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Posts posted by Gor213

  1. I had been in the foster system for as long as I could remember. I was taken from my mother when I was 3 because she had gone on a two week bender and forgotten I existed. I bounced around the system till at the age of 10 I was placed with Mr.Mark.


    Mr.Mark was very well off and took great care of me. He was 6’4 and well built. He was a bit of a health nut making sure me and all my foster brothers stuck to strict diets and cleanliness routines. He was very hairy and had a thick but well kept brown beard with a few tinges of grey.


    In all 8 years I’d been with Mr.Mark he had never formally adopted me. I had asked several times but he always said it would get in the way of our future. 


    It was the day of my 18th birthday and I was scared that I was going to end up on the street soon. I woke up and looked at myself in the mirror. I was 5’4 and slim with very little muscle tone. I was pretty pale too as Mr.Mark always made sure I wore plenty of sunscreen even though he tanned often. 


    I noticed a little hair around my pits and cock. Though I was almost entirely hairless I grew a little sometimes. Mr.Mark made sure that I kept hairless as he said it would keep me from smelling. When I asked why he was so hairy he had answered that men should smell but boys like me shouldn’t.


    I went into the bathroom and applied nair all over my light body hair before hoping in the shower. After I got out I cleaned out my boy hole and took my daily pills, Mr.Mark said boys should always keep their holes clean.


     After I had finished my morning routine I found my eyes drawn to my bedside table. I opened the bottom drawer and reach into the back and pulled out the old jock strap. I had found it with Mr.Marks laundry years ago and couldn’t resist taking it. It was white but stained a brownish yellow and smelled so fucking good. Just touching it had my cock fully hard. Even hard it was only two and a half inches. I rubbed my tiny uncut cock for about a minute until I shot my load into my hand. I licked it up then rehide Mr.Marks jock.


    I got dressed and went downstairs for breakfast. Mr.Mark always left early for work but one of my foster brothers, Michael, told me he had said that he was going to take me out for a birthday dinner that night.


    All day at school I thought about what Mr.Mark was going to say at dinner. I was so nervous that he was going to kick me out now that I was an adult.


    Once the time came for the dinner it went pretty normally. He didn’t bring up me moving out or anything so I didn’t either. Once we made it home however he said to me, “so alex now that you’re an adult I don’t have to take care of you anymore you know that right”


    “Yes sir” I said terrified of what was going to come next 


    “Well now that you’re of age you’re going to need to earn your keep.”


    “Yes sir” 


    “Good now follow me into my room.” He said as he started walking towards the master bedroom. 


    Once we got into his bedroom he motioned for me to stand in front of his bed. 


    “Strip” Mr.Mark commanded as he looked through the drawers of his dresser.


    “What” I asked confused.


    Just then he back handed me across the face, nearly knocking me to the ground.


    “I said strip” he said in a more forceful tone


    I did as Mr.Mark said and stripped down to my underwear


    When Mr.Mark looked back he slapped me again saying 


    “I said strip slut” 


    I quickly removed my underwear, the shock of being hit overwhelming the embarrassment of being naked in front of my father. He looked me up and down, grabbing my rock hard cock.


    “You enjoy being hit sweetheart” he said stroking me.


    “No sir” I whimpered out 


    Just then I got another slap.


    “Don’t lie to me” he said sternly holding my face. Mr.Mark walked to his closet and took off his shirt revealing his thick coat of fur. He left his pant on however. He laid out two syringes on the dresser one small with a needle the other long and needleless. 


    As he picked up the smaller one he walked towards me saying “from now own you will have one of these injections a day, I’ll show you how to do it again tomorrow but one a day every day, ok sweetheart” 


    “Yes sir” I replied nervously.


    “Good girl” he said as he turned me around and grabbed one of my hairless ass cheeks he squeezed it tight and then injected me with the contents of the syringe.


    He then pushed me over the bed so my ass was fully exposed. “Now this is going to burn but you need to hold it in for as long as you can, be a good girl for daddy” 


    I was confused on why he was calling me a girl when I was clearly a boy. Well maybe not clearly but he knew I was. Then suddenly I felt a pressure on my hole. 


    “Open your pussy for me sweetheart” Mr.Mark whispered to me. That sent a chill down my spine and even though I didn’t have a pussy my hole relaxed and let the large syringe in. I felt the liquid fill me and did my best to hold it in. Mr.Mark stood me back up and said “hold that for as long as you can”. I started feeling a rush after about a minute. Soon after I felt so empty even with the burning liquid in my ass. 


    Mr.Mark began twisting my nipples which sent shockwaves of pleasure through me. I audibly moaned


    “Good girl” he said pulling my nipples hard causing me to loose focus and open up the liquid spilling out of me. I leaned into Mr.Mark breathing in his man sent as my entire body tingled.


    “Seems like someone’s ready to loose their virginity right sweetheart” he asked me 


    “Oh” I moaned out as I felt his cock through his pants. 


    “I’ve been waiting so long for this” he said as he turned me around and bent me over the bed again. I heard him unzip his pants before I suddenly felt him fully enter my hole, no he called it my pussy.


    “Oh fuck daddy” I moaned out as he pumped deep into me 


    “Yeah baby girl take my fucking cock” he said as he pounded into me. 


    I had never felt this good in my life. I had had so many sex dreams about Mr.Mark and now they were coming true.


    I have no idea how long he fucked me for but when he was close he moan out


    “Oh yeah sweetheart I’m gonna cum, you want daddy to cum in your pussy” 


    “Yes daddy” I moaned out.


    “You want daddy to get you pregnant”


    “Yes daddy”


    “Well too bad” he said as he pulled out and shot his load into the carpet.


    “Daddy” I whimpered out feeling so empty. 


    “ oh don’t worry baby, I’ll get you pregnant in time but for now you have to learn” he said walking to the closet as I laid there fingering my pussy


    He had put his pants back on so I couldn’t see his cock but he took a long orange thing with a flared base out of the closet. He laid it on my stomach and it reached up to my ribs.


    “ you want to be full baby” he asked 


    “Yes daddy” I replied obediently needing something in my guts.


    He pushed it into my pussy slowly while he held one of my hands to my stomach. I felt the toy moving in me.


    Once it was fully in he walked to grab a small flat piece of metal with a tube in it. 


    “ you know sweetheart I thought we would have to work you up to a cage this small but your clit is so tiny I think we can start with this.” He grabs my soft leaking clit and stuck the long tube into it. It felt strange but not bad. He then locked the metal piece on and put the key on a table. 


    “Good this will keep you from using your clit when you shouldn’t.” He said. “Now I think it’s past your bedtime so hurry to sleep we’ll talk more In the morning ok”


    “ ok daddy” I said hugging him before going to grab my clothes 


    “Nuhuh” he said “you’ll be getting a new wardrobe tomorrow” with that he slapped the plug in my pussy and sent me to my room. 

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  2. Chris 


    I had been watching the love of my life take loads from a god of a man for hours now when finally master said he had to get back to the bar. 


    After master left Martin came up to me and asked “Are you okay baby” as he asked he put his hand under him and pushed some of masters seed into it which he used to give me a hand job.


    “I don’t know what’s going on” I said desperately


    “Oh it’s okay baby I’m just showing you a new life” he said comfortingly 


    “So I’m gonna become a slave to master too” I asked half scared half aroused 


    “Oh no baby I’m sorry that was the plan but then you had to go and take Greg’s load and master doesn’t like used good” he said as I shot my load after a pathetic minute of jerking. “ no you’re gonna be put up in the scorpion to be used by everyone”


    “What” I asked in shock 


    “Oh well for a few nights you’ll be tied to a table with your hole open and exposed then once the novelty is over you’ll be thrown onto the street” Martin said as he continued to jerk my now entirely soft cock 


    “ why would you do that to me” I asked nearly in tears


    “Isn’t it obvious, it’ll make my master a shit ton of money” he said as he stood up and walked to the side of the room. He picked up a rag and sprayed something on it before forcing it into my face.


    I came to feeling myself tied down with an amazing sensation coming from behind.


    “Ah you’re up good” Martin said to me as he stood in front of the bench I was tied to “master has decided to be generous and lace all the lube with meth so you’ll be nice and spun” 


    I felt a new sensation rolling through me as I took cock after cock that night. It was so amazing unlike anything I’d ever experienced. After I had taken the last load Martin and his master came in front of my bench directly in my sight and had the most intense sex I’d ever seen. Martin was in his arms begging for more, seeming to be in pure ecstasy. 


    When Martin finally got his load he walked over to me, shoved his ass to my mouth and pushed the load into me.


    This continued for three nights until when I was expecting to watch Martin get fucked In front of me again, he instead untied me and helped me to my feet. When I stood for the first time in days I felt the cum go rushing from my destroyed asshole down my legs.


    Martin guided me to the door before pushed me to the ground outside. “The prostitutes are around the corner” he said before shutting the door.


    I made my way to the corner and was almost immediately picked up. I sucked a man’s dick for five dollars.


    I sucked 3 more men before I met my pimp. He was old and fat but he gave me a thong and a bed as long as I brought in the money.


    I spent years working that corner. I would occasionally see Martin in front of the bloody scorpion but never went by it.


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  3. -Martin


    As I started seeing master every day I wanted him more and more. My every thought was consumed with his cock, until one day I broke. 


    I had gone to masters like normal but as I got there, a used up slut was walking out half naked with masters precious seed dripping down his leg.


    Seeing some whore waste masters gift is what pushed me over the edge. After we got to the sling as he prepared my slam I began to beg


    “ please master I need you to fuck me I love you so fucking much I need your massive cock in me to fill me up with your toxic cum” 


    “ I’d thought you were never gonna ask” master said as he walked back up to me. “ no drugs for you today you’re gonna take my cock raw” he said as he walked towards my head 


    I looked up at my god as he pulled out his massive pierced cock. I opened wide as he slowly inserted his thick head into me. His cock tasted like musk and sweat. Master continued to push in. I couldn’t breathe but didn’t care as masters glorious cock pushed deep into my throat. When his ball’s finally reached my face he abruptly pull out before slamming his now fully erect cock back in. He continued fucking my throat for a few minutes . 


    “Are you ready to become mine boy” master asked pulling his cock from my throat 


    “Yes master please please please” I moaned through my bruised and bloody throat.


    Master lined himself up with my ass and I could feel the metal of his pa on my hole before he suddenly slammed balls deep into my hole. I screamed in agony as he tore my hole to shreds. He pushed through my second hole and i felt his sharp piercing destroying my insides.


    After what felt like hours he grabbed my balls and leaned over me 

    “I’m about to fill your body with my toxic dna faggot” 

    All I could do was moan in response as he shot his poz load deep into me and crushed my balls in his massive grip.


    I’m not sure how many times master bred me that night but after his first load he pumped me up with so much meth I could barely tell. He kept me there for 3 weeks in a drugged out haze constantly full of his precious seed. Somewhere in the middle I came down with the fuck flu. 


    After I had recovered he took my cage off and used a needle to stab the head of my cock. He put the blood in an at home test and it came back positive. 


    After the test results he brought me to a tattoo parlor. I was really embarrassed walking in entirely naked but it was just one guy inside. 


    “So what are you looking to get today” the burly tattoo artist asked.


    “Um-“ I began to respond before the tattoo artist gave me a swift kick in the balls and said “I’m not talking to you faggot.” 


    “This pig just got pozed so show it off” master said. “Plus let’s make his cock unusable” he looked  at me with a grin as he said it


    The tattoo artist brought out a bucket of ice water for my cock while he prepared the cage. He slid a metal ring around my cock and balls and put the cage on after. I noticed that there was not a lock on this cage it just clicked into place. It also had holes on both sides that I didn’t see the point of. Then I realized as the artist put the first needle through the holes piercing my cock. I moaned out in a mix of pain and pleasure as he added the rest of the deep shaft piercings. He finished with a pa securing my cage. All in all I now had five cock piercings preventing me from ever removing my cage. 


    I got several tattoos that night as well to show my submission and new status.

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  4. Martin 


    My mind was racing about master having hiv, but then I realized that we weren’t doing anything directly so it wouldn’t be a big deal. Over the weekend I found myself constantly bouncing on any seat to make the oversized butt plug rub my prostate. On Sunday when I took it out to use the bathroom I had to go buy poppers just so I could get it back in. 


    When I went over to masters house we did pretty much the same thing as always he stretched my hole gave me some g and did some light fisting. We fell into a pattern of this, interspersed with me watching him poz random twinks who had come to his bar to get hiv.


    Master explained to me that he ran a bar for hiv positive people to feel free to hangout and be who they were. This sometimes included initiating new members. 


    As the summer went on my vists to master got more frequent till I was there nearly every day. It was around this point that I hit a plateau. I had been taking the same toys for weeks and couldn’t get any bigger. That was when master suggested trying a special lube to help me stretch. 


    “This lube is what all the professionals use but it has something in it that you might be afraid of” master said gently as he stood in front of my gaping hole. 


    “What is it master” 




    “No way that’s super bad for you” I replied hastily


    “Oh no it isn’t sweet boy, that’s just what the media tells you but for bottom sluts like you it’s actually essential” master said comfortingly “it’s exactly what you need to reach the next level baby ok?”


    “Yes master” I said hesitantly 


    “Good boy” he said as he began to squirt the lube into me. He started working it deeper with his fist when I felt a burning then a rush came over me. I felt fucking amazing and my hole felt empty 


    “Fuck fill me up master” I moaned needing to be full. I felt him push hs arm deeper and then felt more pressure against my cunt ring. I looked up at the mirror just in time to see his second arm slip in. He pulled his other arm back and locked his hands together inside me.


    The meth combined with the stretching sent waves of pleasure through me and I started writhing in a orgasm only to look down and see my cock was not only soft but somewhat shriveled as it leaked cum. 


    I don’t know how many times I came that night but at the end master made me a suggestion.


