn up, their insides ruptured. I doubted Sarge and Horvath would do that to me deliberately, a soldier with an obviously raped ass would start an investigation that would make shampoo dispensers a joke. But it didn’t mean it couldn’t happen by accident. I had a choice, but it didn’t feel like a choice at all. Still, my training told me the more you accepted something disagreeable, the easier it was to complete the task. Running five miles was easier if you didn’t focus on the pain, but reminded yourself what you were getting out of it, becoming stronger. I looked Sarge in the eye. “I’m sorry I fucked up, Sarge. Thanks for finding a way out of this for me. I’ll take my punishment.” Sarge looked a little sad at first, which I appreciated. I felt better for the sympathy. Then he said “what’s pain, solder?” “Pain is what we eat for breakfast Sarge!” I barked back automatically. “Alright. I will let you in on a secret. This probably won’t be your only time taking it up the ass in the Army. So relax, it doesn’t mean anything, or change who you are. It doesn’t mean you’re gay, or going to turn gay. I’m not gay, but I’ve taken it up the ass more than a few times for my brothers. “ “Really? You?” In my surprise I forgot his address. He just raised one eyebrow, shrugged, then grunted. “On your knees, Sendahl.” He said, unbuckling his belt. “ I’m not going to be able to do this without some help. And you absolutely don’t want Horvath to be the first one in there.” I knelt in front of Sarge, watching him unzip and peel down his combat uniform pants and underwear. The tails of his shirt hung over his crotch, and he pulled it up, exposing his soft dick and hanging balls. His junk was shaved completely smooth, which wasn’t too much of a surprise. More and more guys were trimming or shaving completely. His set looked hefty, thick, and manly, even soft he hung about four or five inches. He began unbuttoning his shirt, then removed it and laid it out on the desk behind him. “Better get started. Take my dick in your mouth, get me hard.” He commanded. I scooted closer. I could smell the week of sweat and musk coming off his crotch. His meaty thighs pressed together and pushed his cock forward, his large nutsack supporting it. I could see his balls moving inside his sack. The smell wasn’t a turnoff, just reminded me of how all the guys smelled after a workout or hard duty, even myself. I closed my eyes and took his flaccid cock in my mouth. The first cock I had ever sucked. I’m not going to lie, I always admired Sarge, kind of worshipped him, his dedication, how he could be an asshole but always with the goal of making us better soldiers. He was tough, but fair. He looked out for our unit, saw to it that we were pushed past our limits but never too far. Something about thinking of him that way clicked my brain over from having to do something distasteful to trying to do my best. If that meant sucking his dick, I wanted to do it right. I pulled it all the way into my mouth and sucked. “There you go, that’s right. Press your nose up against my crotch.” He told me. “Don’t suck hard, that’s not the trick. Just a little suction. That’s it, you’re doing great, Sendahl. Now swirl your tongue around.” I could feel his shaft getting fuller, harder, more solid in my mouth. I thought I tasted a tangy flavor, just a little. I wondered what that was. “Good, now slowly back it out, but not all the way. Then go back down. Slow. Gentle. Use your tongue. That’s it. Reach up and play with my balls.” I was grateful for his instructions. I had no idea how to suck dick. I promised myself to remember what he was saying so I could use it with the girls I hooked up with. I almost laughed at the thought that giving a blowjob was going to get me better blowjobs for myself later. “Don’t swallow all your saliva, your spit makes it feel better. A sloppy blowjob is the best kind. Keep moving.” I placed my other hand on his upper thigh, unconsciously rubbing up to his stomach to feel his hard abs, then coming back down to his pubic area to feel the smooth skin at the base of his cock. I suddenly wanted my eyes open. This wasn’t as bad as I thought. His scent was making me a little dizzy, the humid heat of his powerful thighs hitting me in the face. His cock continued to grow every time I tried to get down to the base, which was just not possible anymore as he was too big and was starting to hit my throat, making me gag and choke. ‘Take it out and give it a couple strokes with your hand. There ya go.” I finally saw what I was dealing with. My first up close hard dick. A small string of spit bridged out from the thick head of his cock to my lips. He was about 7 to 8 inches long, so far, almost fully hard. I watched it as I stroked him, my other hand still fondling his big nuts. They reminded me of Sleeper’s nuts, hanging a good five inches down, loose and full. I wished my balls were like his. There was just something masculine about big nuts. “Keep stroking, and lick my nuts. Take them in your mouth, but just one at a time. You won’t be able to get both in at the same time.” I did as he ordered, letting my tongue run over his sack. The musky smell was stronger, the taste of old sweat kind of pleasant. I cleaned his entire scrotum with my tongue first, suddenly wanting to lap up that manly flavor I now associated with strength, power, authority, protection… and brotherhood. It was amazing. I had always thought dick was gross. That balls were funny, but nasty. But Sarge’s balls were symbols of male potency. Trophies of masculine power. Orbs of confidence and strength. That was the moment I knew it wasn’t going to be the only dick I ever sucked. That I wanted to smell that smell again, taste that male specific flavor. Feel that heat only a man’s crotch put out. Because of his nuts. I sucked his right nut inside my lips, past my teeth and found I wanted to swallow it whole. But they weren’t the size of walnuts, or small plums like most guys. Like Sleeper’s nuts, Sarge’s testicles were each the size of a healthy lime. I wanted them in my throat, I wanted to choke on them, each one. He was right, I’d never get them both in my mouth at the same time. But I wasn’t a quitter. And I wanted that, NEEDED that, needed to feel their firm softness filling my entire mouth. Positioned like I was, I looked up at Sarge past my hand still stroking his now hard, spit soaked dick, who was looking down at me with a pleased grin. “You like my nuts, Sendahl?” He asked with genuine curiosity. I let his right nut go from my suction, tightening my lips around it and tugging on it with my mouth as it passed through. “Fuck. They’re fantastic. And the way they smell and taste. I never thought a guy’s nuts would be like this.” And then I opened as wide as I could and stuffed both of them into my mouth, knowing I had to do it, I had to get all of them inside me. God, they were warm. I couldn’t even close my mouth, just had to jam my tongue in and around them without letting my teeth close. I heard Sarge groan. “Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuucccccccckkkkkkkk, soldier. Close your mouth a little, put some pressure on those beauties.” I did as ordered. I had to try to swallow, my mouth was filling with so much saliva I was going to drown myself on his incredible balls. I tried to bring my lips together around his upper sack, still keeping my teeth open. It wasn’t easy. I almost could, but didn’t want to hurt his most sensitive tools of manhood. “More.” He gasped. I could tell he was loving what it was doing. I decided to try to swallow. I let my throat open to drain the copious saliva, and one of his nuts went down. I almost choked, but I reflexively clamped my mouth down on his second nut, pressing my lips to the loose velvety skin of his upper nutsack. I gulped, kept gulping to get his nut to pass through my throat. I fucking lost my mind. My gripping throat was yanking his nuts, like a seal yakking down fish. “Fuck YES! Holy fuck, holy fuck, holy fuck!” Sarge panted. He stopped my hand stroking his dick. “Easy. Easy on my dick. Don’t make me shoot. How the fuck are you doing that?” He removed my hand, then opened his thighs to straddle my head, letting his hard dick rest on my forehead. “Stay there as long as you can breathe, kid. Fuck, no one has ever done that. “ My chin was now nestled up against his taint. I was still gulping, pulling his nut in my throat that wouldn’t descend further. I was amazed I wasn’t choking or gagging. It was just this firm globe stretching my throat just past my tonsils, but in spite of its size it felt good back there. My tongue and palate caressed and sucked the heady, musky flavor of his other nut, which felt like it fit perfectly in my mouth now. As I gulped, my chin rubbed across Sarge’s taint, and I could feel him pressing down into me, grinding the tender area into my chin. I kept it up for ten more seconds, but I had to breathe. Expelling those gorgeous orbs took a little care, so my teeth didn’t scrape them or tear skin. As they came free, his cock spasmed on my forehead, then trailed down between my eyes and across my cheek, leaving a thick trail of precum on its way. “Shit, that was amazing.” Sarge said, running his big paw across my buzz cut. “Get up on the desk, lay back on your back.” He pointed me to where he’d laid out his uniform and undershirt. I was glad I didn’t have to lay on the cold bare metal of the desk. “Lift your legs. We have to get you loosened up. Horvath will be here at 21:30. That gives