I found out I was positive two years ago now, I am still not on meds. I get blood test every four months and I am being followed by an infectious disease DR. So far my numbers are really good and only getting better every time I see the DR. I just saw him two weeks ago, and again my numbers were better then the last time my cd4 is up and my viral load is down. He is not recommending meds for me yet, because like I said for the last two years every time I get my results they are better then the previous time and this is with out being on meds.
When I was first diagnosed my viral load was 5647 and my cd4 was 794 two years later and no meds and my viral load was at 500 and my cd4 was at 1381. I am wondering has anyone else experienced this? My Dr tells me I am his best patient (number wise) and he does seem a little surprised by my results. He has mentioned to me about the " hit hard and hit early" theory but with my numbers he is still not recommending meds.
Physically I do not feel any different, I do not get sick very often or it is not like I am getting sick more often now. I do keep wondering wether I should go on meds to become undetectable and just get it over with. I have insurance so the meds will hardly cost me anything so it is not a financial issue, but then I keep getting these good results and I end up saying fuck it no meds for now.