    “ your cock looked amazing all shriveled up boy” master said as we sat naked on his couch


    “I know it’s still completely soft now too” I said leaning on masters thick hairy chest still spinning from the meth


    “ we could keep it that way all the time so it would get even smaller.” He said rubbing my shriveled cock like a clit.


    “ I think I’d like that master” I said as he stood up to go get something and came back with a pink cock cage


    “Here we are” he said as he locked my cock into it “ now I’ll just keep the key with me so it’s safe alright boy”


    “Yeah that sounds good” I said as I began to get dressed.

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  5. -Chris 


    I came to lying on a couch. I heard a moaning noise coming from my side and looked over. On a bed was a man with a massive hairy back pounding into someone who has their thin legs wrapped around him. 


    “I love you so much master please breed me give me more of your poison” I heard from a voice that sounded just like Martin. Shocked I stood up and walked towards the bed where I saw Martin taking the cock of the man Greg had been referring to as boss.


    “What the fuck” I asked in shock 


    “Oh good you’re up” the man said as he wrapped his arms around my boyfriend and pulled him to his chest all the while pounding into him. “My balls could use some attention so slid down and start sucking” 


    “No fucking way asshole I’m not sucking your balls while you fuck my boyfriend”


    “Shut the fuck up and do as your told Chris if you’re gonna be rude to master you might as well leave” Martin said between his moans 


    “What the fuck are you doing Martin how could you do this to me and then take his side” I asked confused 


    “I’m - uh- always on- oh fuck-masters side Chris” Martin moaned out “I’m -oh yes right there master- I’m just trying to help you Chris” 


    “The fuck do you mean help me” I asked when suddenly the man lifted Martin off him and stood up off the bed 


    “Alright listen here faggot you’re going to do as me and my boy say or you’re gonna leave and never see him again” the man said towering over me with a massive wet cock glistening between his legs.


    Martin stood up of the bed, what looked like cum flowing out of his legs as he did before coming right up to me and kneeing me hard in the balls.


    “You’re such a pathetic piece of shit Chris. I try to share my life with you and all you do is bitch and fucking moan” he said continuously kneeing my nuts for emphasis “I could’ve broken up with you years ago and given myself fully to master but no I told him that even if I didn’t love you like I did him I still wanted you to experience the exctasy that master has to offer” he yelled at me as I collapse to the floor in pain “ and now that I’m giving you the chance to recieve the greatest gift and your saying I’m cheating on you. I mean fucking seriously you’re barely a man with that pathetic fucking cock and if anything I’ve been cheating on master with you cause I love him in ways I never loved you. And are you really so stupid you never realized that I would come hope gaped and full of cum and you would just happily pump away for a few seconds into your condom like the sissy bitch you are” 


    “Now master is gonna keep breeding my ass and you will sit there licking his balls or his ass or even eating his fucking shit if he asks you to because your opinion doesn’t fucking matter now start sucking cuck” martin screamed as master began pounding into him again 


    Martin had been cheating on me for years I thought in shock and worse he said he loved master more than me. I still didn’t want to leave Martin though I loved him and maybe I just had to show him I could sacrifice to win him back I thought as I got to my knees between Martin and master and began sucking his massive hairy balls. The smelled of sweat and tasted of lube and cum but as I sucked and felt the love of my life cum onto my back from another man’s cock I found that my own cock was rock hard.

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  6. -Martin 


    It was about 4 am when I got home. I crashed out the second I got to my bed.


    When I woke up and took a shower I couldn’t stop feeling my hole. It was still puffy and a little gaped from last night. I thought that I should feel guilty since another man had been opening up my guts the night before, but I didn’t I loved it and it didn’t really feel like cheating just like being helped by a friend.


    The second I got out of the shower I called master 


    “Hey boy I knew you’d call” he said while I heard a weird moan in the background.


    “Yeah I had a great-“ I began to say but was interrupted by a moan of “poz me master” on masters side. It was followed by a slap and master saying “sorry needy slut can’t be quiet” 


    “Oh that’s ok” I said hesitantly 


    “So how about you come over next Friday and we can really get started on stretching you out”


    “That sounds amazing” I said ending the call


    The entire week I was so fucking horny. I had been jacking my 7 inch cock at least 4 times a day thinking about that night when finally on Friday I got another call from master. 


    “Hey boy how about you come on over to my place at about noon how’s that sound”


    It was 11:30 right now “that sounds great but I haven’t had time to shave or anything” 


    “Ha that’s fine boy we’ll take care of all that here, see you then”


    I rushed over to masters place throwing on a crop top and gym shorts. As I made it 3 blocks down I remembered I forgot underwear by the very obvious tent in my pants but decided to just keep going. 


    When I made it to masters door I was about to knock when the door opened. It was the man who had driven me home the other night I think his name was Greg. 


    “Hey man boss is waiting upstairs” he said walking with a strange gait to the bar


    I walked up the stairs and found master standing there wearing only large black leather boots and a leather vest. In that moment I got a view of the largest cock I’d ever seen in my life. It had to be a foot long and beer can thick with a massive spiked PA on the tip his head also had a biohazard tattoo on it that was several other places on him as well. His balls hung down at least a few inches as well and seemed to be the size of eggs.


    “Oh sorry boy lost track of time with Greg, you don’t mind if I just wear this right” he said as he came over and wrapped his arm around me


    “No it’s fine” I mumbled still transfixed by his horse cock.


    “Good leave your clothes in here then we’ll get started” he said as I stripped down. This time I had worn a thong that Chris had gotten me on our anniversary . When master saw it he picked it up and hung it on his PA.


    “Alright now let’s go get you cleaned up” he said showing me up to the master bathroom. “Now first let’s get you nice and smooth here’s a bottle of lotion just rub some on and leave it til it burns”


    “Ok” I said as I began rubbing the lotion all over my body. After a few minutes it started to burn really badly and I ran into the shower and tried to turn it on while master laughed at my flailing. He then came and pressed a button which turned the water on. 


    “Ha now that you’re done flailing about let’s get that hole cleaned out” he said taking a hose from the wall. “Now I want you to hold this until I say let go alright boy” 

    “Yes sir” I said feeling him push the hose into my hole.as I felt the pressure building inside of me master started to push on my stomach forcing me to release 


    “Bad boy I didn’t say to let go” he said with a smile before grabbing my balls and squeezing so hard I thought they would pop. I let out a half moan half scream confused by the mix of pain and pleasure.


    “Now let’s try again” he said repeating the process. This tim I did manage to hold it in however. “Good boy now release”


    “ seems like you’re good to go now put this thong back on it makes you look extra sluty” he said taking the thong off his PA and handing it to me. As I slid it on he slapped my ass soliciting a moan from me.


    Master then slipped 2 fingers into my hole and guided me to the basement. He was rubbing his thick calloused fingers directly against my prostate sending waves of pleasure through me. I looked down and saw I was rock hard with a steady flow of precum from my cock. 


    “Looks like someone’s excited to get cunted” master said as I was on the verge of an orgasm. When we were at the sling I felt the orgasm about to come on then he suddenly pulled out.


    “Fuck please I was so close” I moaned out


    “Aw too bad we have a lot of work to do on that hole if we want to make it a cunt.” Master said as his thick hands wrapped around my waist and hoisted me into the sling. After he locked my legs and hands he grabbed an industrial looking breathing mask and some spray bottle. He began spraying the filters of the mask before walking over to me. “ this is a stronger form of poppers that’ll really help you open up now lift your head”


    I was unsure for a second but decided to trust master and let him slid the mask on. As I breathed in the chemical smell filled my lungs and I went flying my body felt warm and relaxed and my head felt light. Just then master inserted the first dildo into me.


    The pleasure was unimaginable my cock was pissing gallons of precum and after a few minutes the orgasm from before hit me and I shot my load into the puddle of precum flowing on my chest. This did nothing to stop master as he just continued to work my hole with ever increasing dildos. 


    I wasn’t sure how many times I’d cum when I looked up and saw that master had his entire hand inside me. He was trying to push deeper but it was too tight. 


    “Fuck your cunt is too tight” master sighed before walking to a cabinet to grab something. He came back with a shot glass and pulled the mask off my mouth. “This is g it’ll loosen you right up” he said 


    “I don’t do drugs” I said dizzily


    “It’s not a drug it’s a drink” he said putting it to my mouth


    “Ok I guess” I agreed as he pour the disgusting liquid down my throat before putting my mask back on. I felt the liquid warm up inside me and spread all over making me tingle. When master put his fist back on my hole pleasure shot through me as he slowly pushed in.


    “Please more” I moaned through the mask as master slowly worked his thick arm deeper into me. As I watched from the ceiling mirror I saw he was nearly at the elbow before he began to pull out and begin fist fucking my cunt. I was racked with back to back orgasms as he worked my hole when suddenly I felt something new. I felt him penetrate something deeper in me and realized he was fingering my inner hole. He was spreading it open with his fingers causing me to begin pissing myself in pleasure. 


    He looked up at me with a devious look before suddenly shoving his fist into my inner hole. The intense pain overwhelmed me forcing a scream out follow by master quickly pulling his arm out. 


    “Ha look at this boy you had your first prolapse.” I felt my hole on the outside of me as master slapped my fuck guts before he pushed it back into me. He came and took my mask off before asking how I was feeling 


    “So fucking amazing master” I moaned out.


    “Good I’m glad now it’s almost 8 and the bar is going to open soon so I’ve gotta go help but you’re welcome to stay here and keep stretching your hole. I’ll probably be back in an hour or 2”


    “Ok master that sounds good” I said as master unlocked me and helped me out the sling “I’ll get out a dildo that you can fuck yourself on and some more g to keep you loose how’s that sound boy” 


    “Great master” I responded eagerly holding him for support as I started standing after having my hole destroyed. The cum and piss that had been on my chest began flowing down my body as master put a dildo and bottle next to the sling


    “Now I’ll see you later remember little sips of g” he said before leaving. I approached the dildo and crouched over it feeling it slowly push into me as I drank down some of the g. I began to fuck myself on the dildo and felt it push through me spreading my guts.


    I kept drinking the g and riding the dildo for who knows how long until I heard someone coming downstairs. Master entered the room but with him was a small brown haired twink. He looked kinda out of it when master threw him on the sling and smiled at me. Masters cock was fully hard and he slammed it hard into the bottom.


    “Fuck yes daddy” the twink moaned out “give me that toxic cock”


    “Oh you want my poz cum you fucking chaser whore” master responded


    “Yes please infect me with your strain daddy” the bottom moaned back


    “You’ll get what you’re asking for faggot” master said as he slapped the bottom before continuing the savage fucking of his hole.


    I just continued riding my dildo unsure of what else to do. After a long while master whispered something into the bottoms ear and he responded “please daddy fill my ass with your hiv positive cum, infect me with hiv for the rest of my life” before master bottomed out into him with a moan.


    I was shocked, did master have hiv. Was he giving it to this guy, why was he begging for it. 


    After cuming master pulled out of the twink and shoved his massive cock that seemed to be covered in blood down the bottoms throat before taking him upstairs. 


    When master came down again he was wearing the same clothes but with a pair of leather pants as well.


    “How have you been doing boy” he asked while rubbing my head. I just stared at him too confused to speak. “ oh are you upset about what you saw”


    I nodded in response “ don’t worry boy it’s the hiv you’re scared of right” I nodded again “ you don’t need to worry baby everything I’ve put in you is entirely clean. The only way you could get it here is if I came in you but you have a boyfriend and would never cheat on him right?” 


    “ I’d never cheat on the man I love, but why did he want hiv” I asked 


    “ well you see hiv is a disease but it’s also very freeing once you have it you’re apart of a community of other manwhores who totally understand your needs” he said pointing at the biohazard tattoo around his belly button “this is their symbol” he said helping me off the dildo. 


    I had so many thoughts running through my head as master helped me get dressed. However before he got my pants on he shoved a butt plug into me. “Wear this til you come back Monday okay” I nodded. “There’s a car to take you back to your place” he said just like last time before sending me off with a slap to the ass. 


    As I walked outside I noticed that the twink was standing naked on the side of the building being spoken to by two old men in full leather. I quickly made my way to the car where Greg drove me home.

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  7. -Martin


    I felt the sweet burn of meth in my throat as I sucked down the smoke from my pipe. I watched as Chris passed out from Greg fucking him. It was pathetic really I could take Greg’s cock like it was nothing but I guess everyone starts somewhere. 


    My hole was still gaped from my masters cock, his cum slowly dripping from me. At this point barely a day passed without him filling me. I’d convinced Chris that I just lubed myself up before he would fuck me though I have no idea how he never noticed how loose I was. 


    I’m glad that Chris will be joining me soon. I love him in a way, not like the love I have for master but kind of like a brother. I still remembered when I started down the path that led here.




    It was the summer between my freshman and sophomore year. I stayed in the city over the summer cause I rented an apartment year round. I was still staying loyal to Chris because I thought we were in love. I’d go to random gay bars but turn down everyone who offered to fuck me which was a lot.


    Chris was supposed to come up the first weekend after class ended and I had been jerking off to the thought every day since. It had been nearly a year since we fucked and my hole was HUNGRY. Friday afternoon however he canceled saying some bullshit about needing to help a family friend. 


    I was fucking pissed but wasn’t about to sit around like a loser. I went to a straight club planning to blackout instead of dealing with my feelings, however after one drink I met the most beautiful man in the world. He had thick brown hair that I would later learn covered his entire body. He was wearing black slacks and a white button up that was bulging with his thick muscular body. I was already in awe and then he came up and talked to me. He was at least a foot taller than me and had a deep dreamy voice.


    “What are you doing drinking by yourself handsome” the man said 


    “ drowning my sorrows in vodka what about you” I responded trying to be nonchalant 


    “Ha” he laughed “ I’m looking for something or someone to do tonight, so why are you sad, girl trouble, boy trouble” he said slyly while showing a shining white grin


    “ boy trouble” I answer “ trust me the only girl trouble I have is holding my friends hair up when they get wasted”


    “Damn I’m sorry to hear that a hot boy like you should have your pick of the litter” 


    Holy shit he called me hot I thought 


    “You wanna go somewhere else and talk about it” he placed a massive calloused hand on the small of my back


    “Sure” I said “but I do have a boyfriend”


    “And I have no intention of getting in the way of that” he said, leading me outside.


