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About CindiLee

  • Birthday 04/01/1972

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  • Gender
  • Location
    Portland Oregon
  • Interests
    Black Cock, humiliation. Getting a collar, being shared/whored out by my Man, being a fuck-toy
  • HIV Status
    Neg, On PrEP
  • Role
  • Looking For
    A man who would ideally be my Man, My B.friend, My Dom/Master , my Lover

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  1. It's got to be sarcasm nobody could be that freaking stupid or care so little about the country or their neighbors nobody not it's impossible not possible Anyone who would support tdump is a communist and believes in authoritarian dictatorships which is the antithesis of America so it can't be Or they suffer from traumatic brain injury I mean one or the other I would I am loath to think that anyone in this country could be so ill-educated so ill read and so immoral has to not give a tinker's damn about the country or their neighbors it's not the America I know
  2. Waiting for my Black Man  to claim me as his sex slave My only purpose in this life is to be on my back taking Black and Brown Men's Cock any way they want to give it to me.  I'm a worthless cum-slut Whore...the only way I can redeem myself is to be a  Real Man's bitch....and that is all I want to be

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