me 15 minutes to get you ready to take the pounding he’s going to give you.” I did as he instructed, finding that laying on the warmth of his uniform calmed my nerves. I smelled him coming off the fabric. His scent familiar to me now, a smell I would never forget. In later years, I’d occasionally get a whiff of that scent from some other man around me, and my mind would instantly flash back to this moment. I’d look to see if he was near, my heart speeding up involuntarily, but knew that was impossible. He’d changed something in me. Whatever nightmare was about to happen, it was okay because my Sarge was there. I held my knees up to my chest, exposing my virgin hole. I decided that if I was going to get my cherry popped, Sarge was the only man I wanted to do it. I trusted him completely. He was doing this to protect me, save me from further pain and humiliation. I didn’t even care if he got something out of it. In fact I hoped he enjoyed it. Sick, I know. But you have to be in that situation, with a man like Sarge, to understand. I looked at him moving around to come up to my open asscheeks. I didn’t feel ashamed having another dude looking at my asshole. Whatever he needed to do, I fully accepted it. I was even a little curious how he would feel. I knew the heat of him, that warmth radiating off his huge body. It was too cold for us to be sweating, so his skin wasn’t shining, just completely smooth from his neck to his knees. I don’t know if he shaved his body too, but it made sense that he would. A muscle bulged on every part of him, big, solid pecs, rounded heavy shoulders, biceps that bunched up with every arm movement. You could tell his hair was blonde, its short clip reflecting the overhead lights. I breathed deeply and laid my head back on his uniform. I felt some warm drops of liquid going down my ass and running across my hole. I twitched. “Just a little lubricant, kid. Relax. Breathe. I got you. “ I did just that. But needed something more. I was afraid to ask, but more afraid not to. “Sarge. I need your smell. I’m sorry, I don’t want to be a pussy. But it relaxes me.” Knowing almost everything was under my back meant his underwear was the only article left. “Can… can I have…” “It’s okay, kid. This is going to be difficult. Just ask. No shame, remember.” I could have cried at the tenderness in his voice. “Your underwear. I need to smell you.” I felt his fingers leave the area around my hole. “Here you go. You want them on your face? Might be better that way so you can’t see anyway.” He held his boxer briefs up. They were black, Hanes. Good, I thought. The more they hugged his beautiful nuts the better. I wanted them in my mouth again, but his shorts would work just fine for smell, especially if he’d worn them for a long time. I nodded. “You sure? I’ve worn them all week, didn’t have a chance to change into new ones before this.” Again, concern for me filled his voice. “I’m sure. The stronger the better. You smell good.” Sarge chuckled. “It’s your funeral, kid. I hope they don’t make you pass out.” He bunched the up and pressed them to my face, holding them down onto my mouth and nose. “Breathe deep, I’m getting a finger in.” I sucked in the overwhelming odor of unwashed balls, his natural and specific mix of testosterone, sweat, hormones, and what I recognized as the slight tinge of dried piss and cum. His cum. From his balls. His incredible nuts. I wanted to suck the juices out of those Hanes boxer briefs. I wished I could. I felt my dick stir, just a little. “You okay, kid? Still with me? You’re doing great.” I hadn’t even realized he’d inserted two fingers in my tight nineteen year old ass. I initially went to clamp down, but instantly realized from the sharp pain that doing that was a mistake. I nodded and grunted an affirmative. “Good job soldier. We’ll get you there.” His large fingers moved around, gently massaging me from the inside while pressing and rubbing the outside of my sphincter with his other fingers. It didn’t feel all that terrible. My dick filled out another inch. “Another breath. Let my shorts take your mind off of what I’m doing.” He didn’t judge, didn’t say it cruelly. He actually sounded like he understood why I liked it. I breathed, and decided to get the fabric in my mouth. I pulled it in with my lips and teeth and ran my tongue over the material, and tasted a saltiness that made my mouth water. The flavor was intoxicating, knowing it was made by Sarge’s own body. I lost myself in savoring it, knowing I was moaning softly. “Well done, kid. I’m in. The hard part is over.” I reached up to move his underwear away from my eyes, refusing to take them away from my nose and mouth. Sarge was now pressed up against my ass, I couldn’t see his dick at all. God, he was burning hot against my ass. How could he put out so much heat? It felt good. His huge body stood above me, a gentle smile playing across his face. “I guess you like my shorts too? Glad they could help. It was like you didn’t even know what I was doing, you were so relaxed I slid right in, right to the balls.” “You’re in me? All the way in me?” I asked, muffled by his underwear on my mouth. “Oh yeah, and you feel pretty good in there. Now, I’m going to start slow, and it will be uncomfortable, but just keep doing what you’re doing. Then I’ll speed up. “ “Okay , Sarge. Do it. Fuck me. Open me up.” I knew the point was so that Sergeant Charlie didn’t injure me, and that maybe I wouldn’t be in any pain. I was glad I missed the exact moment Sarge popped my cherry. I didn’t want to know that. But I would remember his fuck. The only fuck I’ve ever had that made me think about being gay. His hard shaft pulled out slightly, then moved back in, so slow, so gentle, just easing in and out. I sucked more on his boxer briefs, moving them around so I could find the exact spot where the head of his dick sat pressed against his balls. I wanted the piece that was the most fully saturated with his musk. I inhaled it, drank it up while my head spun. I found it erotic and satisfying while driving a hunger I couldn’t describe. More, I wanted more. “There you go, kid. You feel amazing. So relaxed . You are taking all of me, so easily. Your ass feels amazing grabbing onto my dick. That’s it, it’s okay to enjoy it. No shame. Take your Sarge’s cock.” I let out a long, deep moan. It did feel good, stroking so deep inside of me, his thickness stretching my hole with every plunge. I relaxed my legs, letting my knees drop to either side of my chest. I wanted him deeper, wanted my ass open as much as I could manage to get him in. Just that small adjustment created a new feeling, I could sense every inch of his full manhood sliding in and out of me. It sent me to another place. I could feel those low hanging limes hitting my ass as he shoved into me, every stroke going all 8 inches from his head to the base, which felt even thicker than the rest of his shaft. All the way out. All the way back in, bottoming out every time with a little more force. Sarge watched me moan, saw my eyes travel across his sturdy muscles. “Touch me if you want. Do you want to feel my body while I fuck your tight grunt hole? “ I realized I did. I wanted to feel how he flexed with every thrust. I wanted to feel the animal hunt, attack, and feed. I reached up and grabbed ahold of his left pec, feeling its solidity, its sheer size that dwarfed my average hand. I grabbed and massaged, noticing how it tightened up on his downstroke, then relaxed on his withdrawal. His rhythm didn’t vary, still slow and even as he plunged his hard cock into my hole again and again. I suddenly wanted to feel his ass while he thrusted, knowing that was where his power originated for every stroke inside me. I moved both hands down his stomach, tracing every single abdominal muscle as they tightened and released. No fat, just skin over muscle. I suddenly thought of Zeus, our God, and wondered if he looked like this. He probably looked better, if that were possible. I reached Sarge’s hips, caressing them, feeling the bones of his pelvis, only a little harder and more solid than his muscles. My hands traveled around to his big, firm ass, so solid just like the rest of him. His glutes squeezed and relaxed, matching his pistoling cock. I unconsciously flexed my ass as he did, and Sarge gasped. “Yeah, I could feel that.” He said. “If you want to drive your buddy crazy, just do that on his dick. It feels amazing. Try it again.” I did. I tried to gauge when it affected Sarge the most. I waited until his head pulled almost all the way out, then flexed on it so his dick had to force its way back in. It didn’t even hurt, but the grunt from Sarge told me that was a good feeling. I did that a few times, using my hands on his ass to pull him into me harder every time. By now I had lost any inhibitions, I grunted and moaned whenever his thick cock hit me just right. “There it is. It feels good if you allow yourself to enjoy it.” Sarge said. “Best you don’t tighten down with Horvath, not this time. Just open up as much as you can, let him do his thing. God knows that’s what I do when he wants it. You’ll feel like a train is running up your shit tunnel, but he won’t take long. Horvath likes a quick violent bang. He’ll take you from behind, he thinks looking at who he fucks is too intimate. Which brings me to how I like to end things.” Sarge bent over, removing his now soaked underwear from my mouth. He smiled. “Looks like I’ll have to refill these for you. I think you sucked them clean. “ I gazed