    Once we got to the street he hailed a cab and guided me in. I wasn’t going to cheat on Chris even if he was being an asshole and I was with the hottest man on the planet I wasn’t. We pulled up to a bar called the bloody scorpion.


    “I’ve never heard of this place” I said as we left the cab


    “It’s my bar I’d be happy to show you around sometime if you’d like” he told me as we walked to a door next to it. “This here is my place”


    He opened the door to a stairwell the lead above the bar.

    “Wow do you live up here” I asked as we entered a clean semi-modern studio Apartment.


    “I do” he responded “you like” 


    “Definitely I think that the space between your couch and the wall is bigger than the apartment I share with 3 people”


    “Thank you I try to take care of it. You want something else to drink or would you like something stronger” 


    Fuck did I just go home with a druggy. I don’t do anything but weed I thought. He must’ve seen the look on my face and added.


    “Oh just weed, nothing too bad” he said with a chuckle “ we’ll get the meth out later” 


    I laughed back “oh yeah I love pot I was scared for a second there” 


    “No need to be scared let’s just go up to the roof to smoke though” he said 


    We went up to his roof which had a small garden and patio furniture and shared a blunt as I bitched about Chris.


    “So you’re hoping to get back at him tonight is that why you came here.” The man asked 


    “No I’d never cheat on the man I love, I hope that’s not disappointing” I answered. 


    “Not at all, though if you’d like I could help you with your hole without it being cheating”


    “What do you mean” I asked curiously 


    “Not to brag but I have an impressive collection of toys downstairs and would be happy to use them to help you get relief.” 


    I thought about it for a minute but I guess it didn’t count if it was just toys


    “Yeah that would be great just toys though nothing more” 


    “Of course” he answered


    He guided me down to what must’ve been a basement under the bar. I saw another stairwell that must lead to it since this was clearly being used as storage. There was a door at the back of the hallway that he lead me through. 


    “I just realized I don’t know your name” I asked as I entered the dark room 


    “When you’re in here call me master” he said in what I thought was a joking tone.


    “Ok master” I answered jokingly 


    “Good boy now let’s leave our clothes here” he said pointing to a small table.


    It was the first time I was naked in front of someone besides Chris and was really nervous while master stripped right to his bulging jock strap. He was even more magnificent naked. His hairy thick body was covered in tattoos and his white jock was clearly stained but that only made it look better as it was clearly full to bursting. 


    “ you nervous boy” master asked grinning


    “ a little bit yeah” 


    “Take your time I’ll go get some stuff out for you” he said as he walked further into the dark room. 


    I stripped fully down. I was glad I shaved expecting Chris to come. Just then green light flooded the room and I saw it all. This was a fully kited out playroom any porn studio would be jealous of, the walls were covered up and down with different sex toys most of which I was clueless about. In the middle were several slings, benches, and other furniture I assumed was for sex but couldn’t guess how.


    “Holy fuck do you secretly operate a porn empire here” I asked approaching the sling master had brought a chair and table to. 


    “I’ve been know to film a video or two” he said with a laugh. “Well looks like someone’s got a cock on them don’t you boy”


    “Yeah I guess I do but I’m a bottom through and through”


    “That’s understandable, Now hop into the sling and we’ll get started”


    I tried to pull myself into the sling but it was fairly high and I had never been in one before so I slipped. Master picked me up and easily lifted me into the sling. He secured my legs in the air with cuffs but left my hands free.


    “Now I think it would be best if you put a blindfold on so that you can fully enjoy the feeling without being intimidated by the size” he said as he put a sleep mask over my face.


    I heard him walk away for a minute before I felt a cold sensation on my hole. I felt my hole part for something and let out a moan as it had been so long.


    “Damn I’m only putting the lube in and you’re already moaning like a whore” master said before I felt the cold sensation flood my guts as I assumed he squirted me full of lube. It felt so good having any thing in my ass I was already panting.


    “I’m gonna put the first dildo in now that okay boy” master asked 


    I only moaned in response as I felt the plastic head spread my hole. It felt orgasmic having something inside me again and I kept moaning with every push. He fucked me with it for a few minutes before moving up to a higher size. He continued this for what felt like eternity.


    “Alright boy this one is pretty big but let’s try it” he said as I felt a large head press against my hole. He pressed hard for a few minutes but it wouldn’t go in.


    “I think I’ve got something to help with this, you want this dildo right boy” he ask 


    “Yes please I need it” I moaned out


    “Alright I’m going to put something under your nose and you need to inhale it and hold till I tell you” he said.


    I heard a cap unscrewed and a hiss next to me then he pressed one of my nostrils down and told me to inhale. It smelled like chemicals but I breathed it in before he did the same to my other nostril.


    “Alright exhale now boy” he said and I felt a rush as he pushed the dildo deep into me. I felt amazing and the dildo filling me only made it better. 


    “How about you take off that blindfold now son.” He told me 


    As I took the blindfold off I saw him sitting between my legs holding a dildo balls deep into me. Once he saw I had taken it off he pulled it all the way out revealing that it was at least 8 inches long and three inches thick. This was the biggest thing I’d ever had in me. He handed me a vial and said.


    “This is what I gave you to open you up it’s called poppers , keep inhaling it so that you stay stretchy just like I showed you okay boy”


    I only moaned in response before hitting the poppers again. I didn’t like drugs but at this point I needed this dildo in my ass and didn’t care. 


    Master kept fucking me with the dildo for at least an hour before it started to fit without the poppers. My cock had been dripping precum all night and I had begun to feel a weird sensation in my ass. It felt like something was build and I started to squirm before suddenly the most intense orgasm of my life hit me. Piss flowed from me and I feel my hole pushing out as my mind was clouded by pleasure. 


    “Ha ha seems like someone had their first pissgasm” master said chuckling as my pleasure subsided 


    “Oh my god I’m so sorry I didn’t mean to” I stammered out


    “Don’t apologize boy pleasure is the point of this room, just lick it up and we’re fine”


    “Huh” i asked in shock


    “I said lick your piss off my floor” he repeated slowly before lifting me off the sling and onto the ground where my piss puddle laid. I had never drank piss before but my head was still clouded by the orgasm and weed so I stuck my younger out to try and found an amazing bitter sweet flavor. I eagerly licked the rest of the floor clean loving the taste. 


    “Seems like someone’s a natural piss pig” master said as I looked up at him “ there’s a car outside that’ll take you home and give you my number call me if you want to do this again” 


    “Yes master” I said before leaving “thank you”

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  8. My boyfriend and I had been together since highschool. We were each others first everything. While we went long distance for college, since he wanted to go to school in New York and I didn’t, we had moved in together after graduation a few months ago.

    Everything was going pretty well, Martin did like to go out to the bars a lot but that never bothered me I was confident in our relationship if he went all of college without cheating there was no way he was going to start now.

    On Thursday night as I was sliding the condom on my average if a bit skinny five inch cock Martin spoke up.

    ”Would you want to come with me and some of my friends to this gay bar tomorrow night. I’ve never been and it sounds really fun”

    ”I don’t know” I replied “ I’ve never loved gay bars or bars in general”

    “Oh come on chris please I don’t want to have to go home alone since all my friends are single”

    ”fine I’ll go” I relented as I pushed into Martins hole. He released a light moan as I began to pound into him. Martin had always been the bottom even though he had a far bigger cock. He tried to fuck me once but it was way too big to fit. Now he kept his cock in a cage. He had since his sophomore year of college he always said it let him focus on his ass. I had asked where he got the idea and he always avoided the question. 

    He had gotten several tattoos during his time in college as well. He had a lock tattooed right above his penis as well as the word pig tattooed on his asscheek. Right now I was looking at the biohazard tattoo he had right above his ass. I had asked what these tattoos mean but he always just said he liked them.


    I shot my load into the condom after about 4 minutes then laid down and went to sleep as Martin cleaned up. 


    The next day after work Martin and I were getting ready for the bar. As I was putting on a pair of jeans I saw Martin put on a tiny bright red thong I’d never seen before. 


    “Did you get a new thong” I asked 


    “No I’ve had it for a while” he responded as he slid into a pair of leather pants.


    “Hmm I’ve never seen it” 


    “Oh I guess I’ve never had a reason to wear it around you” he said


    I was wondering what that meant as I made us drinks before we left. Both Martin and I would be called twinks. I had very little hair naturally and Martin was always waxed.


    We met up with Martins friends outside the bar. They were a pretty standard group of young gays who I’d met once or twice. The bar was called the bloody scorpion. As we got the the front Martin hugs the bouncer who whispers something in his ear before slapping his ass and sending him on in.


    “ I thought you said you had never been here before” I asked Martin as we walked into what seemed like a locker room.


    “ I haven’t I just know Greg” he responded as he slid off his jeans. 


    “Why are you getting undressed” I asked 


    “Oh did I forget to tell you oops this bar is clothing optional”


    “Yeah you forgot” I said shitily as I stripped to my plain white boxers


    We went up to the bar to order drinks and Martin gave the bartender a peck on the lips as we got there. I was fuming when he handed me my drink and drank it down quickly.


    After finishing my drink I hear a deam voice yell “hey there’s my boy” and turn to see a near god of a man. He was probably 6’4 with a thick well muscled body that was covered in thick hair. He wore only a white jock that barely contained his massive bulge. He had a thick chain around his nick and a well kept brown beard. I was surprised when he walked up to Martin and took him in a hug grabbing his ass in the process. 


    I tried to stand up to say something but I suddenly felt really light headed. I decided to sit back down and have another drink while Martin cuddled up with the mystery man to my right. After finishing my second drink I was feeling really drowsy when I heard moaning to my side I looked over and see my boyfriend Martin bent over the bar getting fucked by the stranger. 


    I stand up to punch the dude but get pulled away by Greg the bouncer. He dragged me into a back room and threw me down on the couch.


    “ look asshole I don’t know who the fuck you think you are but nobody fucks with the boss and his boy” he yelled at me


    “His boy?” I slurred back “ Martins my boyfriend”


    “Oh now I see” he said seeming to calm down “ my bad man I get that it’s probably hard to see your boyfriend getting breed but you shouldn’t get jealous like that” Greg sat down on the couch next to me


    “ look I know after two shoots of g your probably horny as hell but if the boss hasn’t bred you yet the attacking one of his boys isn’t going to make him.”


    “What the hell are you talking about I don’t want him to fuck me” I slurred out again. Confused about everything he was saying as my head felt foggy


    “ there’s no need to be ashamed man you already recognized that your boyfriend needs true fulfillment from the boss now every thing else is easy.” He said soothingly 


    “ I didn’t recognize shit” I yelled back 


    “Shh it’s ok how about I breed you tonight so you don’t feel left out I know I’m not as good as Bo’s but  I’m still pretty good.”


    I tried to protest but there was suddenly a bottle of poppers under my nose and my protests fell away. I felt Greg pick me up like I was nothing and bend me over the couch. 


    I heard my underwear get torn in the back and while I expected him to slowly open me up as I was still an anal virgin he slammed into me full force. My dry hole burned as he forced what felt like a horse cock into my virgin hole. It felt like I was being torn in two as Greg pounded into me. I felt myself losing consciousness as I looked over at the door and see Martin standing there nude with cum dripping down his legs and what looks like a crack pipe in his mouth

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  9. After master filled my hole a few more times he brought both me and my father back down to the basement. It turned out that while biting my dads cock I bite through his PA.


    “I’m sorry daddy” I said as I fingered his now massive urethra.


    “Oh it’s okay baby it felt so good and I needed it to put me back in my place” dad said patting my head as master walked back. He gave me a normal IV to help with my fever and then got to work on my father.


    He stuck his pinky deep into my fathers piss hole illiciting moans from him. “Hmm I know just what to do with you.” He said deviously “ go put on some chaps and a jock faggot we’re going out”.


    “Now you be a good slut and wait here.” 


    “Yes master” I said eagerly 


    A few hours later master and my father returned home. When they walked down I was struck by my fathers now massive over inflated cock and balls. 


    “How’d you like your daddy’s new silicone filled cock” master said to me as he slid two fingers in and out of my dads inflated piss hole.


    “It looks amazing master” I said as I leaned forward and slid my tongue into his new cock hole.


    “It is plus all the silicone numbs the feeling on the outside of his cock so he can jerk all day without cuming” master added as I tongue fucked my dads new hole. After a few minutes of this my father began rutting forward and I felt his cum shoot into my mouth. 


    Apparently my fathers cock needed time to heal before he could fuck me so I was left alone in the basement again. After a few days the fever passed and master brought me the first two of many gifts to bring me into my new life.


    “This jock is your first and you will wear it unless I command otherwise, cum in it, piss in it, sweat in it, it will never be washed it serves as your first step to becoming a true man” he said as he slid the jock onto me. It felt tight but right. “This here is your second step. Now that your poz you need to look like a real man. You will spend at least 6 hours a day in the gym for the foreseeable future and get daily steroid injections to help you bulk.” With that he plunged the needle into my ass. 


    Master gave me some booty shorts and a black tank top before taking me to the gym for the first time. It was a brutal workout and after 6 hours I was so exhausted. Master brought me into the locker room and as I stripped out of my sweaty clothes he simply pushed down on the small of my back. 


    I quickly knelt over a bench as master began to pound into my hole as other gym goers walked by. 


    “Can I get the next round” some man I had never met asked master


    “Of course he’ll take any load.” 


    About three hours later I walked out of the gym in only a jock strap with fifteen strangers loads dripping from me. 


    “That gym is all gay and almost exclusively poz, when you start going on your own soon you’ll need to remember to take at least five loads every time.” 


    “Yes master” I said obediently 


    When we got back to the house there was a large massage table set up in the living room with a stool next to it. 


