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  1. yikes. the amount of judgement and preaching to people about what to do with their own bodies happening here is really fucking gross. the whole context of the original post was from a BUGCHASING perspective. people that LIKE hiv, and often enjoy spreading it to OTHER bugchasers. consenting, mutual sharing of this kink. not putting non-consenting people at risk. you do not get to tell people what personal health choices to make, or try to shame them into not participating in their kink because YOU are uncomfortable with it. this post did not ask for your puritan hand-wringing. it did not ask for your "moral" opinions about the subject. it's simply a post for bugchasers to discuss the feasibility of delaying meds, and the dangers, statistically, of doing so. unfortunately i don't have enough education in that area to actually add much to what the discussion is supposed to be about, but fucking wow. i just had to say something. you'd think lgbt+ people, of all communities, would know what it's like to get such absurdly aggressive, strawmanning, moralistic reactions to their attractions. do better.
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