up into his ice blue eyes. I never noticed before how kind and soulful they were. His blonde eyebrows could hardly be seen, so light and thin as they were. His tanned face was clean shaven, his nose straight and not too large. It felt so strange studying the face of a guy who was shoving his dick in and out of my ass. My ass that I never thought would take a cock. My ass that I never thought would ENJOY taking a cock. I figured at that moment, it all depended on who was doing the fucking. I suddenly felt very lucky, very happy to expose my vulnerability. To this man, who was so kind, gentle, understanding and accepting. He must have seen the look on my face, the thankfulness in my eyes. “Aww, kid. I knew you had it in you. That feeling you’re having? That’s your love for your fellow brother. That’s why we do what we do out there. That’s why we sacrifice ourselves, why we’d step in front of any grenade, take any bullet for them. That’s what all of this means. That there’s nothing we wouldn’t do if they asked, if they were in need. I love you, brother.” “I love you brother.” I repeated. And then Sarge kissed me. A deep, searching kiss full of passion and need, love and understanding. Our tongues fought as he increased the pace of his strokes. But he always gave an extra hard shove when he bottomed out. I was kissing him furiously by now, wanting every part of him inside me. I was moaning like a whore. My entire body was on fire, willing him to fuck into me harder, deeper, more violently. And he didn’t disappoint. I could feel his passion increase, his thrusts become desperate. His cock felt like it was growing inside my ass, which pushed me into a frenzy. “Fuck me Sarge. Fuck me deep. I want you to fuck me like you own me. Please! “ I begged. I was still grabbing onto his rock hard ass, violently pulling him. I wrapped my legs around his waist to get even more leverage. “Yeah brother, I got you. I’m going to give you a fucking you’re never going to forget. I’m going to destroy your hole with my big dick. You want that? You want me to shoot my load inside you? You want my seed deep?” He said the words into my open mouth, punctuating them with his wide soft tongue. He bit my lip, nibbled on my tongue, slobbered all over my mouth, his saliva driving me insane as I tasted that part of him. “Fuck yes, Sarge! Use my ass like a pussy, fuck your cum inside me. Fuck it as deep as you can get it. I want it all.” I didn’t care what was coming out of my mouth. Sarge growled deep, “Yeah, your tight virgin grunt hole is gonna get filled up, buddy. I’m gonna take your cherry like a man. My little swimmers are going to flood your cunt. Your tight grunt hole is milking my fucking cock. Do that thing. Grab onto that dick you love and stroke it with your sweet little hole.” I didn’t hesitate. I started flexing my ass, and oh my God it felt so good. My arms were around his neck, my ankles and heels pressing on his ass with every thrust. He was plowing me like an animal, a huge sweating, mindless beast. His sweat, the scent it created on his skin pushed me over the edge. “Oh fuck, oh shit oh fuckfuckfuck” my dick started shooting cum up between us, his abs crushing my cock and balls. My nuts were practically inside my abdomen they were drawn up so tight. I spasmed every time his pole bottomed out, I lost count how many times I squirted. Halfway through my own incredible orgasm, Sarge grunted loud and deep. “Here it comes, kid. Take my load.” Then he speared his engorged cock deeper than he’d been before, let out a primal groan, threw his head back and his dick began throbbing and pulsing as he shot his heavy thick cum deep inside my guts. He pulled back once, and did the whole thing again, shoving his dick as deep as he could go. Once more , he repeated the shove, the groan, the throbbing. By the third one I was done cumming myself, so I could feel the spurts of his dick. He was pouring his seed inside me. That seed he made in his beautiful nuts, just this fuck, just for me. When he was finished, he collapsed on top of me, finding my mouth with his. The kiss he gave me was tender, generous, soft and gentle. “Mmmmmm, nothing like that feeling. Brother to brother. Giving each other a piece of ourselves. Taking away the pain.” Sarge mumbled. “Fuck! I love it every time!” He looked at me and smiled. “You’re a hot fuck, grunt. How was that? You okay?” I stared up at Sarge. I couldn’t believe it could feel that good. “That was amazing! I came without touching myself. I didn’t know you could cum with a huge dick fucking your ass, by HAVING a huge dick fucking you. Holy fuck Sarge!” Sarge chuckled. “The smaller ones are fun too, if they’re used right. But don’t worry, you’re not going to get all dick hungry. At least I don’t think so. You don’t seem the type.” “I don’t know, Sarge. I don’t WANT to get fucked again, but I kinda want to get fucked again.” I watched Sarge stand up, his cock still buried inside me, not softening at all. He looked down at my stomach and chest, then at his stomach, both smeared with my unintentional load. He swiped a big puddle with his fingers and brought them to his mouth, sucking my sperm off, licking them clean. “Not bad, kid.” He took another swipe, gathering more, and sucked it off his fingers too. “You surprised? Don’t be. Your brother’s seed is precious. Some guys don’t care for it, but I feel you honor your brother by taking his seed. Besides, yours tastes pretty good.” With that he leaned forward and licked my stomach clean. Slurping along, he came to my now soft dick, moving it into his mouth to clean it off. “Thanks kid.” He said after he finished. “I’m glad you enjoyed this. I wanted your first time to be good, to show you what it COULD be. You probably won’t enjoy Horvath quite as much, but who knows? It won’t feel bad or hurt if you allow yourself to enjoy it. That’s really the key.” As if Sergeant Charlie had a hidden signal, he walked in the door. He was so fast, I didn’t have a chance to jump or cover myself. Besides, Sarge didn’t move, letting his hands stroke my torso lazily. I was so relaxed I found I didn’t care. I just knew I didn’t want Sarge to take his hard dick out of my ass. But you don’t get what you want in the Army. “He broken in Walters?” Sergeant Charlie asked. I expected him to be angry, or at least gruff and sour. But instead he seemed like he was in a good mood. What the fuck? I couldn’t figure these Segeants out. “Yep Horvath. I gave him the good. Now you gotta give him the bad.” Sarge said. “You know I hate being the bad guy, Walters.” Sergeant Charlie complained. “Just once I’d like to be the good guy.” Sarge chuckled. “You know you can’t be the one to take a virgin grunt hole, Paul. You’re way too big. It never works. You need an assist? The kid’s got a great mouth, but he’s too green to manage your horse dick.” Horvath nodded and unbuckled his belt. “Yeah. Just get me hard.”
  16. Dragging Zeus by his pajama sleeve felt weird. But I was afraid if I let go, he’d go back to his bunk. We reached the rec room down the corridor where we found the rest of the guys. Wanker was still in the showers the other way. The other platoons in our company were still out so we had the place all to ourselves. We found out later that our Lieutenant and Sarge had gotten reprimanded for sending us out without gear. Sucks to be them, I guess. “Assmunch! There you are! Where’s our bitch?” Bootlicker yelled. “Well he’s not in my ass, but you’re welcome to come take a look.” I shot back. “I’ll be doing the looking with my dick, you sure you can take it?” He boasted. “That little carrot? I’ve had shits bigger than your sad little pecker, Bootlicker. I won’t even feel it.” I dropped drawers and bent over. “If you want to embarrass yourself, bring it over. “ “Footling, go teach Assmunch a lesson.” Bootlicker pushed Footlong towards me. I couldn’t get my boxers back up fast enough, which made everyone laugh. Suddenly everyone noticed Zeus behind me. They all froze, going quiet. “Zeus is going to help me set things up while Wanker finishes up. You should all say thank you to Zeus for cleaning your boots.” I told them. “He doesn’t get down here often, so give him some brotherly love.” The idiots just stared. Channeling my best Sarge impression, I yelled in a voice of gravel “THAT WASN’T A REQUEST GRUNTS!” Everyone spoke over each other. “Thanks Zeus!” ; “Thank you for cleaning my boots, Zeus!” ; and even “We love you brother, you didn’t have to do that”. Then someone started a chant. “Zeus! Zeus! Zeus!” Carrying on for a good minute. Zeus looked embarrassed. “C’mon Zeus, let’s go get supplies” and we went through one of the other doors to our stash. We knew Sarge probably knew about it, but looked the other way. I grabbed a sleeve of the cheap styrofoam cups, and a grey rubber trash can and told Zeus to take them to the rec room. Myself, I got a second bin and went to get ice. Before I left I said “Zeus, in that closet over there, behind the crates on the left wall there’s an unsecured panel. Inside that is the beer and liquor. Take all of it.” “Okay Andr… I mean Assmunch.” “There’s a lot, so just get one of the other guys to help. If Wanker is back, get him to do it. If not, don’t ask someone, tell them to do it. They won’t argue, trust me.” I went for the ice. Zeus went back to the rec room and deposited the stuff. “Brickmann, I need your help.” Zeus said, singling out a brother standing with Puta and Troll. “What?” Brickmann said. Zeus just gazed at him, those eyes drilling