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Everything posted by Clang

  1. Hell Rawcurious. You been on line? Want to catch up?

  2. Hey boys. In in Melbourne too

  3. Hello. I guess you haven't logged in for a while. Hope you'll get in touch when you do

  4. I'd love ot meet you. We can decide from there where we go to .....

  5. Let's meet. Let's chat

  6. I want to poz you so much

  7. Hello Rawcurious. I keep thinking about you. Such a hot proposition you put. I didn't know about this web site until your message at Manhaus. I really want to hook up with you and give you pleasure I already have. I want to breed you man

  8. Hello. How's your night been?

  9. Cool. I'd love to expand our conversation.. Sweet dreams

  10. Suppress? Drugs.

    Rawcurious I'm not very good at this site. I think its set up in such a clumsy way. I'd really love to chat with you. I'm so hot for a coversation with you. Ever since I saw your wall ad at manhaus.

    Can you text me on clang2002@hotmail.com

  11. Good to hear from you.

    The bug ... oddly I love it. Such freedom. You are neg?

  12. Good evening sexy man. I see you're on line

  13. Hello. I can't stop thinking about your Manhaus message. I want to help

  14. Hello Rawcurious. I read your note in Manhaus. I thought it was exciting that you want someone like me.

    I'm a good guy. Poz. I like smooth vers young guys. I'd love it if we got together and played a few times.

    Why not call me or reply here.


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