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  • Interests
    Sissy's, T-Gurls, Gay Crossdressers
    Interested in learning and talking about and with them.
    Not looking for hook ups.
    I'm very old by the way.

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  1. I've really enjoyed your very erotic and hot stories, they are so engrossing.

    I lean heavily toward the cum filled cock sucking ones.

    I'm a new member and haven't found the Like button and just wanted to let you know how much I've enjoyed them and I'm looking forward to reading more, especially any with sissy's, T-Gurl's, or crossdressers getting filled with the cum of family, frenemies, and strangers.

    Thanks again for posting them.



    1. budapest


      Thanks for your kind words and enthusiasm. I hope you will enjoy your time on the breeding zone and I look forward to your contributions. 

    2. HONDA
  2. Hello. I just joined BZ today and this is my first forum comment and also a little bit of an introduction. It was very long ago when I was in my early 20's and rooming with a handsome almost girly sweetly slender gay black guy. Sexual tension had been building between us for a while because we seldom wore towels between the short walk from our rooms and the shower. Both our cocks were worth looking at and we both got plenty of looks of each other. Our sex wasn't planned, it just happened naturally. We were both sitting in the front room in bulging underwear having drinks and the conversation slowly got very flirty and hot. Of all we said that night the only think I clearly remember is me clumsily complimenting him on how nice the bulge in his briefs looked. And man was it nice; about 9 thick inches of uncut sweet black gay cock, He followed up with compliments of his own and soon cocks grew hard. Very hard. I had never had a gay thought before and surprised myself at how easily I was going along with this. The alcohol no doubt helped but mostly I knew no one would ever know and besides I was horny and this good looking guy with the sweet girlish body, beautiful cock, and very low hanging big cum filled balls was something I really wanted to experience, The sofa was too narrow for us so he suggested his room and I followed. He pulled off and tossed his briefs then sat on his bed. I stepped up to him with my hard cock straining against my briefs just inches from his face. He reached up for my waistband but something made me grab the sides of his head, bend down, and kiss him. I mean, I kissed him like a girl; tongues swimming in each others mouths and it felt so damn good. Finally, he broke off and stuck his fingers in my waistband and worked them off of me and let them fall to the floor where I stepped out of them and slightly spread my legs to make it easier for both of us. With a look up at me and then down to my cock, he took me into his mouth and that moment, I've got to admit, felt damn good. Better than any woman who ever had. He placed his hands on my thighs with a soft grip and I gently held his head not to guide him, but I just wanted to touch him; to feel him, he was doing just fine without help from me. He worked me slowly; I felt his firm tongue massaging my cock deeply with each bob of his head and his wet lips, with a slight pressure, slid softly over my shaft and sensitive broad cock head with every outward draw. This went on for a maybe ten minutes but between watching him suck me so sweetly, It was hard to keep my eyes off of the beautiful hooded cock standing tall between his thighs. He was making me feel so good I wanted to pleasure him some as well but inside I also had an incredible urge to put that gorgeous log of fuck meat in my mouth and find out how it felt. My roomie seemed to be enjoying it so much, I wanted to try it and with that, I pulled myself out of his mouth put a hand on each shoulder and pushed him back on the bed and told him to skooch over. He did and I lay down next to him but with me facing his crotch. He went back to work on me and I inched closer to the upright, uncut, and just slightly curved long thick black fuckstick I would be sucking on in moments. I rested my head on his inner thigh and took his cock in my hand. I had never been this close, let alone held, another man's cock in my life, but to me, at that moment, it felt the most natural of acts and I felt good and glad to have this opportunity to give it some oral attention. I stroked it a few times, pulled the foreskin back, lifted myself and lay fully on my roomies belly, tipped it down to my open mouth and lowered myself over it. I closed my lips around it, pressed my tongue against it and began massaging it with it. At first it was dry, but it was quickly covered with my warm saliva and the skin became slick, soft, and pliable. I ran my tongue over it to see like a blind person uses hands to 'see'. I tried to shove the tip of my tongue into his meatus, but despite being a big opening, I didn't get far. While sucking him up and down, I ran my hands firmly over the outside and inside of the smooth skin of his thighs and once on the inside I paid special attention to his loose scrotum and those heavy cum filled testicles. I gently rolled them in my hand and gave them a little squeeze along with an extra tight sucking action. It was my first time and wasn't sure how to love on his balls, but them and the scrotum felt warm and hefty in my hand and that excited me. I felt my roomie was getting close because I tasted his precum and this excited me; I wanted to feel his cum splashing against the back of my mouth and then enjoy the taste as I quickly as I swallowed it. So I tightened my grip on his shaft and quickened my strokes a tad while focusing my tongue work on the head of his penis because I wanted him to have a deep throated groaning and explosive cum in my mouth. Within minutes, I heard him let out a groan, lifted his ass slightly, and as soon as I realized he was about to blow cum he shot his initial load fully into the back of my throat. I pulled his cock slightly from deep in my mouth fought back a gag and began swallow as fast as I could. But for all the difficulty, I loved the experience; cum being blasted into my mouth from the cock I was sucking; rising up from his balls and out through the tube of his warm hard cock. There is no other feeling like it and no woman could ever equal it; orally working his cock to coax his essence up from his testicles and then having it primitively and brutally gushing out of the eye of his serpentine organ that had just been loved on and while performing the act, had given us both so much pleasure. We both collapsed in place, me with my head on his thigh and him on his back and head on his pillow. I liked being near his cock, now thickly flaccid and resting in a semi coil on his thigh. I had been so drunk and involved with experiencing and pleasuring my roomie, I missed my own climax and had to ask him if I came. He smiled sweetly nodded and said "Yes". We lay there for what seemed an hour when I felt his hand grab mine and place it flat on his ass and began using it to rub it. He gave a sly smile and I felt a new excitement and a wave of hardness filling my cock. Long story short, it was a night of firsts; I sucked my first cock to an enormous climax and then fucked the boipussy of that same hot gay, maybe sissy, Black guy, and judging from my aching climax, I shot into his boipussy twice whatever I shot into his mouth. I never intended to make this such a long comment but recalling the memory of that first, and only, cocksucking experience brought back a very fond memory. I do look back on it fondly; there was no pressure; it happened organically and a bit romantically. It happened so, so long ago, long before AIDS or any of number of STD's common today. That's what's kept me from enjoying another cock for all these many years. I think about sucking another cock often, but there's no one in my social circle I could even hint to about it. I joined BZ hoping to chat with others like myself about this craving. Sissy, T-Gurl, and gay crossdresser are the cocks that do it for me. I have no interest in meeting up or sucking straight guys. My interest is only in Sissy's, T-Gurl's, and gay crossdressers. I joined hoping to hear from matures like myself who also find these beautiful ladies with that extra something as appealing as I do.
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