into the smaller, blonde soldier. Zeus’s face was placid, carved out of stone. Nothing about the way he stood or looked said he was happy, nor angry. But even so, a potential danger radiated from him. Zeus exuded threat and power just standing there breathing, wearing puppy dog pajamas. It would have been funny if anyone was brave enough to point out the joke. “Demon come with me.” He repeated, taking the advice Assmunch had given him. Demon, was only smaller in comparison to Zeus and Sleeper. Almost 6 feet in height, he had a body like a swimmer, all shoulders and arms, narrow waist, a minimal ass that tapered into decent but unremarkable legs. His dirty blonde hair stuck up at random tangled points just an inch above his head. Demon never actually combed his hair unless he was in Class A’s. He just mashed it down with his patrol cap or his brain bucket. Demon was one of those who went balls to the wall regardless of what the activity or task was. If you were in his way, you got trampled or pushed aside. On the training courses he just threw himself onto every obstacle as if he were indestructible. And maybe he was, because he never got injured. If you were taking a position, he was out front, dodging, rolling, skidding, diving, damn near flying. He was a fucking demon. Bouncing off some object to redirect, I swear he moved horizontally like he was just running on the ground. And he was impossible to track, you couldn’t guess his direction from his trajectory or movement, position of his feet, nothing. That old fighting trick where you watch the hips to read where your opponent would be, useless with Demon. You never put Demon on point, because there was no holding him back. Troll was his minder, tasked with keeping Demon in position. Troll would just grab him by his OTV and say “Stay, Demon. Stay. Good boy.” Demon would huff but stay. You didn’t have a chance in hell of getting out of Troll’s grip. And Troll wasn’t anything special. Just a 5’8” 180 lb. fire hydrant with a low center of gravity and feet that couldn’t be dislodged from the earth. Troll was the only guy Sleeper couldn’t dominate in hand to hand. He couldn’t move him or throw him. Sleeper’s only play with Troll was to lift him off the ground, and even then Troll found some way to make it difficult for Sleeper to put him down and pin him. He was an immovable mountain. A mountain just 5’8” tall. The perfect Demonmaster. It helped that the two of them were best friends, literal opposites, but matched perfectly in complement. Where Demon was fast, bouncing around like a ping pong ball, running hot like a V-8 going 100 mph, Troll was solid, slow, deliberate and predictable, cool and deep like glacial fjord. The most common order given to the two of them was “Troll, you’re demonmaster until we reach this point, the let the Demon loose. Demon, secure this location here. We’ll be along after.” Demon didn’t say another word, just fell in behind Zeus. They soon had the alcohol laid out, and no one was waiting for me to get back with the ice, already pouring shots. Sleeper just grabbed a beer and drank it warm. I returned, dragging my tub filled with ice, cokes, and other drinks from the mess. I had to get Zeus to help me carry it inside. Well, I say help… he just lifted the whole damn thing like it weighed a couple pounds. Of course, that was when Wanker finally showed up. Wearing basketball shorts. Limping. Of course the guys were going to give him shit. The party went well, no fights, probably because everyone was exhausted, which was good. Wanker played his part, really overdoing it with the subservience thing but it kept the brothers happy and off his ass. I did have to put a stop to Bootlicker ordering Wanker to drop trou and give him 20. I told him his privilege had been revoked tonight because of the shampoo dispenser incident. That Wanker hadn’t ratted him out to Sarge, so in return the bitch didn’t have to follow his orders. Bootlicker actually seemed sorry, which was probably an act. But he didn’t escalate it. I carried weight with the brothers for some reason. I didn’t really know why, but I was always the one they came to with a problem, or for advice, or just to bitch and moan. The Army calls that leadership, but swear to God I didn’t do anything special. I was just me. When I made a rule, called a halt to something, or made a decision they just fell in line. Maybe it was because Sleeper was my best friend, and they knew he’d back me up. Whatever. I didn’t abuse their trust, my only goal was everyone’s well-being. As the guys stumbled back to their bunks, drunk and happy, I helped Wanker clean up and remove all the evidence we were ever there. Zeus sat over in a corner looking happy. He didn’t drink, just had water all night. I think he had fun just being in the same room with everyone else. “Is now a good time, Wanker?” I asked, not forgetting my promise from earlier. Besides, I needed to get it done, and get him and Zeus to bed so Sleeper could get his fix. “Yeah. Where?” He asked. “Either the latrine or storage room. We can have Zeus stand guard.” I suggested. “Yeah, then the storage room. He can be at the end of the hallway, so he can’t hear anything.” “He’d keep it quiet even if he did. Zeus doesn’t say much.” “Okay. Let’s do this.” He said walking down the corridor. “Zeus, you mind standing guard over here? Don’t let anyone in.” The big man got to his feet. “Sure Assmunch. Whatever you want.” He didn’t even ask why. Just did what I asked. In the storage room with the door closed, Wanker took a deep breath. “Alright, pull em down, buddy.” I told him. Wanker pulled down the basketball shorts, and his underwear. I saw just a tiny bit of pinkish blood mixed with a wet area that was probably Sergeant Charlie’s cum. “You weren’t lying, I think his cum is still coming out. There’s only a little blood though, which is good.” “Still? I even farted out more in the shower. How much cum could he possibly have shot up there? Fuck my life.” Wanker complained. “Well, bend over, let me see your hole.” He obediently laid his chest on the crate in front of him and I spread his cheeks apart. “Well, your asshole looks a bit swollen, a bit red, but there’s no damage outside that I can see.” I reported. “You do have a different asshole than Sleeper though, so that might be normal. I haven’t seen a lot of assholes up close and personal though. But yours looks like what I’d expect, minus the redness and slight swelling. Wanker breathed deeply again. “Can you… check inside? It feels different in there. And if there’s no damage outside, what about the blood?” “There’s not much blood at all in your shorts, buddy. Your ass would be like any other part of your body. A big wound would bleed a lot. A small cut, only a little. Seems like you only got tore up a little.” Kneeling behind him it was a little hard to see, too many shadows. Hop up and sit on the crate. I need you to lift your legs and spread em.” He did as he was told. But just bent at the knee with his thighs poking straight up. “More, grab behind your knees an pull them to either side of your chest.” I showed him how Sleeper did it so I could have full, deep access to his hole, get my tongue as far up inside him as he needed. Of course, I didn’t tell him that. Thoughts of Sleeper and our weekly appointment started my dick rising. Fuck. Well Zeus would keep him busy until I was done here. “That’s it. Breathe. Relax.” I gently moved my hands on his cheeks, trying to be soothing while I took another look. “Can you push out a little? Just like, relax and try to fart, just a little. “. I saw his puffy hole unclench, just kind of spread a little and push outward. He moaned a bit. “Does that feel better?” I asked. “God, yeah, it does. Why?” “You’re probably clenched too tight unconsciously, because of what happened. And you’re worried about blood and cum spilling out, would be my guess. There can’t be that much left. Just relax, let it go, it’s okay.” I encouraged him. My hands still rubbing his cheeks, I moved my thumbs to his hole and started massaging it. He moaned again. “That’s it buddy, you’re doing great. Just completely relax, I got you bro. Don’t worry about what might come out. Don’t push hard, just relax into it.” My thumbs we’re still pressing, rubbing, pulling apart, basically manipulating his asshole to gradually relax. A glob of whitish liquid appeared. I used it to continue to work his hole. “Uuuunnnggghhhh, that feels so good.” He said, and I could see every part of him go limp. Pain brings tension, pleasure brings relaxation. I think I just figured out what Wanker needed. Trouble was, if I told him, I’d be volunteered. Which might be a problem for me. I just didn’t know if I could do it. First, I sure wasn’t going to eat his ass. I wasn’t doing that to just any bro. Not to mention the thought of Sergeant Charlie’s load still brewing up there just about made me gag at the thought. No, I thought Wanker’s little starfish had been bent out of shape, and only physical stimulation or time was going to get him back up and running. A pulled or cramped muscle needed massage. And a sphincter was just another muscle. I needed to test my theory. “Okay Wanker, I’m going to try to get inside there. Feel for anything strange. You good with that ?” “At this point, yeah. Just keep that pressure going, it’s the first thing that helps.” I dropped a healthy wad of spit into my hand to lube up his hole. I decided my thumb would be a good start, because his hole seemed to want to let me push