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Everything posted by RawJizzPig82

  1. Well been chatting to a guy who not only is toxic but has some friends are who are as well and he wants to introduce me to them. Guess we'll see what happens!
  2. Waited, didn't hear from the guy Thursday but knew he was travelling to London and had plans Thursday night. Messaged him Friday morning but still never heard from him, Friday came and went. Still not heard from him. It's not just bottoms that cancel without word.
  3. Well, I have a confirmed date, Friday 15th July I'll hopefully be taking a 750k load in my roughed up hole, let the waiting commence!
  4. Been chatting to a couple of guys who are (hopefully) toxic. One meeting up with when he visits next week, the other no plan yet. Both promise a deep roughing up of my hole and planting their viral babies so I guess we'll see what happens.
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