    “Alright faggot now time for you to be marked. Lay down on the table.” 


    As I got on the table my father pulled my jockstrap off and removed my cage. 


    “This chain is to show the world that you are owned.” Master said as he wrapped a thick chain around my neck and locked it with a padlock. He put the key with the others hanging from his chain. 


    Master then motioned for my father to bring over a tray of everything needed for a tattoo. He began right above my cock with the standard biohazard. He put a small lock under it as well. He then flipped me over and put a fist on one of my butt cheeks and a pig on the other. He spread me open and tattooed another biohazard around my hole. Before giving me a tramp stamp which said all loads accepted. He gave me several more tattoos all of a sexual nature. 


    I realized that all my fathers and masters tattoos were also about sex but I’d never noticed due to the hair.


    “That’s enough tattoos for now” he said as my dad took the tray away and brought back another. “Now time for your piercings.”


    He first grabbed hold of my flaccid cock and quickly pushed a needle through the urethra to give me my PA. Two nipple piercings follow, along with a septum piercing.


    Over the coming months, with the help of steroids I grew a thick coat of fur and built up a ton of muscle. I dropped out of college before it even started because I knew class would interfere with my breedings. I had not been empty of cum and drugs in who knows how long. Master and my father continued to introduce me to the wonders of gay sex. 


    About one year after I arrived in New York I married master. I questioned how it was possible for him to have two husbands but he just said that the gimp he kept worked for the state and could pass some things through unnoticed. 


    It was a beautiful ceremony as I was walked down the isle by my father who was wearing black jeans which showed off his massive bulge. I wore only a white thong that looked great on my now massive hairy frame. Master bred me infront of all our friends and then brought them up to bred me one by one. The final load coming from my father who was only able to come when master fucked him while he was in me. 


    I love my new life having the best gay sex with my husbands and parents

    thanks for all the positive feedback I think this’ll be the last part of the story for now though 

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  10. The next few days continued the same way. I was locked in the basement being bred all day and night almost entirely loosing track of time. Master kept me bleeding and full of his cum the entire time. I had no idea how much time was passing thanks to the constant flow of drugs, however on what I later found out was seven days after I met master I was brought to the bathroom by my father.


    “You’ve done so well these past few days your guaranteed to be master’s” he said walking me to a side room. “Now it’s time for you to start the rest of your slave training.”  


    “Thanks daddy” I said eagerly as I walked with his thick hairy arm around my slim hairless frame.


    He brought me to a small padded closet with a large wooden chair with the bottom removed. He sat me down in it and strapped my arms, legs, and chest to the chair. He began rummaging around behind the chair before walking forward with a massive 18 inch dildo.


    “Suck on the tip son cause that’s all the lube you get.” He said as I opened my mouth for the tip. Instead of just the tip however he shoved the dildo full force down my throat. I took about 8 inches before my gag reflex triggered and I threw up.


    “Oh looks like we’ll have to work on that son” he said walking back behind the chair where I felt the dildo penetrate my hole before being forced all the way in then pulled back out.


    “Ok now that the fucking machine is going let’s handle this cock of yours.”


    He brought over what looked almost like a pocket pussy but it was connected to a larger machine. He unlocked the cage on my cock and took it off.


    “Appreciate this son you’ll only use your penis a few more times in your life” he said as he began stroking my cock. While I did get hard it was noticeably small then before I had come here, maybe more than 3 inches lost but it looked and felt fully hard.


    “Oh yeah the cage shrinks your cock son. It is recoverable normally but we’ll make sure yours stays small, won’t you like that sweetheart” daddy said as he positioned my cock into the machine.


    “Yes daddy I don’t need it not when I have master” I said obediently


    “Atta boy, this machine right here will help with that too.” He said as he slide the sleeve down on my cock. That was when I felt a thick metal rod penetrating my piss hole as the sleeve slid down.


    “OH” I moaned 


    “It uses varying pressures and electricity to destroy the blood vessels in your cock preventing errection.” He said ignore my moans as he turned the machine on. It felt good at first with my cock being sucked in and the rod slowly moving in and out. After a minute the pressure began to build and I could see my cock getting painfully big. I was then hit with several intense shocks from inside my cock. Before the pressure drastically dropped shrinking my cock and forcing the blood out.


    As this continued my father grabbed my head and strapped it to the back of the chair. Before fitting a mask over my nose and mouth. The mask had two hoses that stuck straight into my nostrils and a mouth piece that I could barely fit in my mouth. Once it was fitted I felt it suction on. A thick slightly sour and acidic liquid began to flow in through the mouth piece and the air from the nose pieces had a strange chemical smell that made me light headed.


    “Make sure to drink down everything son, it’s everything a faggot like you needs.” He said as he rubbed my head. 


    He then attached two large vacuum pumps onto my nipples that I thought were going to rip them off at first before he got two IV bags that looked to be full of blood and hung them above me. 


    “This blood will make sure that you convert.”he said as he put the needles from the bags into each of my arms. 


    “Now for the final piece” he said turning on a large screen in front of me. “You’ve seen some of this before I made sure that you would find it, it’s why you’ve been so good and accepting, though I do think you would have accepted this eventually we just needed to speed it along. One of master’s friends uses this on his slaves and master wanted to see how it would work, enjoy son” dad said as he walked out.


    Cock flashed infront of me along with images of cum and holes and tons of other things I didn’t recognize. I heard the strange audio too. Deep music with whispers in it. Soon all I could think about was the video I felt my mind being melded and filled with cum.


    I’m not sure how long I was in there, they still won’t tell me but it couldn’t have been more than a day or 2. 


    When dad came to retrieve me my mind was brand new. Full of gay sex, all aspirations except serving cock gone. Once my father removed all the devices I lunged at his locked cock trying to taste it through the cage. He kicked me hard in the balls with his steel toe boots which sent me to the ground my flaccid deflated looking cock leaking cum.


    “Seems like it worked isn’t that right son”


    “Yes daddy” I moaned out as he picked me up. Back in the chair he jerked me off for a minute and looked pleased when he saw no response. He then placed a cage even smaller then my last that left only a nub where my cock was.


    “Cmon master wants to see how you’re doing” he said before guiding me to the bathroom where a pink lace thong waited along with nipple clamps that had hearts hanging off them.


    The thong felt so good between the flaps of my ruined cunt and the nipple clips dug into my puffed up nipples just right so that cum dribbled out my cage.


    As we made our way up the stairs I couldn’t help moaning as my dads fingers circled the edge of my cunt. 


    Once I made it upstairs I saw him, my god, my master. He was sitting in a leather arm chair his cock fully errect, covered in metal bands, the only other clothes he wore were a pair of boots. 


    I walked up to him and straddled him. I knew he wouldn’t need me to suck his cock, his piercings would get all the lube they need from cutting up my cunt. As I plunged all the way down on his cock in on go, my thong shooting up into my cunt. I began to suck on his massive hairy pierced pecs as I rode him. 


    “Seems like Steven’s video worked, the slut knows what he’s doing.” He said to my father 


    “Thank you master” I moaned out before master stuck my face in his armpit and continued to talk to my father as I focused on licking up his man smell and sweat.


    After maybe half an hour of worship master with my mouth and cunt he rewarded me with his seed.


    As he bottomed out past my inner cunt I moaned out “thank you for your seed master” 


    I got off, holding my hand to my cunt to make sure none of master’s precious seed fell out. Thankfully only blood came out. He must’ve bred his load fully past my inner cunt.


    The next few days continued on like this, me wandering the house, constantly being shot up with drugs and seed, that was until one day I woke up feeling awful. 


    I had been sleeping in the basement next to the gimp, when I woke up to an intense nausea and fever. I knew the fuck flu had finally taken me as I threw up all over the bathroom. I ran up stairs almost passing out due to the fever combined with having barely eaten in weeks. 


    I finally made it to masters room where he laid with my father cuddling up to him. I pulled the covers down and mounted masters soft cock. 


    My father woke up first, and realizing what was happening help pull me up and down on master hardening shaft. 


    “Fuck faggot you fever hole feels so nice” master said as he woke up before pounding hard into me for a few minutes. Before he came he pulled out and laid me on the bed. 


    He took his chain necklace with a key on it and leaned down to my fathers PA. As he unlocked it he said to my father.


    “Make it count because after this you’re never using your cock again so long as I live.” 


    “Yes master” my father said before standing between my spread legs. He was quickly jerking his newly free cock to get hard. 


    “You’re not gonna get any harder then that pussy boy, your cocks been locked up for nearly 10 years” master said with a chuckle


    “Yes master” my father said as he pushed forward. I was briming with excitement at taking my fathers cock. He began to hump but I felt nothing until he collapsed on me a few seconds later.


    “What happened dad” I asked 


    “I’ll tell you what happened” master said “this fucking pathetic man cunt sold his son for one more chance to use his cock and came in 3 pathetic pumps you couldn’t even feel” he said as he walked behind my father who was crying. Master kneed him hard between the legs and he collapsed.


    Master then took up his previous position and kept fucking my fever hole. I was in ecstasy as master pounded into me. My father crawled back to the bed crying


    “I’m sorry son” he cried 


    “It’s uh o-oh-okay daaaad” I moaned out as master pounded me “you weren’t meant to fuck people just like I wasn’t” I said as I grabbed his tiny cock and pulled him to my mouth. Once I got his pathetic cock in his i bit down hard. My father screamed as master held him. After a minute I felt his cum begin to shoot into my mouth mixed with his blood. Master shot into me soon after and I looked up at my crying father and said “thank you for selling me to lust”

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  11. Master did not pull out after he came but rather picked me up with his still rock hard cock deep in me and took me to the basement. He pumped into me slowly and I saw my father licking up the mix of blood cum and piss that was left on the floor.


    Master kept pumping into me as he laid me down in one of the leather hammocks. 


    “Hold your ass up don’t let any of my seed fall out slut” he said as he walked away 


    I tried my hardest to hold my ass up keeping masters precious seed inside me. He came back soon after with a baggie of crystals and two needles. 


    “You want this meth you fucking druggie bitch” he said 


    “Yes please master I need it” i begged 


    “You want it all you fucking methwhore”


    “Yes please give it to me I need it and your cock” I screamed out 


    With that he poured the entire bag into my hole and I was hit with a burning sensation when he plunged his cock in right after. He held still in me as he pushed both syringes in my arms. He pulled back the plungers the slammed them down and pulled my arms up. 


    I was flying when he began slamming into me as I felt nothing but pleasure when he tore me apart. My father came down and knelt by my face. He stuck his tongue down my throat.  


    After a bit my father pulled away and talked to master. I couldn’t care less what they said as all I could focus on was master’s cock. Soon after my father sat down on my face and held my mouth to his hole. His asshole felt more like a pussy as I ran my tongue around his hole before I dug in and started to devour my father’s delicious shit hole. 


    Every once and a while I felt squirts of cum into my guts but was unsure how much time passed otherwise. I felt meth injected into me a few more times, but after a while my dad pulled off. 


    “Daddy please” I begged


    “Oh I know son don’t worry I’m just making sure you stay nice and high baby” he said as he walked to the wall. “You’ve taken too many slams and we can’t find a good vein so we need to get you your meth another way”


    “Ok daddy” I said as as he returned with a large thin tube and IV bag.


    “Now you’re gonna learn the only use for your pathetic cock faggot.” Master said between grunts as he slammed himself. He was drenched in sweat and was now fully naked at least as far as I could see. 


    “This’ll feel great baby just relax” dad said as he grabbed my caged cock. He took an end of the tube that had a metal head and pushed it against my piss hole. It popped in after a second and burned like hell, but even as I moaned out dad continued to pushe the tube deep down my cock. It began to feel amazing when suddenly I felt a pressure deep in me. My dad noticed the stop and put the open end of the tube in my mouth.


    “Hold onto this and swallow everything” he said before pushing the tube past the resistance and I felt a strange release before yellow liquid began to flow through the tube. As the acidic liquid hit my tongue I realized it was my piss.


    “Drink up all that chem piss faggot.” Master yelled as he pounded into me.


    After a minute I noticed I felt higher then before and when the piss finally stopped my dad took the tube from my mouth and connected it to the IV hanging down. I felt a burning deep in me and realized it was more meth. 


    “Ahhh oh my god.” I cried out overwhelmed by the sensation in my bladder. This prompted master to roughly grab one of my pumped up nipples with one of his hand and squeeze the iv bag with the other, increasing the pressure in my bladder. I could barely think with the combined sensations. As my dad walked back with something in his hand he began to bite on my other nipple and finger my moaning mouth.


    Once the bag was empty my dad grabbed hold of the base of the tube and quickly ripped it out. The pain sent me into and orgasmic shock as I watched the bloody tube rip out of me. As soon as the tube was out he shoved in a long thick rubber tube down my cock.


    “There you go son now you’ll be nice and high for a while.” He said 


    “Feed that fag your prolapse” master ordered my father.


    “Yes sir” my dad replied as he stepped above my face once more but this time instead of crouching he slowly pushed his ruined hole out into a huge red bulge. He lowered his massive prolapse into my mouth as I eagerly made out with his pushed out hole. I vaguely heard my father moaning as the world fell away again replaced by the lusty burn of meth. 


    I continued to eat my father prolapsed ass until he left at some point and master leaned down throat fucking me with his tongue as he clawed at my swollen nipples and slapped my inflated balls. 


    “This is gonna be your last load for the night fag. Your fuckhole of a father wants a few loads before he goes to bed and you’ve had more than enough for tonight slut.” He said pulling away from my mouth.


    “Please more I need —“ I tried to beg but was cut off with a hard slap to the face.


    “YOU NEED NOTHING FAGGOT” master screamed as he shot his final load in me before pulling out and quickly replacing his cock with a large piece of duct tape to hole my hole shut. 


    He walked away without another word and when I tried to stand to follow I found that I had been locked into the hammock at some point. 


    A few hours later I heard a noise as my father came down.