further. After I got him more open I could feel around with my index and middle finger. I settled my palm on his hairy taint, letting my fingers nuzzle his rather average sized balls, which were covered with coarse matted hair. I couldn’t help but compare it with Sleeper’s crotch. His entire ass, inside and out, was smooth and hairless. His cock and balls he shaved smooth. It definitely felt like night and day, but that steamy heat, the musky smell… that was the same. My thumb made circles on Wanker’s hole, exerting increasing pressure every so often. It was surprising when after just a bit of manipulation, my thumb slid in. It didn’t pop in, or force its way in, it just glided through his pucker like sucking your thumb as a kid. Nor did his hole clamp down after. He let out a groan and said “oohhhhhhh, shit, that’s it.” I pushed in past the knuckle and flexed, bending and extending, twisting my hand as I went. I could kinda feel the smooth, but slimy walls hugging my thumb. I went for a spot that seemed tight, at the top and pressed down. “Ah! Right there! Right there!” He panted. “It’s like a mosquito bite that needs scratched. “ he put his hands on his ass and yanked his ass full open, his elbows holding back his knees, his head up, a look on his face like he was giving birth. Jesus, what was the deal with me and assholes? I had some freakish magic or something. I just let intuition guide me, I didn’t know what the fuck I was doing, wasn’t trained, even if there was such a thing as an asshole whisperer. Maybe I needed to switch careers and be a proctologist. I could make a fortune just doing whatever I wanted to people’s assholes. “Yeah!” He said. “Do it more, doitmore doitmore, ahhh fuck don’t stop.” I figured now was a good time to bring up my diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Assmunch, reporting for duty. Still yanking on his asshole from the inside with my bent thumb, now rougher, going deeper, pressing harder, I explained “ bro, this will heal up in a few days. Your next few shits will probably be torture , but it’s nothing you can’t recover from. There’s no blood, so you aren’t punctured. “ “Okay, but you can do this until I do right? It’s helping. God it’s helping so much. “. I stood up, his flaccid dick leaking pre-cum. He wasn’t even turned on, just leaking. I knew nothing about prostates back then, or I’d have realized I was literally prostate milking him. “Well, I could. But really, to get back on your feet and back to normal, you need the hair of the dog that bit you.” I explained. He was just laying there groaning and grunting as I stretched out his hole. “What?” He gasped between oh’s and moans. “Don’t be dumb, Wanker. You either need to work your hole with a dildo or something, or get someone to fuck you for a couple days. Until your hole relearns how to be a good little turd cutting starfish. “ “Stop joking around, Assmunch. I don’t get fucked.” He said, oblivious to the irony of my now two fingers violating him rather brutally. The remains of Sergeant Charlie’s nut was making quite a mess down there as I thrust and twisted. “Can’t you do it? I’ll owe you.” I looked down at him, feeling a bit sorry for him. I don’t know what I would do in his place. I’d probably just live with a painful itchy asshole. But my ass didn’t send me any signals even when I took a dump. I barely even felt it, no matter the size of the log I pushed out. Wanker here, though, whether because of getting a dick-down or for some other reason, sure seemed to get all sorts of feelings from his hole. Everyone is different, I suppose. “You already owe me. But I might have a solution that doesn’t involve me. Which is what I’d prefer.” I said. An idea came to me that might kill two birds with one stone. “Okay, what do I have to do?” He said, resigned to the fact that he couldn’t argue with the relief, and even pleasure he was getting. “You just have to stay like that and I’ll send Zeus in to do the job.” I explained. My read on Zeus, from our earlier conversation, and his reluctance to engage with us, get naked or shower with anyone, was that our God was gay. Everything made sense if you looked at it from that angle. He was worried about nothing though. The brothers wouldn’t care. Zeus could perform, that’s the bottom line. They’d tease him a bit, but not too much. He was still Zeus and his natural supreme confidence, masculinity, command and subtle dangerous demeanor meant if he chose, he could force any or all of us into submission. And when he got that particular look on his face, set his body just so, and a menace lit his eyes, he didn’t have to move or speak. “WHAT? No, bro don’t do that. If he saw me like this he’d lose all respect for me. The only reason you haven’t is because you know why this happened. And what if he tells someone?” “Zeus doesn’t work that way. You know that. He keeps his mouth shut, keeps to himself. He’ll do it because he wants to be included more. He’ll be willing to help you out. He’ll even do the three day stretch you need. It’s your only option unless you want to get a broom handle up there. I’d recommend a condom though, splinters would be bad. Or you could get a cucumber from the mess. They might not even ask why you want to take a cucumber back to your bunk. “ I took that opportunity to pull my slimy fingers out of his ass. He whimpered as his hole was left empty. Actually whimpered. “Fuck. Okay, but only him. “ Wanker gave in. “Oh, I have a feeling he’s going to be all you need, buddy. If he’s not man enough for the job, none of us would be.” I wiped my hand on Wanker’s underwear, and left the storage room. Of course Sleeper would be there talking to Zeus at the corridor junction. That wasn’t a problem though. I needed to meet up with him anyway. I walked up. “What’s up, bro?” Sleeper asked me. “Zeus wouldn’t let me past. Said you’d be out soon. What’s going on?” “Nothing important. Just a little project I’m working on. I’ll have Zeus finish up. Meet in the same place? I asked him. “Yep.” “Cool, give me a few. Gotta give Zeus some instructions and I’ll be right there. “ “Alright. Hey Zeus, it was nice talking with you. You’re pretty amazing.” Sleeper said. “Thanks for hanging out Sleeper. You’re… “ there was a pause. It almost seemed like he thought he’d gone too far. “Good.” That was the word he settled on, with a warm smile at Sleeper’s stunned face. I could see Sleeper just collapse into mush with Zeus’ smile and words. This was Sleeper, the rotten handsome prick with enough arrogance and self confidence to wet the panties of every woman who laid eyes on him. The guy who could take on five of us at once and have us tangled up and eating dirt in two minutes. The man who knew every designation, use, method and part to every weapon on the battlefield. And he turned into an idol worshiping fan girl with just a smile from Zeus. Yep, no one was going to have a problem with Zeus being gay. There might be a problem with who got to suck his dick. That was going to cause a few fights. Sleeper left for our meeting spot. I turned to Zeus. “Wanker needs your help. Do whatever you want. Do what comes naturally. Don’t overthink it. But, he’s got an issue that will only get resolved by fucking his ass. I gave him other options, but that’s the one he picked. Your dick will tell you what to do. Just, start gentle. Can you do that for me? And for him?” Zeus looked a little frightened . “I don’t know how.” He said. “You will know once you start, trust me. We all do. Don’t worry about him. He messed up his asshole, that’s why he was limping tonight. It needs to be forced back into shape, but he can’t stop clenching in pain. You’re going to loosen him up. Start gentle, like I said. You don’t have to fuck right away. You’ll know when the time is right. Once you get going, just fuck him any way you want. This is a big favor to ask, I know.” “Okay. I can do it.” He declared, confident once again. He started down the corridor to the storage room. “And Zeus? Have fun, it’s supposed to be fun.”
  17. There’s more coming. Thanks guys. It IS of course fictionalized. But I will say some of the stuff actually happened, just maybe not exactly the way I wrote it. Deployment shenanigans are pretty common. Some of the games/dares were things you’d never believe straight, serious soldiers would ever agree to. Alcohol plus a sense of futility, and add loyalty and brotherhood… I saw more random stuff forced into meaty assholes than any porn movie could ever do justice to. 19 and 20 year olds really have no sense. Anyway, next chapter is being written.
