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Everything posted by tecedes

  1. hey if there's any close tops./vers that wanna trade loads or just pump my ass to bursting reply or pm!! available in evening or morning. looking for lots
  2. this is my hottest fantasy, drugged up and used... and me begging for more
  3. we should meet soon,!!
  4. nice, might try for the club church party. i hope i can make the coffee & cream 🙂
  5. i might be able to make this, at least for one of the days. sounds like a blast.
  6. Get in touch Harvey, we should meet 😉


  7. @mikemontpierce All three please!
  8. used them when i absolutely had to and eventually i realised there's no point, i dont enjoy the sex, and its not worth the energy. feel much better when i can eliminate all the cajoling and back and forth in the very beginning with a simple, " i prefer it" .
  9. love it, always tempted to get one of my own too 🙂 join in on the fun.
  10. only safe topped before moving here to The Netherlands. but i can't get enough of bare fun. its great here, and getting better the sluttier i get 😉
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