    “How are you feeling son” he said as he dragged his hand up my bare body


    “Empty daddy please give me your cock” I begged like a bitch in heat.


    “Oh I wish I could sweetheart but I’ve been locked up since I met master I haven’t fucked anything since you were conceived, but don’t worry I brought a gift for you baby boy.” He said as he walked to my face 


    “Open wide” he said as he positioned his ass above my mouth and pushed out at least five of master’s massive loads. I gobbled them down quickly and licked the residue from daddy’s hole.


    “Thank you so much I love you daddy” I said as I finished.


    “Of course son I love you too now let’s get your load in deep” with that he unhooked the head end of the hammock and I fell, held up only by the cuffs around my ankles.


    Dad grabbed two weird gloves that went up to his hairy shoulders. They clanked as he put them on.


    “These’ll make sure your hole is fully raw to accept master’s precious dna” as he walked by I realized they were rough chainmail.


    He pulled the duct tape from my hole and plunged his fist straight in. It burned like hell and I could hear the sloshing noises as he pulled my hole apart. As he kept pushing deeper I began to moan.


    “That’s a good slut enjoy your dad pushing diseased cum deep into you” he moaned out. I then heard rather than saw that he was fisting himself with his other gloved hand.


    My hole felt totally beaten when my father took his hand out. He left me hanging there while he put the gloves away before kissing me on the mouth and walking back upstairs.

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  12. I sat in awe as my father walked up to master and began to kiss him. Master reached around during the kiss and finger fucked my dads hairy hole til he was moaning like a whore. After a minute master pushed him off and looked down at me. 


    “Open your mouth slut it was a long drive and I need to piss.” He said removing his codpiece to expose a massive cock with a spiked PA and ampallang. His cock had to be seven inches soft. He began to piss in the direction of my mouth but most of it was spraying all over so I tried to move up to take his head into my mouth. 


    “I didn’t say you could suck my cock faggot” he screamed kicking me to the ground as he continued to piss on me.


    “Lick it up” he yelled as I began to lick his piss from the floor. As I was doing so I heard sucking behind me and saw master throatfucking my father. After a few minutes master pulled out.


    “Please master he can wait I need you in me so badly it’s been too long since I’ve had your seed” my father begged. Master spit in his face before turning to me. I knew what was coming and presented my ass to him. His cock was now fully hard and nearing 12 inches.


    “Tell me what you want faggot” he said 


    “Your cock master” I begged as I felt his hands around my waist


    “What kind of cock” he asked


    “Your poz cock master I want your poz cock” I begged as I felt his head on my hole


    “And what do you want my poz cock to do slut”


    “Get me pregnant with your strain and make me yours master” I screamed out as master plunged into my in one hard push. I felt my guts being torn apart and could do nothing about it. He was destroying my hole and I had no drugs to lessen the pain.


    “Oh I forgot to give u a bump” master said with a laugh “oh well I’ll just give u double before your next load how does that sound faggot” he said into my ear


    He continued to tear apart my hole for what felt like hours until he leaned down and asked me. 


    “Do you want to be mine for the rest of your life”


    “Yes master” I cried out through the pain


    “Good boy” he moaned into my ear before fully pulling out the. Slamming back in and blowing his load inside my inner hole.

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  13. When I woke up I had a strange feeling of fullness. I felt my ass hole and realized that there was now a larger plug in it. I also noticed that my cock was now caged as well just like my dads. As I got out of bed to go to the bathroom I saw that the shower wouldn’t turn on. 


    I decided to just get dressed only to find all of my clothes gone. I decided that after last night clothes weren’t really necessary and walked down to the kitchen naked. 


    I saw my dad standing there nude as well wearing only the chain around his neck and his cage. 


    “Good morning son” he said as he walked up and stuck his tongue into my mouth. I desperately sucked on his mouth until he pulled away. 


    “How’d you like your cage” he said as he grabbed and shook my locked cock. “Looks like it fits right”


    “It feels nice” I said 


    “Good do you want some breakfast” he said sliding a plate towards me. He also placed a glass half full with a clear liquid. 


    “Now that I know your a druggie whore I don’t need to hide it in your food and water anymore, that’s GHB it’s why you’ve been extra slutty since you got here, drink up” daddy said. I should’ve been shocked but instead I just obediently drank down the foul tasting liquid. 


    “Do you have any plans today son” daddy asked 


    “None yet” I said feeling slightly dizzy from the drug


    “Good your step father gets home today and he wants to convert you as soon as possible so we’ll spend the day getting you ready.” 


    “What do you mean convert me” I asked as dad led me to a door I’d never been through.


    “He’s going to give you HIV just like he did me” he said casually 


    I stopped dead in my tracks “ you have hiv” I asked in shock


    “Yes of course I do, I’m a bottom slave just like you’ll be” he said “ it’s how master marks us as his.” He pushed me forward 


    “But hiv is bad” I said 


    “You’re a bottom slut aren’t you son” he said looking down into my eyes


    “I guess” 


    “And last night you took some strangers load without any thought of protection”


    “Yeah” I said nervously


    “See sluts like us are bound to get hiv so you just have to ask would you rather get it from some stranger or from your family.” He said 


    “My family I guess”


    “Exactly now you understand” he said happily as he continued to lead me into the basement.


    “Now we’ll spend the rest of the day getting you just how master likes, he’s really looking forward to meeting you.” Dad said


    “I’ve already been slipping you drugs to weaken your immune system so his seed will take easier now it’s just cosmetics we need to change” he said as we came into the basement.


    It was a large red and black room with several benches and what looked like hammocks. I saw at one end of the room was a man in a full leather bodysuit chained to a bench with two fucking machines going at his mouth and hole.


    “Who’s that” I asked 


    “Oh just one of master’s pay pigs, some pathetic faggot who pays master to leave him chained up and humiliated.” Dad said with a hint of bitterness 


    “Oh ok” I said as dad led me into a large bathroom. It had a large walk-in shower with three head and hoses, there were several cupboards but no toilets which I thought was weird.


    My dad leaned over into one of the cupboards and pulled out what looked like a lotion bottle. 


    “Alright son this is the only part I can’t help you with, this is nair” he said “ master likes his slaves hairy but since your not his slave yet you need to be hairless, don’t worry it’s only temporary and once you test positive we’ll get you on steroids and your hair will grow back like crazy” he handed me the bottle and motioned me to the shower.


    I rubbed the nair all over and waited as it began to tingle. “Alright son that should be long enough rinse off now” my dad said as I turned on the shower heads.


    Once I was rinsed off my dad got into the with me and turned me around inspecting me for hair.


    “Good job son, you're totally hairless.” He said as he ripped my butt plug out of me to which I moaned in response. 


    “Now normally master likes his sex dirty but so that his seed takes better we’ll need to clean you out” dad said as he picked up a hose and bent me over. He slowly inserted the hose into me before I felt the water begin to fill me. 


    “Hold onto it son I’ll let you know when to release” he said as he pushed the hose deeper into me past my second hole. I could feel my stomach expanding and felt like I was about to pop when dad pulled the hose out and told me to release. After a few more times the water came out clear and daddy declared me clean. 


    “Good job son now it’s time for the finishing touches.” He said as he reached into the cupboards and pulled out two bags that looked like IVs


    “ now master love bottoms with big balls and we love to make master happy don’t we son”


    I nodded obediently 


    “Good now come over here” he said as he connected a needle to one of the bags


    “This is gonna hurt a bit but don’t worry it’s definitely worth it.” He said as he grabbed my balls and inserted the needle in. It hurt like hell but then had a strange feeling as the cold liquid began to flow in. Dad inserted a needle into his sack as well before explaining “ this is saline, it’s perfectly healthy and will go away in a few days.”


    He then pulled out some small suction cups and placed the on my nipples.


    “These will get your nipples nice and puffy” 


    We wait for a while as I watched our sacks slowly inflated till they were pulled completely tight.  


    “Good looks like we’re full, and just in time master should be home soon.” Dad said as he led me back upstairs. My giant balls made walking feel weird.


    Once we got to the door my father handed me a white lace thong that did little to cover my massive balls and told me to sit and wait.


    About an hour later the door opened and a god of a man walked inside. He was 6’6 at least and was dressed in tight chaps and a leather codpiece with large military boots. He wore only a leather vest that showed off his massive hairy and tattooed chest. His pecs were massive, even bigger than my fathers with bigger piercings to match. He had a giant septum piercing above his thick beard. His head was fully shave and shining.


    “It’s good to meet you son, you ready for the start of your new life.” Master said

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  14. Back to the boy


    When I walked in the front door of the house I was hoping my dad was not back. Wearing only a pink thong with cum dripping out the sides of my but plug would be hard to explain. 


    To my shock not only was my father in the house, he was standing in front of the door wearing only a leather harness, boots, and a leather jockstrap that had the codpiece removed and the thick metal chain locked around his neck.


     I was in awe at his body. He was covered in hair and tattoos with his harness perfectly framing his huge pecs and nipples which were pierced with large thick crescent rings. His cock was in a small metal cage the had a lock going through the head of his penis.


    He casually asked “hi son how was your hookup?” As if it were a normal question.


    “Umm pretty good I guess” I responded 


    “I’d say it looks like it” he said as he came up pushing his body against mine and reaching his fingers around to my hole. He brought the cum covered fingers to his mouth and sucked on them.


    “Hmm delicious, were you doing t son” he asked 


    “Uh maybe” I responded still unsure of what to do


    “How’d you like it, me personally I love it, turns me into a total cumslut. Even more than normal” he said chuckling as he put his hand on the small of my back and guided me into the living room. 


    “Looks like you’re going to need a bigger plug to keep that load in son” he said pushing on my loose plug. “I thought I might have some old ones that would fit you but for now let’s get that load deep in you” he bent over the chest in front of the couch and I saw a massive plug in his hole.


    He pulled out two dildos. One maybe 20 inches long and thick and another about ten inches and a little less thick. He stuck them to the top of the chest and pulled out a pipe from a side table drawer.


    “You ever smoked before son” he asked to which I shook my head


    “It’s not that hard but I’ll shotgun your first few hits” he said as he held a lighter under the pipe till white clouds began to form. He inhaled them then came up to me and pushed his mouth to mine his thick beard scratching my face as his fat tongue invaded my mouth. He pushed the smoke into my lungs as we made out. 


    “You like making out with your old man huh” he said as he pulled away. We repeated this until the pipe was empty making out longer and longer each time. 


    “Alright now let’s get these loads deep in us” he said pulling out his massive butt plug and setting it down. He then lined the massive 20in dildo up with his hole and sat down taking almost the entire length in one go.


    “ cmon son it feels amazing” he moaned out “ just take it with all the meth you’ve done it’ll be easy”


    I pulled out my buttplug and pulled my thong to the side. As I felt the tip of the dildo on my hole a shock went through me and I pushed down. It felt amazing stretching me out.


    “Atta boy” my dad said while he rode his own dildo and turned on the tv. More porn came on but this time it was only two men. One huge god of a man and another smaller one that I realized was my father.


    “This here is the video of me losing my virginity son” he moaned out “ it was the start of my life” 


    I was transfixed on the screen watching the human god fuck my dad. Waves of pleasure flowed through me but I soon realized I couldn’t take more then about seven inches 


    “Looks like you reached your second hole son” my dad said between panted breaths. 


    “I want more” I moaned out. 


    “Oh I know sweetheart don’t worry daddy will help you” he said standing up in front of me his locked cock in my face. I licked out getting a drop of his precum on my tongue. He put his hands on my shoulders before pushing me down hard.


    I felt a jolt of pleasure as my ass hit the chest and I knew I took the dildo balls deep. As it broke through my second hole I shot a giant load into the front of my thong 


    “Good job son” my dad said as he bent down to kiss me 


    “Now you can’t stop now you gotta make sure none of the cum you got will slip out. Sluts like us can never waste a real man’s cum” dad said as he remounted his own dildo and continued to ride. 


    After about 30 minutes he shot his load and it dribbled out of his cage. 


    “Alright son I think that’s enough for tonight let’s get you to bed” he said as he pulled me off the dildo and walked me to my room. As he laid me in my bed he took my thong off and sucked my cum off it.


    “ I’ll be taking this now good night son” he said with a kiss to my forehead.

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  15. I opened my mouth and tasted a mix of piss sweat and metal as Andrew slide his head into my mouth. He put his hands around the back of my head and slowly pushed. I could barely hold back the urge to throw up as his cock made its was down my throat.


    “You like taking my cock slut” Andrew asked to which I vigorously nodded, I still had no idea what was going through my head but knew that I needed this cock.


    As I got about half his cock into my mouth I felt like I couldn’t take anymore. Andrew noticed and pulled out slightly so that I could breathe again.


    “Inhale this it’ll help you swallow my entire cock, and your gonna swallow my entire cock faggot” he said as he pulled out a wash cloth that he sprayed with some van before shoving it under my nose. I felt hot and slightly light headed when Andrew forced his entire cock down my throat. 


    I could feel his piercing cutting up my throat as he fucked it but I only wanted more. After a few minutes he pulled out and asked “ how did you like that faggot” 


    I could only moan in response


    “Of course you loved it cmon I’m about to break your hole in” he said as he pulled me to my feet and threw me onto the bed. He went to the side table and pulled out a small baggie and some metal pieces before crouching by my ass. I saw that the metal pieces were actually piercings. A giant thick horseshoe septum piercing as well as two spiked lip piercings 


    “ you want me in your hole faggot” he asked as he rubbed a finger around the edge of my virgin hole before suddenly pushing in


    “Yes daddy” I moaned out as he began finger fucking me. I felt him scraping up my hole. After a minute he put 4 fingers in and pulled me open before dumping the contents of the bag into me. I felt a burning sensation followed by a rush emanating from my hole


    “Please I need your cock daddy” i screamed. 