  18. It had been a hard week. Our platoon was out in the field on training maneuvers. We arrived back at the barracks tired, muddy, and chilled to the bone. We figured out two days in that Sarge, being the asshole he is, didn’t tell us we’d be camping out and in the open the entire week so he could teach us a ‘readiness’ lesson. It was November for fuck’s sake. We had no gear, no cover, no vest, just boots, fatigues and weapons. Two of those things were what Sarge called ‘the only things a soldier needs’. Boots and weapons. A soldier fights naked if he has to. Readiness was the army code word for surprise. And in the army, there are never any good surprises. The cold soaking rain certainly wasn’t, and I just knew Sarge had scouted the weather ahead of time. Ironically, the mud we crawled through, slogged through, choked on and wore actually provided a slight extra insulation. Even if we could have showered we probably wouldn’t have, aside from the rain which did little to make us feel clean. You reach a point where the pain and dirt just feels normal. Still, it was rough. But if you didn’t like roughing it in the Army, you should have joined the Air Force. Those words of wisdom from Sarge were our mantra. He seemed to get intense satisfaction from driving us past our limits. Asshole. But he was OUR asshole and we considered him one of our brothers. Our older, dickwad asshole brother, but still a brother. We all trudged into the barracks looking forward to shucking our muddy battle dress, getting a hot shower, and having a weekend of partying and rest. Addison, whose nickname was Sleeper, was already peeling off his uniform before he even took two steps inside the door. I had to chuckle, our training was that ingrained. In the barracks, dress code was relaxed. You could walk around naked if you wanted, which many of the guys did during down time. You didn’t do it during duty hours, but only because of Sarge’s ‘readiness’ drills. Sucks to be you if you were the last one to fall in. Sucks to be you if you fall in with one hair out of place. But one step outside the barracks door was the Army’s world, and Sarge looked for any excuse, any infraction to heap a shitload of abuse and punishment on the slacker. And sometimes we ALL paid a price. But cross that threshold and Sleeper rarely waited to get butt as naked. Sleeper was naked before the last guy got through the door. Of course. Sleeper wasn’t shy. He flaunted his athletic, beefy magnificence. We gave him the nickname because he had been a wrestler in high school, all state in the 190 lb weight class. He was used to locker rooms, group showers, hanging out naked with the guys. At 6’1” he was obviously a beast in high school, and a year in the Army had packed on 30 more pounds of muscle. 6’1”, 220 just sat well on him, with his ridiculous casual masculine swagger. When we first thought up the name, it was because Holler, whose real name was Foger, thought Sleeper was talking about t.v. wrestling and asked him if he knew how to do the Sleeper hold. Hell, most of us thought it was a good question, but Sleeper scowled and educated us about freestyle competition wrestling and what you could and couldn’t do. Some of the stuff they did when the ref couldn’t see was downright brutal. Fingers in the asshole, gripping nuts, grinding your junk into their face, stuff like that. He said the refs tended to ignore that stuff as long as it was during the execution of a move. But deliberately cutting off your opponent’s air and blood supply was unsportsmanlike and unnecessary roughness, two fouls that could get you a point penalty at least, and disqualified at worst. But the name Sleeper stuck, and he gradually accepted that you don’t get to choose your nickname, and his was mild compared to some of the others. Even Holler was a rather tame nickname, we just couldn’t come up with anything really clever for that backwoods redneck. Every word he spoke had a slurred country drawl so thick it needed a translation. It was so bad that Puta, our New York Puerto Rican brother asked ‘Ay Puta, were ya born in a holler down in kintuckee?’ Fuck, he tried to mimic Holler’s southern accent, but it was nowhere near and the rest of us about cried we laughed so hard. Holler glared at Puta, but we all knew nothing was going to happen. Holler was about 140 lbs soaking wet, a scrawny, gangly little shit. Puta would break him like a twig. Puta called everyone Puta unless he was being serious. That’s how he got his nickname. We told him we’d stop calling him that when he stopped calling everyone that. He just said ‘Ay, fuck you puta.’ Just a bunch of guys going around calling each other ‘whore’ in Spanish. Gotta love the Army. Enough about that, you’ll learn the other brother’s names later. Where was I? Oh yeah, Sleeper’s big round marble white ass rumbling towards the showers, two globes of perfect muscle stacked on tree trunk thighs that flared out beyond his narrow hips. It looked like snow on hills, he was so white. Still, he wasn’t the biggest brother, nor the most built. That honor belonged to Zeus. Holy shit, Zeus was just blessed by the Gods. No one bothered Zeus. Not that Zeus was mean, or angry, or frightening. Zeus was a clam, silent giant. Even when he looked at us individually, it never seemed to be a judgement. He was difficult to figure out. Sometimes, rarely, he smiled at a joke someone made. If you got that smile from him, that rare emotional response, you felt like you won some big prize. He just had….something. Something the rest of us wished we could learn. But we settled with just basking in its effects when Zeus deigned to interact with us poor mortals. “Which one of you grunts messed up my beautiful barracks with your fucking filth!?!” came the roar from behind us. At this point we were all, except Zeus, at least half undressed. Zeus hadn’t made a single move to get undressed. “Fall in!” Fuck! Sarge knew there was no way we could NOT muck up the place. Hell, half of us, like Sleeper, undressed just a couple steps inside, so we WOULDN’T create a mess we’d just have to clean up. 32 filthy guys in limited square feet peeling off shoes, socks, uniforms, underwear, no one cared what body part pressed up against who. All asses and armpits, as Sarge says. We scrambled immediately into formation. Footlong (we WANTED to call him horsedick but better sense prevailed) wasn’t even half out of his pants and he had to waddle into line and just leave them around his knees, his wet boxer briefs suctioned to his namesake down his right leg. His absurd double doorknob sized balls hung down the other leg, almost hanging as low as his cock. He said he had to divide them up like that or it was just too much meat in one place. Sarge’s green eyes gazed at the floor, sweeping in lazy arcs, an angry frown deepening with every smear of mud he saw. He looked up at the wall beside the door where a muddy handprint marred the whitewash. Quietly…dangerously… he said “who is barrack’s bitch this week?” We all went white when we heard him say barrack’s bitch. That was supposed to be a secret. How’d he find out? Barrack’s bitch was our little hazing game on Saturday nights, the only night of the week when we were on post that we could let loose. One brother, chosen at random from a hat, had to take orders from anyone who gave it, do anything they were told. Barrack’s Bitch bought the beer, or liquor for those who wanted that. Barrack’s bitch fetched refills, cleaned up spills, did party tricks for our amusement, was subservient at all times, and basically let the rest of us feel just a little power and control, for just a brief moment, in our powerless grunt lives. I forget who originally came up with the idea, maybe it was Bootlicker, he always had great ideas. He was easily the smartest of all of us. How he ended up eating mud with the rest of us in a rainy miserable November, I’ll never know. He could have gone to college. “Someone better speak up. I can take away your Saturday anytime I want. A sergeant doesn’t repeat himself.” “Wanker is Barrack’s bitch, Sarge. “ Wanker said. Oh fuck, we owed him big. We hadn’t had a chance to do the drawing yet, so technically we didn’t have a bitch this week. Wanker fucking volunteered. And you NEVER volunteer in the Army. I felt bad that Wanker was probably going to spend the next three hours of his liberty cleaning up our mess. “Excellent. Outstanding. You were on my list anyway.“ Sarge said with every inflection of sarcasm he could milk from his cold, dead heart. “Private Wanker, you’re with me. The rest of you animals better remove any sign of your unfortunate presence from my barracks before I get back. She better shine and glow like a virgin after her first fuck.” He stared at us for a three count. “MOVE YOUR SORRY FUCKING ASSES, GRUNTS! IT WAS NOT A REQUEST.” We damn near injured ourselves as we darted around picking up clothing, it didn’t matter whose. Sleeper grabbed someone’s underwear, the cleanest thing he could find, and started wiping up mud, the globes of his chiseled ass vibrating while his dick and balls swung between his legs like a fucking bell ringing that the pope had died. That gave everyone the idea, and, well… that was how 30 soldiers ended up naked and scrubbing mud with their own underwear on their hand and knees while Sarge watched for a minute. Satisfied that we were doing the job, he turned and left, with Wanker following his beefy back, Sarge’s pristine uniform dry, spotless and pressed like he hadn’t spent a week babysitting idiots sitting in mud. What the fuck? He had MAYBE 45 seconds between when we left the transport and when he came through the barrack’s door. How could he be clean, dry and spotless? Anyway, not even Sarge said anything to Zeus, who still stood absolutely silent at parade rest, staring at the rest of us working. He’d never undressed. His fatigues were muddy, but his boots were clean. I guess he didn’t feel like he made a mess, so he wasn’t going to clean it up, and no one was going to say anything about it. Zeus was…. well, confusing would be a good word. So we got everything cleaned up, our faces up someone else’s ass until it was spotless. Then we hit the showers. Everyone except Zeus. We took our time, looking forward to the party, letting the hot water soak away our tiredness. “Should we wait for Wanker? Or should we choose another bitch?” Dimples asked? No, he didn’t have dimples when he smiled. Not on those cheeks