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Everything posted by BBp

  1. I'm not going, nowhere do I read that BB is also possible!
  2. Is that true? Just safe-sex? 😦 I have a ticket and now? "The stable masters have the right to check if the safe-sex preference is respected." "Infriction of one of the above rules give the stable master the right to give a penalty. This goes from expulsion of the game for several minutes, until removal from Darklands."
  3. Generally I recommend 200mg Doxycycline within 24 hours after sex, (or daily 100mg), over 80% less STI. Vaccination Bexsero protects somewhat against gonorrhea. Nobody needs STI and don't understand why people are horny to get it.
  4. I think no bullshit. I take 4.000 mg Liposomal Vitamin C and Glutathione from LivOn Labs and Selenium 400 mcg, Zinc, Copper, Alpha Lipoic Acid, Pomegranate, Green Tea, Black Tea, Q10, PQQ, Beta Carotene, Lycopene, Lutein, Vitamin D 10.000 IU (daily) and much more. Everything has an antiviral effect. My virus is only 150-300 and CD4 900-1300. I check every 3 months and always the same. I guess you need to protect your body from free radicals and then you'll be fine without HIV medication. Sport, smoking and drugs promote free radicals. Many people do not take vitamins at all or not as strong and therefore the virus multiplies. The strongest force is one's own immune system, which does not require medication, but the immune system needs all the nutrients to work well and this includes the things I take. What do you think? 😄
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