    “But what about your wife” he asked as he rubbed his pierced head around my desperate hole


    “I don’t care I just want your cock”


    “What about your son”


    “Fuck him all I want is your cock”


    “What about god”


    “Fuck god I need you in me”


    “What about the hiv that I’m gonna infect you with”


    “Give me your hiv dick daddy please” I begged without even thinking as he slammed hard into my unlubed hole. His PA tore my hole apart and yet I couldn’t stop moaning all the pain felt so good. Daddy saw how I was reacting and slapped me in the face to which I just moaned and grabbed at my dick.


    “Your not touching that fucking pathetic cock faggot” he said as he punched my balls full force. The pain was enough to make me shot my load then and there. 


    After a few minutes Andrew bent down and whispered in my ear. “Say hi to your wife” as he pointed to a camera on the side of the room. I should’ve cared but instead I just moaned “cum in me daddy” as he shot his toxic load into me.


    Andrew bred me five more times that night before sending the video to my wife. I stayed at his place being constantly bred or working out until I tested positive. After that he told me that he was going back to New York and that I could come with him if I wanted. Of course I accepted and over the years he molded me into the perfect slave for him. He put me on a strict workout regimen and diet as well as ensuring my ass was well trained by the hundreds of men he lent me out to. A few weeks ago when I found out that my son would be coming to stay with us I begged master to show him how great it is to be gay and we came up with a plan to make him into master’s slave as well.

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  16. Chris (dad) flashback


    I had always been a good Christian man, I waited till marriage, treated my son and wife well and made sure to go to church every day. That’s where I met Andrew.


    Andrew was a huge man, probably around 6’2 with a well muscled body, not of a body builder but more like someone who had done a lot of physical labor.

    He had his ears pierced and what looked like the holes for septum and lip piercings as well. He had tattoos on his hands and neck which lead me to assume that he had them all over his body.


    His type weren’t unheard of at the church, convicts who had found the lord in prison or the like. I was not given any details, but my priest asked me to help him adjust to the church and community.


    We first met over lunch where he told me that he was from New York. At some point we got onto the topic of his muscles. He offered to show me the ropes at the gym because I was on the scrawny side.


    When I saw him at the gym the next morning I was struck. He was wearing only a tight white tank top and running shorts. His body was covered in hair and tattoos and I could see his huge bulge. 


    “Hey there chris you alright buddy” he asked 

    “Yeah fine” I said shaking myself

    “Well let’s get to work then” he said slapping my ass as we walked inside the gym.


    Two hours later I was exhausted. 


    “Wow I didn’t know I could be so tired” I said 

    “Yeah I like to get nice and sore before work every morning” Andrew responded


    We were making our way over to the locker room when I  saw that they were closed with an out of order sign.


    “Damn guess I’m gonna have to shower at home” Andrew said 


    “Shit I don’t have time to go home and shower before work” I added


    “You’re welcome to come shower at mine Chris” Andrew responded 


    “That would be great”


    As I walked into Andrew’s apartment I realized it was a lot nicer than I thought. I guess I had assumed he would live somewhere trashy but his apartment looked newly made and decorated.


    “Fuck” Andrew groaned taking off his sweaty tank top. “ I’ve only got one shower so I hope you don’t mind doubling up, don’t worry it’s plenty big”


    “Oh ok” I said as he pulled off his shorts revealing an overfull dirty jockstrap.


    “I’m gonna grab some water you go get it started, it’s just through the bedroom” Andrew said as he walked to the fridge


    I went through his bedroom into the bathroom and was surprised to find a full walk in shower with several shower heads and attachments. I nervously striped as I thought about all the other times I’d been naked with other guys. It had never phased me before, why now. 


    After I pulled the last of my clothes off I was reminded why I was nervous as Andrew came into the bathroom. I realized that both of his nipples were pierced with large thick crescents. He smirked at me as he pulled off his jockstrap revealing a 7 inch flaccid cock with a giant piercing. It was resting on equally huge balls that swung as he walked.


    “You like what you see Chris” Andrew said as he grabbed my rock hard 7 inch cock “ha look you hard is the same as me soft, though I’m still thicker”


    “Um no im not gay” I stuttered out 


    “Sure you aren’t” Andrew said as he bent down invading my mouth with his tongue. At the same time he slid one of his fingers into my asshole.


    I had never felt like this and began moaning into Andrew’s mouth as he pulled away.


    “Get in the shower now whore” he ordered to which I mindlessly followed


    “Bend over” he said as he pushed me down so my head was against the wall of the shower.


    “Now I’m going to clean you out, hold until I tell you to let go” Andrew said as he inserted something I couldn’t see into my hole. I felt a sudden pressure and fullness as my stomach began to fill. Andrew pulled the nozzle out of me and began pushing on my hairy gut.


    As he pushed I couldn’t help myself and let go releasing all the water. 


    “I didn’t say let go faggot!” He screamed as he grabbed my balls and squeezed hard. I was hit with a shocking pain but all I could do was moan. 


    “ oh do you like that slut” Andrew said as he guided me out of the shower. 


    Once we were out he pushed me to my knees where I was met face to face with his massive cock. It had grown to about 9 inches and still was only semi hard. 


    “I think you know what to do," he said as his piercing touched my lips.

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  17. I made my way up the stairs and was met with a tall and somewhat scrawny man in his 50s. He was wearing only basketball shorts through which I could see the outline of his cock.


    “I knew you’d come slut” he said as he opened the door


    I just stared back unsure of how to respond.


    “Well get that fat ass in here cunt” he yelled pulling me inside. 


    “Strip now” he commanded once the door was closed.


    I began taking off my clothes but he stopped me when I got to my thong.

    “Leave that on” he said as he began fondeling my cock.


    After a minute I was still totally soft and he look at me quizzically before saying “ you’re fucking high aren’t you you little druggie whore” I shook my head no mumbling that I’ve never done drugs


    “It doesn’t matter what you say I can tell when a boy is high, oh well I hope whatever your on works well with t or else you’re in for a bad time”


    “What’s t” I asked 


    “Don’t worry it’s just gonna make sex ten times better” he said as he guided me to the couch where he sat down, pulling off his shorts, revealing his cock.


    It was like I was in a trance, the second i saw his cock I instantly gobbled it up. Push myself hard on it even as my gag reflex resisted.


    “Fuck you’re a horny slut” the man said as he pulled my plug out and began to finger my hole. After a minute I felt a burning sensation followed by a feeling of emptiness.


    “Please fuck me” I begged the man who’s name I didn’t even know.


    “Fine faggot” he said as he got up, shoving me onto the back of the couch.


    I felt his cock that was now wet with my saliva running between my cheeks. He lined his head up to my tight hole and began to slowly push himself in. I had never felt like this before, it felt like a strange pressure at first but soon it began to feel amazing as his cock pressed up against my prostate. He soon bottomed out before quickly pulling all the way out and slamming back in. As he did so my mind went blank while he jackhammered his cock into my hole slamming into my cum button. I felt the pleasure course through me.


    He soon started to slow down before leaning forward and asking me “where do you want my load boy” 


    “Inside me daddy please fill me up I need your dirty cum” I had no idea where that came from before remembering that was what one of the bottoms in my dads videos asked for. 


    “That’s a good whore I’ll get you nice and full” he moaned before thrusting in hard. I felt his cock twitch, but I had expected to feel his cum more than I did.


    As he pulled out he pushed the butt plug in before pointing to the door.


    “Out faggot” he said commandingly.as I tried to gather my clothes he shook his head saying “walk home in just the thong like the slut you are”


    I was scared walking down the road in just a thong but also kind of aroused. It was dark enough where I wasn’t in plain view but the few people I crossed on th sidewalk stared in what I thought was awe or horror.


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  18. sorry for the delay, been super busy with midterms hope y’all enjoy

    A few hours later we had just had dinner and I had an intense craving for more cum. I tried to beat my dick so I could eat my own load, but my cock was totally soft and wouldn’t get hard.


    I then remembered the flesh light in the shower. The bathroom was empty and I went into the shower praying that my father had left a load in it. Getting on my knees I grab the flesh light and held it to my mouth. As I lifted it up the bitter taste of seman hit my tongue. I licked it up viciously trying to get every last drop.


    Once the flesh light was empty i grabbed the half finished bottle of water I had from dinner, as I drank it I reminded myself to ask dad if he could get new water since all the bottles in the closet had tasted strange. I half thought they were moldy because I always felt weird after drinking them. 


    After finishing the water I was going to change into some pjs but as I opened the drawer the pink thong caught my eyes. I looked at it for a second before getting the sudden urge to put it on.


    As I slid the thin thong on I felt the string press between my cheeks. The front pouch just covered my flacid cock and balls. I walked to the mirror and began admiring how good my ass looked in the thong.


    Just then the door opens and my after walks in wearing only a pair of jeans. I can see not only the numerous tattoos covering his hairy body but also his massive nipples rings sticking out of his puffed up nipples.  The only thing he had on his upper body was a thick industrial chain around his neck with a large lock on it.


    “Hey son I’m gonna be heading out to meet some friends. I'll be back in a few hours” he said as I stood mortified.


    “Oh looks like you found your step dads  welcome gift you how’d you like it” he said as he walked up to me pressing his bare chest into me and grabbing my one of my ass Cheeks with his huge rough hand.


    “Um it’s alright I guess” I mumbled out in horror.


    “I’d say it’s more than alright on you son” he said with a smirk as he pushed on my buttplug.


    “I’ll see you in a few hours, don’t have too many guys over while I’m gone” he said with a chuckle.


    I just stood there for a while mind racing. My dad thought I was some kind of sissy that wears thongs and butt plugs. Hell I am a sissy wearing a thong and a buttplug, but strangely that didn’t bother me, in fact it turned me on. 


    My dad had thought that I was dressing up to get fucked, my ass definitely looked good enough to be. I began mindless playing with the plug again. I couldn’t really be thinking of getting fucked, a few days ago I thought I was completely straight. But when I looked down and saw the stream of precum flowing through my flacid cock and thong I knew I needed to get fucked.


    I had heard that Grindr was the gay tinder and so I decided to at least check and see who was on there. I took some pictures of myself in the mirror and made my profile.


    As soon as my profile was set up messages came rolling in from tons of pictureless accounts. I ignored them and tried to find someone I thought was attractive. 


    I soon settled on a large hairy man who claimed to be 6’5. I messaged him and while waiting for a response browsed through the messages I’d already received.


    Most were bland and basic, one word texts or people begging to suck my cock. One of the messages was different though, it said 

    “I can tell you’re craving cock you stupid whore” 

    Though in all honesty what drew me in more was the picture of a massive 6 in cock with it.

    “ I think I might be” I responded 

    “Then come get some” and with that he sent his address. 

    Without thinking I threw on a pair of shorts and a shirt and walked out the house. He was only 5 blocks away so it was a short walk over.


    As I rung the doorbell I realized I had no clue what this guy looked like. But I put the worry out of my mind as I was buzzed in with a deep voice saying

    “Third floor 2nd door faggot”

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  19. After I finished masturbating I feel straight to sleep exhausted from my flight. I woke up at what must have been the middle of the night. As I went downstairs I heard moaning coming from the living room.


    As I leaned my head in I saw the tv playing gay porn. Not just any gay porn either but really intense grimy stuff. Men were getting fisted, some had their cocks locked up, others were smoking or injecting things.


    On the couch sat my dad with his back turned to me. He was holding a cigar with one hand and stroking his cock with the other. As I watched I realized my cock was getting hard and I had the overwhelming urge to stroke it.


    I snuck back up to my room and tried pulling up some porn on my phone. To my surprise it seemed like all the straight porn had been banned so I resorted to watching gay porn.


    I soon realized the thing inside my ass was a butt plug. I kept pushing on it when I stroked sending waves through me. I eventually shoot another load to a video of a hairless man getting fucked by a big hairy one.


    When I woke up in the morning I was sweaty and covered in my cum. I went straight for the shower. It was in a shared bathroom between me and my dads room. 


    As I got into the shower I noticed there was a weird tube attached to the wall, after looking at it a bit I realized it was a fleshlight. I purposefully ignored it wondering just how many sex toys were in this house.


    After my shower I got dressed and went downstairs where a bowl of oatmeal was waiting for me.


    “Made you some breakfast son” my dad said “it’s my husband’s special recipe, everything a boy needs” he was wearing another wife beater and jeans that were tight on his broad frame.


    “Uh thanks dad” I said as I began eating. It had a strange taste but not wanting to be rude I finished the bowl quickly.


    I got up to get a glass of water from the sink when my dad stopped me.


    “Not so fast son, our waters under advisory so no tap water. I’ll go get some more bottles today but there some in the closet” he said pointing at a closet across the kitchen.


    The water bottles were on the bottom shelf and looked like they might have been opened but I guzzled it down anyway. It tasted strange but I just attributed it to the oatmeal still stuck in my mouth.


    I went to sit on the couch feeling lightheaded and fuzzy. My dad walked up and said something I wasn’t paying attention to before leaving the house.


    After he left I turned on the tv wanting to watch something. However when I turned it on it started playing strange porn. I felt thirsty and grabbed another water bottle to drink as I tried to change the channel. The porn showed small hairless men getting fucked by big bears while wearing lingerie. It then switched to hairy men fucking each other.


    As I stroked my cock mindlessly to the porn I realized something, the one thing all the men getting fucked had in common was that their cocks were completely limp. I then felt that my cock was not only limp but maybe even smaller than normal. I gave up on my cock and began fucking my hole with the butt plug id left in me. 


    I was bent over the coffee table watching the hypnotic video as I felt the pressure of an orgasm build up and explode out of me. The coffee table was now covered in cum and I knew I needed to clean it. The only way I could think to was to begin licking it up.


    My tounge ran across my slightly sweet cum before it ran into something crusty and bitter. I licked a bit more as the image of my father fisting his cock infront of the coffee table came to mind. The bitter crust was my father’s, but with my head spinning and the strange video filling my mind I didn’t care and kept licking the table clean.