anyway. “Fuck dat.” Puta replied. “Dat puta volunteered. I’m no gonna be putting my name in a hat dis week. Das all I care about. He be back soon.” We all silently agreed. After all, he escaped having to mop up mud with someone’s dirty underwear. Soon we were all cleaned up and feeling fresh. It took a while to get clean. We all dried off and went to our bunks to throw on some clothes, even if it was just a pair of socks or underwear. Footlong of course wore his usual boxer briefs. He didn’t like anyone looking at his massive cock, which was difficult NOT to look at when it swung free. Zeus got up and went to the showers. He never showered with the brothers. He just waited patiently, quietly doing his quiet thing. We did notice though, that while we were using up all the hot water, he’d cleaned the mud from all our boots, and put them at the end of the bunks. Our fatigues were piled neatly, still muddy, on an empty rack near the corner. Zeus was a good guy, an excellent soldier. He just didn’t like to join the group. I did wonder why we’d never chosen his name for Barrack’s bitch, though. But, as with everything else, I just figured he was blessed by the Gods. About that time Wanker returned. He seemed a little jumpy, and stripped down to go shower himself. “You gotta wait, Wanker.” I said. “What for, Assmunch? I don’t start bitchwork yet.” Yeah, that’s me. Assmunch. It USED to be Scarlett on account of how red I turned when angry, exerting myself, embarrassed… hell, I turned red if I breathed. But one of my turns at Barrack’s bitch went a bit wild. I violated the subservience rule, and was ordered to kiss the brother’s ass that I’d offended. “Kiss it.” Sleeper said, presenting his amazing ass to my face. Troll and Cellblock held me on my knees to either side. Cellblock pushed my face closer. I could feel the hot, damp atmosphere of Sleeper’s sweaty, hairless crack hitting me like a sauna. “Oh look, Scarlett is all red.” Troll laughed. “Your brother gave you an order. Kiss. His. Ass.” I darted in and gave his left asscheek a quick peck. “Oh, that makes the other cheek lonely. Scarlett, be a pal and kiss the other one” Sleeper said with a dirty grin. “But I’m not your sister. Kiss it like you mean it. “ Truth was, it wasn’t a big deal. It was just his butt, and it was a nice one. But acting like I hated it was part of the game. So I pressed my lips to his right asscheek and made out with it. Damn, it was solid, and smooth, and tasted of sweat and that cheap soap we used. I pulled away after ten seconds. “I think he was into it, bro” Cellblock commented. “His tongue tasted all of that lily white booty.” “Really? Did you like the taste of my ass, bitch?” Sleeper looked over his shoulder with eyebrows raised. “Don’t be ashamed to admit it. I know it’s a piece of grade a prime beef. It should taste delicious.” He flexed his ass then wiggled it in my face. “But that wasn’t the best part. You gotta get deep in the meat near the bone for the most flavor. “ He bent over, his cheeks spread as he looked at me from between his knees. I’d never been this close to another man’s asshole, and the sight kinda stunned me for a second. I don’t know if all assholes looked like his, but it seemed like it was all just smooth white skin with a tiny little rift. No hair, no pucker, no visible difference from the asscheek I just frenched. I looked at him, his eyes daring me, that confident grin. He was a rotten handsome prick. But, if I was going to lick anyone’s asshole, my best friend’s was probably the only one. “Fuck it.” I said. The guys were all gathered around, hooting, catcalling, laughing. They were going to witness this bullshit with horrified attention like a car wreck you couldn’t look away from. And I was determined to make it as unpleasant for them as I could. Which meant going full on gay with it. “Lemme have my arms.” I said to Cellblock and Troll. They dutifully released me and stood fascinated to see if I’d go through with it. I placed my hands on his ass, gripping his glutes, pushing his cheeks together and apart. “You ready? After this, you’re gonna understand why the ladies love me. When I go down, I give it everything I got. You’re going to beg me to do this to you again.” “You ain’t never had no ladies. Don’t try to lie. You probably gonna leave bite marks on his shitter.” Cellblock said. With that, I dove in. I kept his asscheeks apart so the guys could watch my big tongue slurp right up his crack, starting at his taint and pushing upwards across his insanely perfect hole to the end of his crack. “Oh shit! He really went in!” Troll said. The other brothers varied in their reactions, from disgust to cheering. I zeroed in on the target, my mouth open, and smothered his almost hidden sphincter with my tongue. Sleeper let out an involuntary “ohhhhhh fuck” and I moved my hands to his thighs and pulled him into me as I began assaulting that hole with my tongue, lips, nose, chin, just grinding away with heavy slurping noises, tons of saliva and noises like I was eating the best meal of my life. Sleeper was trying not to move, but I could feel slight pushes and tiny flexes of his thighs I was gripping. I no longer had any awareness of what the guys were doing, simply lost in eating Sleeper’s asshole like a pussy. “Shit dude. You gotta stop.” He said after a minute or so. I didn’t know how long I was in there. “You sure, sir?” I mumbled from between his cheeks. “Dude, stop. Okay… you’re done.” I pulled away, my face wet. I’m sure I was red as a beet, but it was worth it. I looked down at his face, still between his legs, his eyes were closed and he was breathing a little heavy. I noticed his dick was almost hard, his foreskin pulled almost all the way back, and he was leaking pre-cum. He reached up between his legs and swiped across his asshole, probably to give himself a moment to recover and get rid of the dick slime dripping off his cock so the guys wouldn’t see. Looks like Sleeper enjoyed it more than a little, I thought. I had to admit, I enjoyed it too. Not too much different than eating pussy. “Now I have assmunching juice all over me!” He growled. “You asked for it, and I did warn you.” I replied, wiping my face with my hand. “How’d it taste, Assmunch? Looks like he gave you a full helping. You were buried up his crack for five minutes. We couldn’t even see your nose.” Bootlicker jibed. “Tasted like freedom, America, and grunt beef!” I laughed back. Sleeper was still bent over, his hands on his knees. His ass still near my face, cheeks spread, his shiny asshole clenching and releasing. “Whew, I need a beer. Bitch, get me a beer. It’s gonna take me a minute to dry out. Felt like you were trying to taste what I had for breakfast. Holy good God in heaven. “ “Be right back. “. So… Assmunch stuck. You gotta roll with the punches. Sleeper and I would later have a heart to heart about my skills, but that’s a story for later. We were best buds, of course we were going to talk about it. And more it turns out. Where was I? Oh yeah, Wanker stripped down headed to the showers. “What for Assmunch?” “Zeus is in there. You gotta wait.” I told him. Wanker sighed, knowing he had to let Zeus take his shower alone. He went to his bunk, looking like he hurt his leg or something. He wasn’t walking right. The rest of the guys were hyping up for our party, ready to get things moving. “You okay Wanker? What’s up with you? “ I asked. “If you need to go see medical, we can choose another bitch. But you did get off easy not having to clean up. What did Sarge want, anyway?” “It’s no big deal. Just a sore hip.” He said morosely, which was out of character for him. He was usually one of the funny ones, always cracking jokes. Even when we caught him in the toilet whacking off he just laughed and busted his nut right in front of us. He actually hit Sackless right on the chin with one of his spurts. Wanker’s got a fucking firehose when he shoots. He’s the distance champion for nut AND piss out of all of us. “Sarge just needed to discipline me for something. I kinda fucked up, but he’s going to give me a pass this time.” “Fuck man, that sounds serious. What’d you do?” I asked. “It was supposed to be a joke, just a prank on the Charlies. You know those guys are dickwads, not like us. Well, THEIR Sarge raised hell with our Sarge.” “WHAT DID YOU DO?” I stressed again. “Put liquid contact adhesive in their shampoo dispenser.” “Sounds like a Bootlicker idea” I mused, laughing. “Oh that’s evil. But wouldn’t they have to use it right away? Or it’d just turn to rubber, right?” “No, that’s the beauty of it.” Wanker said, without any enthusiasm at all. “If it doesn’t contact air, it stays liquid. Bootlicker knows his shit. That’s why the Charlies look like green recruits now. They had to shave their heads just like in boot camp. Bald as babies. They finally grew their hair back this year, and they had to shave it all again.” “Fucking classic. Doesn’t sound like anything that the Sarges would get involved in though.” Wanker sighed. “The shampoo dispensers were trashed. Had to be replaced. Sarge said willful destruction of Army property is taken very seriously. I woulda been fucked.” He paused, closed his eyes. In a weak voice almost too quiet to hear he continued “I WAS fucked.” I was puzzled why he wasn’t happier. “But you said Sarge gave you a pass.” Wanker looked me dead in the eye and repeated “no, I was fucked.” There was a change in his emphasis that seemed odd. “God don’t be dumb, Assmunch. That’s how I got the pass. Charlie’s Sarge plowed his huge Hungarian dick into my ass. I was fucked by Sergeant Charlie. And he didn’t pull out, use a condom or go easy. He ripped me apart and busted in my asshole, which is still dripping his nut, while I was bent over Sarge’s desk like a cheap whore. I squatted as soon as I was outside, but fuck there’s like a gallon of it in me, it just keeps coming out.” Wanker was damn near crying, but he was keeping it together . Soldiers don’t cry. “Don’t tell the guys. I shouldn’t even have told you. Okay?” “You don’t have to worry, Parker.” I said. Just using his first name sounded weird to me, but this was no time for juvenile nicknames. “I’m glad you told me. Are you okay? Do you need me to do anything?” “I’ll be fine. It’s not the end of the world. I took my punishment. I agreed to it.’ He said with a morose chuckle. “And honestly, it would have been worse getting demoted and having to leave you guys, maybe leave the Army. That would have hurt way more I think.” I nodded, understanding. Pain was a known quantity, we lived and breathed pain. We carried on. It was all bearable when you had your brothers beside you. “But, I need a favor. Later, not now.” He said. “Name it, brother, it’s yours.” I replied. “After the party, I need you to look at my ass. It felt like he broke something inside me. I can’t ask anyone else, don’t want to go to the infirmary and answer a lot of questions. I figure you’d probably know what to look for after being up Sleeper’s hole that time. You can say no.” I pulled him into a deep hug. “I’d be honored to. After the party.” I held him for a few more seconds, and felt the tension drain from his body. Looking like he felt better, we saw Zeus coming back, fully clothed in some pajamas his mom probably sent him. Little German Shepard puppies frolicking all over them, but no one said a word. He didn’t even look stupid wearing pajamas a six year old would wear. Fuck, I wish I had half of whatever God blood flowed through his steel veins. Where she found puppy dog pajamas to fit a 6’5” hulk that barely fit into his fatigues was a mystery only she knew. Zeus walked to his bunk like he was dressed in biker’s leathers, or fucking medieval armor. “Go clean up, I’ll stall the brothers.” I told Wanker. “I’ll set up for you so they don’t get cranky.” We both knew if they got cranky Wanker would be given way more shit than usual. He walked away. I turned to Zeus. “Thanks for doing our boots Zeus. That was really nice of you.” He turned to me, almost to see if I was being sarcastic. I wasn’t. Then he smiled and I felt the world shift. For a moment I felt like the star of his world. I know I was lighting up red, probably the reddest I’ve ever been, but fuck if I cared. I couldn’t move, couldn’t look away from his piercing hazel eyes. “”It’s okay Andrew. I didn’t help clean.” His voice was a physical sensation, a vibration that caressed my entire body. It was deep, gentle but with a force like a wave that moves you without harm or pressure. He wasn’t even trying to be charming or dominant or alpha, all of those things were just exuded naturally from every pore on his body. I would have cut my own throat at that moment, with a smile, if he but asked. Did he know? Did he realize how he affected all of us? Did he see my absolute capitulation and hero worship written on my face? I couldn’t hide it if I tried, my brain made no sense when he looked at me. During hushed conversations with the brothers, we realized he affected every single one of us the same way. Hell, Puta had never once called Zeus ‘Puta’, that was how altering Zeus was. Sarge never screamed at him, ever. “I was going to shine them, but you guys weren’t in the shower long enough.” He almost sounded like he was apologizing to me. What the fuck, no that wasn’t going to happen. He wasn’t anyone that should apologize. “It was nice enough that you got the mud off. And we used all the hot water, which was an asshole thing to do. We didn’t deserve for you to do anything nice for us.” I swear this was the most Zeus had said to any one of us. What the fuck was going on tonight? Wanker gets ass raped, and agreed to it no less, got flooded with jizz, is still going to be Barrack’s bitch, and now Zeus is having a fucking conversation with me, a blessed fucking pleasant conversation with a God like any of that is normal. I’m having a stroke. That’s the only explanation. I’m out of my mind near death and it’s all a hallucination. Zeus looked down at his feet hanging off the end of his bunk. I got a sudden feeling that he was sad. “It’s okay. The water was still warm. It felt good after being in the cold rain. You guys are always so nice to me. I’m not good at the stuff you do for fun.” He said softly, trying to be quiet. I guess he didn’t want the brothers to overhear us. “Is that why you always stay in your bunk?” “Yeah.” That hit me hard. We’re we excluding one of our brothers because we thought he was too good for our foolish games? When he sat apart watching us have fun and never inviting him? Did he not think he was a God above all of us? “Zeus. Look at me, please.” I said. He looked over. His deep hazel eyes had a sad hope. It crushed me completely. “Do you know why we call you Zeus?” I asked. “Because I’m big?” He guessed. I almost laughed. But I didn’t want to ruin this moment. “No Zeus, we call you that because your brothers and I think that you are a God walking among us. Yeah, being tall, with those insane muscles helps. But there’s so much more about you we like. We love that everything you do is perfect. You ace every task. You never fuck up, or say something dumb, or do ANYTHING wrong. When you walk, it’s like watching a wild animal stalk its prey. When you speak, your voice rumbles like thunder. When you look at us, like you’re looking at me now, our souls tremble. We don’t know why, but you have something incredible in you that just comes out and hits us like lightning. We’ve all just accepted that you’re the best of all of us. That’s just how it is. We’ve talked about it. If we were back in time, you’d be our king. I know it sounds stupid, but we literally worship the ground you walk on. “ “You wouldn’t feel that way if you knew.” He said. A cold knot formed in my stomach. He had some dark secret he couldn’t tell us? Fuck all. My mind was spinning. How the fuck do I handle this? The other part of my brain kicked in. The side that was smart, that argued against doing stupid shit. It said two words: so what? So what if he has a dark secret? He’s your brother, and you don’t abandon a brother. “Zeus, my brother, nothing you can tell me would change a thing. You could have fucked your cousin and I wouldn’t care.” That got a grin from him. “I don’t care if you sucked dick for money and took it up the ass from Abdul the clerk at the corner stop and shop. Wouldn’t change a thing. “ I thought I saw him give a barely perceptible jerk at that. Nah, couldn’t be. Could it? I mean, I wanted to know, but NOT know. “Of course, the only thing that might change would be I’d need a special favor now and then, if you know what I mean.” I joked. I grinned back at him, gauging his reaction. He seemed to deflate, like he all the sudden relaxed from an incredible heavy load he’d been carrying. “You mean it, Andrew?” “I mean it. And, starting now, you gotta start using our nicknames. That’s what brothers do. I’m Assmunch. Don’t much like it, but I earned it. ” I told him. “Why do they call you Assmunch?” He asked sincerely. Man, his voice. I figured if my guess was right, he’d like the story, so I told him about tongue raping Sleeper’s ass. He sat there staring at me with eyes that just got wider and wider. “No way!” He exclaimed, the most intense emotion I’d ever seen come out of him. “Oh yes. Five minutes they said I ate his ass. You know the best part?” He was hooked, leaning forward. “What?” “Sleeper got a boner and was leaking dickjuice everywhere. He had to hide it from the other guys, but I saw it. You can’t tell anyone though. We gotta keep the secret that Sleeper just loves to get his ass eaten.” “Wow! Really? Sleeper?” “Yeah, he’s really got the best ass. I’ve been taking care of him about once a week since then. We have a deal. I eat his ass until he cums, sometimes without even touching his dick. And then he gives me a handjob and I get to shoot my load.” “Do you like it?” He asked, way more interested than I’d ever seen him be. He wasn’t calm and aloof anymore. “You know, eating his ass?” “Yeah, not too different than eating pussy. Taste is different, and it’s just my spit and no pussy juice, but to be honest what I like most is how it gets Sleeper all worked up. I’d do anything for him. He’s my best friend. “ Zeus nodded. “Yeah, I can see that. I like Sleeper too. He’s my favorite.” I looked at Zeus, and rolled the dice. I was pretty sure I was right. But this would clinch it. “You know, he’d probably love it if you wanted to give it a try. The man really can’t get enough tongue in his ass.” I left that hanging there, then continued. “Come on, bring your puppy dog pajamas and help me set up for tonight. You don’t have to stay, and I won’t say anything about what we talked about, okay?” Zeus got up from his rack. Looking down, he pulled out the bottom of his shirt. “They’re German Shepards” he said, smiling like a kid. Fuck I could just kiss him he was so friggin adorable right then. Without thinking, I grabbed his sleeve and said “c’mon puppy, party’s this way”
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