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  20. I got off the plane nervous as hell. Not only was I a month and a half away from starting college in a city I’d never been to before, but I was also about to see my father for the first time in years.


    When I was 10 my parents divorced, more accurately my dad completely disappeared one day leaving only divorce papers. My mom never really talked about it but I think she had known it was coming and was fully willing. She never talked bad about my father to me but I had overheard her and her friends call him a faggot before and alude to him being gay.


    When I had been accepted to NYU I hadn’t really thought much of it. My mom had forced me to apply because of some vague connection my father had that could make it really cheap. Little did I know cheap meant a full ride, which was great because my stepdad had refused to let my mom spend any money on my college.


    That’s why I was meeting my dad again, the full ride didn’t include housing so I had to live with him. My mom had apparently still had a number of his and gave it to me to call. When I had my dad had been really excited to have me stay with him, acting as if we hadn’t not talked in nearly a decade. 


    I had decided it would be good to move in a bit early so that I had time to adjust before classes started. 


    As I walked towards baggage claim I saw a large bulky man, a few inches shorter than I was, which was most people since I was 6’2. He was incredibly thick with muscle wearing tight black jeans a black tank top and a leather jacket. He had a thick beard and a shaved head. 


    The man walk up to me and hugged me 


    “How are you son” he boomed “it feels like forever since I’ve last seen you”


    I realized that it’s man was my father, his face did look similar I just hadn’t seen it past the beard. The dad I had know was your average clean cut family man.


    “That’s because it has been” I mumbled 


    “I guess it has” my dad chuckled “ well I already got your bag so let’s head to the Uber I got waiting” he said putting his arm around me as he lead me out.


    It was a long drive but on the way my dad began explaining where I would be living.


    “Well I don’t actually own the house, it’s my husbands, but with the prenup our assets are still separate” my dad explained to my shock. So my mom hadn’t been lying when she called him a faggot.

    “He’s out on business right now but should be home in a week or two I’m sure you’ll love him”


    “Hmm I bet” I said half heartedly. I didn’t know what I had expected but it wasn’t that my dad had abandoned his family to go be gay in New York.


    We soon pulled up in front of a large brownstone.

    “Nice place” I mumbled as we got out of the car.


    “Thanks I’m sure you’ll love it” my dad said as we walked inside. Once inside he took off his jacket, revealing that not only was he now totally covered in hair, but he was also covered in tattoos. 


    He showed me up to the guest room where he left me to unpack. As I began unpacking I noticed that the last guest hadn’t taken everything with them, in one of the dresser drawers was a tiny pink thong. Too scared to touch it I just left it be. I noticed some other things had been forgotten too, a small brown vial and a small black pouch.


    I looked at the vial but the label had clearly been ripped off. I tried to smell it and was hit with a strong chemical odor that made me feel light headed. It smelt kinda good in a weird way like sharpies and as I kept sniffing it I felt myself warm up a little a get kinda horny.


    I ran up and locked the door before I striped naked and began stroking my cock while sniffing the vial. I began to wonder what was in the pouch and when I opened it I saw a small metal teardrop with a gem sticking out a rod from the thick part. It was cover in something, I tried smelling it but the chemical smell was stuck in my nose so instead I licked it. It tasted amazing and I soon popped the entire thing in my mouth, sucking it like a ring pop. 


    Soon after I started sucking it I felt something in my ass, almost like an itch from the inside. I reached down with one finger to feel and was shocked when it slipped straight into my asshole. As I pulled it out a ripple ran through my body that felt amazing. I had the urge for something more substantial than a finger and remembered the metal thing in my mouth. 


    As I huffed th vial I took the metal teardrop towards my asshole. As I pushed it against my ring I felt ripples of pleasure until all at once it popped in sending a shockwave through me that made me cum immediately.

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  21. As I stared in shock garret began stripping his clothes off.


    “You see son” garret said “ about twelve or so years ago I met your mother and father. We met at a bar and I soon realized their secret, they were both bottom sluts. They would go around getting guys to breed both of them because your mom and dad are both total cum whores.”


    Garret got his shirt off revealing massive nipple piercings almost as big as that in his septum, along with a hairy barrel chest covered in tattoos. He grabbed my father’s head and stuffed it into his pits as he continued undressing.


    “They were completely willing to take my raw cock, though I didn’t tell them I was poz, and once they had a taste it was so good they agreed to be my slaves.”  He said as he took his jeans off. Underneath he wore only a filthy jock that clearly had never been washed and was stretched to the edge with a massive bulge.


    “ both your parents couldn’t get enough, though you were so young I doubt you remember but one would take turns taking care of you for a few days while the other got high as a kite and took my toxic seed non-stop for days” he pulled the jock down revealing a nearly nine inch long soft cock, it was nearly as thick as a beer can and tattooed same as the rest of him. At the tip gleamed a massive metal piercing with two sharp spikes. He took my fathers head from his pit and forced him to his knees before shoving the massive cock straight down his throat. 


    “Now your parents knew this wouldn’t work forever so they had to come up with something new” he said as he violently fucked my fathers throat “ they thought about divorce so one could live with me full time and the other raise you, but they love each other too much for that.” Garret said, patting my father’s head “ so they came up with an idea, tell you your mother died so that she could live with me in ecstasy, while your father raises you slowly, preparing you to become my slave.” As garret finished he pull out of my father’s throat, flipped him around and the bottomed out into his hole as my dad moaned in pleasure.


    I was shocked, my mom was alive and not only had she left me for sex but both my parents had given me over to this man.


    “Dad is this true” I asked in horror


    “Ah-all of-OH it fuck Luke” he moaned out “don’t-uh worry son-oh god yes - masters cock is SO FUCKING GOOD fuck, you’ll love it” he was lying on the table now moaning incoherently. 


    “So son what do you think are you ready to become my slave and join your family” garret said


    I stood up to leave “fuck y-uh” I began stumbling as my head began to swim,


    “I wondered when the g we put in the whiskey was gonna kick in, don’t worry son you’re fine, your dad and I just wanted to make sure you were in the right mindset to convert”


    “What did you” I slurrd out as I clutched the table.


    Garret pulled out of my father and grabbed me “shh son dont you worry just come sit over here with me” he whispered leading me to the couch. As my dad went to another room.


    “Now son I hate to say it but you were born to be a cumslut” garret said as we sat on the couch him pulling my body into him. He turn on the tv which blared a homosexual orgy as he said “I’m just making sure you make the right choice because I care for you like you’re my own son, I mean you practically are because I’ve fucked both your parents more times than they have fucked each other.” 


    My dad walked back into the room with a tray of crystals,powders, and syringes. He placed it on the coffee table then kneeled at garrets feet. 


    Garret took his arm from around me and said “strip son” I thought for a second and realized I needed to see what was so special about garret, I needed to know why my parents wanted him so much. I stood up and stripped my clothes off. I was slightly hairy and had a lot of hair around my ass.


    Garret kicked my father in the balls hard yelling “I thought I told you to put nair in his body wash you stupid fag” 


    “I’m sorry master” my father begged from the ground “ I did but he never left it on long enough, but it is patchier”


    “You’re fucking useless, you know I was thinking about letting you fuck him tonight after I break him in but after this there’s no fucking way” garret said with disdain. “Just shove some crystal in his hole already we gotta get him going”


    “Yes master” my father said then forced me to lean over the table before violently forcing three fingers into me. My hole burned as he quickly rammed them in and out before picking up the four largest crystals and shoving them into my ass.


    If I thought my dads fingers hurt, these were awful. They burned like crazy and cut up the inside of my hole. My dad then changed from the normal porn to something stranger as the burning in my ass slowly turned to pleasure then craving I heard deep voices from the tv encouraging my slutty urges as I saw whores get fucked by big burley men. 


    I soon realized it was only one man, Garret, Master, fucking, no, owning two people I recognized closely, my mom and dad. As I watched my parents get fucked I felt a hand enter my ass with next to no resistance, followed by murmurs behind me. The murmurs however were drowned out by the voices, they told me to accept my nature, give myself over to lust, and to follow my parents footsteps. 


    After a while I felt the hand come out of me and turned around to see my master. The man who I needed more then anything. He say like a god, his heavenly cock erect in front of him. I tried to go down to suck him but felt myself held back. My father grabbed me and held my cock out. He took a string and wrapped it tight around the base. He then took a two needles and shoved them both into my cock pushing the plungers in before ripping off the string and beating my dick for a few seconds while I felt the tsunami of ecstasy roll over me.


    I then knelt down to take my gods offering. As his holy cock entered my mouth I tasted my fathers blood on his cock. Master allowed me no time to adjust before slamming all 12 inches of his rock hard cock into my mouth, cutting up my throat. As master began piston fucking my throat I felt more of the crystals enter my hole, along with other powders and liquids. 


    After who knows how long, master pulled my throat off of his cock and pulled me to his face.


    “You’ve done such a good job faggot” my master said “but now is the hardest part. I’m going to claim you forever. I’m not sure if you’ll remember this tomorrow because we have given you a lot of different drugs and we’re going to keep giving you more but you love it don’t you slut” he said as I tried to speak in response but my throat was too bruised so I just moaned


    “Good boy now hold out your arms, I like my sluts flying” I held out both my arms as he and my father put syringes into both my arms before pushing them down.


    At this point I barely felt the added high but would gladly take any drug master gave me. I felt master turn me around and line his cock up with my hole. Violently he slammed all the way in and as I felt my hole tear in two a mix of cum and piss shot from my cock as I felt the most intense organs of my life.


    After what felt like hours I heard talking behind me “oh my god is that him” I heard a woman’s voice say “it is our boy is taking master like a champ.” My dad responded. I then heard master say “ your boy is doing great Claire in fact he might end up better then you, we’ve got him flying on damn near every drug under the sun and he only wants more.” 


    I then saw the woman walking infront of me with my father. She was a short blond wearing only a tiny dress that did little to cover her massive breasts. 


    “Hi sweetheart” she said to me taking my face in her hand “it’s been so long but I’m so proud of the slut you’ve become” she said as she kissed me and I just continued moaning. She then took two of the syringes off the tray and asked my father “what are these hun”


    “Ket and Heroin darling” he responded 


    “Oh fun” she said “put your arms out for mommy sweetheart she needs to get you higher” I did as she told me and felt another wave of pleasure overtake me as she shot the drugs into my system. 


    My mom and dad stayed with me, continuing to give me more and more drugs as master endlessly filled my hole. When light began to shine through the windows the tray had been cleared I finally fell off masters cock. 


    “How many loads did you give him master” my mother asked while I watched my father clean masters cock from my blood and juices.


    “About 20 I think, good thing I loaded up on viagra, he’s mine for sure, though lord knows what he’ll remember with all the drugs we gave him.”


    “Oh well if he doesn’t remember master we just get to corrupt him all over again” 


    “Ha I suppose you’re right whore now don’t let your husband do all the work” master said as I lost consciousness.

    thanks for reading 

    at the moment I don’t plan on Claire being anything more than a watcher and encourager. If I do decide to do something with her I’ll put it in the proper forum. Just felt like this needed to be said

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  22. As we walked to Clint’s car I contemplated why I was doing this. I wasn’t gay, I loved women. But in truth none of them really loved me, my cock had always been too small to even penetrate most girls. When Clint had tongue fucked my ass it felt so good that I had to go with him and see what he would do.


    As we got into the car Clint leaned into his back seat and grabbed Gatorade bottle. “This’ll taste like shit but just keep drinking it, it’ll make cunting you a lot easier.” 


    I just nodded and began gulping down the vile liquid quickly realizing it wasn’t Gatorade. Clint began driving and once we were on the road pulled his sweatpants down revealing his massive cock. He nodded down to it while I stared. After a second he grabbed the back of my head and slammed it onto his 9 inch, beer can thick cock.


    “First lesson faggot, when an alpha male like me presents his cock to you, you get it in one of your hole asap, do you understand faggot” he screamed as he thrusted into my tight throat. I was trying my hardest not to throw up, when everything began feeling lighter am I felt my throat loosen up. Not only did my throat loosen but I began to enjoy having my throat fucked.


    After fucking my throat for 20ish minutes we pulled up to Clint’s house. “Take your clothes off, they aren’t coming in the house” he said, surprisingly I complied without even thinking about it even though I had always hated being naked.


    As I followed Clint to his door I began to realize that I was butt naked for the entire neighborhood to see, and I didn’t care. Once inside Clint showed me to the couch and put a pipe and lighter in my hand. 


    “You’ve smoked weed before right” he asked and I nodded in response “ good it’s kinda like that breath out fill your lungs with the smoke then hold it, now finish that pipe while I go get some things ready.”


    As I began smoking the mystery drug I felt a rush of energy and a burning sensation through my body. I began to rub my cock after I finished the pipe but as I got close to cuming I felt a hard kick in my side and fell the the ground.


    “Your never touching that tiny fag cock again boy!” Clint screamed as he grabbed me by the hair “you’re my faggot now, I’ve spent over a year making you into the perfect muscle cuck for me and you’re gonna do what I fucking say” he screamed as he locked a small chain around my neck


    He then put something over my cock and locked it “there now you won’t be tempted into thinking you’re a man”


    “Now before your mind is totally gone im going to ask you something and if you say no you can leave right now ok” I nodded as I rubbed up against his leg loving the pressure on my locked cock.


    “ I have hiv and if I fuck you your going to get it too, once I cum in you your mine for the rest of your life not just in the sense of carrying my disease, but I will actually own you, you’ll spend the rest of your life kept high and full of my cum never making another decision again.


    “Do you want that boy”


    “Yes sir please I need you to use my ass again I need it please please please I’ll be your slave and let you do whatever you want I just need my hole filled now”


    “Atta boy” Clint said 

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  23. It all started on my 18th birthday, I had just graduated a week prior and was planning on taking a gap year to save for college. My mother had died when I was twelve so I lived alone with my dad. 


    When I came down my dad had made breakfast and was sitting at the dinner table in only a robe. I thought it was strange because my dad was almost always fully clothed, I hadn’t seen him without a shirt in years. His robe was rather loose and I could see his hairless but well muscled chest, and what looked to be nipple piercings. I could also see the edges of some tattoos but couldn’t really make them out.


    “There’s the birthday boy” he said getting up and hugging me “or should I say birthday adult” I was surprised when dad hugged me because he had shown me almost no physical affection ever. He just wasn’t that type of guy.


    “Here I am, thanks for making breakfast” I replied 


    “You got any plans for today son” he asked, sitting back down.


    “I was gonna go get some food with my friends in a bit but nothing major”


    “Damn it’s your 18th birthday you should be out having fun, go party or hire a hooker or something” he said casually. This was getting really weird because I’d never heard my dad talk like this before.


    “ uh I’ll think about it I guess” I said “ I’ve gotta get going soon though so I’ll see you when I get back” 


    “I’ll probably be out at work but before I leave I’ll try to find some old stuff your mom and I used to like when we were your age, I’m not sure where it is but I’ll probably find it by the time you get back”


    I got back a few hours later and went up to my room. When I got in I saw a box on my bed with a note on top. “Couldn’t find the stuff but I did find some of my old porn mags and thought you’d like them, the stuff from your mom is somewhere in the attic so feel free to look yourself” 


    My straight laced quiet dad had given me his porn mags. What had happened to him, he was a totally different person than he was yesterday. As I opened the box it looked like normal porn from the 90s but it got weirder towards the bottom. Magazines of women being fisted or ones of girls fucking guys with dildos, at the bottom there was one that was all hairy men in leather gear.


    What the fuck, my dad had a collection of weird porn magazines and decided to give it to me. I was weirded out but also started to get a little hard. 


    I took my pants off and began stroking my cock. I started looking at the magazines of girls getting fisted but eventually made my way to the leather men. I had never really thought of my sexuality but guessed I was bi. As I got close to cuming I noticed the final pages of the magazine were stuck together. As I pulled the apart some flaky dust fell out and I saw a picture of a big hairy man fucking a hairless one with the caption convert him. At that moment I came straight into the magazine.


    I looked at the dust and then realized it was my dads dried cum that was lying on my chest. I brushed it off as quickly as I could and stuffed the magazines back in the box. 


    I soon heard my dad get home and him yell “ luke come down here!” 


    “What’s up dad” I asked as I walked downstairs


    “I managed to get us a reservation at Mark’s steakhouse for your birthday dinner tonight we’re leaving in an hour”


    “Ok I’ll go get dressed” I replied going back to my room.


    An hour and a half later we arrived at the restaurant in dress clothes. As we walked in a giant man with a large spiked septum piercing and several tattoos visible at the edges of his shirt was walking out with a woman in a tiny dress who looked like she was tweaking out.


    “Matt how are you” he bellowed at my father as he went in for a hug. He squeezed my father’s ass hard and pulled my dad into him.


    “I’m better now sir” my dad responded as the man let go after a few seconds.


    “This here is my son Luke” he said pointing at me “Luke this is garret” 


    “Hi there son” Garret said pulling me into a tight hug. 


    “He’s one of the closest people I know and I think you’ll be getting better aquatinted with him soon” my father said 


    “Well it’s good to see y’all but I have to run this slut is getting real horny” he said as the woman with him was practically humping his thigh 


    “Nice to meet you” I mumbled in response as Garret left.


    “ hmm he’s got a needy one tonight” my dad said absent mindedly as we went to our table. 


    We spent most of the dinner making pointless small talk until out of nowhere my dad said “so Luke how’d you like those porn magazines I left you, you know when I was your age I can’t even remember how many times I beat my dick to those” as casually as if he were asking about the weather 


    “Uh they’re good I guess thanks” I replied awkwardly 


    “ I’m glad to hear it you jerk off to them yet or do they not compare to your internet porn” he said chuckling to which I just shrugged 


    “I’m just fucking with you I love me some good online porn too the magazines only show so much” dad said 


    “Hmm” I responded shoving more food into my mouth


    Dinner continued on as normal as if he had not just asked what porn I liked. When we finally went home I went straight to my room hoping to avoid any more awkward conversations. 


    A few hours later I went downstairs to get a snack when I heard noise coming from the movie room. I went to check it out and when I got to the ajar door I saw a girl getting fucked on the big screen. What shocked me more was that my father was not masturbating to it but rather riding a massive dildo with his phone in one hand and a brown bottle in the other.


    “ yeah she’s a total keeper but you should chill her on the chems she looks half dead, you gotta make sure she can still feel you monster cock sir” my dad said into the phone. That’s when I realized the girl getting fucked on the screen was th one garret took home from the restaurant and garret was the one fucking her. 


    “If you’re done with her I’ll come over right now sir” my dad said, standing up off the dildo revealing a massive stretched hole.it looked as if his hole was tattooed along with a trampstamp I couldn’t make out.


    I ran back to my room and eventually went to sleep. I woke up at 5 am when dad was sneaking back into the house looking sweaty and unkept.


    That afternoon my father said to me “oh by the way son, garret will be joining us for dinner tonight”


    “Oh ok” I responded, unsure of what was going on.


    A few hours later garret arrived wearing a t shirt and jeans, confirming my theory he was covered in both hair and tattoos. He stood at about 6’5 dwarfing my 5’10 father and me, being 5’7 on a good day. The jeans he was wearing showed off a massive bulge that looked almost too big to be real. 


    When garret arrived he gave my dad a long hug and me a shorter one. He went to the kitchen with my father to check on the food while he asked me to “go pour us some whiskey son, get a glass for yourself too” I was taken aback but my father simply nodded at me and went to the kitchen, being guided by garret as if he were deeply familiar with our home. 


    I walked the drinks into the kitchen where I found Garret standing right up behind my father as they both gripped the counter. I sat down at the bar across from the counter and passed them the drinks.


    “Thanks son” garret said as my father simply grunted in response. 


    “Don’t be rude Matt” Garret said pushing him forward a bit as my father let out a deep sigh.


    “Uh thank-uh you-o” my father struggled out.


    “Uh yeah of course” I replied as I decided whatever was going on in the kitchen was too weird and moved to the table. Garret came over a minute later and my father followed with the food. 


    Garret mostly made small talk with my dad and me, until the topic of the steakhouse came up.


    “How’d you like Mark’s last night, son” Garret asked me 


    “It was pretty good I’ve been there before but not much” I responded 


    “That’s good me and the owner Clark go way back almost as far as me and your dad” 


    “How long have you two known each other” I asked 


    “About twelve years I’d say” Garret responded as my dad nodded.


    “Oh cool, so was that woman with you last night your girlfriend” I asked trying to see what my dad had been doing last night. 


    “Oh Christi no she just some slut that I own, like your father” he responded casually 


    “Huh” I asked unsure of what I just heard


    “Oh right your father still hasn’t told you, he’s my faggot slave, strip slut and show your son what you are” he said to my dad


    “Yes master” my dad said standing up. As he began taking his clothes off I realized not only did he have massive nipple ring, but he also had a tattoo on his shaved crotch that said “property of Master Garret” with a lock under it. Under the tattoo was another shock as I saw my father was wearing a chastity cage.


    “See he’s totally obedient, he even is totally fine with me making you into one of my slaves, in fact he loves the idea don’t you faggot” 


    “Yes master please own my son and give him your toxic seed like you did to me and his mother” my dad said


    What the fuck did my mom have to do with this, she died in a car accident 6 years ago.

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  24. After what might’ve been the best pump of my life I went to the water fountain with Clint when I realized it was 530.


    “ holy fuck we’ve been here for five and a half hours” I said


    “Yeah I didn’t stop you because you were doing great and I figured time wasn’t an issue” Clint replied 


    “Fuck it is tonight I have a date at 6” 


    “Damn do you have time to go home and shower you are drenched in sweat after all”


    “No its ten minutes away but my house is twenty”


    “Well looks like you’ll have to shower here with the real men, Timmy boy” Clint teased. I had never used the gym showers because I was always nervous about my small cock being seen. Clint had been poking fun at me for going home to shower for months now.


    “ I guess I have no choice” I replied dejected 


    “No you do not, now follow my lead”


    Clint made his way into the locker room and I followed. I had always hated locker rooms since I middle school when I started noticing everyone else’s cock got bigger but mine stayed the same. Once we got to the lockers Clint began striping, saying 


    “C’mon strip you ain’t gonna shower with your clothes on”


    I began to tentatively take my clothes off as I looked over a Clint’s large tattooed frame. He was wearing only a jock strap that seemed to be filled to the brim. When he took that off his 7 inches soft cock and massive balls fell out. 


    I felt blood rush to my cock as I took of my briefs revealing my tiny cock.


    “Atta boy now lets hit the shower” Clint said as he wrapped his muscled arm around me, pulling me towards his smelly pit.


    As we entered the shower room I saw there were no stalls only a row of shower heads along the wall with small racks of soap. I took a shower head by the end and Clint took the one right to my right. As we began lathering I could not take my eyes off Clint’s massive cock.


    “ you wanna suck it faggot” Clint asked shocking me




    “ I said do you want to suck my cock faggot, you’ve been staring at it since I took my jock off”


    “ uh I don’t-“ 


    “Uh uh, shut the fuck up and get on your knees before I force you down” Clint said putting his massive bear claw on my shoulder and pressing me to my knees. Once on my knees I could smell the reek of his bush which instinctively made me breathe out of my mouth, which was clearly a mistake as Clint stuck his cock in my open mouth.


    “Now Timmy be a good boy and don’t bite, if you do I’ll have to break your fucking jaw and ruin that pretty face” he said as he spit straight into my eye. He pushed me toward the wall then began violently piston fucking my throat. I thought he was gonna break my skull open but he just kept pounding.


    “Oh yeah boy I’m gonna cum, you want me to fill you up don’t you, you don’t want me wasting my potent seed, you want it in your guts I can tell” he said before bottoming out and shooting a load straight down my throat. As he stood there he pulled out slightly before saying


    “Oh looks like I gotta piss, you’ll be god and drink it won’t you Timmy” he looked down at me shaking my head before I felt his warm acidic stream in my mouth 


    “Swallow it all faggot, you don’t want to disappoint me” he said and I was surprised to agree and swallowed his huge flow down


    “Ah now how’d you like that Tim” he said pulling me up as I stared shell shocked “Hmm looks like you need a little something yourself”


    “Are you gonna suck me” I asked


    “HA that tiny thing, no fucking way” he said slapping my tiny balls almost forcing me to the ground “ face the wall now” 


    Clint bent down behind me as I felt his hand begin to spread my cheeks. Before I knew what was happening his tongue was in my hole. It felt electric and I began moaning like a porn actress. I had never felt anything this good as he kept driving his tongue into me. After less than a minute the most intense orgasm came over me and I shot my load onto the wall before falling into it.


    “Tasty, I always love eating a virgin hole” Clint said standing “ you ok bud we should probably get going we’ve been in here a while” he said helping me up


    As we got dressed Clint looked at me and said “so you’re coming home with me right tim”


    “I’d love to” I replied eagerly

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  25. I had been working out with Clint for a little over a year now. I started hitting the gym after my ex girlfriend cheated on me and I decided I needed to get fit. I met Clint after about 2 months and he took me under his wing. 

    For the past year Clint has been helping me get super jacked. To help with that Clint convinced me to start steroids.


    “Cmon it’s only a shot and then you’ll get twice if not three times the results, plus it might put some hair on your chest” Clint had said with a chuckle as I was almost hairless compared to him being coated like a bear. While Clint was right about them increasing my gains, he was wrong about the hair. The only side effect was my balls shrinking, but my cock was already only two inches hard so it wasn’t a big deal.


    Today I met Clint in the parking lot like I normally do, wearing an oversized pump cover and 5in running shorts. Clint always wore a tight black wife beater that showed off his massive pecs and nipple piercings and sweatpants. 


    “I’ve got a surprise for you today” Clint told me as I hoped in his passenger seat “I’m gonna share some of my special pre workout with you Timmy boy” I always hated when he called me that but he just shook my shoulder chuckling. I was excited though as I knew he had some special pre workout that he never shared.


    “Great I’d love that” I replied 


    “I bet you will, so are you cut” Clint asked


    “Nah I’m bulking right now we talked about this a few weeks ago I thought” 


    “No dumbass is your cock cut” he said slowly “ do you have foreskin” he over enunciated his words as I stared in confusion.


    “Uh no i got my foreskin” I said unsure and kind of uncomfortable 


    “Good that makes this easier” he said pulling out a bag of powder “ don’t want you to accidentally shit yourself while squatting” he laughed as I just looked at him confused 


    “We’ll come on then get your cock out” he said 




    “ don’t huh me I said get your cock out and I’ll show you how to do it, I’d do it with you but I did some on the way here” with that he grabbed the front of my shorts and underwear and pulled the down revealing my tiny soft cock as I turned red with embarrassment.


    “See nothing to be nervous about now pull down your foreskin or I’ll do it myself”


    I complied confused when Clint suddenly stuck his pinky in his mouth then dipped it in the powder, once it was coated he put it to the exposed head of my cock


    “Uh what are you” I began when Clint cut me off with “now pull the skin up”


    I followed his instructions and pulled it up over his finger. He suddenly pulled out and his pinky was clean.


    “Now jerk off” Clint commanded 


    “What the fuck” I asked


    “Jerk off dumbass you gotta rub it so it absorbs or else you might as well have just licked it”he said “ don’t make me beat you off tim cause if I scratch your back you’d have to scratch mine”


    I began to nervously rub my cock withthree fingers as my hand was far too big. I was beet red with embarrassment as I rubbed my tiny cock next to the man I looked up to, but as I kept rubbing I started to feel a rush as my nervousness faded away and I started rubbing harder. Even though my cock was totally soft it felt amazing. 


    I felt like I was on the edge when suddenly Clint slapped my hand away from my cock “if you wanna cum in my car you gotta earn it now come on let’s go”

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